
How should society be organised, if at all?

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Post by Lorikeet »

The word true enemy.
what Putin referred to as the " Empire of Lies".

Americanism, created in the last century, via Hollywood and later US mass Media....Americanism's soft-power seducing and manipulating whilst its hard-power coerces and exploits.

Americanism is Globalization.
Globalization is the Americanization of the entire globe - eradicating anything that contradicts its model.
Anti-diversity, selling diversity as a method to reduce resistance to its global hegemony.
Ideological diversity creating uniformity of thought, once actual biodiversity, pertaining to one species, is reduced to an idea, a fashion, a concept one can wear and then take off.
Anti-nature, anti-biological identifiers, reducing all to products and services in its open-markets, open borders globalizing agenda.

A culture-of-no-culture, reducing culture into another product to be bought and sold, and then recycled.

Americanism, selling liberty, as their modern adaptation of Abrahamic salvation myths.
Liberty that results in a new kind of slavery.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Basic tenants of Americanism, shaping its ideal citizen Homo Americanus:

1] Open-Markets: free-flow of goods & services, i.e., globalism. All is reduced to a product to be sold and purchased on the markets, including identity, gender, love, culture, etc.; no divisive boundaries will be tolerated, because they are bad for business.

2] Open Borders: free-flow of human resources – an end of ethnicity and nationalism. Humans are another product and service to be sold and purchased on the open markets – modern wage slavery. Nothing to prevent mixing and synthesizing, i.e., diluting, disarming.

3] Individualism: ego-centered. Promoting and prescribing a future man entirely void of a past exceeding the moment of his birth, i.e., lacking a genetically inherited identity – nature. Man is presented as a tabula rasa; entirely a product of nurturing – socioeconomically determined; a resource, a product of ongoing socioeconomic supply/demand dynamics, entirely malleable (fabricated); subjective and subjected to the effects of intersubjective socioeconomic environments, i.e., a modern civilization with no dominant culture. Individuals judged exclusively by their performances within this supply/demand market dynamic, viz., consuming/producing; measured monetarily, via their marketability, popularity, etc.; a man’s utility, marketability, determining his market-value (appreciation).

4] Messianism: ‘freedom,’ replacing salvation myths, via a messianic icon/idol which has been abstracted into credit codes, e.g., money, implying a liberation from the past – inheritance; liberation from physical identifiers, viz., liberated from natural identifiers (genetic markers), the tangible, the physical, the body as past made present; compensating for the loss of a past with the promise of an imminent techno-utopian future – replacing paradise, and its allusions to a beyond space/time eternal bliss, with futurism; a multifariously singular one-god replaced by the conception of a diversified one-humanity; god-creator of oneness replaced by universal order, manifesting an individuated creation of its singularity – an extension of divine will; “will to power” redefined as universal fatalism determining inevitable outcomes that must be positively affirmed, i.e., faith in divine benevolence – individuals acting as divine agencies nullifying injustices, prejudices, bigotry, cruelty, hatred etc.; healing, correcting the world {tikkun olam}, progressively moving towards divine completion (perfection) within which all injustices are justified and all suffering is meaningful.
No alternative systems will be tolerated. Americanism will become emulated globally. All alternatives will be abandoned, or converted to products, fashions, and trends, to be recycled and sold on the open markets – reduced to semiotics.
America presents itself as an agency of salvation, via monetary relief from nature’s “inhumane injustices” – a pragmatic application of either/or binaries as its sacred codes, e.g., either all mankind will be saved from its past, from itself, or all mankind will be doomed to an eternity in an earthly hell, i.e., Armageddon.

