Burying racism once and for all

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Burying racism once and for all

Post by Kuznetzova »

This pagan masculine ideal where the Nordic raider swings his axe to defeat the genetically inferior tribe, while the women and children stay home is simply juvenile delusion. It's about as sophisticated as the plotline in a Saturday morning cartoon. You have extrapolated Dragonball Z onto reality.

Nuclear weapons will kill any human on earth as long as they are inside the blast radius. Thermonuclear weapons don't discriminate on the basis of sex, race, ideology, nor age. Nuclear weapons kill men, women, children, toddlers, the old, the athletic, the strong and the weak all equally well. Your superior Nordic pagan genes will not stop a blast that is capable of vaporizing concrete.

The ideology of racial and national warfare has a logical conclusion. And that logical conclusion is the extinction of the human race by means of self-imposed nuclear warfare. By science, by logic, and by reason, if you hold onto an ideology whose application results in the extinction of your own species, that ideology is bankrupt.

The brains of white northern european males are generally good, except for one little quirk. Northern European males do not like the feeling they get when they know they are not in control. And when a northern european realizes he is losing control, he tends to go a little coo-coo. The literate germans in pre-NAZI Germany read Charles Darwin, and unlike most of the world, they understood it. The problem is, the German intelligencia understood it too well.

The most damning aspect of the evolution of humans by Natural Selection is not a struggle for existence. Compared to what the theory actual entails, a good violent struggle would actually be good news. What hurts most, and what nags the psyches of Germans the most, what frightens them at night when they are in bed alone -- is that NATURAL SELECTION DEPICTS A WORLD IN WHICH HUMAN BEINGS ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF THEIR FUTURE. And German men don't like that. German men don't like to feel like they are not in control. Natural Selection says the environment on the earth will "have its own way with us" and evolve us into a form it so selects. We don't do the selecting -- we don't do the breeding -- Mother Earth does the selecting. Mother Earth does the breeding. The Germans understood this aspect of Natural Selection, and it hurt their ego and pride so badly that they could not consciously admit it to themselves. They buried it deep in their psyches and decided to replace it with some silly juvenile story of race warfare. All of this was just a misguided rage against a theory that hurt their egos and sense of control in a dramatic and transformative manner. It was their last-ditch effort to re-insert some sort of "vital life force" into the story of humanity. They wanted that myth to be true so badly, that they basically went collectively insane.

All the white supremacist garbage that is being spewed on this forum by Satyr and Atthet is all traceable to this core issue. This core desire for anger and testosterone-laden aggression to re-obtain control over themselves and their futures. But it nags them in the back of their head, that they will not be doing the "breeding" and that simply chasing pretty women will not free them from this natural process that is larger, smarter, and more sophisticated than they are. The sun, the air, the water, and the soil will select human genes for the future. These ego-driven racists don't want that. They want control. But inevitably they know they will never obtain it. So in their bitter anger and fear at this situation, they come strutting onto Philosophy forums to do their temper tantrum at the world and at biology as it is. For them this is nothing but a giant defense mechanism. They hate the world. They hate that they are not in control. They hate nature. This forum has given them a place to lie to themselves and to others until they forget the horror they experience from really knowing what Natural Selection really means.

Their worst nightmare is that they are gentle, mortal animals on a rock floating around a star. The universe seems to have no meaning or purpose. They are cowards scampering from the truth -- hoping in vain that their male aggression will be the last shield protecting their childish dreams from the reality of biology --- protect their gentle minds from the reality of the cosmos. They are afraid of nature. Breasts and wombs are scary things to them. Nature is scary because nature is more powerful than they are. Racism this is their way of pretending like they are not scared. Deep down they are profoundly afraid.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by hiiamme »

So what do you call someone who is prejudiced against prejudiced people?
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by chaz wyman »

Kuznetzova wrote:This pagan masculine ideal where the Nordic raider swings his axe to defeat the genetically inferior tribe, while the women and children stay home is simply juvenile delusion. It's about as sophisticated as the plotline in a Saturday morning cartoon. You have extrapolated Dragonball Z onto reality.

First build a caricature strawman, then burn it down. Then pat yourself on the back saying how clever am I to wield such matches.

Nuclear weapons will kill any human on earth as long as they are inside the blast radius. Thermonuclear weapons don't discriminate on the basis of sex, race, ideology, nor age. Nuclear weapons kill men, women, children, toddlers, the old, the athletic, the strong and the weak all equally well. Your superior Nordic pagan genes will not stop a blast that is capable of vaporizing concrete.

Then state a obvious platitude, allied to your already false strawman.

The ideology of racial and national warfare has a logical conclusion. And that logical conclusion is the extinction of the human race by means of self-imposed nuclear warfare. By science, by logic, and by reason, if you hold onto an ideology whose application results in the extinction of your own species, that ideology is bankrupt.

