The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

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The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Nick_A »

"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists." —Nikola Tesla
Do you believe that the brain serves as a receiver of what already exists at the core of existence? Can it be remembered or does the brain create an imaginary structure we call existence as an accidental random reaction to what we experience as existence?
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by HexHammer »

Nick_A wrote:
"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists." —Nikola Tesla
Do you believe that the brain serves as a receiver of what already exists at the core of existence? Can it be remembered or does the brain create an imaginary structure we call existence as an accidental random reaction to what we experience as existence?
It can receive things via telepathy, and figure things out itself, why we label people as intelligent or genius.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Harbal »

Nick_A wrote:
"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists." —Nikola Tesla
Do you believe that the brain serves as a receiver of what already exists at the core of existence? Can it be remembered or does the brain create an imaginary structure we call existence as an accidental random reaction to what we experience as existence?
It's not much of a choice, Nick.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Nick_A »

Harbal wrote:
It's not much of a choice, Nick.
If the brain is a receiver, then a priori knowledge is a reality as well as Plato's philosophy of remembrance. If the brain creates reality rather then remembering , then the atheists are right to believe creation is just an accident and the brain provides subjective meaning for it that doesn't objectively exist. I see that as a large choice.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Harbal »

Nick_A wrote:
If the brain is a receiver, then a priori knowledge is a reality as well as Plato's philosophy of remembrance. If the brain creates reality rather then remembering , then the atheists are right to believe creation is just an accident and the brain provides subjective meaning for it that doesn't objectively exist. I see that as a large choice.
Should we put more faith in the musings of an ancient Greek or in the scientifically based studies of Darwin? It's a tough one, I'm really torn between the two.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Nick_A »

Harbal wrote:
Should we put more faith in the musings of an ancient Greek or in the scientifically based studies of Darwin? It's a tough one, I'm really torn between the two.
Why must it be one or the other? Darwin is an expression if inductive reason. It tries to create the whole and verify it by putting parts together. Those like Plato emphasize deductive reason. We begin with the world of forms and begin to appreciate its devolution into parts and personally verify it through deductive reason.

IMO the most intelligent person is one who is capable of experiencing reality through both deductive and inductive reason without biased emotional preconception. IMO such people are very rare.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Lacewing »

Nick_A wrote:IMO such people are very rare.
Yeh, we know. :wink:
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Walker »

Nick_A wrote:
"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists." —Nikola Tesla
Do you believe that the brain serves as a receiver of what already exists at the core of existence? Can it be remembered or does the brain create an imaginary structure we call existence as an accidental random reaction to what we experience as existence?
Consider that belief is a placement of attention upon what is not present to awareness.

What people feel as “interconnectedness” is the actual, real fabric of the natural world.

Intelligence is the fabric of the physical environment. This intelligence is not limited to a particular form, as when we say a person is intelligent. This intelligence is perceived by living creatures.

Intelligence is perceived as order.

What is called intelligence in humans references how clearly the existent intelligence, or order, of the surroundings is perceived.

When the existent order is not perceived, chaos is perceived.

Perception of the existent order, or intelligence that naturally orders the universe, is knowing. In living creatures the limitations of this perceptual capacity is also called intelligence.

When one knows, what one knows is the fabric of the natural world. What is known of the fabric can be conceptualized as qualities and described metaphorically. For instance like fabric, reality is a woven blend of threads interconnecting. For instance, a touch on a spider’s web sets up a vibrational frequency that affects the entire web.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Nick_A »

Walker wrote: Perception of the existent order, or intelligence that naturally orders the universe, is knowing. In living creatures the limitations of this perceptual capacity is also called intelligence.
You raise an important question. What are our limitations to the perception of reality that becomes imagination and what causes them. Perhaps Krishnamurti is right. He wrote:
“You may remember the story of how the devil and a friend of his were walking down the street, when they saw ahead of them a man stoop down and pick up something from the ground, look at it, and put it away in his pocket. The friend said to the devil, "What did that man pick up?" "He picked up a piece of Truth," said the devil. "That is a very bad business for you, then," said his friend. "Oh, not at all," the devil replied, "I am going to let him organize it.”
It seems that we start with genuine perception and then with the help of our horned friend we interpret it into oblivion and call it intelligence. Were the Devil and his friend our first PhDs?
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Walker »

