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Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 3:03 am
by Eodnhoj7
Why we need feminism.

I looked around me today, at the people I talked to, what's on social media, etc and observed one simple thing: Our society places a massive value on the opinions of women.

The reason for this? Women are nurturers...generally speaking. Whatever environment they are a part of they develop it as an extension of themselves. But what is this environment? Well the majority of it is being technologicalized so the labors, both intellectual and physical, required of man are not required in the same manner previous generations viewed them. Most careers are menial labor and even "industrial" forms of creation are vastly be replaced with more and more technology. Most of it does not require the labor of men any more, they are jobs mostly reserved for women.

Feminism is about placing women back in the kitchen within the modern era. Careers are simply a replacement for "do the dishes and laundry" as the jobs of the future will merely be means to maintain a universal income and keep us fed and entertained. Man will be able to sit back and relax while women do all the work. In turn we will tell them they are empowered, they will believe us simply because we tell them to.

These sex scandals? How many of these positions will be replaced by women?...that is the question.

Sex? They are expressing ownership over themselves, they are the one's in charge. And what does a woman do when in charge, but give herself to everyone in order to please them...otherwise noone will love her, and she knows that. Feminism is about getting laid, nothing more...oh I forgot and providing money for government programs.

Man is not really needed anymore, and it is the woman's job to take care of the industrialized society we formed. In turn their nurturing capacity will replace all old moral systems with a completely new relativistic one in which anything goes. Now we can sit back, do nothing and relax.

Women walk around saying "I am empowered"...but they do that because we tell them too.

I would ask "agree/disagree", but in all truth I am telling you what to think...or am I?

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:53 am
by EchoesOfTheHorizon
Perhaps you just didn’t notice that women compose like, 75% of the chatter in human society in general (won’t stop talking dammit), but you managed like any sane male to block out all but the most essential of their conversations, and only recently noticed they had been asking one another their opinions on matters?

I think they do take a rather lopsided amount of conversation, in the form of mindless chatter, but still form only a fraction of coherent arguments that can be deemed as roundly political. By roundly political, I mean a full blown system of ideological politics, not just specific priorities like environment or abortion.... a roundly political theory would be something like Libertarianism (I’m not a Libertarian), which tries to have a position on everything, even if that position is null, they can explain in incredible depth going to Adam Smith or the Austrian School why they don’t much care to be active in this or that area. A well rounded ideological system, same for the Confucians, or the Marxists.

At best, feminists theories resemble to me the “Big Tent Party” approach of the Whigs against Andrew Jackson.... they don’t care how chaotic and contradicting the ideas being put forth are, they all accept it, as long as it has something to do with OPPOSING JACKSON. For Feminism, it is Hate Men/Support Vaginas. Not quite possible to reconcile those two sides of the supposed ideological coin, some women will lean more to Pro-Vagina politics, and not really hate men.... they just feel hey, they are given the short stick in life too often. The man hating faction doesn’t as much care, they think they can just bash males out of existence, or into some subservient category.... like the screaming feminist videos on YouTube. Most guys have seen them at one time or another, bizarre.

Because it is big tent, it lacks focus despite having political potential (in theory, just like with the old Whigs) because they can’t consistently make sense of what they are things to do, the wings of the movement must get really turned off seeing their doppelgänger claiming to represent them, like with all the women who silently supported Trump in the face of Hillary upsurping their position, saying she represents them. Way too many women balked at this.

But to have a vote counted, you don’t have to have a well rounded theory, or just one or two political positions, you can show up and vote in any haphazard manner possible.

I think eventually some force within what we call feminism will eventually look around, say fuck the big tent mentality, and will stake out some of it’s own turf. That happened in the era of Sufferage Rights, wasn’t a anything goes movement, they set their minds to it, and made persuasive arguments not just among themselves, but to men themselves. In today’s age, no self respecting man would call himself a feminist because, well, stuff like the Vagina Monologues (vaginas should never talk) or the screaming feminists on YouTube, or the 4th Reich feel of Hillary’s campaign, the fallout on the left with all the liberal rapists, the intense hipocrisy, and creepy way the senior women in the ranks protect the rapists preying in the younger ranks. That isn’t right.