Why "Nordic" (whatever that is)? Is it coz u iz black? What about Shaka Zulu, Ghengis Khan, Rameses, Cochise, Tarus Bulbar, or Xena warrior princess?

The brains of white northern european males are generally good, except for one little quirk. Northern European males do not like the feeling they get when they know they are not in control. And when a northern european realizes he is losing control, he tends to go a little coo-coo. The literate germans in pre-NAZI Germany read Charles Darwin, and unlike most of the world, they understood it. The problem is, the German intelligencia understood it too well.

You sound like a fucking racist to me.

The most damning aspect of the evolution of humans by Natural Selection is not a struggle for existence. Compared to what the theory actual entails, a good violent struggle would actually be good news. What hurts most, and what nags the psyches of Germans the most, what frightens them at night when they are in bed alone -- is that NATURAL SELECTION DEPICTS A WORLD IN WHICH HUMAN BEINGS ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF THEIR FUTURE. And German men don't like that. German men don't like to feel like they are not in control.

Is that all German men? Is that a genetic fault?

Natural Selection says the environment on the earth will "have its own way with us" and evolve us into a form it so selects. We don't do the selecting -- we don't do the breeding -- Mother Earth does the selecting. Mother Earth does the breeding. The Germans understood this aspect of Natural Selection, and it hurt their ego and pride so badly that they could not consciously admit it to themselves. They buried it deep in their psyches and decided to replace it with some silly juvenile story of race warfare. All of this was just a misguided rage against a theory that hurt their egos and sense of control in a dramatic and transformative manner. It was their last-ditch effort to re-insert some sort of "vital life force" into the story of humanity. They wanted that myth to be true so badly, that they basically went collectively insane.

All the white supremacist garbage that is being spewed on this forum by Satyr and Atthet is all traceable to this core issue. This core desire for anger and testosterone-laden aggression to re-obtain control over themselves and their futures. But it nags them in the back of their head, that they will not be doing the "breeding" and that simply chasing pretty women will not free them from this natural process that is larger, smarter, and more sophisticated than they are. The sun, the air, the water, and the soil will select human genes for the future. These ego-driven racists don't want that. They want control. But inevitably they know they will never obtain it. So in their bitter anger and fear at this situation, they come strutting onto Philosophy forums to do their temper tantrum at the world and at biology as it is. For them this is nothing but a giant defense mechanism. They hate the world. They hate that they are not in control. They hate nature. This forum has given them a place to lie to themselves and to others until they forget the horror they experience from really knowing what Natural Selection really means.

Their worst nightmare is that they are gentle, mortal animals on a rock floating around a star. The universe seems to have no meaning or purpose. They are cowards scampering from the truth -- hoping in vain that their male aggression will be the last shield protecting their childish dreams from the reality of biology --- protect their gentle minds from the reality of the cosmos. They are afraid of nature. Breasts and wombs are scary things to them. Nature is scary because nature is more powerful than they are. Racism this is their way of pretending like they are not scared. Deep down they are profoundly afraid.
If you want to bury racism you have to let it go within yourself first. Your argument is based on the idea that there are such things as races. ~If you buy that - then you have to buy the consequences of defining people by their race (whatever that is).
Either racism is crap, or not. If you want to bury it, you can't use racism to argue against it.
In a world defined by race, then the loudest and most powerful get their way.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by The Voice of Time »

Kuznetzova wrote:This pagan masculine ideal where the Nordic raider swings his axe to defeat the genetically inferior tribe, while the women and children stay home is simply juvenile delusion
I don't know what you mean by this (especially I'm confused what you really call juvenile delusion -> the concept of it or the people who think about it?) but I'm pretty certain the Norse people weren't especially "racist", they were just greedy bastards, thieves of both cunning and might in the brute sense, but not racist. They were adventurers who took what they wanted, when they wanted it, from who they wanted it from, and that meant also each other. Anybody could be a thrall (Norse slave, which was often more like forced fostering and care-taking), you just had to be unlucky enough for it, though it helped to be a countryman (since then anybody who took you could offend some of your relatives or friends who in turn had relatives and friends and so on). Vikings as far as I know weren't as noble as people shall have it in terms of warrior spirit, they were certainly deceitful, and some of them outright cowards and liers, although there are many examples of the opposite as well. There were even crippled Norse kings, not all of them where tall berserkers... the berserkers were just the crazy few of them who added too much mushroom in their mead, I guess.
Last edited by The Voice of Time on Thu Nov 01, 2012 8:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Atthet »

