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Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:45 pm
by mhoraine
Hi again !!

Would just like to thank everybody at PN , and all who contribute to this forum, for being a continual source of inspiration, joy and humour.
Yes, even the naughty doggy !!

Have a wonderful time over the festive season.

Love and best wishes


Re: Thanks

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:57 pm
by Morpheus
Hello Mhoraine,

As I'm still new here, I don't think we've met within a thread. Any way, here's wishing you a happy festive season too. However, I'm tempted to put the dog in solitary confinement and starve it over the holidays...cough. Er, forgive me. It's the season of goodwill and all that and I should observe it.

Love and peace,


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 6:49 pm
by mhoraine
Hi Morpheus

Morpheus. Did you say that was the name of the God of Poppies or something....? Not that you are 'A Morphing One' ?

Yes, you are quite correct. I haven't been netted in the threads of PN lately. However, I do haul in a juicy catch every so often.

The PN magazine has wOw'ed me today.
The review and link to Vonnegut's ' 2 B R 0 2 B' was much appreciated :

'•Utopian/dystopian aficionados, and anyone else, can find ‘2 B R 0 2 B’ on the Gutenberg Project’s website at'

Well-timed, given the current rash of documentaries on assisted suicide.
Perhaps this calls for a thread, if no-one has started one already...

See ya' around.


Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 7:24 pm
by Morpheus
Yes, Morpheus the original. Not the character in the Matrix film. Morpheus is the ancient Greek god of dreams and opium poppies. And of course poppies give us morphine, a wonderful pain killer and trigger of dreams and eventually death. He morphs in the dream world. I must read your assisted suicide thread next...