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Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:13 pm
by Philosophy Now
Dharmender Dhillon views this Guy Ritchie film through Buddhist and Nietzschean lenses.

Re: Revolver

Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2022 10:36 pm
by Roy G. biv
I found this film in a dvd bin around 2007; i had never heard of it but loved everyone credited (André 3000?!?) so i brought it home. From the opening credits, i knew i was watching something of a different calibre than most. Midway through, i felt like i had taken a drug and forgot i did so, my world was changing. Every sentence was vaguely familiar…i felt like an initiate. 3/4 of the way in, i began forming thoughts again, “is it about Game Theory?” “Who is getting played? Why do i feel its me?”, etc. Not until the transcendent scene in Macha’s bedroom did I feel I had caught up to the plot. It’s the war i fight, it’s happening right now, to me, as i watch this film. Then in the elevator, that’s where my life changed. “Someone gets me” is what i felt, to be frank. I didn’t know Nietzsche beyond a couple quotes, this was the first time this topic - this war - was outside of myself.
That silent moment in the elevator, and the use of sound to bring him back in; I laughed out loud with satisfaction. A moment of pure intellectual joy.
I cruise the internet for bits of info on this film once or twice a year, usually when im looking for quotes or images from the film to lure others to its magic; your article is the first I found to treat the material with the respect it deserves. I’m slowly getting into Nietzsche by way of another avenue of study but i hadn’t made the connection with this film and his thoughts. Now i know how to sell this movie to people: “watch the Russian (1st release), sometimes titled Director’s Cut)”, and “Do you f*ck with Nietzsche?”

Thanks for the insightful take on what is hands down my all time favourite movie.

And i didn’t even mention the Sorter House scene, or the animated bits, or the almost constant hum of a soundtrack….magical!