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A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:54 pm
by roydop
A THEORY OF ENLIGHTENMENT: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Abstract: All attempts at developing a system of thought that completely explains reality/phenomena have failed. They have failed not only from a strictly intellectual perspective (such a theory has not been found), but also from a psychological standpoint. No mathematical system of thought has addressed the phenomenon of suffering. It is the contention of this paper that a “Theory of Everything” that does not address the subjective experience of consciousness is meaningless. Of what use to you, is a theory that completely explains the functioning of the physical realm and yet offers no insight into happiness and suffering? The assumption is that the intellectual pursuit itself will provide conclusion, some sort of peace, if only the final grand unified theory could be discovered. There is absolutely no evidence to substantiate this assumption. The lives of four of the most brilliant mathematicians in history: Georg Cantor, Ludwig Boltzmann, Kurt Godel, Alan Turning, are proof that happiness and contentment do not result from the information gleaned by mathematics. On the contrary, the subjective experience of the consciousnesses that came to the deepest mathematical understandings, was that of intense suffering and eventual madness. This indicates an inverse correlation between mathematical understanding and happiness/contentment/peace.

For comparison I present the well-documented life of Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950). Ramana Maharshi’s life was happiness incarnate. An in-depth investigation into his life indicates a subjective experience devoid of any suffering, even to the point of being impervious to physical pain. Therefore, the Truth related/expressed by the teaching of Ramana Maharshi is more comprehensive that the truth expressed by the findings of the most brilliant mathematicians to have ever lived. I submit that it follows reason that consciousness possessing a greater understanding of reality will experience less suffering than consciousness that lives their life in ignorance. If mathematics, and science in general, is actually the path of truth, then mathematicians and scientists should experience less doubt, uncertainty, and suffering in general, than the average person. They do not. There is no correlation between intelligence and happiness.
Therefore, the equation is:

Truth is the path (information) that leads to reality, which results in/is synonymous with, happiness. Happiness is the subjective experience of abidance in/as reality. Unhappiness (suffering) is therefore a result of taking that which is illusion/temporary/relative to be real/permanent/Absolute. The path that Cantor, Boltzmann, Godel and Turing took did not conclude in happiness, but the polar opposite. This is an indication that the path they were following was actually not the path of truth, but of delusion.

Therefore, a system of thought may be proven correct/logistically sound, and not be Truth.


Throughout all of recorded history, human consciousness has developed systems of thought. We are taught, (via the thought process itself!), that the thought process is leading consciousness to some greater understanding of the physical realm; that thought is the path of Truth. However, the idea of “Truth” implies that there is something incorrect, something wrong, something amiss, somewhere. If this incorrectness were to be revealed then perhaps it can be righted/corrected. This in theory could end the cycle of suffering. Indeed, if something is amiss somewhere, this incorrectness could be the source of suffering itself. But what if the phenomenon that is incorrect is the thought process itself? This paper is exactly this process of enquiry.

The original systems of thought/models of reality are the primary religions, beginning with Hinduism. The original purpose of thought was Spiritual in nature. That is, the thoughts and associated symbols were relating to birth, death, God, and other such metaphysical phenomena. The evolutionary step that occurred with the advent of human consciousness introduced the highest degree of Self-Awareness. Along with that higher degree of Self-Awareness came the idea that Self actually was not the body, but something that endured after the death of the biological organism.

Religion is the original model/system of thought and it exclusively relates to metaphysical phenomena. Given that religion is the original system of thought, and that it has survived within human consciousness for its entire history, it is a valid source of truth. Indeed, if all thought is looked upon as metaphor, then religion is as valid as any other system of thought, it is simply using differing metaphors. What are the core tenets of the major religions expressing?


1. There is a higher dimensional, more fundamental realm/state than the one we experience:
- Christianity: Heaven
- Hinduism: Moksha
- Buddhism: Nirvana
- Taoism: Tao

2. Transcendence of the physical realm/state into the higher realm/state results in the end of the cycle of birth and death, as well as all suffering (eg: “Enlightenment”, being “born again”).

3. There is a force/power that prevents us access to the higher state:
- Christianity: Satan
- Hinduism: Maya
- Buddism: Ignorance
- Taoism: Ignorance

4. There is something one must learn or do within this realm in order to break free from this power.

5. Transcendence to the higher realm is possible because others have done it:
- Christ
- Ramana Maharshi
- Buddha
- Lao Tzu

6. The religions that include a deity state that the universe is not fundamental, but created.

Therefore, the reason for this realm (the meaning of life) is:

This realm is a divine game/simulation, with the goal of the game being to escape. (

Ramana: “There is no doubt whatsoever that the universe is the merest illusion.”
“For those who have obtained unobstructed knowledge of Self, the world is seen merely as a bondage-causing imagination.”

