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Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:28 pm
by zimmer80203`
Does Jesus' resurrection (numerous appearances after his crucifixion, and ascension demonstrate by example that reincarnation is a fact of life?

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 5:06 pm
by John
zimmer80203` wrote:Does Jesus' resurrection (numerous appearances after his crucifixion, and ascension demonstrate by example that reincarnation is a fact of life?
What do you mean by "a fact of life"?

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:20 pm
by zimmer80203`
I mean reincarnation is a reality, a fact of life, and for some it is self evident. Yet, I am sure there will be a few who disagree with me.

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:41 pm
by Arising_uk
Your evidence for such a claim?

And if there is how on earth does Jesus's 'resurrection' apply as he was not reincarnated in the sense its normally understood?

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:41 pm
by John
zimmer80203` wrote:I mean reincarnation is a reality, a fact of life, and for some it is self evident. Yet, I am sure there will be a few who disagree with me.
The only evidence is a very old book so it is by definition not self evident. To say that resurrection is self evident suggests that it is relatively commonplace or can be easily demonstrated but as you're more likely to find a formerly dead person walking around in a zombie movie than your local high street I think it's a bit of a stretch to call it "self evident".

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 3:47 pm
by zimmer80203`
Whether you realize it or not, there are individuals who have experienced one or more of there past lives. Thus, to them it is self evident.

I am curious as to what you think as to why Jesus made numerous appearances, each time in a different physical body, to those who knew him? What would be the purpose of doing that if it was not to show by example that reincarnation exists?

I have posed many questions on this form in hopes that at least one would cause someone to question or challenge what they know, think and believe. It appears that was "wishful" thinking on my part.

I am not concerned about proving that I am right. My objective is one of understanding. I obtain that by examining ideas and concepts that are new to me as well as constantly questioning and challenging everything I know. Thus, every thing to me is a possibility rather than a foregone conclusion.

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 4:38 pm
by John
zimmer80203` wrote:Whether you realize it or not, there are individuals who have experienced one or more of there past lives. Thus, to them it is self evident.
I am aware that there are people who make such claims. Lots of people make lots of claims. Do you accept them all without question?
zimmer80203` wrote:I am curious as to what you think as to why Jesus made numerous appearances, each time in a different physical body, to those who knew him?
You're assuming the resurrection of Jesus is non-controversially accepted as being historically factual so your argument is only open to people who accept that premise. Besides, I can't recall him appearing in different bodies anyway so maybe you can help me out there and provide a source for that. I'm not claiming it's false but I honestly can't recall learning it twenty odd years ago when I was a Catholic schoolboy.

Besides if Jesus was reincarnated, and Christian teaching does not say he was, wouldn't he have been reincarnated as a child and thus have to appear suitably young enough when he reappeared?
zimmer80203` wrote:What would be the purpose of doing that if it was not to show by example that reincarnation exists?
Assuming he did: possession rather than resurrection?

This all seems a bit confusing anyway as you're relying on acceptance of Christian doctrine to make some of your points but rejecting it to make others. Whilst Christian doctrine may teach that Jesus was resurrected it does not teach that the rest of us will be reincarnated or resurrected (I think you're compounding the confusing by linking these two different things) multiple times. It looks too much like a confusing blend of Christian and Eastern religion to me.

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 9:21 pm
by Arising_uk
zimmer80203` wrote:Whether you realize it or not, there are individuals who have experienced one or more of there past lives. Thus, to them it is self evident. ...
So what? Its self-evident to many that the theist 'God' exists and to many others that their 'Gods' exist, none of this makes it the case. Are you a loon because its self-evident to me?

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:34 pm
by bobevenson
Anybody who accepts the Bible as a factual document is an ideal candidate for buying some swamp land in Florida or the Brooklyn Bridge.

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:50 pm
by chaz wyman
bobevenson wrote:Anybody who accepts the Bible as a factual document is an ideal candidate for buying some swamp land in Florida or the Brooklyn Bridge.
Don't forget the sale of the Eiffel Tower perpetrated on some American business men!

Re: Jesus resurrection and reincarnation

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:52 pm
by chaz wyman
zimmer80203` wrote:Whether you realize it or not, there are individuals who have experienced one or more of there past lives. Thus, to them it is self evident.

Yeah, and even H G Wells believed in fairies; a man of extreme intellect.

I am curious as to what you think as to why Jesus made numerous appearances, each time in a different physical body, to those who knew him? What would be the purpose of doing that if it was not to show by example that reincarnation exists?

Dah! its a story!

I have posed many questions on this form in hopes that at least one would cause someone to question or challenge what they know, think and believe. It appears that was "wishful" thinking on my part.

I am not concerned about proving that I am right. My objective is one of understanding. I obtain that by examining ideas and concepts that are new to me as well as constantly questioning and challenging everything I know. Thus, every thing to me is a possibility rather than a foregone conclusion.