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The Rich And The Poor

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 7:17 pm
by daniel j lavender
The Rich And The Poor
Daniel J. Lavender

Poverty and prosperity are polarities perpetuated by modern society, by civilization. Laws and practices that are in place actually ensure economic and social disparity.

What is civilization? Civilization is simply organized society. Unfortunately civilization is not about kindness and courtesy despite what you may have been told.

Civilization, particularly the capitalistic form, allows a few families to accumulate vast amounts of wealth. The few are said to own the wealth and therefore have rights to it.

To sustain this civil system propaganda must be disseminated into society and it must be enforced. Some of this propaganda takes the form of legal writ while other takes the form of religious dogma.

Since both legal writ and religious dogma approach property in a similar fashion I will reference the arguably less pretentious Biblical format.

"Do not steal" and "do not covet" seem fair upon first appraisal but after some analysis appear to be quite advantageous.

"Do not steal" and "do not covet" protect the wealthy considerably more than the poor. These parameters protect individuals roughly proportional of their possessions.

If Family A owned two businesses and three houses law would serve them more than Family B who owned only one business and one house. The same services would be provided for Family A but they would be provided on a much larger scale.

Business and law are linked in this way. Big business has the wealth to influence law and law has the force to protect business. Business and government enrich each other. This is the consolidation of power and wealth.

Law primarily protects the haves from the have-nots. The poor have hardly anything to steal therefore law has hardly anything to protect. Additionally the poor have no wealth to enrich or influence government.

The poor may steal from the poor but they wouldn't be able to steal much. The poor may steal from the middle class, but the middle class must ultimately purchase its livelihood from the rich upper-class families.

Nearly all commodities originate from the wealthy few. They own the land, they own the factories, they have the means to produce and generate wealth. The middle class does not, and the poor certainly don't.

Practically all of society is dependent on, and resultantly exploited by, the wealthy few. They own most of the wealth and are protected by law. Theft is illegal so the vast majority of people must work for the wealthy, effectively making the wealthy even wealthier.

The civil system is advantageous. It is intentionally advantageous. And the advantage only increases with participation.

Many say the middle class is shrinking. Some say it's downright disappearing. The discrepancy between rich and poor is great as ever. Again, this is simply a symptom of the advantageous civil system. The advantage only increases with participation.

Many remain content in this civil system because they actually believe they have a chance at obtaining one of the top positions. But as stated repeatedly in this essay, there are only a few of these positions; only a few reach the top. The odds of reaching the top are incredibly slim. The majority of people are stuck in the lower classes of society. The majority of people are stuck serving the few.

A certain unsatiated greed sustains the system. Some assist those in power in hopes of gaining power themselves. This assistance only strengthens the system. Conversely some attack those in power in hopes of weakening the system. This only strengthens the system as it justifies increased protection of the system.

Civilization doesn't necessarily concern kindness or courtesy. Civilization simply concerns organization. The organization of labor, the organization of power, the organization of wealth. The organization of the powerful and the powerless, the organization of the rich and the poor. Civilization is the systematic exploitation of the many by the few. Civilization creates the powerful and the powerless. Civilization creates the rich and the poor.

Poverty and prosperity are made possible by civilization, by organized society. Indeed they are civilized terms. Without organization resources couldn't be systematically isolated. Without organization people couldn't be systematically sorted into social classes.

Civilization is a forced system, perpetuated by law which is sustained by violence and imprisonment. Civilization is skewed in favor of the greedy and the arrogant and does more harm than good. Civilization, particularly the capitalistic form, measures individuals by their material possessions, it reduces life to merchandise. These issues of power and advantage are not limited to just capitalism, however, as all civilized systems work to consolidate power and advantage into the hands of a few.

By exalting and protecting the greed of the few greed is permeated throughout all of society. Many want to be rich and powerful but only a few are allowed and resultantly complications arise. By hoarding vast amounts of wealth the few exacerbate theft. By exploiting people the few exacerbate resistance. By consolidating power the few exacerbate revolt. All of these things manifest distrust and suspicion, leading to additional social issues.

The very foundation of civilization, organization, seems threatened by its own merits. Perhaps that isn't entirely bad. After all, civilization produces the exploiters and the exploited, civilization produces the powerful and the powerless, civilization produces the rich and the poor.

Re: The Rich And The Poor

Posted: Wed May 25, 2022 9:01 am
by trokanmariel
Outer space wants to offer capitalism, to daylight (this is the rich's peace/piece, as a result):

MezMet, the name of the mansion, of Brittney Havers, is about the maze towards Havers' mansion (the road: Hate to Hate) being a theological supremacy to theology's robotics mythology, because of but free of the Representative's mythology (the sex: MM) being a means by theology to use typing (MM) against the Thomas Heath destiny to Brittney Havers