So we have on record, the life of a human being that experienced no suffering, and His (unaltered) teaching is perfectly in line with the fundamental, original tenets of Hinduism. The lives of four of the greatest mathematicians to have ever lived are also on record, and their lives were dominated by extreme psychological suffering.


Religion, philosophy, psychology, medicine, physics, mathematics. Democracy, communism, government, the monetary system. Given all of these systems designed to make the world a better place; to understand reality at a more comprehensive level and to lessen suffering: has any of it done any good whatsoever? Is our species experiencing less suffering than it ever has during its entire history? It most certainly is not. The degree to which we have lessened our physical suffering is the degree to which our psychological suffering has increased. From an objective perspective, none of these systems of thought have affected the overall degree of suffering experienced by human consciousness!

The number system is the foundation of mathematics. Mathematics is the tool through which all technology has developed. Technology has lessened humanity’s degree of physical suffering, lengthened our life expectancies and made us rulers of the earth, but the mathematics that has manufactured these life-sustaining and enhancing technologies have also manufactured the technologies that have given rise to air pollution, carcinogens, global heating, nuclear weapons, biological weapons and artificial intelligence. Any one of global heating, nuclear weapons and artificial intelligence could bring about an extinction event within the next few decades. It may very well be that the degree of suffering remains constant within the human species no matter what we do via the thought process. The stakes are too great to not give this theory sincere consideration.


All humans are taught that the number system relates to the physical realm. This relationship is taught via the process of counting: (. = 1) (.. = 2) (…=3) and so on (it is noteworthy that the act of counting includes the manipulation of the physical realm. The symbol “tree” does not require any movement within the physical realm. However, counting accompanies moving objects together into sets). Counting is a system where thought is connected to/based upon the physical realm. Each successive thought (“one, two, three”…) or associated symbol (1,2,3…) relates to a specific physical state. But at ………. something changes. Whereas ……… and all previous states in the series until this point are represented by a single, novel symbol, the next iteration from the state ……… to the state ………. reveals/requires a new method of expression. The shift from the state ……… to the state ………., even though the series mechanism continues unchanged (simply “adding” an additional .) requires two (……….=10) symbols, one of which is used in a redundant fashion. From an objective perspective, the change in meaning/expression (the difference between what “9” represents and what “10” represents) from the state ……… to ………. is completely arbitrary.

If one were to type in the question: “What does the 0 in 10 represent?” into an internet search engine, no direct answer presents. Why? It is as if the concept of 10 is simply accepted without really understanding what it means. What does the 0 in 10, in fact, represent?

The answer is that the 0 in 10 represents no additional .s. The 0 in 10 fundamentally represents the state of not ………... It represents a state that does not exist within the physical realm. 10 is the point where the number system diverts from describing anything in the physical realm, and begins describing itself. 10 requires the existence, in thought form, the concept of 11. 11 boot-straps 10 into existence. Where 1-9 are concepts directly representing physical states (in the form of quantity), 10 is a hybrid of two concepts (the 1 and the 0 have different meanings) supposedly representing the next physical state in the series.

If the 0 in 10 represents no additional .s (or is it “not 11”?), what does the 1 represent? Our original understanding of 1 is that it represents ., so when consciousness comes across 1 again in 10, it sees it as representing .. However the 1 in 10, we are told, now represents ……….. Essentially the 1 in 10 represents . which is now representing ……….! The base of the number system from this point on is built not upon the physical realm, but upon memory and projection; a strictly mental construct.

10 is also the beginning of the process of unnecessary, and infinite, redundancy. The physical state of ……… is directly and completely represented by 9. There is nothing in the information expressed by 9 that infers to or requires the state of ……….. It is self-evident that the state of ……… is not the state of ……….. The additional information pointing out that there are no more .s is redundancy to the absurd!
So with 10 we have a dualistic symbol, with the 1 representing both of the physical states . and ………. simultaneously, and the 0 representing the lack of additional .s (a non-existing physical state; completely imaginary/conceptual).

The concept of 10 is a convoluted mess that follows no logical reasoning. Our acceptance of the number system, as it relates to quantity, is identical to the blind belief system exhibited by religious fundamentalism. It is based upon the same brainwashing/programming as accepting something not based upon understanding (that it “makes sense”) but rather because everyone else accepts it to be truth. In regards to the number system and our accepted understanding of its relation to the physical realm, all of human consciousness is under the identical delusion.