5] Futurism/Techno-Utopianism: (akin of the Italian art movement) – focus of presence in a perpetual present; absorbed by an eternally imminent future, with no inhibiting past to limit all forms of idealized projections forward, and forever onward – eternal hope is maintained as a constant ‘yet to become’ which can never disappoint because it could never be; individuality reduced to a noetic singularity – entirely theoretical and abstract, created socioeconomically. [See Postmodernism]
A seductive idea if you keep in mind accumulating unfit mutations burdening the common man with failures he cannot fully understand – finding relief in accusations against an evil external agency, preventing the full realization of a promised ideal. [MANifesto: Word Wars]

6] Pragmatism: even at the cost of reason and integrity – what works is true, what fails to produce a desired outcome is useless, ergo untrue. Hedonism is presented as a validating criterion for judging and choosing varied subjective perspectives.
Americanism uses materialism – access to goods & services – as a measure of man’s highest objectives, ergo freedoms, viz., salvation, liberty, is validated by access to multiple varieties of goods & services; ‘pursuit of happiness’ becomes a guiding principle determining an individual’s assessment of truth, e.g., if it does not add to the potential for attaining happiness – defined as comfort, safety, pleasure etc. – it is false and useless, if it does it is true and useful.
‘Happiness’ is defined as the gratification of needs/desires that can only be evaluated through access to goods & services; ergo, more access to goods and services is a pragmatic measure of contentment; available pleasure options measuring a man’s happiness.
Truth is reduced to human psychology where unreason often usurps reason. As such, if the irrational produces desirable effects, then it is “true.”

7] More is best: antithesis to the minimalist Stoic mantra “less is more”; gluttony & greed are a virtue not a vice – perpetual economic growth used as a measure of progress; quantities over qualities.
In the either/or binary model, asceticism is defined in accordance with Abrahamic worldviews, viz., it is an end in itself. Contraposed to this definition of asceticism, is Americanism’s superfluity, as an end in itself.
Less is more,’ rationalizes its antithesis, ‘more is better,’ i.e., gluttony, greed, promiscuity, any form of excess becomes a basic measure of freedom and happiness; ‘progress’ becomes a perpetual movement towards greater quantities, even at the expense of lowering qualities. Markets must be continuously growing, wealth increasing, goods and services moving, because this is the only way to practically measure truth and happiness.

8] No Biological/Natural Identifiers: nothing that causes human divisions and prevents the free-flow of resources, including human resources, will be tolerated.
All identifiers will be products to be recycled on the open markets.
Identity is reduced to another product of socioeconomic dynamics – socially constructed. Physical presence is concealed, or dismissed as superficial – another shell to be replaced by manmade shells (garments) or surgically modified to reflect fashion trends. The body is but another product to be bought and sold, determining market prices (values).

9] Diversity: code for the absence of biodiversity – negation of racial, ethnic, cultural diversity; pseudo-diversity, where everything is reduced to a manmade construct; consumer diversity. Only two political options, representing a singular ideal, but dozens of gender options – and soft-drink, and restaurant, and fashion, and musical options. Culture condensed to a disposable garment one can put on and then take off, replacing it with another.

