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Hi everybody!

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 6:00 pm
by Stach77
Hi! My name is Stanisław. I am Polish, that's why my name looks for you as if i have been randomly clicking my keyboard. It is pronounced more less as: Sta-niece-woof. I am 21, and as for today I am a seminarian, that is, i am studying to be a prest in the catholic church. This part of my life however probably comes to an end, as I am on a course of deciding to leave the seminary when this academic year finishes (around mid-June) I have been studying philosophy for 2 years in an English speaking country, beginning in 2017, and from June 2019 I am living in Italy. I am working in a kind of a center for pilgrims, mainly as a gardener. My seminary is a missionary one, so such a year, without any college studying, is also considered to be a part of the formation. I've gone through lot of personal changes in last three years, that is, since i joined the seminary. Regarding philosophy, I am extremely grateful for being able to study it. It has brought questions where i thought that there is nothing more to ask and it showed to me that life is worth living. Right now i have difficulty with describing my philosophical identity, since i am not formed yet and i have lot of things to learn. It is obvious that nobody can be put into a simple form and adjectives such as 'realist' 'empiricist' or 'religious' with 100% accuracy. They are general concepts which serve to simplify the world of ideas, but i will try to describe some of my stances or directions with those.

Starting with the fundamentals. As to faith in God, in those 3 years i moved away from dogmatic-catholic worldview. Right now i am edging on Deism and Agnosticism. The complexity of religion and religious experiences is very abundant and i do not see or feel any particular reason why my religion should be regarded as the 'only' and 'true' one. I am conscious that in the matters of religion it is the personal experience and a testimony of other's experience which makes people to believe. I am not rebelled against. I have seen lot of people who where helped and brought back to life by Christianity and the catholic church. I have as well personal experiences of the goodness of a community brought together by the idea and experience of God. In short: i regard religion as a fruit of human experiences, expression of moral ideas in a way accessible for most people with all possible characteristics and experiences. I think about the bible in a way similar to Spinoza, Carl Jung and Jordan Peterson.

I am very interested in existentialism. Although i do not agree with all of Sartre, he has many passages in which i find my own experiences put on paper by a genius. Same with Kieerkegard and Nietzsche and Camus. I find them extremely accurate and personally relevant in many thoughts they had. I am interested in natural sciences and the philosophy of science. I 'know' some thoughts of Stephen Hawking, Michał Heller and Karl Popper. I have lot of respect for realists and empiricists, and philosophical realism is a stance i would like to hold, although right now i find myself shifting between relativism and realism (i think i will come out with a mix of both, because both can apply to different situations). I like the methods of phenomenology, deconstructionism and methodical doubt. Politically i am moderate right, with both some progressive and conservative standpoints and liberal moral approach (politics are damn complicated, i will find a proper topic to write something there). I would like to be a real patriot, that is, to put something into a common good of my country. I am anti-communistic and anti-anarchistic. I think that the mainstream philosophies of our age will bring us down, and that we are in another breaking moment of human history. Although i have some 'anti-something' ideas, i believe in the necessity of dialogue between different and opposite positions and i hope i will find an opportunity for a constructive dispute here. About philosophy that's all. Surely i forgot about something but it is long enough.

Some final personal remarks. After moving to Poland i want to study psychology or cognitive sciences. I admire beauty in nature and arts. Music and paintings are most moving for me. I like martial arts (i have been training brasilian jiu-jitsu and i hope to return to training). I have problems with procrastination and laziness, self-control, emotions, relations with others and many other things - in short, i am very weak person. I can be very sociable, although i prefer to be alone. I think women are most beautiful creatures on this earth, although i have no understanding of them (one of the things that drove me to the seminary at the age of 19. It comes probably from the relation with my mother which is difficult). I have 7 siblings, 6 nephews and 1 niece and i think that family is an amazing thing, worthy of protection and attention. I like to read books, listen to music work in the garden, sometimes i write poems, mostly bad ones. I have weakness to all kinds of drugs. Before the seminary I have experimented with alcohol and pot (to be sincere i still experiment with alcohol, it is quite a nice substance) and right now i am trying to give up smoking. Life is mostly about relations with others. Love and be loved - amazing. I think life is worth living and experiencing, that suffering is necessary and unavoidable, and that if after death there is nothing, it does not take away anything from us. Memento mori, carpe diem. Surely i forgot about something, but it is quite long so congratulations to anybody who can read it all.
See you on the forum.

Re: Hi everybody!

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:13 am
by attofishpi


I'm awesome too, here is my website - read About Andrew first if you go there.

Re: Hi everybody!

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 9:56 pm
by Stach77
attofishpi wrote: Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:13 am HELLO STAN, YOU ARE AWESOME!!


I'm awesome too, here is my website - read About Andrew first if you go there.
Thanks man, your art is interesting, i will follow it. Your experience is unique. Keep up good work

Re: Hi everybody!

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:21 pm
by henry quirk


This place is full of violent subnormals, so: armor up.



I like your art.

You do commissions?

Re: Hi everybody!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:18 pm
by attofishpi
henry quirk wrote: Sat Jun 06, 2020 10:21 pm Stan,


This place is full of violent subnormals, so: armor up.



I like your art.

You do commissions?
Henry - if U got the dosh U could be my number 1 commission. A wise investment, if you are worthy of it - don't reflect too hard on that. :D
PM if interested.

Re: Hi everybody!

Posted: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:54 pm
by Immanuel Can
Hi, Stan.

Welcome to PN's forum. Henry's right: armour up, because there are some people here who do nothing but ad hominem attacks. But there are also some great folks here.


Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:19 am
by henry quirk
check your private box

Re: Hi everybody!

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 2:20 am
by henry quirk
Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Jun 09, 2020 4:54 pm Hi, Stan.

Welcome to PN's forum. Henry's right: armour up, because there are some people here who do nothing but ad hominem attacks. But there are also some great folks here.
nah, we all suck... ;)