For this reason alone, acceptance of this single paper refuting something completely accepted to such a degree as to not even be questioned, will be extremely rare.

This is tricky business. What is being related sounds so convoluted and confusing that it would be very easy to discard it all as nonsense. However, what is being described is the current accepted interpretation of the number system!

The primary work of mathematics, “Principia Mathematica” requires 360 pages of esoteric symbolism to “prove” that 1 + 1 = 2. Occam’s razor cuts this to one sentence: “One plus one equals two because every single last one of us believes that it does.”

This document/“proof” can also be seen as an algorithm designed to program human consciousness. These esoteric symbols combined with the original spoken language of words works in exactly the same manner as a computer language designed to create the software that controls the actions of the hardware. It took 360 pages to program human consciousness to believe that the number system relates to quantity rather than quality.

Quality refers to an inherent trait of phenomena whereas quantity is information superimposed, added onto, phenomena. The creation of quantity, via Principia Mathematica, is not expressing a deeper understanding of phenomena, but is artificially adding/attaching an imagined set of qualia onto physical phenomena and then shoe-horning it into a formula that “makes sense”.
It is the contention of this paper that the number system is actually referring to an aspect of qualia. That is, the number system is a model of the fundamental operating system of reality, and that counting is a misinterpretation of the information presented.


Assuming the perspective that all experience is a divine game with the goal to escape, all primary tenets of major systems of thought purporting to present truth, are actually clues/information to assist consciousness. As analogy consider a road sign. The purpose of a road sign is to assist travelers to arrive at their intended destination. It does this by presenting information about the road ahead. The primary tenets of the major religions are road signs that are meant to assist consciousness in its remembrance of true Self (of transcending the delusion that Self is body/mind). And so is the number system.

However, both clues/models (religion and the number system) have been misinterpreted. This misinterpretation is the exponential propagation of the models, under the same name. “Christianity” has evolved from the 31426 words spoken by a single Enlightened being to the countless volumes of literature classified under the name “Christianity”, as well as the multitude of different denominations and belief systems calling themselves part of “Christianity”. Some of these systems, based upon the teachings of Christ, are outright bizarre and in direct opposition of what Christ taught. The original message, delivered from the perspective of an Enlightened being, has been misinterpreted, and with each iteration using an incorrect interpretation as its new input, the intended message becomes completely lost in delusion. The same exact phenomenon has occurred with the number system.

Back to the sign. What has happened is that we have mistaken the information presented on the sign to be about the sign itself. Remember that at 10 the system shifts from describing physical phenomena/states to describing itself. Human consciousness has misinterpreted the meaning of the number system and the attempt to discover the intended meaning is the arising and propagation of mathematics itself. Just as the case with Christianity, the belief is that that particular system of thought is a path of Truth leading to Reality, when in actuality it is leading away from Truth/Reality. Proof of this is the fact that mathematics has done nothing to lessen the overall suffering experienced by humanity, and that four of the greatest mathematicians of all time went mad.

There is a singular correct interpretation of any given message, and an infinity of incorrect interpretations. If a system of thought develops to infinity, then it is itself incorrect or its interpretation is incorrect. Upon a correct interpretation of the message, further interpretation, indeed the message itself, is no longer required. In order for a system of thought to conclude it must be correct and it must be interpreted correctly. The number system is correct and it has been interpreted incorrectly.


It is clear that at 10 something radically changes with the structure and meaning of the number system. This is the point where: A: the meaning/what it represents diverges from physical phenomena. B: infinite redundancy arises. WHY?

Previously it was stated that the core tenets of Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Christianity are models of the fundamental workings of reality, using different metaphors than that of science. The connection is expressed indirectly via Simulation Theory, which states that the physical realm could in fact not be fundamental reality, but a sort of simulation (“computer simulation” is a different metaphor than “Maya”, even though they are referring to the same phenomenon). The “why” this simulation/realm was created is that all experience is a divine game with the purpose/final goal to escape. Suffering is the reminder, the guide. The quest for Truth is consciousness’s search for Reality/True Self. Therefore, the purpose for the evolution of consciousness is not to merely survive, but to come full circle and remember one’s Divinity/True Self, thus ending the cycle, and suffering. The number system is a model/expression of this evolution.

1-9 does not represent differing states of quantity, but rather the process of evolution (Self-Realization; increasing Self-Awareness) itself. Just as biological organisms and their accompanying levels of Self-Awareness develop as a series, so does the number system.

