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Re: I think you're being a little harsh.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:23 am
by gaffo
henry quirk wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:14 pm I'm King Stinker.

I think September, October, November will tell us a lot about who wants what, who gets what, and the general direction Planet Dirt is gonna be goin' in (for the next 100 years).

Pick your side.
think of the bigger picture Sir, America started to circle the drain of former empire since JT's Iranman, its just a matter of when America becomes a 2nd teir Nation like England/etc, not if.

bigger ficture is America will not be the center of the world for much longer - 10-20 - after China will be she is not a failed state and has her shit togther.


I'm not looking forward of old American Gammons crying of America and dreaming of her former glory (as the Brist did from 1948 to the 1980's) - but I know in my old age i will have grow old over such Gammons, just like the smarter Brist had to 60 yrs ago.

Re: I think you're being a little harsh.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:25 am
by gaffo
Immanuel Can wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:32 pm
henry quirk wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 3:14 pm I'm King Stinker.

I think September, October, November will tell us a lot about who wants what, who gets what, and the general direction Planet Dirt is gonna be goin' in (for the next 100 years).

Pick your side.
Well, it might be easy to forget, but September, October and November are just more months for most of the world. America may be the most influential and successful nation, but it's far from the only one, the most populous one, or the one who automatically calls every tune to which everybody else dances.

So it might be true that something important happens then, or it might not. We'll just have to see. But not everybody even owns a "side" of that debate. Centrism's still an option.
exactly! you Sir can see the bigger pioture.

and no China being the next world power is not a good thing (India would have for me - prior to Modi - hope they get their sanity back so i can regain my faith in them), but its inevitable, so deal with it!

just say no to Gammons

Re: I think you're being a little harsh.

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:27 am
by gaffo
Immanuel Can wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:43 pm
henry quirk wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 5:00 pm
I didn't mention America, and -- no -- centrism ain't gonna save you.

'nuff said.
Well, I don't know any country that's looking to September-October-November for anything in particular, except America. But we can see.

As for centrism, I didn't say it was salvific; I just said it was an option. I didn't even say whether it was one I would take.

However, you may be right. If not by the fall, shortly before or after could be important.
his post made me think he was being american centric too.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:38 am
by gaffo
RCSaunders wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:28 pm
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:33 am That's what I keep saying. PCturd religious extremism has destroyed the 'left' and played into the hands of neo-'liberal' political parties everywhere.
Veg, I'm apolitical and have no use for any political system, but I'm not anti-political, in the sense that I oppose anyone else's desire for some agency of force, (government), to run their life for them, or to make them safe, or happy, or whatever else they think a government can do for them.

But being apolitical the concepts of, "left," and, "right," "liberal" and "conservative" seem totally confused to me, especially when comparing how those terms are used in Europe verses the US for example.
I know little of Europe per Left and Right, how does it differ from America's.

What was Left in the 50's-90's was what i am (prior to PC) - melting pot mentality.

What today is the Left in America is purely Trible - see Race/sex/gender - not the person - so if you are white and male, like me i am "evil the ememy" to the new Left. and so though i am a liberal in the old school melting pot ideal of the former centruy, to them i'm just an uncle tom to the patriarcy.

the irony is the Right (far right to be fair) is equally trible, but per their "blood and soil".

their mentality is the same. Trible. both are equally evil toward an Liberal Republican ideal of a Just Colorblind Society wiht equal opportunity for all.

I like Haigt, he and even Rogan are old school 70's left folks - saying WTF happened?

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:40 am
by gaffo
Gloominary wrote: Thu Jul 09, 2020 11:44 pm Yea, defunding the police while funding a Marxist cultural revolution, provoking a race war, disarming and locking down law abiding citizens is a recipe for disaster, and they know it, the radicals have taken over.
kinda looking that way, ask Karensky(sp) about that.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:41 am
by gaffo
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:45 am Most Western democracies have two major parties.
do they? Britain has 4. most of the 27 or European Nations have 5-10 parties in their nations.

check the last German election - at least 5 parties.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:49 am
by gaffo
RCSaunders wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 1:28 pm [ I do not think I've read or heard the particular term, "neo-liberal," used.
I live here and not heard of the term until only 2 years ago.

