Women without Vaginas

Anything to do with gender and the status of women and men.

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Women without Vaginas

Post by tbieter »

The other day, referring to this development in "feminazi" thought, the great Rush Limbaugh said it proves that they are crazy.

Mount Holyoke College is not allowing a performance of The Vagina Monologues after complaints it’s transphobic. But when did artistic censorship become a good feminist look?

Ever since the 1996 Off-Broadway premiere of The Vagina Monologues, written by Eve Ensler to “celebrate the vagina” and women’s empowerment, the play has been performed annually at hundreds of colleges across the country, embraced for years by gender studies departments as the Holy Grail of feminism.

But this year, Mount Holyoke College, an all-women’s university in Massachusetts, is permanently breaking from tradition over concerns that the play—long championed for its political correctness—is not politically correct enough.

Mount Holyoke’s Project Theatre Board representative Erin Murphy provides a discursive explanation in a campus-wide email:

“At its core, the show offers an extremely narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman… Gender is a wide and varied experience, one that cannot simply be reduced to biological or anatomical distinctions, and many of us who have participated in the show have grown increasingly uncomfortable presenting material that is inherently reductionist and exclusive.”

Well, here’s a sentence I never thought I’d write: as a woman with a vagina, why shouldn’t I be able to watch this play? If the complaint is that The Vagina Monologues excludes certain women without vaginas and therefore must be struck from the stage, then my complaint is that you’re excluding me from watching something I want to see because my gender remains defined by my biological parts. Isn’t it “reductionist” to deny me the right to see something? When did censorship become a good look for the modern feminist?

It’s great that Mount Holyoke is not discriminating against prospective female students who may or may not have vaginas (the school recently changed its admissions policy to welcome male-to female transgender students). I’m all for the school setting a socially progressive example for other women’s colleges to welcome trans students."
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 ... ogues.html
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Re: Women without Vaginas

Post by Blaggard »

Not quite a rant, but the reason it has no replies is it's quite obviously true in every sense you make at least.

The Female Eunuch next, I can't believe I just said that. But it is critical of feminism at least at the time.
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Re: Women without Vaginas

Post by Melchior »

tbieter wrote:
“At its core, the show offers an extremely narrow perspective on what it means to be a woman… Gender is a wide and varied experience, one that cannot simply be reduced to biological or anatomical distinctions, and many of us who have participated in the show have grown increasingly uncomfortable presenting material that is inherently reductionist and exclusive.”

WTF does this even mean? 'Gender'...'is an experience'? 'Gender' is a linguistic term and phenomenon.
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Re: Women without Vaginas

Post by Blaggard »

Except in transgender where you are born differently gendered, so you may have a dick but you are still a girl brain wise, and vise-a-versa.

I doubt tbeiter is transgender, but he or she is making a case that anyone should see that play, because gender is diverse and unable to be pinned down just to your genitals.

I have a great deal of sympathy for transgender, I have a great deal of sympathy also for anyone whose sex is unusual, gay, straight, bisexual or other. I always wanted to be bisexual: more of a meat market, but I wasn't born that way. As much as I fear the evil hummersexuals being from another world, they have a right to be who they are. This is another point who are you to play God, when it comes to either the gender of your brain, or the gender of your soul?

And ultimately censoring anything that has a valid point regardless of how good or bad you think it is, is "Nazism". ;)
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Re: Women without Vaginas

Post by tbieter »

Blaggard wrote:Except in transgender where you are born differently gendered, so you may have a dick but you are still a girl brain wise, and vise-a-versa. Is the transgender person merely suffering from a delusion? How do psychiatrists treat people with delusions?

I doubt tbeiter is transgender, You are correct but he or she is making a case that anyone should see that play, because gender is diverse and unable to be pinned down just to your genitals.

I have a great deal of sympathy for transgender, I have a great deal of sympathy also for anyone whose sex is unusual, gay, straight, bisexual or other. I always wanted to be bisexual: more of a meat market, but I wasn't born that way. As much as I fear the evil hummersexuals being from another world, they have a right to be who they are. This is another point who are you to play God, when it comes to either the gender of your brain, or the gender of your soul?

And ultimately censoring anything that has a valid point regardless of how good or bad you think it is, is "Nazism". ;)
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Re: Women without Vaginas

Post by Blaggard »

Your parents treat people with delusions. I trust you don't think you are deluded? ;)
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