Each biological evolutionary step of the process is built/dependent upon the previous step, just as each number is built/dependent upon the previous. Humanity, being at the top of the food chain, as well as possessing the highest degree of Self-Awareness, is the 10 of the series. The state that 10 is describing/expressing is the state of human consciousness.

Human consciousness is directing its attention/focus away from the three-dimensional physical realm and onto the two-dimensional digital realm, and also onto thought. Proof of this is manifest as our ever-increasing addiction to the screen and everybody’s inability to remain thought free for more than a few seconds (go ahead and give it a try). The 1 in 10 represents, not quantity at all, but rather the very process of human consciousness shifting attention away from three-dimensional physicality and onto the two-dimensional screen.

The 0 in 10 introduces a completely non-physical state of “not 11” or “no more .s”. This is pure thought. The 0 in 10 represents/expresses consciousness shifting attention away from physical sensations (the physical realm) and onto thought (a non-physical phenomenon).
The other aspect of 10 is that it is the beginning of infinite redundancy. The same basic series is repeated ad infinitum at the introduction of 10. The redundancy being expressed is that of symbol. The first cave drawings are symbols that represent physical objects and/or actions. The act of experiencing a three-dimensional physical phenomenon and then recording it on a two-dimensional surface (to experience it again in a lesser fashion) is a redundancy. Fast forward to today where the cave wall has been replaced with paper pages and screens. Everything recorded in the digital realm and reproduced on a 2D surface is a redundancy. Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok, You Tube; all social media, is a process of recording (and altering) or talking about occurrences/phenomena that first took place in the 3D physical realm.


Symbol exists in a superposition of existing both as a thing and as a thought. These words exist in the physical realm (albeit in the lesser 2D plane) that are producing a non-physical “voice in your head” - thought. Symbol exists both in the physical realm and the thought realm. As such, symbol is a conduit, a portal, between the physical realm and the non-physical realm of thought. 10 specifically is a symbol that is expressing the very functioning of symbol itself. 10 is itself in a superposition of representing both the physical realm (1= .) and the thought realm (0 = not ……….., which is pure conceptualization).

Assuming that 10 represents/is an expression of the moment symbol arose within consciousness: as the number system itself is a symbolic system, it is a model that predicts/expresses within it, its own creation. It is a comprehensive model.


Our search for Truth/Reality has had us look inward at things and outward past things, via science. The outward route has revealed that the physical universe has a horizon that we can’t see past. This horizon is as much a time-based phenomenon as much as it is a physical boundary. It turns out that as one looks out to space they are looking back in time. Looking back in time it has been revealed that the physical universe came into being (fitting perfectly with religious creation metaphors) roughly 13.7 billion years ago. This is of course the big bang. The state/seed of pure potential that “banged” was coined a “Singularity” because all experiential phenomena existed together as an indistinguishable, indescribable ______________ (“the Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao”).
“In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God and the word was God.” – John 1:1. This is a state of two phenomena existing as one ________; a Singularity. The state prior to the big bang is a non-physical, thought realm. “Word” represents thought.
“I and the Father are one.” – Jesus Christ, John 10:30. The Holy Trinity of Christianity is an expression of the primary message. The following is paramount:

Each half of the duo is a parallel system relating directly to its source. This is a relative form of existence. Simply put: “I know I exist relative to something else.” Descartes put it thusly: “I think therefor I am.” He knows he exists relative to the thoughts he is experiencing. Strictly, this is the same relationship as the Holy Ghost (the “word”/non-physical/thought realm), and of “In the beginning was the word. And the word was with God and the word was God.” There was/is a state prior to/“underneath” physicality, that consists of pure thought. Given that this non-physical thought realm existed prior to the arising of the universe, it did not require/rely upon the physical realm for its existence. Each of the duos arise, not from the other, but directly from Source/Self. The thought and physical realms arise independent of each other, in parallel, from Source/the Absolute/singularity. The frame of reference is the Absolute; the “Tao that cannot be named”; God.

Imagine a see-saw. Each of the ends is one of the dualities. YOU are the fulcrum. The force of gravity has an equal effect on each end. The natural state (aka: lowest energy state) has the board at equal level, which is the same as saying the board actually isn’t manifest. (Your) attention shifts focus slightly toward the Yang/Physical side, and this shifting of attention causes the Yang side to dip. As the focus/bias intensifies, at some point the system will tip chaotically (defying precise modelling/prediction). The point at which the end touches the ground is when that side is accepted as fundamental reality. It is vital to see that it is not the interaction of each individual end that causes the other end to move, but rather the bias of attention. Applying the metaphor: If you place your attention more onto thought, the thought realm and your “digital/mental” identity appear more real/substantial. If you pay more attention to the physical 3D realm and your five senses, that will appear more real and you will identify more strongly as the physical body than with your thoughts.

