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Global Vacations

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2021 7:20 am
by RWStanding
April 2021
Global Vacations
In the past few people could travel away from their own country or even far within it. With the onslaught of technology this has radically changed and now a vast global population of six billion and growing have ever more means for international travel and vacation. This has vast implications for the human and natural environment. What was controlled by Nature must now be controlled by human ethics and its law.
We have to chose whether global society is in Chaos, with everyone going where they will and able to force their presence, with no social ethic in restraint.
Or against that the obvious three alternatives.
Travel being restricted to the elite, as if we were back in the 18th century.
Everyone in the world being responsible for their own patch of land, and allowing or forbidding access as they wish, in the manner of globalised capitalism. A strategy that might have a virtue to Nature if there were few people in the world.
Or thirdly, all nations cooperating, from the grass roots upwards, in maintaining a viable ecosystem and indeed towns that are bearable and not overwhelmed by tourism. Freedom of travel would not exist globally.
It is a foolish pressure of population that is preventing a more casual approach.