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Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:12 pm
by Typist
What say you?

Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 5:57 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

What if I start out with, You've GOT to be kidding me...


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:05 pm
by Typist
Well, ok, I'm kidding you in that it's sort of a trick question.

You are going to climb up on your self righteous moralizing high horse, and say "OF COURSE IT'S NOT ACCEPTABLE!" I predict there will be lots of white space involved somehow. :-)

And then I'm going to demonstrate that you do in fact accept it.

So, the bear trap is now exposed, wide open for you to see, before you shove your foot in to it.

Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:49 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

Hang on...

Let me sit down.


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:51 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

You've GOT to be kidding me.

You came back to THIS FORUM to spew what you just did?

I shit when I saw you on that other philosophical forum...

THAT must have been the pitts...


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:53 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

I laughed my ass off.

You were sent packing from here with your tail between your legs.

That must have been sooooo depressing to know that you had to post at that sub-Philosophy Now Forum site.

That must have felt pretty low...even for you.


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 6:54 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

What do you want to do with that site you are developing?


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:05 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

Bye -the-way, I don't think violence and philosophy go together.

Violence and the spirit of philosophy are necessary sparring partners, but in the end, there is a peace..within the mind that exists without the violence of extra, unwarranted, or irrational thoughts. That, to me, would be a worthy goal of a philosophical spirit.

Ah fuck...I just can't hide it! I can't believe you brought your phoney moniker back to this forum!

It's funny as hell. You don't even have the decency to use a different phoney moniker to hide behind!

Funny as hell!


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 8:47 pm
by Typist
I welcome challenges Bill, really I do. Insults are ok too, no problem. Really, go ahead, kick my ass, it's ok. I deserve it.

But really, put some frigging effort in to it. Think it through, say something intelligent.

Not the lazy blabber you are blurting out here, just not interested.

Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:24 am
by Bill Wiltrack

Well wo...

Well what you are saying is that you think you DESERVE an intelligent response.

Who are you?

Better yet, when was your lowest point?

Was it when you got flushed-out and were unable to play the martyr roll here with your SPAMING at the Philosophy Now Forum?

...or was it when you got booted off?

...or was it when you were compelled to start posting on that sub-philosophy forum?

...or was it when you came back here in hopes that the active members here would forgive and forget that you were using us for cheep hits on a site that was whoring you out?

...How are those for intelligent questions?

Which ones will you ignore out of pure shame?

That new site that you have created, what do you hope to accomplish with that?

How many hits have you had?

Are you STILL tumbling in the moral gash that you have fallen into?

Are you still finding that you are continuing to fall?...continuing to search for your lowest point within this forum?

Do you know what the word shame means?


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:00 am
by Typist
So we could talk about violence against women. But you prefer to talk about me. Ok then.

To address your fascination with me, here's some biographical information. Your posts serve as a great example of why I don't see getting banned as being any kind of problem.
...How are those for intelligent questions?
Totally devoid of any kind of intelligence I'm afraid. Your whole premise is that I've done something scandalous I should be embarrassed by. Your premise is just a bunch of sloppy, sloppy, sloppy, self righteous moralizing masterbation that you won't be able to logically defend for 3 minutes.

It seems doing anything more interesting than posting pictures is beyond you.

Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:04 am
by Bill Wiltrack

Soooooooooooooo all the questions I asked, you just dismiss without addressing them?


You welcome challenges?

Where? what? by dismissing legitimate questions?

OKay...your back to the old mold.

Sad...It's you again.

DO NOT EVER use your REAL name here. EVER!


Now how does this work with your present webSPAM?

Every time we click to a thread or post of yours you get a hit on your new site?

How does that work?

Are you continuing to whore us out?

Is that a big thing for you?


Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:12 am
by Typist
Bill, instead of endlessly clogging the forum with white space and vague emotional drivel, how about getting around to actually making some kind of intelligent case which you are prepared to defend.

What is your thesis exactly?

State your proposal in clear terms, articulate the reasoning behind your thesis, and then be prepared to defend it.

I've done something I should be ashamed of? Is that it? If yes, what exactly is the crime?

Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:16 am
by Typist
By the way, my real name is Phil Tanny.

And, if it's me you wish to discuss, please start a new thread on that topic and I will join you there.

You've completely ruined this thread, so I'm going to abandon it and start a new one on the original topic.

Here's the deal, I will respond to you in a new thread you create all about me. In return, you will stay the *&^% out of the new thread I will create about violence against women. If you want to talk with me about me, these are my non-negotiable terms. Take it, or leave it. Put up, or shut up.

Re: Is Violence Against Women Acceptable?

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:36 pm
by Garbot Talks
Typist wrote:Well, ok, I'm kidding you in that it's sort of a trick question.

You are going to climb up on your self righteous moralizing high horse, and say "OF COURSE IT'S NOT ACCEPTABLE!" I predict there will be lots of white space involved somehow. :-)

And then I'm going to demonstrate that you do in fact accept it.

So, the bear trap is now exposed, wide open for you to see, before you shove your foot in to it.
Of course it's not acceptable!

OK, so now that I have fulfilled the conditions required to see your demonstration, may we see it, please!