But if left unchecked, accepted culturally, it would become commonplace. I’ve never just walked up and laid my hands on a woman’s rear who I didn’t know, and don’t want the younger generation growin up thinking it is cool. They have some rotten role models like Kim Kardashian teaching them how to act like complete idiots, glamorized prostitutes. So much can get buy on TV for click bait or for ratings. It would be too easy for a society to condone abuse. So I’m hoping eventually something on the left, or the feminist front, grows out of this, but it doesn’t look good at all right now, int is the same bad actors in politics who supported Hillary, who grew up in the bad system and prospered, who are spearheading stuff now. So I’m largely writing off this movement, waiting for something better to arise someday. You can’t make honey from poison.

Women seem to develop less political theories in general. I’ve heard excuses regarding a difference in neural transmitters between the sexes. I don’t think this is particularly good, as we’ve always had women in leadership and intellectual roles in societies large and small. They just express it in ways not as obvious in concern to what we deem politics today. A example, a lot of conservative women’s are strongly pro family, pro a tax scheme that favors families, education, etc. This isn’t now something in the realm of foreign policy, or military, or being a judge getting tough on crime.... it is a local level concern mostly, and a limited path to get to the highest offices. Sarah Palin went that course, was a Vice Presidential Candidate.... very rare this path gets you anywhere other than departments of education or as a representative for a suburb. Not a clear path to the presidency. It isn’t too different from in the military, Non-combat specialties rarely get promoted, despite being necessary, and rarely get to the point of being a general, especially not the commanding general in a war. You at best get Major. Not because you are incompetent, just how things favor combat positions. Men tend to go after the fields most essential for a society to survive. It isn’t damn hard to hack out a obvious foreign policy position out of modern feminism save it kinda favors the EU, but despises military spending (the only thing the EU want some from the US) is isolationalist but wants to make friends with everyone, and rather investment in America and growing the economy rather than furthing into more conflicts. Basically, feminists hold Donald Trump’s positions, but never ever ever tell them that. They will make a YouTube video screaming. Oh, feminists hate Jews cause Europeans hate Jews, so they differ from Trump on that.

It will be hard but hardly impossible for women even if they hold a majority to develop a platform that makes sense, is practical, and covers all aspects of life. I’m hoping some younger thinkers are looking around, revolted at what Nancy Pelosi and Kamala are doing, and will hack their own way foreward. I’ve seen dedicated fully political women, but it isn’t a society common to see all women act like this. Men can, it is easy for us. It is a nurture vs nature debate, think more nurture than nature, but that nature aspect is hard to deny at times.... but have seen women step up and do a pretty decent job. I definitely want them out of the infantry (no, the Supreme Court has NO AUTHORITY or jurisdiction over the military, it only recently acted like it does) given how weak females frames are, and how quick they can catch a yeast infection.... it isn’t very smart for feminists to push here, they should be pushing in more fertile areas to make gains, like getting more females into leadership roles in civilian society. They need more cultural experiences, seeing a aunt who is a manager of a Walmart, then growing up and the niece taking on a more ambitious job somewhere deemed tougher and more cut throat. Feminists worst enemy isn’t men in this, but the limitations they place on themselves. Guys are wise enough to on know a woman can’t be GI Jane, but this doesn’t translate over to her not being able on be a good salesman or leader or politicians. We know that, you take away the need for brawn, they could be a leader. At the same time, we won’t buy into the affirmative action for maternity if a woman leave to have a child, in a otherwise meritocracy. If guys had to miss years of progress in their career field, for whatever reason, we wouldn’t bitch off we didn’t make it to the highest echelons of advancement, seniority or pay. Why in part a lot of feminist theories are quickly disregarded by men in this area, it isn’t inherently unfair for a man to give decades of his life at 110% in labor and to have it reduced to a sex statistic, claiming he isn’t bad and affirmative action is needed to promote some part timers ahead of him to appease some twisted invalid theory of equality. All too often, equality is neither fair or rational, and when enforced to a extreme, can cause some serious chaos, especially economically and politically, one merely has to glance at the hell Sweden has become to know it is a bad model for any society to adopt. We want women having kids, we also want them to spend time raising them, but also to have jobs in the workforce. Not everything is going to balance out equally in the end and still be sane and reasonable. You can try to make a society of sexual dimorphism in jobs, women with small kids work at home, but how long will that last? We already have people working on computer programs that write computers programs, AI Telemarketers. The very areas women excel a thing they will be shut out of sooner than later. Cruel. Not a obvious solution long term, short of everyone getting a Star Trek replicator and nobody working anymore. Inequalities will exist do to biology.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:12 am
by -1-
Are you, Johndoe and EoH gay? You don't seem to have a high opinion on women.

