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Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am
by attofishpi
Documentary detailing the origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus - 55mins

Do watch this video before comment.

I think it needs to be said. This world needs to be rid of the Chinese Communist Party.

ALL media need to address any dissent from China towards the Chinese Communist Party - NOT as if they are representative of the innocent Chinese people.
This must be insisted. Unless the media around the world separate the CCP from the people of China, there will be NO separation - the Chinese people will feel equally responsible as the governors that attempt to control their freedom and intellect -the CCP.

It needs to be addressed as the Chinese Communist Party - who ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE of the Chinese people. They are a dictatorship, that cannot even claim to be 'communist', what a hypocrisy. They are a capitalist dictatorship that are in the business of controlling and subjugation of innocent Chinese people.

They - the Chinese Communist Party are a disgrace to the human race and need to be exterminated along with their virus.

We should isolate them. No longer trade with them. Businesses should be boycotted that attempt to continue to operate within their borders for profit at the expense of human dignity.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Mon May 04, 2020 4:29 pm
by Gloominary
Destroy the Chinese Communist Party?

Our governments are looking more and more Chinese everyday.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:27 am
by Arising_uk
Mote in one's eye and all that.

The US are working on producing more infectious versions of the flu so they can study its transmission and their lab security hasn't been all that in the past. The UK are presumably doing the same kind of stuff as are all governments who can afford it I'd assume. You think if an accident happens these governments will stand up and admit it?

Did you know that there have been six escapes of SARS from labs so far? Admittedly four in China so the story that SARS-Cov-2 may have come from a lab escape could hold water but I've just listened to an epidemiologist who's been trying to trace the virus through similarities to other viruses and he thinks it probably started where SARS started in Guangdong province but it just wasn't noticed as being a novel virus until it hit a place that had the resources to do so, Wuhan in this case. ... x-bird-flu ... d=18809363 ... 42641.html

This stuff has been going on for ages, I remember decades ago, but can't find it right now, that the US army 'lost' some deadly shit or other during transportation but the official Army line was that its not missing but still in transit as it was booked out of the base but has not been booked into the other base. :lol:

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 1:34 am
by Impenitent
who needs flu when you've got VX?


Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:50 pm
by attofishpi
Arising_uk wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 1:27 am Mote in one's eye and all that.

The US are working on producing more infectious versions of the flu so they can study its transmission and their lab security hasn't been all that in the past. The UK are presumably doing the same kind of stuff as are all governments who can afford it I'd assume. You think if an accident happens these governments will stand up and admit it?

Did you know that there have been six escapes of SARS from labs so far? Admittedly four in China so the story that SARS-Cov-2 may have come from a lab escape could hold water but I've just listened to an epidemiologist who's been trying to trace the virus through similarities to other viruses and he thinks it probably started where SARS started in Guangdong province but it just wasn't noticed as being a novel virus until it hit a place that had the resources to do so, Wuhan in this case. ... x-bird-flu ... d=18809363 ... 42641.html

This stuff has been going on for ages, I remember decades ago, but can't find it right now, that the US army 'lost' some deadly shit or other during transportation but the official Army line was that its not missing but still in transit as it was booked out of the base but has not been booked into the other base. :lol:
Sure - the point is the intentions of the US v CCP are likely to be quite different, and that's bloody important.

In any case, I was not simply spouting off against the CCP from this virus POV - just generally the fact that they are a disgusting regime. In this day and age there should be no dictatorships on the planet.
The west being so greedy and trading with them, feeding the bloody inevitable dragon - Australia has practically given them their navy.

The way our government has kissed the Chinese arse to ensure our exports are maintained is pathetic.

If all the countries of the world pulled out of China and redirected industry to areas such as India - Korea - Taiwan etc etc... we might get a world worth living in.

60mins Australia - this is how arrogant Chinese - woops - CCP are in relation to Oz.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Tue May 05, 2020 11:56 pm
by Arising_uk
Impenitent wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 1:34 am who needs flu when you've got VX?


Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Wed May 06, 2020 11:48 am
by Gary Childress
Well according to Dr. Anthony Fauci (the current director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) there is no evidence that the virus was made in a Chinese lab:
“If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci says. Based on the scientific evidence, he also doesn’t entertain an alternate theory—that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped." ... e-lab-cvd/

And even if it were true that it was made in a Chinese lab, I would assume the outbreak would have been the result of an accident. And since many countries have labs that do similar research into biological warfare I don't think the CCP would be guilty of an accident that could not happen in another country. The bottom line is that we all should be focusing on international cooperation and goodwill toward each other. The stakes are too high to have distrust and bad will. If the CCP is truly evil, then our only hope is that it eventually falls of its own evil from a change in heart by the Chinese people themselves.

Furthermore, if this was indeed an accident, then it may serve as a wakeup call to the CCP to be more careful in the future.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Fri May 08, 2020 8:20 am
by Dontaskme
attofishpi wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:50 pm In any case, I was not simply spouting off against the CCP from this virus POV - just generally the fact that they are a disgusting regime. In this day and age there should be no dictatorships on the planet.
The west being so greedy and trading with them, feeding the bloody inevitable dragon - Australia has practically given them their navy.
God did it without using a single bullet.

God released the virus on all of us, and now it seems we're all really miffed, suspicious, and pointing fingers and playing the blame game, hating on each other at what we've all been collectively complicit in. What a selfish bunch of hypocrites humans are.

Perhaps it's time to go back to the garden and start again, reset the bar a little higher, maybe get things right next time, maybe not, whatever, the outcome will be either two things... extinction.. or learning the art of how to be civilized, and not only to ourselves but to all the other living animals who share this planet that have just about as much right to their life here, as we do.


Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:21 am
by gaffo
attofishpi wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am Documentary detailing the origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus - 55mins

Do watch this video before comment.

I think it needs to be said. This world needs to be rid of the Chinese Communist Party.

ALL media need to address any dissent from China towards the Chinese Communist Party - NOT as if they are representative of the innocent Chinese people.
This must be insisted. Unless the media around the world separate the CCP from the people of China, there will be NO separation - the Chinese people will feel equally responsible as the governors that attempt to control their freedom and intellect -the CCP.

It needs to be addressed as the Chinese Communist Party - who ARE NOT REPRESENTATIVE of the Chinese people. They are a dictatorship, that cannot even claim to be 'communist', what a hypocrisy. They are a capitalist dictatorship that are in the business of controlling and subjugation of innocent Chinese people.
China, like Russia is a Facsist State today. the latter has full support of Russians (they love Putin!) - not educated enough about the Chinese to know if they are like the Russians and love their PooBear.

Russia is the bigger threat than China to world peace - China is not so rouge, they unlike Russia have not illegally invaded two other nations since 2008.

Though china is the greater power globally, they are less rouge.

attofishpi wrote: Mon May 04, 2020 10:05 am We should isolate them. No longer trade with them. Businesses should be boycotted that attempt to continue to operate within their borders for profit at the expense of human dignity.
Too late for that - 20 yrs now!!!!!!!!!!!

the rest of the world is dependant upon them - China will be the greatest world power - over America - by 2025.

deal with that fact bubba.

your protest is 20 yrs too late, now we need to be smart and deal with the fact that China will be the Wrold Power over the rest of the nations in 5 yrs.


how? ally with India (after - assuming they ride themselves of their Trump-Modi) to contain China until the chinese folk wake up and start to protest against power for powers sake , and start to value the rule of law (as Hong Kong folks are doing now).

---but idiots like the Brits - siding with Boris and Brexit - and so siding with Putin against the EU - does not help the cause of Rule of Law over naked power/fascism.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:29 am
by gaffo
Arising_uk wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 1:27 am Mote in one's eye and all that.

The US are working on producing more infectious versions of the flu so they can study its transmission and their lab security hasn't been all that in the past. The UK are presumably doing the same kind of stuff as are all governments who can afford it I'd assume. You think if an accident happens these governments will stand up and admit it?
BL4 labs in Russia and US have smallpox, the best bio-weapon. "extinct" in the natural world since 1977, and no longer immunised against.

1/3 lethal and very transmissive.

i smart "Jehadi" would go to the artic, find a couple of frozen bodies buried - hope to find smallpox in the tissue, then ask for voluteers to become walking infecting agents to infect the world.

their are bodies up there to be found with the viri.

just sayin, if there were any smart jehadis, they would do as i suggest, but most jehadis are not that smart, thankfully.

the USSR bio-weapon program was top notch, they even figured out how to infect dogs to give them Muliple Sclorosis. A genetic desease that you do not normally "catch" - unless you have a few smart biologists that figure you how to gene splice flue virus with MS type traits to infect "dogs" to get the flue, then 3 moths later come down with MS and a few months later die from MS.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:39 am
by gaffo
and lets not forget Reston VA - where an airborn mutation of ebola (which is normally bloodborn transmission - so though 80 percent lethal,not easily transmitted) - showed itself via the monkeys there in 1983.