Kuznetzova wrote:Thermonuclear weapons don't discriminate on the basis of sex, race, ideology, nor age. Nuclear weapons kill men, women, children, toddlers, the old, the athletic, the strong and the weak all equally well. Your superior Nordic pagan genes will not stop a blast that is capable of vaporizing concrete.
Actually, you're wrong. Thermonuclear weapons have only killed Japanese in obscene numbers, proving that thermonuclear weapons are in fact, truly "racist".
You lose this round, jean. Go play with your dolls, I mean girls.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by The Voice of Time »

Atthet wrote:
Kuznetzova wrote:Thermonuclear weapons don't discriminate on the basis of sex, race, ideology, nor age. Nuclear weapons kill men, women, children, toddlers, the old, the athletic, the strong and the weak all equally well. Your superior Nordic pagan genes will not stop a blast that is capable of vaporizing concrete.
Actually, you're wrong. Thermonuclear weapons have only killed Japanese in obscene numbers, proving that thermonuclear weapons are in fact, truly "racist".
You lose this round, jean. Go play with your dolls, I mean girls.
I hugely agree. Americans were big racist there. It was two decisions, two bombs: let American soldiers die, or let a quarter of a million or something like it Japanese kids, women, elderly and so on be instantly evaporated into dust or suffer life-time damages to themselves, and generational damages (though they might not have known that at that point) damage to the off-spring of their victims.

War of cowards...
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Kuznetzova »

The Voice of Time wrote: I don't know what you mean by this (especially I'm confused what you really call juvenile delusion -> the concept of it or the people who think about it?) but I'm pretty certain the Norse people weren't especially "racist"

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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Kuznetzova »

Atthet wrote: Actually, you're wrong. Thermonuclear weapons have only killed Japanese in obscene numbers, proving that thermonuclear weapons are in fact, truly "racist".
You lose this round, jean. Go play with your dolls, I mean girls.
I would have "lost a round" if you had actually read the post I made, understood the point , and responded to the points within it.
It is blatantly obvious to everyone on this forum that you have not done so -- or even tried to for that matter.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Recidivist »

Kuznetzova wrote:Nuclear weapons will kill any human on earth as long as they are inside the blast radius. Thermonuclear weapons don't discriminate on the basis of sex, race, ideology, nor age. Nuclear weapons kill men, women, children, toddlers, the old, the athletic, the strong and the weak all equally well. Your superior Nordic pagan genes will not stop a blast that is capable of vaporizing concrete.

The ideology of racial and national warfare has a logical conclusion. And that logical conclusion is the extinction of the human race by means of self-imposed nuclear warfare. By science, by logic, and by reason, if you hold onto an ideology whose application results in the extinction of your own species, that ideology is bankrupt.
This thread should be renamed 'Burying reality once and for all', because the OP is shit scared of it.

Only the most evolved races - and by that I mean the most intelligent - have discovered and harnessed nuclear energy. They had the opportunity to wipe themselves out during the Cuban missile crisis, but chose to stay their hands (although nuclear suicide is an exaggeration, mostly media hype, as all would not perish).

The fact that they were used on non-whites though is proof that they are not some nihilistic, doomsday machine, but part of an ongoing, evolutionary arms race between competing sub-species.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by chaz wyman »

Recidivist wrote:
Only the most evolved races - and by that I mean the most intelligent - have discovered and harnessed nuclear energy..
I vote this sentence as the stupidest sentence of the month.

1) Evolution is not a thing some have and others have more of. All species currently on planet earth are equally evolved from the same primitive origins.

2) Races do not exhibit different rates of evolution. Race is a social category and not a natural one. Speciation is based on the ability to reproduce. As all humans can reproduce, they are all of the same species.

3) The harnessing of nuclear energy can be done by any human group with sufficient eduction and political will. The discovery has been achieved by a range of humans benefiting from a range of discoveries from a broad range of countries from China, Europe and the Americas. There are so many influences that enabled this discovery that would include human groups from every continent.

4) The discovery of nuclear physics may yet prove to be the worst disaster for our species. Until humans learn to stop being childish tribal, backbiting idiots that make their progenitor apes look like civilised beings, we may yet use this technology to wipe ourselves out and elevate our cities into the upper atmosphere.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Recidivist »