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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Heisman, Mitchell wrote:In its most basic political-moral principles, America is a Jewish country, not a Christian country. This is true in both Constitutional theory and American practice.
Judaism, like Americanism, is notably absent of Christianity’s extreme negative attitude towards money. Jews and Americans share a this-worldly outlook, a basically economic conception of man, and a curious, capitalist combination of love of money and love of morality. This moral materialism is standard Anglo-Judaism.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Baudrillard, Jean wrote:America is the original version of modernity. We are the dubbed or subtitled version.
America ducks the question of origins; it cultivates no origin or mythical authenticity; it has no past and no founding truth. Having known no primitive accumulation of time, it lives in a perpetual present.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Siegfried, André wrote:In its race towards richness and power, America has abandoned the axis of freedom in order to follow that of productivity…
All the energies, including those related to the ideals and to religion, lead towards the same productive purpose: we are in the presence of a productive society, almost a theocracy of productivity, which is increasingly aiming at producing things rather than people, or people only as more efficient workers…
In the U.S. some kind of mysticism surrounds the supreme rights of the community. The human being, having become a means rather than an end itself, accepts the role of ‘cog-in-the-machine’ without thinking for a second for a second that in the process he may be somewhat belittled…
Hence, a collectivism which is willed by the elites and a-critically accepted by the masses, surreptitiously undermines man’s autonomy and strictly channels his actions, thus confirming his very abdication without him realizing it…
No protests and no reactions of the great American masses ever ensues against the collective tyranny. They accept it freely, as a natural thing, and almost as if it were expedient.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Heisman, Mitchell wrote:Where else could typical Jewish aspirations be fulfilled, after all, than within the parvenu idealism of America? The entire substance of the ‘If I were a rich man…’
American dream, the whole rags to riches yarn, betrays the admission that it was the Jews — and not the Christians — who were right about the value of moneymaking all along. American valuation of ‘the rule of law’ is comparable to the Pharisaic laws that Jesus revolted against. The capitalism of Americanism is a defense of Pharisaic mammon worship against Jesus. The American Empire is neither a new pagan Rome nor a Christian Kingdom of God. The American Empire is more like the rise of the Pharisees. The hypocrisy of the Pharisees, the ancestors of mainstream diaspora Judaism, is the typical bourgeois hypocrisy that is the American norm. America, moreover, resisted the great continental European attacks on bourgeois man, especially by Rousseau, Marx, and Nietzsche.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Evola, Julius wrote:In America any inventor who discovers some new tool that will improve production will always win more social approval and acknowledgement than the traditional type of the intellectual; moreover, anything that is profit, reality or action in the material sense of the word will always be valued more than anything that may derive from a line of aristocratic dignity.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Bloom, Allan wrote:Openness results in American conformism – out there in the rest of the world is a drab diversity that teaches only that values are relative, whereas here we can create all the lifestyles we want. Our openness means we do not need others. Thus what is advertised as a great opening is a great closing.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Sombart, Werner wrote:In the face of this fact, is there not some justification for the opinion that the United States owe their very existence to the Jews? And if this be so, how much more can it be asserted that Jewish influence made the United States just what they are—that is, American?
For what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled.
Just observe current events concerning antisemitism.
A cleansing of actual Semites perpetrated by those claiming to be Semites, most of which are not.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