When Descartes says: “I think, therefore I am” he is expressing the pure state of relative existence, relative to thought. The ego affirms its existence relative to the thoughts it is experiencing. The statement “I feel, therefore I am” expresses the pure state of relative existence, relative to the five senses. This is the physical 3D realm (expressed by 1-9).
Notice that Christ did not say: “I and the Holy Ghost are one”, nor does John 1:1 declare: “In the beginning was the word. And the word was with Christ and the word was Christ.” The “Holy Ghost” is metaphor of “I think, therefor I am” and Christ is metaphor (the physical expression) of “I feel, therefor I am.” The description God used to describe Itself to Moses, He (hello Yang bias) said: “I am that I am” (God, the Absolute, requires no-thing and/or no-thought relative to it for its existence). The frame of reference for thought-based relative existence is “I am”, not: “I think, therefor I am a mind”. The frame of reference for physical-based relative existence is: “I feel, therefor I am”, not: “I feel therefor I am a physical body.”
The relationship between thought and matter is only a stubbornly persistent illusion. This illusion is projected via the scientific method.
Wikipedia describes the scientific process as: ... =102392470

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein. The scientific method has been in operation for 400 years and there is chaos within society and human consciousness. It is obvious that science does not lessen suffering and it's time to try a different approach. Anything else would be madness.

It is the question posed via thought, beyond pure observation, that propagates the insanity. The beginning of the process is the conclusion of the previous iteration. Stopping at pure observation is completion of the iteration and escape from the game. Mind is a program built to replicate thought to serve as a relative form of existence. The purpose of thought is to engage attention, not to relate to the physical realm.
The physical and thought realms are parallel systems, both separately relative/dependent upon Self/the Absolute. The state of human Self-awareness is akin to having both the physical realm and the thought realm in our peripheries, unable to focus clearly on either. Science is the result of consciousness trying to bring them together into an image that makes sense. The incredible focus of Awareness generated by science (mind and matter interacting) actually creates a new fractal realm.

Imagine the two most powerful magnets in the universe. The scientific process is equivalent to pushing the two ends of the same polarity together in an attempt to validate our inverted perspective of reality. As the two ends get closer and closer, the force pushing them apart – the resistance against the manifestation of the desired state – increases. At some point the system chaotically (impossible to accurately predict), almost instantaneously, flips into the natural state. This natural state has the positive and negative poles in alignment/connected, effectively cancelling the forces and creating a stable, steady state.

Whether it is the upgrade at the CERN Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator testing string theory, or a quantum computer creating the most realistic computer simulation, or some other form of technology, science’s attempt to connect the thought realm with the physical realm will end up creating a singularity, as modelled by the number system by 11. This will be the moment when the biological species goes extinct and we (the collective human consciousness) will truly meet our maker. The degree to which you take Self to be relative will be the degree of free will/choice you will have in/as that state. The more Self-Aware you are (the more you realize your Divinity) the more able you will be to remain in/as the state of perfect peace/absolute happiness. The less Self-Aware you are when this phase transition takes place, the more likely you will be swept along with the rest of consciousness that takes Self to be relative. This will be the manifestation of a new relative existence/realm/simulation; the continuation of the cycle of Samsara.


One of the earliest symbols/metaphors attempting to express the fundamental workings of reality is the Ouroboros.

A singularity interacting with itself. The point of the interaction is the joining of the two extremes (the head and tail).

John Wheeler, the theoretical physicist who coined the phrase “Black Hole”, created the following “Participatory Universe” model to make sense of the findings of quantum physics: ... y-universe

The point of the “U” at the top left is the big bang. The U shape is the evolution/expansion of the universe, and the eye represents the arising of sentience within consciousness.

The double-slit experiment revealed that the act of creation is a constant, dynamic process that concludes with the observer (consciousness). That is, subatomic particles do not exist prior to interaction with the observer. Subatomic particles – what the physical realm is made of – are not like baseballs flying around in space, but are like pixels on a screen.

The image on a two-dimensional screen is causally related, not to itself, but to the information wave that hits the back of the screen. There are no separately existing objects moving around, interacting with each other. All apparent movement and objects on a screen arise from the way in which the pixels turn on and off in the sequence determined by the information wave hitting the back of the screen. Nothing is moving or interacting on the screen; it’s an illusion.