I think it's time to think of women as human beings, same as men in their humanity, and treat them as such. This is what feminists are and have ever been about.

Some feminists go beyond this, and they are out to prove that they are BETTER than men. En mass, without exception, and the degree that they are better is marked and noticeable. I explain this as a balance reaction to many, many years of male domination of the species.

Of course there are evolution-based differences, for instance, in physical strength, ability to give birth and lactate, etc, which predisposes a division of chores between males and females. But almost all the divisions of labour by gender or sex are mostly historically and culturally heritage-based, not reality-based; even if many or all cultures have the same division. For instance, cooking. It is historically a woman's chore, but it has no roots in biology or evolutionary development of the mind or body. Men can cook too, as can they sew or knit. Women can do executive jobs, and they can teach or research just as well as men. I can't believe that this day and age I have to lecture this to grown-ups who are prancing on philosophy sites disguised as thinking, mature people. Men and women can both be sailors, now that physical strength is not a prerequisite. Women make same quality of soldiers, doctors, janitors, landscape gardeners, etc. etc. etc. as men.

There are very, very few professions which are gender-specific, based on very, very few abilities that separate men from women and vice versa. For instance, what is it that three men can always do at the same time, but three women can't? Well, that is the task of peeing in the same toilet bowl at the same time. ETC. This gives men extreme advantage at certain paid professions, for instance, in firefighting (where down-time at the job in certain situation is critical to not happen.) Say, the bell rings at the fire station, where firefighters are readied to go out and fight that nasty fire, and five firefighter men have to pee, and five firefighting women have to pee, and there is one toilet for men, and one for women... you do the calculation.

Curious to notice, that the labour force of one of the most modern professions just at first was made up exclusively by male employees, and that is not due to gender bias, but for some reason men better answering the call for the abilities to pursue that profession. The profession started in, I think, 1961, and for way over ten years in America it was exclusively a man's domain to fill jobs. In Europe, a sole woman was given the task in the sixties, and afterward, for at least twenty years, nobody employed a female to do this job.

And this job is...? YOU may guess what I am thinking about.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:26 pm
by Greta
-1- wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:12 amI think it's time to think of women as human beings, same as men in their humanity, and treat them as such. This is what feminists are and have ever been about.
Thanks -1-. Exactly. The misogyny on this forum is very odd at times. It seems there is some expression of repression going on.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:08 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Greta wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:26 pm
-1- wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:12 amI think it's time to think of women as human beings, same as men in their humanity, and treat them as such. This is what feminists are and have ever been about.
Thanks -1-. Exactly. The misogyny on this forum is very odd at times. It seems there is some expression of repression going on.
How is this misogyny, explain that to me? Is it sexist to label all "men" misogynistic, just for having an opinion that differs from a woman?

And for the record, the post points out how feminism uses women.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:18 pm
by Eodnhoj7
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 5:53 am Perhaps you just didn’t notice that women compose like, 75% of the chatter in human society in general (won’t stop talking dammit), but you managed like any sane male to block out all but the most essential of their conversations, and only recently noticed they had been asking one another their opinions on matters?

I don't think it is "just noticing" but rather repressing an obvious truth I did not want to admit. I look around, whether in real life or on social media, and it appears that men are weak and put up with women precisely because they want to get laid. I am no different, in this respect but I have boundaries for the "nonsense".