DiLorenzo, Thomas wrote:The Myth of the Morally Superior ‘Yankee’
I was born and raised in Pennsylvania but do not consider myself to be a Yankee. The word Yankee refers not so much to native-born residents of the northern United States, but to an attitude, or mindset. Dutch immigrants from New York first gave the name to English settlers in Connecticut. In the early to mid-nineteenth century the word gained popularity as a description of a brand of New Englander and, later, Midwesterner. The word Yankee was attached to those New Englanders who were seen as arrogant, unfriendly, condescending, intolerant, extremely self-righteous, and believing that they were God’s chosen people.
(Conservative historian Clyde Wilson has remarked that Hillary Clinton, born in Illinois and educated in Massachusetts and Connecticut, is a ‘museum-quality specimen’ of a Yankee.)
Yankees never shied away from using the coercive powers of government to compel others to be remade in their image. Consequently, it is probably not just a coincidence that compulsory government schooling began in New England, as did prohibition.
The latest manifestation of the Northern Yankee is ‘neoconservativism,’ an ideology that believes the U.S. government should use its military might to remake the entire world in its image, all in the name of ‘democracy and freedom.’
The idea of Yankee moral superiority was carefully crafted from the time of the Pilgrims. By 1861, New England Yankees and their Midwestern brethren had concocted the myth of a morally superior free, white, and virtuous New England that had a right to remake other sections of the United States in its own image, creating nothing less than heaven on Earth through the New Englandization of America. A corollary of this notion was the assumption that the slave-owning South was inherently morally inferior.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Internet wrote:Emmanuel Todd is a prominent and brilliant French intellectual: a historian, a demographer, and an anthropologist. He is one of France’s last independent thinkers, a category that has become a rarity… while we used to have so many.
He has just published a new book: ‘The Defeat of the West.’ In it, he proposes a dispassionate analysis of the world’s geopolitical scene, laying out facts without taking moral stances.
In Todd’s assessment, the disappearance of American Protestantism is the key factor in the fall of the West. This fall of the Protestant religion in America has given rise to this new American ideology reigning over the whole Western space: Nihilism. This is the central concept of the book. This Nihilism is both the trigger of the West’s final downfall and the driving force behind the West’s renewed violent imperialism.
Here are some of his quotes from interviews he has given over the last couple days:
‘My book is basically a sequel to Max Weber’s The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. On the eve of the 1914 war, he rightly believed that the rise of the West was at its heart the rise of the Protestant world – England, the United States, Germany unified by Prussia, Scandinavia. France’s luck was to be geographically glued to the leading pack. Protestantism had produced a high level of education, unprecedented in human history, universal literacy, because it required that every believer should be able to read the Holy Scriptures for himself. In addition, the fear of damnation and the need to feel chosen by God induced a work ethic, a strong individual and collective morality. On the negative side, there were some of the worst forms of racism that ever existed – anti-black in the United States or anti-Jewish in Germany – since, with its conceptual dichotomy of ‘Chosen by God’ and ‘Damned by God, Protestantism renounced the Catholic principle of equality between all people.’
‘Today, symmetrically, the recent collapse of Protestantism in the U.S. has set in motion an intellectual decline, a disappearance of work ethic, and its substitution by mass greed (official name: neoliberalism). After the rise of the West comes its downfall. This analysis of the religious element does not denote any nostalgia or moralizing lamentation in me: it is a historical observation.’
‘I emphasize the industrial deficiency of the United States with the revelation of the fictitious nature of the American GDP. I deflate this GDP and show the root causes of industrial decline: the inadequacy of engineering training and more generally the decline in educational levels. The US GDP is a bubble.’
‘The fixation of the Western middle classes on transgenderism raises a sociological and historical question. To constitute in the social horizon the idea that a man can really become a woman and a woman a man is to affirm something biologically impossible, it is to deny the reality of the world, it is to affirm the false.’
‘Trans ideology is, therefore, in my opinion, one of the flags of this nihilism that now defines the West, this drive to destroy, not just things and humans but reality.’
‘The collapse of Protestantism in the United States has caused a decline in the level of education.’
‘The disappearance of religion: Americans don’t go to church anymore, they don’t believe in God anymore.’
‘There is a powerful nihilistic impulse in the US: the search for war and violence. This is a lost society without meaning that provokes or fans conflicts everywhere in the world.’
‘Something important has happened in the West: the transition from liberal democracy to liberal oligarchy.’
‘France does not exist because it is now aligned with the United States.’
‘The Americans' obsession is to prevent the cooperation between Germany and Russia. This is American leaders’ terror. But it's going to fail because the West is going to lose. It's reality that's going to win.’
‘The best thing that could happen to Europe is the retreat of the US.’
‘The West is on an aggressive trajectory.’
‘The American ruling class is devoid of morality, it has no more religion, all that remains with it is an obsession with money and war and a kind of enjoyment at creating a mess all over the world.’”
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

Jones, E. Michael wrote:Americans had always tended to be a superficial lot, fumbling among the patrimony of the Western tradition like a cargo cult without a can-opener. And this same impatience characterized the founding of modem psychology. People like Dewey were known as pragmatists for good reason. They were interested in the truth about the human psyche only insofar as that truth produced results. Like the physical sciences, which were not so much a means of understanding nature as they were a means of controlling it, the new science of psychology, as conceived by John Dewey, would be a way of controlling the human mind. Dewey was one of the architects of twentieth-century liberalism, and one of the goals of liberalism was social control.
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

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Re: Americanism

Post by mickthinks »

You seem to have a problem with the Jews, Lorikeet. Do you have in mind some, er … let’s say “ultimate” solution, by any chance?
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Re: Americanism

Post by Lorikeet »

mickthinks wrote: Sun May 05, 2024 8:28 pm You seem to have a problem with the Jews, Lorikeet. Do you have in mind some, er … let’s say “ultimate” solution, by any chance?

All that midwits and dimwits know comes from official American narratives.
Those who control the means of mass manipulation control their judgements.
Last edited by Lorikeet on Sun May 05, 2024 8:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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