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Superpositioning is the Formation of Form

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2021 7:13 pm
by Eodnhoj7
1. A line within a line observes the one line placed within itself in multiple positions thus is superpositioned, one thing exists in many states.

2. This line containing itself curves the space around it, ie the 0d point, considering it forms the positions of the points with the points being the inverse of the space of the lines.

3. In simpler terms the points are the space between the lines and are formed in response to the space of the lines itself, one space forms another space.

4. Superpositioning is thus one space curving the spaces through which it exists.

5. The many spaces formed by the superpositioned line are the result of the one thing, ie the line in this case, dividing itself into further spaces.

6. These further spaces are the curving of space through the superposition of the one entity, the line, with this curvature being division.

7. Curvature is division in the respect that one thing as one Directional multiplies its directions thus multiplying the singular form which is rooted in one directionality.

8. The most basic form is one Directional, ie the line, with the multiplication of directions being the multiplication of form with this multiplication of form changing the inverse space, the 0d point, around it.

9. The line as composed of multiple lines is the multiplication of directions thus a curvature of the inverse space around it embodied under the point.

10. The point is the inverse opposing space of the multiple lines and is formed through the division of the one line into many.

11. Superpositioning is the formation of form.