I think they do take a rather lopsided amount of conversation, in the form of mindless chatter, but still form only a fraction of coherent arguments that can be deemed as roundly political. By roundly political, I mean a full blown system of ideological politics, not just specific priorities like environment or abortion.... a roundly political theory would be something like Libertarianism (I’m not a Libertarian), which tries to have a position on everything, even if that position is null, they can explain in incredible depth going to Adam Smith or the Austrian School why they don’t much care to be active in this or that area. A well rounded ideological system, same for the Confucians, or the Marxists.

At best, feminists theories resemble to me the “Big Tent Party” approach of the Whigs against Andrew Jackson.... they don’t care how chaotic and contradicting the ideas being put forth are, they all accept it, as long as it has something to do with OPPOSING JACKSON.
Women's arguments are premised on relativist reasoning. Relativism, has its place, however when left to itself it is contradictory. It appears to me, the majority of men are actual weakling in terms of "discussion". It does not take a genius to observe the country and culture is decaying at a rapid rate, and the deepest thing most men can concieve of is sports.

I obviously have little regard for the opinions of women, but the same applies for men. Just recently, a few months ago, a coworker of mine continually rambled on and on for weaks about meaningless I spit in his face. Is it wise? Foolish? People will have their opinions. The truth is the majority of modern men and women are weak cattle who have no right to an opinion, why shouldn't they have force wielded over them?

For Feminism, it is Hate Men/Support Vaginas.
There is truth to that statement, however the truth is that Feminism does turn women into a slave class and puts them back into the kitchen. It helps one in getting laid also.

Not quite possible to reconcile those two sides of the supposed ideological coin, some women will lean more to Pro-Vagina politics, and not really hate men.... they just feel hey, they are given the short stick in life too often. The man hating faction doesn’t as much care, they think they can just bash males out of existence, or into some subservient category.... like the screaming feminist videos on YouTube. Most guys have seen them at one time or another, bizarre.

Because it is big tent, it lacks focus despite having political potential (in theory, just like with the old Whigs) because they can’t consistently make sense of what they are things to do, the wings of the movement must get really turned off seeing their doppelgänger claiming to represent them, like with all the women who silently supported Trump in the face of Hillary upsurping their position, saying she represents them. Way too many women balked at this.

But to have a vote counted, you don’t have to have a well rounded theory, or just one or two political positions, you can show up and vote in any haphazard manner possible.

I think eventually some force within what we call feminism will eventually look around, say fuck the big tent mentality, and will stake out some of it’s own turf. That happened in the era of Sufferage Rights, wasn’t a anything goes movement, they set their minds to it, and made persuasive arguments not just among themselves, but to men themselves. In today’s age, no self respecting man would call himself a feminist because, well, stuff like the Vagina Monologues (vaginas should never talk) or the screaming feminists on YouTube, or the 4th Reich feel of Hillary’s campaign, the fallout on the left with all the liberal rapists, the intense hipocrisy, and creepy way the senior women in the ranks protect the rapists preying in the younger ranks. That isn’t right.

But if left unchecked, accepted culturally, it would become commonplace. I’ve never just walked up and laid my hands on a woman’s rear who I didn’t know, and don’t want the younger generation growin up thinking it is cool. They have some rotten role models like Kim Kardashian teaching them how to act like complete idiots, glamorized prostitutes. So much can get buy on TV for click bait or for ratings. It would be too easy for a society to condone abuse. So I’m hoping eventually something on the left, or the feminist front, grows out of this, but it doesn’t look good at all right now, int is the same bad actors in politics who supported Hillary, who grew up in the bad system and prospered, who are spearheading stuff now. So I’m largely writing off this movement, waiting for something better to arise someday. You can’t make honey from poison.