1) Evolution is not a thing some have and others have more of. All species currently on planet earth are equally evolved from the same primitive origins.
Wrong. Read a book on evolution. Horseshoe crabs haven't evolved in hundreds of millions of years and are considered living fossils. It's the same with races, some have evolved whilst others haven't.
2) Races do not exhibit different rates of evolution. Race is a social category and not a natural one. Speciation is based on the ability to reproduce. As all humans can reproduce, they are all of the same species.
Race is a physical reality, yielding quantifiable and measurable characteristics. Speciation is a slow process whereby new species are formed from the divergence of old, there is always a period of time early on when reproduction between the more evolved species and its more primitive cousin is still possible.
3) The harnessing of nuclear energy can be done by any human group with sufficient eduction and political will. The discovery has been achieved by a range of humans benefiting from a range of discoveries from a broad range of countries from China, Europe and the Americas. There are so many influences that enabled this discovery that would include human groups from every continent.
So why didn't sub-Saharan Africans? They had hundreds of thousands of years, yet produced nothing of scientific or cultural worth.
4) The discovery of nuclear physics may yet prove to be the worst disaster for our species. Until humans learn to stop being childish tribal, backbiting idiots that make their progenitor apes look like civilised beings, we may yet use this technology to wipe ourselves out and elevate our cities into the upper atmosphere.
Another one frightened by reality, hiding behind a liberal fantasy that nature is somehow good and peaceful and altruistic at its core, which is only an attempt to excuse cowardice.
chaz wyman
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by chaz wyman »

Recidivist wrote:
1) Evolution is not a thing some have and others have more of. All species currently on planet earth are equally evolved from the same primitive origins.
Wrong. Read a book on evolution. Horseshoe crabs haven't evolved in hundreds of millions of years and are considered living fossils. It's the same with races, some have evolved whilst others haven't.
2) Races do not exhibit different rates of evolution. Race is a social category and not a natural one. Speciation is based on the ability to reproduce. As all humans can reproduce, they are all of the same species.
Race is a physical reality, yielding quantifiable and measurable characteristics. Speciation is a slow process whereby new species are formed from the divergence of old, there is always a period of time early on when reproduction between the more evolved species and its more primitive cousin is still possible.
3) The harnessing of nuclear energy can be done by any human group with sufficient eduction and political will. The discovery has been achieved by a range of humans benefiting from a range of discoveries from a broad range of countries from China, Europe and the Americas. There are so many influences that enabled this discovery that would include human groups from every continent.
So why didn't sub-Saharan Africans? They had hundreds of thousands of years, yet produced nothing of scientific or cultural worth.

Evolution is based on the ability to respond to environments. You would be fucked in 2 minutes in that environment. You would be less evolved than them in that environment, idiot.
QED we are all evolved the same, but by different environments, that does not mean you are superior to blacks, just more stupid.

4) The discovery of nuclear physics may yet prove to be the worst disaster for our species. Until humans learn to stop being childish tribal, backbiting idiots that make their progenitor apes look like civilised beings, we may yet use this technology to wipe ourselves out and elevate our cities into the upper atmosphere.
Another one frightened by reality, hiding behind a liberal fantasy that nature is somehow good and peaceful and altruistic at its core, which is only an attempt to excuse cowardice.

Is that the best you can do?

Sub Saharans Africans, and those of their descent have evolved for that environment, more than you, according to your own perview! You'd look pretty stupid butt naked facing the local wildlife, with no access to the makings of gunpowder and coca-cola. Yet Africans have proven themselves the equal of any white man on the planet, from Obama to Colin Powell and thousands of others, who despite the prejudice of morons like you, have reached the highest accolades of Western Society.

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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Recidivist »

moron wrote:Evolution is based on the ability to respond to environments. You would be fucked in 2 minutes in that environment. You would be less evolved than them in that environment, idiot.
QED we are all evolved the same, but by different environments, that does not mean you are superior to blacks, just more stupid.
Dear simpleton, Europeans colonized Africa and exploited the land and resources far more efficiently than Africans ever did. When they left the Asians took over. See Uganda. Today the Chinese are running it.

Once an organism has evolved a certain level of intelligence any environment can be overcome and altered to suit its needs. Even the most hostile of them such as the vacuum of space is not a barrier.

But blacks did not evolve, not by environmental pressure or genetic drift or random mutation. Today we are left with the consequences of that.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Recidivist »

moron wrote:Yet Africans have proven themselves the equal of any white man on the planet, from Obama to Colin Powell and thousands of others, who despite the prejudice of morons like you, have reached the highest accolades of Western Society.
Blacks taken from their natural environment and put on show in the West by white liberals.

For blacks, there must be disturbing similarities to stories such as King Kong and Ota Benga and the thousands of colonial missions that have attempted to 'save them'.
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Re: Burying racism once and for all

Post by Atthet »

chaz wyman wrote:It's a DUMP, for sure. But not really much of an INFO DUMP. More like just a DUMP.
Can you use your magical diploma to refute any of these claims, or can you only use personal attacks to discredit the author? Because surely, a nameless young man has less intelligence than you, cheeze wineman. Surely all other races and people are just as intelligent, if not more intelligent, than this author, based on genetics. It's all about edumucation.
Since the author doesn't have a diploma, or because his opinions are unpopular, we can automatically discount these ideas on that, alone.

Aren't diplomas magical? Do you have a wand, cheeze wineman? Can you wave your wand and make these claims disappear?
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