AFAIK its basically "same old same old" "the deep state" "the machine".

rembering history and all the kirfuff over Bill Clinton vs Songas/Gepheart in 1992's primaries, the former termed himself "new democrat" (meaning IMO Republican in all but name (inverse of a RINO is guess - lol).

and ya Clinton was the "republican president we ever had" as said by Micheal Moore 20 yrs ago.

BTW ignoring Eisenhower (as we all do sadly), the best Republican president was Bush sr, i should have voted for him in hindsight - but stood out that election and did not vote.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 12:58 am
by gaffo
commonsense wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:12 pm
Gary Childress wrote: Wed Jul 08, 2020 5:37 am
No idea what the point of barging into churches is about. I guess it's just to prove that the protestors can be complete assholes?
Apparently (per the links that were provided in the post that came next) they are upset about portrayals of Jesus as if he were white.
hm the whole "Jesus was a black men" - is big in "black power" releigous groups, esp now with Hebrew Israelites (pure hate group - formally recognized by the Wiesthal Center as one) - they are all over the place now BTW.

they really are, you don't hear about them much, but they are growing and we have 2 centers here in Oklahoma City of those guys.

they hate you if you happen to be born white.

they hate Jews and view them as "fake white Hebrews". they basically hate anyone that is not black. sadly.

BTW Jesus was an Arab. - shoot me now, i must be a Muslim for stating this simple fact.

oh and BTW Arabs are Semites - shoot me again.

oh and BTW Arabs are white - shoot again.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:06 am
by gaffo
RCSaunders wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 6:48 pm
Everyone was polite, and everyone had a job, and though every imagineable religion and ethnic background was represented there was little conflict (except for, some reason, between the Turks and the Greeks, and they kept that to themselves).
that was due to the Ottoman Empire's Collapse in 1923, and Greece having here independance for only 40 yrs or so, ie. the Ottoman (Turks) Empire collapsed slowly, first they lost Yugoslavia, then Greece in 1880's, then they lost themselves in a civil war in 23, where Kamal Attaturk won.

Attaturk was a good ruler, converted their alphabet from Greek to Latin, and instituted secularism generally.

sadly Erdowan is their Trump and they have lost much of what Attaturk gave them.

same with Modi vs Ghandi (the original one) in India.

BTW i went to college in the early 90's one guy was Greek and he HATED all Turks, always went on and on about how Istambul was Constantinople and how the Turks were filth. i finally got sick of hearing it and told him he was a fool to get his balls in a knot over a 500 yrs old loss.

oddly enough he had more respect for me after a called him out than before.

but still thought little of him being so tribel minded. not "my friend" material.

i have no tribal friends nor want them.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:17 am
by gaffo
commonsense wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:48 pm
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 7:14 pm
Here, every time we get a so-called 'neo-liberal' govt. (aka social eugenicism) the standard of living goes down, homelessness and poverty escalate, borrowing goes through the roof (with nothing to show for it), the environment suffers, services are 'cut back', there's less money for health and education (but more for their Big Business friends), more corruption.....
What you’re describing is generally what we would call the landscape of the Republican Party in the States.

You wondered why people would vote this way. They’re not bad people. They just have a different viewpoint.

In some ways it all mirrors the rugged individualism of the old time American West.

As enthusiastic individualists, who believe their fortunes are the result of their efforts alone, they may view social programs as handouts to people who may be too lazy to make it on their own.
your talking about Henry!

commonsense wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 8:48 pm For roughly 80% of the American population the standard of living becomes eroded while the other 20% are able to advance their lot.

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer and the middle class is transformed into the so-called working poor. The top 1% have all the wealth.

Personal debt (credit cards and other loans) increase because the 80% try to maintain former levels of living.

The environment is under attack because the rich make more money when corporations make more profits, which often requires a loosening of environmental protections.

ya, ain't trickle down great!?

too bad Bernies lost the primary ;-(.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:20 am
by gaffo
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Fri Jul 10, 2020 11:35 pm Australia has put 300 billion into preparing for war with China.
LOL, good luck with that.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:24 am
by gaffo
RCSaunders wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 2:20 am
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 1:49 am Sounds like a Norman Rockwell painting.

Whatever happened to those days, they are unfortunately gone. These days we have pretty rampant crime. You can't leave a lawnmower sitting out in the yard overnight without it getting carted off by someone. And I live in a relatively decent neighborhood on the far outskirts of the city. Defunding police doesn't sound very realistic to me, not these days.

