Why Star Trek FAILED, but still deserves a medal.

Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Why Star Trek FAILED, but still deserves a medal.

Post by GreatandWiseTrixie »

Gene Roddenbury delivers quality insight, in an entertaining manner. The masses ate it up. Of course he deserves a medal!

But did it work? No not at all.

Despite giving them content in a pallattable, entertaining, and though provoking manner, the apes are just as politically deluded, transphobic, homophobic, and unenlightened as ever. By this I mean I know personally several Star Trek fans who are absolute and totally closeminded. In fact they're are not even good as scientists, or philosophers, or artists, period. I blame Gene's promotion of the military mindset.

The future of humanity is indeed a bleak one, when even TV shows cannot save them.

Even you so called intellectual types didn't seem to learn from Voyager episode 18 "Death Wish", you saw but did not "observe". You saw through tinted eyes, obvious to the actual messages contained within. Proper connections were not made, the neurons did not fire, in short, it went in one eye out the other.
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