Women seem to develop less political theories in general. I’ve heard excuses regarding a difference in neural transmitters between the sexes. I don’t think this is particularly good, as we’ve always had women in leadership and intellectual roles in societies large and small. They just express it in ways not as obvious in concern to what we deem politics today. A example, a lot of conservative women’s are strongly pro family, pro a tax scheme that favors families, education, etc. This isn’t now something in the realm of foreign policy, or military, or being a judge getting tough on crime.... it is a local level concern mostly, and a limited path to get to the highest offices. Sarah Palin went that course, was a Vice Presidential Candidate.... very rare this path gets you anywhere other than departments of education or as a representative for a suburb. Not a clear path to the presidency. It isn’t too different from in the military, Non-combat specialties rarely get promoted, despite being necessary, and rarely get to the point of being a general, especially not the commanding general in a war. You at best get Major. Not because you are incompetent, just how things favor combat positions. Men tend to go after the fields most essential for a society to survive. It isn’t damn hard to hack out a obvious foreign policy position out of modern feminism save it kinda favors the EU, but despises military spending (the only thing the EU want some from the US) is isolationalist but wants to make friends with everyone, and rather investment in America and growing the economy rather than furthing into more conflicts. Basically, feminists hold Donald Trump’s positions, but never ever ever tell them that. They will make a YouTube video screaming. Oh, feminists hate Jews cause Europeans hate Jews, so they differ from Trump on that.

It will be hard but hardly impossible for women even if they hold a majority to develop a platform that makes sense, is practical, and covers all aspects of life. I’m hoping some younger thinkers are looking around, revolted at what Nancy Pelosi and Kamala are doing, and will hack their own way foreward. I’ve seen dedicated fully political women, but it isn’t a society common to see all women act like this. Men can, it is easy for us. It is a nurture vs nature debate, think more nurture than nature, but that nature aspect is hard to deny at times.... but have seen women step up and do a pretty decent job. I definitely want them out of the infantry (no, the Supreme Court has NO AUTHORITY or jurisdiction over the military, it only recently acted like it does) given how weak females frames are, and how quick they can catch a yeast infection.... it isn’t very smart for feminists to push here, they should be pushing in more fertile areas to make gains, like getting more females into leadership roles in civilian society. They need more cultural experiences, seeing a aunt who is a manager of a Walmart, then growing up and the niece taking on a more ambitious job somewhere deemed tougher and more cut throat. Feminists worst enemy isn’t men in this, but the limitations they place on themselves. Guys are wise enough to on know a woman can’t be GI Jane, but this doesn’t translate over to her not being able on be a good salesman or leader or politicians. We know that, you take away the need for brawn, they could be a leader. At the same time, we won’t buy into the affirmative action for maternity if a woman leave to have a child, in a otherwise meritocracy. If guys had to miss years of progress in their career field, for whatever reason, we wouldn’t bitch off we didn’t make it to the highest echelons of advancement, seniority or pay. Why in part a lot of feminist theories are quickly disregarded by men in this area, it isn’t inherently unfair for a man to give decades of his life at 110% in labor and to have it reduced to a sex statistic, claiming he isn’t bad and affirmative action is needed to promote some part timers ahead of him to appease some twisted invalid theory of equality. All too often, equality is neither fair or rational, and when enforced to a extreme, can cause some serious chaos, especially economically and politically, one merely has to glance at the hell Sweden has become to know it is a bad model for any society to adopt. We want women having kids, we also want them to spend time raising them, but also to have jobs in the workforce. Not everything is going to balance out equally in the end and still be sane and reasonable. You can try to make a society of sexual dimorphism in jobs, women with small kids work at home, but how long will that last? We already have people working on computer programs that write computers programs, AI Telemarketers. The very areas women excel a thing they will be shut out of sooner than later. Cruel. Not a obvious solution long term, short of everyone getting a Star Trek replicator and nobody working anymore. Inequalities will exist do to biology.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 6:34 pm
by Eodnhoj7
-1- wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:12 am Are you, Johndoe and EoH gay? You don't seem to have a high opinion on women.

Is that why you keep following me around? I am sorry to disappoint you, but I am sure their is another man out their for you somewhere. Just be positive and believe in yourself.

I think it's time to think of women as human beings, same as men in their humanity, and treat them as such. This is what feminists are and have ever been about.

I am treating them as equals, that is the entire point. It is misogynistic to do otherwise. They want to be treated like men, then they should be treated as such.

Some feminists go beyond this, and they are out to prove that they are BETTER than men. En mass, without exception, and the degree that they are better is marked and noticeable. I explain this as a balance reaction to many, many years of male domination of the species.

The same goes for misogynistic pro-male groups.

