Politicians: I'll have mine with vinegar :)

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Politicians: I'll have mine with vinegar :)

Post by marjoram_blues »

Lookee here; our mixed taste of a UK General Election.
http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign ... n-pictures

Who tastes of toffee and ink? Who’s like Lucozade – and who’s the inside of a frankfurter? James Wannerton from Blackpool has a rare condition called lexical-gustatory synaesthesia, which means he can taste words and sounds. For the General Election, he has teamed up with artist Sam Cornwell to show how each political leader tastes. ‘Liberal Democrats are exactly like rubber bands, with a drizzle of yoghurt,’ explained Wannerton, whose experiences are involuntary and in no way reflect his political allegiances. ‘I realise I’m not eating this stuff,’ he said. ‘But it feels like it. I can feel the texture. Every sound, every word, one taste after another. It’s like eating all day, even when I dream.’
My idea of hell; being able to taste Nigel Farage, leader of UKip:
' a rich fruit cake, the inside of a frankfurter sausage, fried onions, a few peas, a wet tweed jacket sleeve that grinds on your teeth and a dollop of semolina'.

Miliband, for Labour, gets off lightly: 'vinegary chips, school eraser and pine nuts'.

I think we will end up with a bit of a dog's dinner...
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Re: Politicians: I'll have mine with vinegar :)

Post by marjoram_blues »

James Wannerton of Blackpool -
After a Tory majority in the UK, he is gonna be eatin' a lot of hard toffee, macaroons, cloth and blue ink.
Scotland, with 56/59 going to the SNP, means Westminster has a load of 'lorne sausage, aspic pork pie jelly, piccalilli and jam tarts' to digest.
The LibDems took a beating. So, he can clear his palate of any 'pickled onions, elastic bands, a meatless lamb leg and a dribble of yoghurt'.
Interesting times ahead.
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