400 euthanised. so now we know ebola can mutate to an airborn form, and remain 80-percent lethal.

lovely if that form of the virus gets started someday.

would make smallpox and this corona look like childs play.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:48 am
by gaffo
attofishpi wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:50 pm
In this day and age there should be no dictatorships on the planet.
just like in 1919, post The Great War, where we vowed to build a Legue of Nations, and never allow dictatorships and instead foster liberal democracies.

weill that worked for 5 yrs, then the slide to fascism, back then as now.

and again after the fall of the Iron Curtian...........Eastern Europe become democracies..............then years later forgot about thier occupation by USSR and so now are sliding back into the same old Fascism as in 1925.

memories are short and no shortage of fools.


attofishpi wrote: Tue May 05, 2020 11:50 pm If all the countries of the world pulled out of China and redirected industry to areas such as India - Korea - Taiwan etc etc... we might get a world worth living in.
we have been doing so for decades - since the 1970s - all the above nations have been major trading partners then as now.

and now sadly so is China.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 3:59 am
by gaffo
Gary Childress wrote: Wed May 06, 2020 11:48 am Well according to Dr. Anthony Fauci (the current director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) there is no evidence that the virus was made in a Chinese lab:
“If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, [the scientific evidence] is very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated … Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species,” Fauci says. Based on the scientific evidence, he also doesn’t entertain an alternate theory—that someone found the coronavirus in the wild, brought it to a lab, and then it accidentally escaped." ... e-lab-cvd/

And even if it were true that it was made in a Chinese lab, I would assume the outbreak would have been the result of an accident. And since many countries have labs that do similar research into biological warfare I don't think the CCP would be guilty of an accident that could not happen in another country. The bottom line is that we all should be focusing on international cooperation and goodwill toward each other. The stakes are too high to have distrust and bad will. If the CCP is truly evil, then our only hope is that it eventually falls of its own evil from a change in heart by the Chinese people themselves.

Furthermore, if this was indeed an accident, then it may serve as a wakeup call to the CCP to be more careful in the future.
agreed, wise post.

I'm curious as to it the virus was via natural transmission from bat to pig to people via the farmer market, or if via the lab 20 miles away via a careless worker studying it. (we will never know (the west) - since we lack the intelligence on the ground (spies) - and the only folks that MIGHT know would be the the higher ups in China/lab leadership folks - (assuming there was an accident in the lab) - and if there were they will not tell the rest of the world of there fuckup (they might in 50 yrs or so - for historybooks). and if it was a natural thing, they would not have a secret to tell us 50 yrs hence.

either way, assuming it was a biolab fuckup (and i make no judgment either way (lab or nature/farmer market) lacking evidence), i do not think that China would intentionally release it to infect Wuhan before the rest of the world. China's gov is a facsist regime without morals, but she is not stupid and killed her own people just for the sake of infecting the rest of the do so, it that got out, would welcome revolution.

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:02 am
by gaffo
Dontaskme wrote: Fri May 08, 2020 8:20 am

Perhaps it's time to go back to the garden and start again,

Re: Chinese Communist Party - deserves destruction

Posted: Sat May 09, 2020 4:18 am
by gaffo
lets look toward the future with science.

Corona's RNA is more complex than the Flues, but it is also more stable, so when we get a vaccine in 2 yrs it will work for future version of corona.

HOWEVER, that does not mean immunity for far future, just because the viri will not mutate as fast as the flue and make the vaccien useless.

the vaccine may be useless in and of itself even if the viri's RNA is stable.

look at Rabies, i had to be vacinated agianst this due to a cat bite - 12 shot in my face. 5 yrs ago, good for only 3 yrs, so if bit today by a rabid animal without re-vactination i would die.

same may be true ot the corona, in which case we will all have to re-vacineated every few years for many decades hence.

- we do not know enough about corona yet to know if it might be like rabies, but i may be like it and require repeated vacinations.