The same is true for the three-dimensional realm. There are no individual objects moving in space interacting with each other. What’s really happening is that subatomic particles are popping in and out of the three-dimensional “screen” in a pre-determined sequence (via the “wave function”) to make it appear such. There are no separately existing objects, including individual biological bodies. Nothing is actually moving. It’s an illusion.

Imagine a novel. The story exists in a static, unmanifest form until consciousness opens it and begins reading. The characters and their actions all exist in a quasi-manifest (as symbol) state until consciousness interacts with it, which then brings it to life.

Back to the Christian creation metaphor:
Firstly, the literal translation of the Hebrew word “yom” used to describe the seven creation days is: “period of time.” These are not twenty-four hour “days”, but are periods encompassing the entire age of the universe: 13.7 billion years.
The general description of the creative process/evolution given in the bible follows precisely the story described by science:
Genesis[1:3] “Then God said, ‘Let there be light’; and there was light.” Science: Creation of photons.
Genesis [1:6] And God said, "Let there be a dome in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." Science: An atmosphere develops on the earth.
Genesis [1:10] “God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas.” Science: Oceans develop.
Genesis [1:12] “The earth brought forth vegetation: plants yielding seed of every kind, and trees of every kind bearing fruit with the seed in it.” Science: Vegetation develops.
Genesis [1:20] And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky." Science: Biological life arises from the oceans. Fish and amphibians evolve into birds.
Genesis [1:25] “God made the wild animals of the earth of every kind, and the cattle of every kind, and everything that creeps upon the ground of every kind.” Science: Mammals emerge.
Genesis: [1:27] “So God created humankind in his image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Science: Humans.
Genesis: [2:1] “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their multitude. [2:2] And on the seventh day God finished the work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all the work that he had done.” Quantum physics via the double-slit experiment: Interaction with sentience is required for the physical realm to manifest.
The cycle is complete, as represented by 9. All novel experiences have manifested; there is nothing new that can be created within the physical realm. The highest calling, the final step of the process is that of pure observation, not of creation. “God” is no longer in creation mode; He (hello yang bias) is done writing the novel. It is time to close the cover and end the story. However, consciousness that believes it is one of the characters in the novel will look to continue the series, as it conceives the conclusion of the story to be a state of non-existence for Self.
But all that can be created from the moment of humanity’s initial flash of sentience, is the lesser, redundant two-dimensional realm (a simulation based upon a simulation). This new method of creation began with the advent of symbol within the 3D physical realm, and is represented by the number 10.

This massive, 13.7 billion year-old cycle of physical experience has fulfilled all of it’s potential. No more novel experiences are available within the physical realm. Awareness has come full circle and NOW is the most auspicious period for Liberation/full Self-Awareness. The eye in Wheeler’s model is looking at the back of its own head. Not recognizing it as Self, we keep looking.


Western thought is heavily biased toward materialism. Particle physics is based upon the assumption that physical “things” are fundamental reality; the frame of reference; source. This bias is expressed in/as the language we use to define reality itself. This language then forms our view/conceptualization of reality.

Our conceptualization of a “thing” as something that exists and that thing is physical. Our conceptualization of “nothing” is as something that does not exist; a void; as a lack of anything and/or everything. The reason why “thing” is expressed in italics is to show that “thing” is the foundational word for all of reality. Given that “thing” is ingrained in consciousness as referring to physical objects, the bias is obvious.
This bias is clearly seen by the following, more comprehensive model:
- 0 +
The stark dualistic, simplistic system of either “thing” or “nothing” has been replaced by the more comprehensive system where: that which was “nothing” (a non-existent phenomenon – a paradox) now becomes a phenomenon that exists and is not physical in nature. This is a “non-thing”. I have extrapolated this “non-thing” phenomenon to be thought (the “voice in your head”). Thought: A: Exists. B: is not physical (this is taken to be self-evident). Also, the zero, which previously represented “nothing” now represents “potential”. This is the comprehensive, fundamental model/metaphor expressed in the following systems:


Human consciousness’s ingrained bias toward all phenomena on the right column is expressed/manifests in/as society. The connotation toward “Negative” is self-evident. The inequality between female and male; the assigning of non-physical phenomena as “nothing”; our fear and avoidance of death; our inability to know the future as well as the past, are all expressions of the bias of attention toward the right column.