Of course there are evolution-based differences, for instance, in physical strength, ability to give birth and lactate, etc, which predisposes a division of chores between males and females. But almost all the divisions of labour by gender or sex are mostly historically and culturally heritage-based, not reality-based;
Considering that majority of labor, prior to the industrial revolution, was either heavy physical or intellectual labor did not evolution result in this? If women are nurturers by nature, physically/emotionally/etc., why would society create an artificial construct around it.

even if many or all cultures have the same division. For instance, cooking. It is historically a woman's chore, but it has no roots in biology or evolutionary development of the mind or body.
Considering man was relegated to tribal groups, and evolved in this manner, each person was required a "place" in society. Would a women be expected to cut down a tree and build a house? Or would be it more efficient if a man did it? Would a man be expected to "nurse" a child? Or would it be more efficient if a woman did it.

Men can cook too, as can they sew or knit. Women can do executive jobs, and they can teach or research just as well as men. I can't believe that this day and age I have to lecture this to grown-ups who are prancing on philosophy sites disguised as thinking, mature people. Men and women can both be sailors, now that physical strength is not a prerequisite. Women make same quality of soldiers, doctors, janitors, landscape gardeners, etc. etc. etc. as men.
If that is the case, then how do they always claim to be victims and dis-empowered?

There are very, very few professions which are gender-specific, based on very, very few abilities that separate men from women and vice versa.
Men and women can both be soldiers, but if a battalion of women fought a battalion of men would would win? Men and women can both build, but how come women do not get together and build houses or their children?

For instance, what is it that three men can always do at the same time, but three women can't? Well, that is the task of peeing in the same toilet bowl at the same time. ETC. This gives men extreme advantage at certain paid professions, for instance, in firefighting (where down-time at the job in certain situation is critical to not happen.) Say, the bell rings at the fire station, where firefighters are readied to go out and fight that nasty fire, and five firefighter men have to pee, and five firefighting women have to pee, and there is one toilet for men, and one for women... you do the calculation.
So evolution says women are not good firefighters, and bladder control should be tested prior to firefighter academy?

Curious to notice, that the labour force of one of the most modern professions just at first was made up exclusively by male employees, and that is not due to gender bias, but for some reason men better answering the call for the abilities to pursue that profession. The profession started in, I think, 1961, and for way over ten years in America it was exclusively a man's domain to fill jobs. In Europe, a sole woman was given the task in the sixties, and afterward, for at least twenty years, nobody employed a female to do this job.

And this job is...? YOU may guess what I am thinking about.

I can assure you whatever it is, most likely laborer's work at minimum, is slowly disappearing.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:23 pm
by davidm
Greta wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:26 pm
-1- wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:12 amI think it's time to think of women as human beings, same as men in their humanity, and treat them as such. This is what feminists are and have ever been about.
Thanks -1-. Exactly. The misogyny on this forum is very odd at times. It seems there is some expression of repression going on.
Feminism is about getting laid, nothing more … feminists hate jews … Guys are wise enough to on know a woman can’t be GI Jane … Yeah, tell that to all the women who have fought in the military. lol

Why would anyone want to read this garbage, still less attempt to rebut it?

It’s not just the misogyny here, there is rampant racism (black people actually being called coloreds again), homophobia, transphobia, just out-and-out venom from ignoramuses given free reign to spout their Trumpian bigotry. This is not even to mention the right-wing religious wackjobs here, but those I can tolerate because religion is a valid philosophical topic and some interesting discussions can sometimes ensue, such as segueing to modal ontological arguments, which has been done, and also the discussion about the alleged impossibility of an infinite number of finitely distant past events, an impossibility advocated by ICan that I demonstrated to be wrong.

Note that there is NO philosophy in this thread, just the unhinged ranting of ill-informed bigots.

But the unhinged bigotry is tolerated here, for reasons that totally elude me. Nor am I interested in finding out those reasons at this point, because it doesn’t matter. The damage has been done to Philosophy Now.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:43 pm
by Eodnhoj7
davidm wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 8:23 pm
Greta wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 12:26 pm
-1- wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:12 amI think it's time to think of women as human beings, same as men in their humanity, and treat them as such. This is what feminists are and have ever been about.
Thanks -1-. Exactly. The misogyny on this forum is very odd at times. It seems there is some expression of repression going on.
Feminism is about getting laid, nothing more … feminists hate jews … Guys are wise enough to on know a woman can’t be GI Jane … Yeah, tell that to all the women who have fought in the military. lol

Why would anyone want to read this garbage, still less attempt to rebut it?

