
Is there a God? If so, what is She like?

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Post by attofishpi »

Since knowing God to actually exist since 1997 - that all of our REAL_IT_Y is a construct of this entity.

In 2010 - God\sage told me something rather profound about my previous life.

I like to watch this utube channel MrBallen - he is a good story teller regarding some weird things he and his team have researched. This is an account of a toddler in India that I think is worth some consideration..with regards to accounts of reincarnation.
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Re: Reincarnation

Post by promethean75 »

Imma click that link in a minute I'm just dropping this post here becuz when I finished it on the note pad, I forgot what thread I was gonna post it in. So here I am. It's only incidental that it's related to the thread subject matter kinda. I just randomly saw this new thread and then boom.

Here's all u gotta know that's important pertaining to the big one... the question of the immortality of the human being.

In either of these scenarios the payoff isn't too too bad. Either when your body stops working, so do u and a) that's it, forever, or b) that's not it forever and it'll happen again.

In A the transition into death is not only seamless but isn't a state that is experienced itself... becuz you're dead. So for intents and purposes we could technically say we don't die becuz we only die... otherwise we can't experience death. Like we can only die, but we can't 'be' a deathlike state of non-awareness becuz that state can't be experienced. Ipso de promo facto.

In that case, everything is wiped and there is no more time or experience, ever.

What happens tho if the circumstances are such in some corner of spacetime a gazillion years after u die, for an almost identical selfsame series of physical events to happen and produce this 'u' again?

Would such a repetition have any relevance or make anything meaningful? Prolly not, but it is a statement about what the immortality of the person might actually mean and be.

Now back up to that bit about death not being able to be experienced and how there is no experienced time 'passing'. U don't exist. A bazillion years later u exist again. That entire time u didn't exist passed like the blink of an eye... so fast it couldn't even be experienced.

And now here u are again, seamlessly.

'Fraid these are our only two realistic scenarios, u guys. 'Bout as far as we can go into a metaphysics/physics of immortality without becoming platonists and inventing all manner of dubious language.

Yeah but phenomenological reflection on your own death is a pretty heavy, pretty solid experience that leaves u with a giant hole in your soul. And it starts to dawn on u more as u get older; not dead for a few minutes and then u get to heaven or hell, etc. No... Dead. For. Ever. For-ev-er.

That's not just some trivial fact either. That's some serious news right there. A major game changer.

The only thing that saves u from unmitigated kierkegaardian anxiety and Camusean despair is Epicurus's steadfast logic; that it's not death we fear, but dying. And for the same reasons. Death can't be experienced, technically, so how can I despair about anything after i die.
Last edited by promethean75 on Mon Mar 11, 2024 3:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reincarnation

Post by attofishpi »

You've made a good post there prom, but consideration point B) needs some rejiggin.

When I was about 8 I had this profound thought about being dead forever - I was looking out of my bedroom window at the dark clouds in late evening and I actually was able to contemplate that feeling on nothing forever. When I attempt to do that nowadays I can't quite feel what I felt back then.

What I found very interesting re the video I posted, is the point at which the mother felt was the point that the soul became part of the foetus during pregnancy (towards end of vid) - since knowing God exists and being made aware that reincarnation exists it has often made me wonder, at which point does a "SOUL" become part of the material being of the foetus.
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Re: Reincarnation

Post by promethean75 »

"When I attempt to do that nowadays I can't quite feel what I felt back then."

And there u have it, gentlemen. Before our adult heads were filled up with philosophy, we were able to experience mystery as pure mystery, when an epiphany wasn't always brought with an explanation... or interrupted by some 'reasoning' we use now that we've lifted from our bibles or handbooks on atheism.

The feeling u can't ever get again becuz now u are a head full of ideas u got from books that u can't unread. That's what we want again, gentlemen. We want the nostalgia of being able to be ignorant of everything and just simply fascinated by it all. Real wonderment. Touring one of Wonka's factories be like.
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Re: Reincarnation

Post by meno_ »

It’s really fantastic that anyone should think that the personality is depersonalized, along with civilization’s deconstruction going on, with analogous phenomenal reductions, while the ego can not accept that virtual reality is nature’s attempt to hold on to a conscious realization of it’s self determinate effort to rememoralize repeatedly within that analogous framework?

Both arguments, at the end of the time slotted, to the limit , are only differing analysis based on a single entity, self consciousness on the cosmic level does not evolve out of a singular part of that, but inversely, the ego manifests that illusion, call it a necessary function of the brain to realize it’self as separate , but really common sense will tell you otherwise.

The ego deludes its self on discovering that mythic flights such as Icarus , do have a hypothetical goal that virtually is necessary to evolve, and that is not the same kind of thing as imagining if pigs could fly.

Reincarnation is not what most such views presuppose are made of, simply, depersonalization has the same effect that meditation can achieve, albeit, with a necessary separation from the functional persona, as that state , which the cosmos will regenerate - re-evolve over again .

The fear of the limits of depersonalization is what bars, or limits the fear that the ego constructs around it’s self.
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Re: Reincarnation

Post by FrankGSterleJr »

I awoke from another very bad dream, a reincarnation nightmare / where having blessedly died I’m still bullied towards rebirth back into human form / despite my pleas I be allowed to rest in permanent peace. //

My bed wet from sweat, I futilely try to convince my own autistic brain / I want to live, the same traumatized dysthymic brain displacing me from the functional world. //

Within my nightmare a mob encircles me and insists that life’s a blessing, including mine. //

I ask them for the blessed purpose of my continuance. I insist upon a practical purpose. //

Give me a real purpose, I cry out, and it’s not enough simply to live / nor that it’s a beautiful sunny day with colorful fragrant flowers! //

I’m tormented hourly by my desire for emotional, material and creative gain / that ultimately matters naught, I explain. My own mind brutalizes me like it has / a sadistic mind of its own. I must have a progressive reason for this harsh endurance! //

Bewildered they warn that one day on my death bed I’ll regret my ingratitude / and that I’m about to lose my life. //

I counter that I cannot mourn the loss of something I never really had / so I’m unlikely to dread parting from it. //

Frustrated they say that moments from death I’ll clamor and claw for life / like a bridge-jumper instinctively flailing his limbs as though to grasp at something / anything that may delay his imminent thrust into the eternal abyss. //

How can I in good conscience morosely hate my life / while many who love theirs lose it so soon? they ask. //

Angry I reply that people bewail the ‘unfair’ untimely deaths of the young who’ve received early reprieve / from their life sentence, people who must remain behind corporeally confined / yet do their utmost to complete their entire life sentence—even more, if they could! //

The vexed mob then curse me with envy for rejecting what they’d kill for—continued life through unending rebirth. //

‘Then why don’t you just kill yourself?’ they yell, to which I retort ‘I would if I could. //

My life sentence is made all the more oppressive by my inability to take my own life.’ //

‘Then we’ll do it for you.’ As their circle closes on me, I awaken. //

Could there be people who immensely suffer yet convince themselves they sincerely want to live when in fact / they don’t want to die, so greatly they fear Death’s unknown? //

No one should ever have to repeat and suffer again a single second that passes. //

Nay, I will engage and embrace the dying of my blight!
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Re: Reincarnation

Post by socrattus »

Reincarnation, the immortality of the human being.
It seems the issue of "reincarnation" is difficult to solve at the human level,
but at the micro level, scientists have successfully solved this issue using
the “renormalization method” to bring back an elementary particle from non-existence.
Renormalization-2.jpg (4.58 KiB) Viewed 773 times
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