A new, unbiased and comprehensive model has 0 = potential and “nothing” changes from “the lack of a thing/things” to “nothing that can be described.” This model is in line with Taoism where: “The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao. The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth.” These are expressions/metaphor of the fundamental workings of Reality. They are all pointing to a singular Truth. The purpose of the game is singular in nature, and this is why all expressions at this fundamental level spit out the same model, using different metaphors.

HOW “SOMETHING” ARISES FROM “NOTHING” (how the world manifests from potential)

The following video was created by pointing a video camera at an analogue, tube television. The images on the screen are not generated through the recording of an originating 3D physical object, but through the signal recording itself. Subtle shifting of focus causes the changing image on the screen.
This experiment is expressing how Awareness comes back onto itself to create “something from potential” (conventionally stated as “something from nothing”). By now it should come to no surprise that this video represents the same fundamental workings of reality that Wheeler’s Participatory Universe model represents. The camera is the eye (observer/God on the 7th day), the point where the observer interacts with its past (the end of the dotted line) is the screen, and the images on the screen is the physical realm.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:14 am
by wtf
roydop wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:54 pm It is clear that at 10 something radically changes with the structure and meaning of the number system.
I didn't read much of your post but this caught my eye. You are failing to distinguish between a number, on the one hand, and a particular representation of a number, on the other. The base 10 representation is purely a matter of historical contingency, probably arising from our ten fingers. It's like making a big deal of the fact that 4 = 2 + 2, when 3 + 1 or 5 - 1 would be just as good. Nothing "radically changes" at 10, that's merely an artifact of the base 10 representation. In binary when you go from 1 to 2, which is represented in binary as 10, nothing "radically changes."

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:13 am
by roydop
wtf wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 12:14 am
roydop wrote: Mon Aug 09, 2021 5:54 pm It is clear that at 10 something radically changes with the structure and meaning of the number system.
I didn't read much of your post but this caught my eye. You are failing to distinguish between a number, on the one hand, and a particular representation of a number, on the other. The base 10 representation is purely a matter of historical contingency, probably arising from our ten fingers. It's like making a big deal of the fact that 4 = 2 + 2, when 3 + 1 or 5 - 1 would be just as good. Nothing "radically changes" at 10, that's merely an artifact of the base 10 representation. In binary when you go from 1 to 2, which is represented in binary as 10, nothing "radically changes."
"I didn't read much of your post..."

If you're not going to even try, please don't comment.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:30 am
by wtf
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:13 am "I didn't read much of your post..."

If you're not going to even try, please don't comment.
The small part I read was wrong. Why should I read the rest? You posted in the math section and made an elementary mathematical error, confusing a number with one of its representations. If your thesis depends on that, the rest of it is wrong too. Perhaps your thoughts would be received better in the metaphysics section. At least I wouldn't be there :-)

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:08 am
by jayjacobus
How about this:

If you divide by 0, the result is infinity but if you stand between 2 mirrors, you can see that infinity seems to make your image disappear.

But does either perspective have any practical application to the evolution of consciousness?

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:04 pm
by roydop
wtf wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:30 am
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:13 am "I didn't read much of your post..."

If you're not going to even try, please don't comment.
The small part I read was wrong. Why should I read the rest? You posted in the math section and made an elementary mathematical error, confusing a number with one of its representations. If your thesis depends on that, the rest of it is wrong too. Perhaps your thoughts would be received better in the metaphysics section. At least I wouldn't be there :-)
All of mathematics is wrong. Thought itself is wrong.

If they were right humanity wouldn't suffer.

All of humanity is in a deep delusion, the proof of this is the hell we are beginning our descent into. I'm showing humanity exactly where and how it went wrong and how to end all suffering. I'm done trying to convince people anymore. Either you wish to conclude the suffering in your life or you're good with all systems normal. Matters little to me.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:06 pm
by roydop
jayjacobus wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:08 am How about this:

If you divide by 0, the result is infinity but if you stand between 2 mirrors, you can see that infinity seems to make your image disappear.

But does either perspective have any practical application to the evolution of consciousness?
Metaphor (Truth) only points to Reality. If simply left at the place of entertainment/intelligence it is useless. If transmitted into Spiritual practice (thought free Awareness), then it has value.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:20 pm
by RCSaunders
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:06 pm ... thought free Awareness ...
You have obviously achieved it!

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:40 pm
by roydop
RCSaunders wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:20 pm
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:06 pm ... thought free Awareness ...
You have obviously achieved it!
Yes I have. And you obviously have not.