Oh I knew this thread was going to be alot of fun when I started it....go ahead be angry....grrrr ...hahah....

It’s not just the misogyny here, there is rampant racism (black people actually being called coloreds again), homophobia, transphobia, just out-and-out venom from ignoramuses given free reign to spout their Trumpian bigotry. This is not even to mention the right-wing religious wackjobs here, but those I can tolerate because religion is a valid philosophical topic and some interesting discussions can sometimes ensue, such as segueing to modal ontological arguments, which has been done, and also the discussion about the alleged impossibility of an infinite number of finitely distant past events, an impossibility advocated by ICan that I demonstrated to be wrong.

Note that there is NO philosophy in this thread, just the unhinged ranting of ill-informed bigots.

Is that so? And the above was not "unhinged ranting of ill-informed bigots." What I am a trump supporter because I just made an observation that feminism puts women back into a work place no different than metaphorically dreaded "Kitchen".

But the unhinged bigotry is tolerated here, for reasons that totally elude me. Nor am I interested in finding out those reasons at this point, because it doesn’t matter. The damage has been done to Philosophy Now.

And feminism does not use women as slaves? Are you a misogynist? How is forcing a woman to have a career any different then saying "get back into the kitchen"?
They should have a count how many times the word misogynist is used and will be used. "Misogynist!, Misogynist!"....So what...cry me a river....

Feminism derives its moral authority form what? Trying to get men to listen to them? Convince eachother they are right, because deep down they doubt themselves?

Then you have the polar dual angry Pro-male "I can't get laid" groups running around saying they are better than women, while the pro-feminist men are doing the same thing hoping to get laid.

It is all a this thread will be.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:39 pm
by Greta
Feminism is not about forcing women to have careers :lol: It's about giving women a choice.

In the real world, couples often struggle to pay off their mortgages and this is all that forces unwilling women (and men) into the workforce. A husband is earning an average wage of around $50k may well have a higher rent bill his net pay. Thus, he needs his partner to be working.

Yes Dave, there is an unusual amount of objectification of other people on this forum. It appears to be multicausal:

1. Skews due to emotional investment, eg. self hating bisexuals on the forum who are basically outing themselves with their cartoonish homophobia and misogyny

2. Mental laziness. Its easier to paint an entire population with a broad brush than to try to examine the actual reality

3. Resentment against women due to one too many rejections.

Each is understandable, but for the members involved there is some self examination to be had if they are accept themselves. So it goes.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 3:38 am
by Eodnhoj7
Greta wrote: Mon Dec 18, 2017 11:39 pm Feminism is not about forcing women to have careers :lol: It's about giving women a choice.

What is the difference between giving a person a choice and telling them what to do? If earning potential is reduced to such a manner, women "have to" work to get by, then what choice is their in that? How is it a choice if they are disempowered if they choose not too?

In the real world, couples often struggle to pay off their mortgages and this is all that forces unwilling women (and men) into the workforce.
In the real world, people bite off more than they can chew and buy what they do not need and cannot afford, because they are told they are "nothing" unless they do so.

In the real world, couples process through eachother out of boredom and the inability to face personal issues. The majority of their financial problems are a result of a hedonism resulting from an inability to process reality.

A husband is earning an average wage of around $50k may well have a higher rent bill his net pay. Thus, he needs his partner to be working.

What type of man is that? I understand the real world, too well, but it would appear that a man who cannot support himself or his partner is no "man" in any financial sense of the term. In a seperate respect, what type of wife would spend require the majority of thier money to be spent on trivial items?

I understand the necessity under abnormal financial circumstance (layoff, medical bills, etc.) but as a way of life?