As far as "no police", maybe you lived in a time of greater social cohesion. These days people are very individualistic and more isolated. they don't go to church or the bowling alley to socialize as much, and when they go to the barbershop, they generally don't stick around and chat a whole lot. It's not exactly the Andy Griffith show with Floyd the barber anymore. It's a shame. Something happened to our society to change it to what it is today. I'm not sure what, though.
There's a reason for the change but it's unlikely what you would believe it is, but I cannot go into it now. So I just have one comment about this:
These days we have pretty rampant crime. You can't leave a lawnmower sitting out in the yard overnight without it getting carted off by someone. And I live in a relatively decent neighborhood on the far outskirts of the city. Defunding police doesn't sound very realistic to me, not these days.
So, what are the police doing? Obviously they aren't stopping the crime. Do you own a gun, Gary? (Please do not answer that question here. No one else needs to know.) If you wait for the police to protect you or your property, it's not going to happen. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away, and if you call them, I guarantee you will be sorry. You have no idea how much trouble they can make for you no matter how innocent you are, especially if you call them during their coffee break.
yep. I'm not Gary, but to answer your question i do not have a gun, due to me having a deepest darkest depression i hope to ever have 20 yrs ago, and know if at that time i had a gun i'd have blown my head off. so no thanks, having a major depression - even if 20 yrs ago - means i'll probably have another in the future.

and ya, i;'ve been burgled twice in 10 yrs - lost a nice TV last time. ... PTpSQ5uo-Q

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:34 am
by gaffo
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 3:56 am

I'm curious about what the reason is for how our society is today so I'll wait for your response on that before posting further in our conversation.
I think much of it is imaginy - inflated hysteria - due to the 24 hour news cycle/"if it bleeds it leads"/viewer $hip of the new media -$$$$$$$$$

I just turn all that shit off.

none of it is actual news anymore anyway, just infotainmen.


BTW where can i find actual news?

what is going on in Lybia now that that civil war ended 8 yrs ago - not a peep of news? - there are at least 2 city states, thats all i know - not there gerography, not the names of the worloards rulling not the capital citys of the city states. nada nothing.

what about the 24? indians that died in the boarder war with china last month? (why so? what started it? did any chinese die?) - what was the cause? - nothing nadda (here we have 24 hrs "news" and the interent - th world is at my findertips - and there is a new blackhole about real events! - 24? indian soldiers died!!!!!!!!! why? what was it about! - i have no clue (I talk to an indian convience stop clerk (modi lover - he got mad at me for calling Trump same as Modi/he hates Trump but love Modi) - he did not even hear of the event! and he's an indian!)

its rediculous - i can get 25 hrs a day new about some dumb statue being torn down, and nothing about at least 24 men shot to death by another Nation (and act of war!) - anywhere!!!!!!!!!!

thats why i've washed my hands of the shit they call "news" today.

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:48 am
by gaffo
Gary Childress wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 5:29 am Elsewhere in BLM news, we whites are apparently genetic "defects", "sub-human" (sorry that's "sub-humxn", we can't say "man" anymore) and could be wiped out if black people really wanted to do so. ... cfe73d1e52

I guess two wrongs really do make a right? :oops:
She sounds like a Hebrew Isrealite, they talk about the Black genes being stronger than white ones (so deny mix race persons as mixed, but intead Black (Trevor Noah should tear her a new on in a debate of reality), melinin this melinin that, i also noted her reference to "allah"

- per anyone interested in education: there are historical reasons as to why there are so many Black Muslims, its due to slavery and some freed slaves chose not be follow their master's religion.


there are at least 10? Black Muslim denominations, most of them are just Muslims with a pro black interest and are not racist.

the 2 denominations i know are Black Supremist are:

The Hebrew Israelites

The Nation of Islam (yes the one Malcom X (a great man killed by his own people when he freed himself of his own racism when he went to the hadj and shortly left the cult)).

Re: Defunding Police

Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2020 1:52 am
by gaffo
Sculptor wrote: Sat Jul 11, 2020 12:07 pm
A few black activists might be crazy as bat shit, but they are pissing in the wind, she ain't "in charge"
not relivant,

what she is saying is no different than a clansman - the latter is not in charge either.

your defense of racism is pathetic.