Nick_A wrote:
Walker wrote: Perception of the existent order, or intelligence that naturally orders the universe, is knowing. In living creatures the limitations of this perceptual capacity is also called intelligence.
You raise an important question. What are our limitations to the perception of reality that becomes imagination and what causes them. Perhaps Krishnamurti is right. He wrote:
“You may remember the story of how the devil and a friend of his were walking down the street, when they saw ahead of them a man stoop down and pick up something from the ground, look at it, and put it away in his pocket. The friend said to the devil, "What did that man pick up?" "He picked up a piece of Truth," said the devil. "That is a very bad business for you, then," said his friend. "Oh, not at all," the devil replied, "I am going to let him organize it.”
It seems that we start with genuine perception and then with the help of our horned friend we interpret it into oblivion and call it intelligence. Were the Devil and his friend our first PhDs?
To not confuse the Krishnamurtis; you quoted Jiddu Krishnamurti.

U.G. Krishnamurti is the other one. On his death bed he said one will drop dead without belief.

I’ve heard that both are devilish to some Christians, as are Buddhists, though U.G. presents fewer conceptual layers as his focus is more about energy and less about thought.

The meaning of Jiddu's story lies in the detail that only a piece of Truth was organized by man. For instance, one need not know the chemical composition of water to surf, but one can know much about water by surfing and can organize surfing into a science.

In the story the Devil is arrogance of conceptual (organizing) ego and its reliance on belief.

Humans do have the capacity to lay a conceptual template over reality. This template may or may not be true. The truth of the template is if it accords with reality. The conceptual structures built by man need not accord with reality.

Reality is the order of the universe that exists whether or not mans' conceptual comprehension of order correlates with that portion of reality accessible to mans' incarnate and individual capacity.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Nick_A »

Walker wrote:
Humans do have the capacity to lay a conceptual template over reality. This template may or may not be true. The truth of the template is if it accords with reality. The conceptual structures built by man need not accord with reality.

Reality is the order of the universe that exists whether or not mans' conceptual comprehension of order correlates with that portion of reality accessible to mans' incarnate and individual capacity.
You seem to be describing the dharma in Buddhism which is the attempt to know of, experience, and live in accordance with the interactions of universal laws. Are you familiar with Process Theology and its assertion that reality is in the process rather than in temporal results? Have you noticed how many arguments are about temporal results? What kind of understanding is possible without recognition of the Great laws? That is why I believe there is a lot of truth in Process Theology. The power of thought is dual edged. On the one hand it can create self deception and on the other it can reveal it.How many respect the difference and can profit from it?
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Walker »

I've just noticed that's the way things are. In analyzing I approach from experience rather than dharma. "Recognition" within the context of situations, or experience.
Nick_A wrote:The power of thought is dual edged. On the one hand it can create self deception and on the other it can reveal it.How many respect the difference and can profit from it?
Thought follows truth. Thought puts order to the world according to the realizations of truth. Thought puts reality into the truth box.

I am, therefore I think.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Nick_A »

Walker wrote: Thought follows truth. Thought puts order to the world according to the realizations of truth. Thought puts reality into the truth box.
You are insulting our horned friend who has put so much effort into enabling thought to replace our experiences by imagination and interpretations that justify it. The deceptive power of imagination is not so easy to deal with
I am, therefore I think.
"I can, therefore I am." - Simone Weil

I’ll stick with Simone on this one. As you know, there are people posting on this site who think they are God. They can say “I am God because I think.”Simone wrote that "I can, therefore I am." But since they can’t be God it takes the “I Am” out of it.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Walker »

I’ll ponder that.

I am therefore I think … relies on the receiver tuning to the logical obviousness that “I am” is not a thought.

Being precedes thought.

However on first glance, “I can” is a thought, and therefore precedes being.
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Re: The Core of Knowledge, Strength. and Inspiration.

Post by Nick_A »

Walker wrote:
However on first glance, “I can” is a thought, and therefore precedes being.
Isn't "I can" an action rather than a thought? What does I Am" mean? Doesn't it require conscious will reflecting what one IS rather than just a conditioned reaction to external stimuli? If "I can" just refers to unconscious reaction, then there is no "I am."
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