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Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 6:50 pm
by Philosophy Explorer

Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:40 pm
by Arising_uk
Why would smart women wish to date men stupider than them?

Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:43 pm
by Philosophy Explorer
Arising_uk wrote:Why would smart women wish to date men stupider than them?
Superiority complex?


Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 7:48 pm
by Arising_uk
Is that why men do it?

Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 8:12 pm
by Philosophy Explorer
Arising_uk wrote:Is that why men do it?
Inferiority complex?


Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 2:51 am
by Dubious
They don't have to 'show' they're smarter than a man, they merely have to 'be' smarter. Intelligence will reveal itself, regardless. You'd think in current Western society that kind of equality would already be more or less established. Things ain't as traditional as they used to be.

Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:13 am
by Lacewing
Arising_uk wrote:Why would smart women wish to date men stupider than them?
Sometimes that's all there is to choose from. 8)

And if the men are at least fun... well... that's worth something.

Like a lot of women, I felt like I had to hold back on my full throttle in order not to overwhelm/threaten my male partners. They each guessed as much, saying that they wondered why I was with them and how long I would stay... but still we both participated in pretending for awhile that everything was primarily about them and because of them. At that time, it's what I thought was necessary to do to make things last -- and I suppose it was. That was then; this is now.

I can't imagine concealing myself ever again. It's like a terrible and disrespectful waste of wonderfully creative energy potential! My married male friends very much enjoy my full throttle, but then... we're not partners! Partnerships seem to set up a lot of tricky dynamics -- one being, that men like to compete and set up "opponents". Which (for me) screws up a loving relationship.

I think humankind needs to evolve if it wants better relationship experiences and a broader consciousness. I don't think that we are even close to our full potential. It would help if we stop focusing on the notion of MALE GODS, and celebrate the sacredness in ALL. Women have such a powerful and transformational energy that could assist even more in evolving humankind if men would stop fighting it.

We humans limit ourselves by evaluating worth based on some current idea/standard of "intelligence"... instead of realizing that there are other significant and VITAL energies at work and available to us. The irony is that focusing on our heads actually stunts our awareness.

Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 4:25 am
by artisticsolution
Arising_uk wrote:Why would smart women wish to date men stupider than them?
I would rank kindness as more important than intelligence...then sense of humor. Intelligence would be next...but I kinda think sense of humor and intelligence go hand in hand.

We are talking about men for mates right? If it's just any man walking down the street...then fuck em if they want women to dumb down...well...okay...don't fuck em...they don't deserve to be

Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Sat Oct 17, 2015 5:11 am
by Skip
"Is it OK..." sounds like there is some kind of rule about this.
Who would have made the rule? What are the penalties for breaking it?
Will men someday have to admit that woman are - on average - as bright as they are? Sure.
If they all look for life-mates stupider than themselves, there will be consequences:
- a lot of smart women will be unmarried - and free to do whatever they want, with whomever they want -
- but they probably won't have babies, which mean taking some of the most intelligent genes out of the pool
- the men near the top of the heap will not be as successful as they would have been with clever wives
- the men lower down the totem pole will stay where they are
The most intelligent men realize this, and look for mates with whom they can make the best and most effective team.
Plus, in 50 years, you can get damn lonely, sharing a home with someone who doesn't get your jokes or surprise you or help you work though problems or notice the danger you missed or fill the gaps in your knowledge.

Re: Is it OK for women to show they're smarter than men?

Posted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 6:35 am
by duszek
A clever wife or girlfriend can be an ally and an adviser and a coach instead of an opponent.

Let´s just take the memory which is part of the intelligence.

The guy can always ask while they are driving somewhere together: what was the name again, sweety ?

And sweety provides the information like a dictionary or like google would.

A smart woman can also provide excellent arguments disguised as shy suggestions or simply ideas.
It is a skill men also use towards their male bosses.

Why bother with these strategies ?
Because traditionally men need to practice a sort of dominant behaviour in order to survive and women can relax and see what happens.