human beings and adulthood....

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Peter Kropotkin
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Joined: Wed Jun 22, 2022 5:11 am

human beings and adulthood....

Post by Peter Kropotkin »

In thinking about this, this evolution
of traveling this road from animal to becoming
human, fully human, it got me to thinking
about children, teens and adults....

what, in this time and place, would I think about
the human beings and their position in the world?
in other words, are we adults, teens or even babies?

In thinking about this, where would be put human beings
in regards to animals? on what part of the road, would
we consider human beings? As I have mentioned before,
many people are really just animals... which is to say,
they are babies... they react to the world just as animals do,
by instinct... animals react to things within their programming,
which is instincts.. and babies do the same...
there is no forethought or thought in the minds of babies...
they just react, as animals just react....

so the bottom rung of existence is being an animal/baby...
they react the exact same way to people, places, event
and actions the same way....

when do we think babies grow into teens?
after several years of existence and experience...
they no longer just react to people, places, things,
events and actions by instinct... there is, hopefully
some thought made to how to react to these things...
to be a teen is to be an animal/human.. and most
human beings are right here... within the animal/human
area of existence.... most people react to things like
the teenagers they were... with some thought, but
also with instinct... they are animal/human...
and then what would we consider to be human?

that is adults... they don't react to things, events, people
or actions with instinct... they pause, think, and react
with no instinct involve....examples of this would be
the people we honor and build statues to...
again, Gandhi, MLK, Goethe, Lincoln... they are adults
and didn't just react with instincts...

so, to put specific behavior in line with the words above...
we can place capitalism as being an baby ism...
for capitalism is all about feeding the inner baby in us...
to seek out the instincts in us, to follow
our instincts to own, to say, mine, mine, mine, mine...
and to be ourselves first, before all others...
that is what babies do... put themselves first,
in fact, to babies, there aren't any other persons
on planet earth... and that is the essence of capitalism
to seek out our selfish behavior before all others
aspects of existence... to want capitalism is to want to
be a baby... my needs first, last and everything in between...

to be a teen, is to become aware of others... to be animal/human
is to rise slightly above instincts...
that is socialistic states... to become aware of others, and to
act within that understanding.... not to just react with
mine, mine, mine, mine... but to take into account others...
that is part of the road to becoming an adult... to become
responsible adults requires us to become aware of consequences...
the teen is still very hazy on consequences...
but not an adult... to become human is to become aware
of consequences... to think about all of us, not just some of
us or one of us... me.... we no longer think that capitalism
is a adult behavior.. it is baby actions... and being an adult
is so far away from this baby reaction, of mine, mine, mine...
selfish behavior that defines a baby... and even some teens...
to be an adult/human is to think about what is best for all of us,
even if, even if it screws us personally... as a father, I have
to put my child, my family first.. and that is being an adult
and being a human being...for the one means the same for
both... to be an adult is to be a human being...

we cannot escape our responsibilities, our accountability,
in thinking of others before ourselves... that is what it
means to be a human being, an adult...

the road to becoming human is a road that leads us to
think about ourselves, first and foremost, then we think
about others, at times anyway, and then the road requires us
to think about others before we think about ourselves.....

to travel from animal to animal/human to becoming fully human
is the road from greed and instinct to the road of thinking of others
and fully thinking out our experiences and consequences of our actions
and inactions... to be an adult is to aware of the consequences
of our actions and a preparation to accept accountability for
our actions...

as we are so far from holding ourselves to being human,
to be an adult, that we are, most of us anyway,
to being an animal/human... to rise slightly above
our instincts....and beginning to take responsibility
for our actions....but we don't take full responsibility,
we try to twist and shift that responsibility to others/
the state/ the society..... but that is not being a adult...
that is not being a human being...and when we are ready to
accept full responsibility for our actions and we are prepared to
to put others before ourselves, then and only then can
we call ourselves, a human adult....

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