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Emergency Economies

Posted: Mon Mar 30, 2020 2:09 pm
by RWStanding
Emergency Economies
It is quite obvious that this country must develop economies for emergency situations. With the ‘standard’ economy frozen so that it can be reopened when the time is right. A war economy. A chaos pandemic economy. Two that come to mind.
If some fleets of airliners and cargo planes are put into mothballs, with all credits and debits frozen, there is perhaps nothing to continue other than basic maintenance and security. In fact the fleets may be taken into state hands for the interim. A worst the economy is that of basic agriculture, supporting industry, essential maintenance of the infrastructure and buildings, and distribution of basic goods. Everyone with rations apportioned directly or purchased from a monetary allowance. Or as suits the situation. The absurdity is in pretending there is one economic system for all social situations, it results in mass bankruptcy and social disruption.
And when we return to normal. The revelation that society exists is late in the day. An altruist society as against anarchistic or servile, is not a globalised love-fest, but a rational set of rules, from the local society upwards. Amongst other things.