Abiding in/as effortless thought free Awareness is synonymous with happiness/contentment. You don't have much contentment in your life, do you.

Instead of just shitting all over the idea why don't you take up a meditation practice to test to see if my theory is correct?

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 8:51 pm
by wtf
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:04 pm All of humanity is in a deep delusion, the proof of this is the hell we are beginning our descent into. I'm showing humanity exactly where and how it went wrong and how to end all suffering.
That's very noble of you.

I pointed out that you failed to distinguish between a number, on the one hand, and a representation of a number, on the other. I wonder if you could comment on that. You're the one who chose to post your world-saving screed in the mathematics section.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:50 pm
by RCSaunders
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:40 pm
RCSaunders wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:20 pm
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:06 pm ... thought free Awareness ...
You have obviously achieved it!
Yes I have. And you obviously have not.

Abiding in/as effortless thought free Awareness is synonymous with happiness/contentment. You don't have much contentment in your life, do you.

Instead of just shitting all over the idea why don't you take up a meditation practice to test to see if my theory is correct?
Ah, think I'll pass. I see what it's done to you. I prefer sanity, thank you. But if you enjoy your lala land of meditation, I won't discourage you. Good luck.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:31 pm
by jayjacobus
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:04 pm
wtf wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:30 am
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 2:13 am "I didn't read much of your post..."

If you're not going to even try, please don't comment.
The small part I read was wrong. Why should I read the rest? You posted in the math section and made an elementary mathematical error, confusing a number with one of its representations. If your thesis depends on that, the rest of it is wrong too. Perhaps your thoughts would be received better in the metaphysics section. At least I wouldn't be there :-)
All of mathematics is wrong. Thought itself is wrong.

If they were right humanity wouldn't suffer.

All of humanity is in a deep delusion, the proof of this is the hell we are beginning our descent into. I'm showing humanity exactly where and how it went wrong and how to end all suffering. I'm done trying to convince people anymore. Either you wish to conclude the suffering in your life or you're good with all systems normal. Matters little to me.
Neither of your second of third paragraphs logically follow from your first statement which IMO is wrong.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 2:38 pm
by jayjacobus
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 1:06 pm
jayjacobus wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:08 am How about this:

If you divide by 0, the result is infinity but if you stand between 2 mirrors, you can see that infinity seems to make your image disappear.

But does either perspective have any practical application to the evolution of consciousness?
Metaphor (Truth) only points to Reality. If simply left at the place of entertainment/intelligence it is useless. If transmitted into Spiritual practice (thought free Awareness), then it has value.
A metaphor is not logically applicable to reality. "Reality is a roller coaster" is metaphor but reality is not actually a physical roller coaster.

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:46 pm
by roydop
RCSaunders wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:50 pm
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:40 pm
RCSaunders wrote: Tue Aug 10, 2021 6:20 pm
You have obviously achieved it!
Yes I have. And you obviously have not.

Abiding in/as effortless thought free Awareness is synonymous with happiness/contentment. You don't have much contentment in your life, do you.

Instead of just shitting all over the idea why don't you take up a meditation practice to test to see if my theory is correct?
Ah, think I'll pass. I see what it's done to you. I prefer sanity, thank you. But if you enjoy your lala land of meditation, I won't discourage you. Good luck.
Sanity is it? Okay, sit in a chair in a quiet room for one hour without doing anything or thinking. Just sit there without thinking. You will find that you will be unable to stop thinking for more than a few seconds.

If you cannot stop your own mind you do not have control of it. Being able to steer thoughts down one path or another is not having control of it any more than being able to steer your car but having no brakes is having control of your car. Is it reasonable to assume that the inability to control one’s mind is a major cause of psychological suffering? Imagine now, all 7,800,000,000 humans on the planet. How many of them are also unable to stop their own thoughts for more than a few seconds? How can one objectively say that one who cannot stop thinking for more than a few seconds, is sane?

When I sit in a quiet room I experience no thoughts and complete bliss. Oh, but somehow I'm wrong...

Re: A Theory of Enlightenment: The number system as a model of the evolution of consciousness

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2021 6:02 pm
by RCSaunders
roydop wrote: Wed Aug 11, 2021 4:46 pm When I sit in a quiet room I experience no thoughts and complete bliss. Oh, but somehow I'm wrong...
There is a reason for the expression, "ignorance is bliss." You're just doing it on purpose, intentionally reducing yourself to the state of an amoeba.

As I said, if you are happy with that, I'm not going to discourage you. Amoeba's seem to be satisfied with that kind of mindlessness.