Yes Dave, there is an unusual amount of objectification of other people on this forum. It appears to be multicausal:

1. Skews due to emotional investment, eg. self hating bisexuals on the forum who are basically outing themselves with their cartoonish homophobia and misogyny

2. Mental laziness. Its easier to paint an entire population with a broad brush than to try to examine the actual reality

3. Resentment against women due to one too many rejections.

Each is understandable, but for the members involved there is some self examination to be had if they are accept themselves. So it goes.
How is labeling not the same form of objectification? What exactly constitutes a resentment of women? Things cannot be labeled as misogyny or skewed sexuality, just because they are viewed seperately. What reason is there in this, what equality?

Feminism is about putting women back in the workplace and exploiting them sexually. Women are simply afraid to hear this perspective as many have devoted themselves to a cause force fed down their throats, in turn out of fear they have to throw ad-hominums, usually of a sexual deficient nature because that is how they view the world: "something is sexually wrong with me".

Hence the projections of bisexuality, mental laziness and resentment for be rejected (usually from one night stands). These are all things women struggle with alot more then men.

Feminism is an invention of men and by men. It institutionalized slavery, and women are too insecure to see it, because it would mean they are out of control...and that is too horrifying to admit. We see this within many feminist movements and culture (music, movies, etc.) where the continual pursuit of power, implies an inherent lack of control. Even the emotional behavior of screaming and general rage, in many of these movements, implies a degree of helplessness.

So tell do I hate women?

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:00 am
by Greta
You have this issue so backwards that I see no way of ever getting through to you, and the red text is unreadable and would give me a headache if I tried.

I am astonished at just how weird people are on this forum about sex and gender.

Again, women are human beings. Meditate on this. Yes, we are real human beings with just as much quality as men.

Also note, a man is an adult human with a penis, that all. If you believe that men who look after the kids while the wife makes big money are not men, does that mean you also consider gay men not to be men? If you come to philosophy forums unaware of the simplest of fallacies (in this case, the true Scotsman fallacy) then you are out of your depth.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:44 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Greta wrote: Tue Dec 19, 2017 6:00 am You have this issue so backwards that I see no way of ever getting through to you, and the red text is unreadable and would give me a headache if I tried.

I am astonished at just how weird people are on this forum about sex and gender.

In summary, feminism proves things have not change other than women, just like men, are being used through an institutionalized form of slavery.

Again, women are human beings. Meditate on this. Yes, we are real human beings with just as much quality as men.

I agree, but why do you need my agreement? What value is that to you?

Also note, a man is an adult human with a penis, that all. If you believe that men who look after the kids while the wife makes big money are not men, does that mean you also consider gay men not to be men? If you come to philosophy forums unaware of the simplest of fallacies (in this case, the true Scotsman fallacy) then you are out of your depth.

And what does a penis do by nature but "generate". A man who cannot generate anything is deficient in value, as the ability to create or destroy is what defines a man.

If a man has to look after the kids while the wife makes big money, it apparently shows that the mother rather spend time accumulating cash then spend time with her children.

But it just proves my point, feminism is about putting women "back in the kitchen" while the man sits at home and does nothing.

Now, under extreme circumstance, like I said before, it is necessary for a woman to go out and work but the truth is most children need their mother. So I am not against working mothers, as there are plenty of them who give an honest effort to get by. But the truth is the majority slept around without getting married, and are now paying for it. Not all, but a sizeable majority.

There are plenty of gay men who made contributions to society, in the form of art, invention, etc. so the act of "generation" is not limited to a strict sexual orientation. In all frankness though, women through the gay man card, try to disorient weak men who need the approval of a woman. Most men claim to accept homosexuality because if they don't they are homophobic, if they are deemed homophobic it threatens their masculinity. In turn the man doesn't get laid.

The simple truth is that men are weak and stupid, and need the approval of others in order to form their own identity. Women know this.

Re: Feminism is About Putting Women Back in the Kitchen

Posted: Thu Jan 18, 2018 12:12 am
by GreatandWiseTrixie
Modern woman is the same if not more of a man than modern man.

She is more obsessed with money, and a much harder and disciplined worker. Also, some women are more cold hearted and psychopathic too. And furthermore, she is actually more repulsed and disturbed by men's sexual advances than actual heterosexual males are.