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Why the previous incarnations of God Datta did not reveal this systematic philosophy as revealed now?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:25 pm
by dattaswami
Why the previous incarnations of God Datta did not reveal this systematic philosophy as revealed now?

Ans) Shri Ramanath asked some time back exactly this same question. People of ancient generations were scholars of scriptural logic (Tarkashastra) and God Datta spoke the same philosophy in terms of the then existing systematic style. Today, people are scholars of science, which is the same old logic presented in better way due to experimental evidence.

Certainly, science is far better than the ancient logic because the systematic nature is well proved by practical proof. Logic means the study of various items of the creation. This ancient logic or the modern science is always confined to the boundaries of imaginable domain (creation) and the unimaginable domain (creator) is always far beyond such logic or science. In the same phase of creation, science is better than mere theoretical logic.

This does not mean that science can explain God. God always speaks to the receivers in their own language. Language, here, means the style of understanding the subject. Dog can understand only when you speak in its language. Hence, this philosophy is the same ancient philosophy spoken in the present style of science. It is the same old wine in new bottle. The same old philosophy spoken in the present systematic style of science appears as a new philosophy. The old generations will not appreciate this present philosophy and the new generations will not appreciate that old philosophy. The matter should be always presented in the style of the then existing time.

The present philosophy gives lot of stress on the unimaginable God, which is the need of the present hour. Today, sins have increased tremendously. The human beings are doing sins wherever there exists a trace of possibility. They have become very clever in developing several techniques to escape punishments from the judiciary system of the land and they feel that the law of the land is the ultimate barrier to be crossed.

All such sinners are severely warned by this concept, which says that the unimaginable God will punish the sinners through unimaginable ways and the sinner can never escape God, who is the ultimate inevitable barrier. This concept is very important and by this only the sin can be controlled. In the ancient India, this concept alone controlled every sin. If the sin is not controlled, this world will crumble in to pieces.