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Issue #72?!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:38 am
by Jbearcat
This is the second time this magazine still hasn't arrived at my doorstep. I am a new subscriber, I didn't get the Darwin issue until early March, and it seems like this #72 is never going to come. Is there something wrong with the distribution and this company, or did I just fall off their list somewhere? I am really thinking about not renewing my subscription. Anyone??

Re: Issue #72?!

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2009 10:33 am
by RickLewis
Hi. I'm the publisher of Philosophy Now and am sorry to hear that you haven't had your copy yet. Can you tell me whereabouts in the world you live, and preferably PM me your name and address, so that I can look into this and send you a replacement copy?

Copies do just go astray in the post occasionally - so we replace missing ones as soon as we find out about it. However, to have problems with two consecutive issues suggests that something else has gone wrong.

We put each new issue up on our website very soon after it has been printed, but it occasionally takes several weeks for the physical copies to reach subscribers in countries outside the UK - but I'm not sure if that is what happened in this case. Anyway, do send me your details and I'll sort it out.

Re: Issue #72?!

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 6:24 pm
by lovespinoza
It seems that I consistently get my print copy about a month after the issue appears on the web site.
I'm in Florida (USA)