Quote of the day

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

tiny nietzsche

if it looks like a fascist, and walks like a fascist, and talks like a fascist, it's a fascist

Hard to Trump this, right?

animal, vegetable, or robot

Finally that's been updated.

rock, paper, entropy

Finally that's been updated.

I wish I had a big cock just like iggy pop

Uh, how big?

by the age of 30 you should realize it is pointless, but play your hand anyway

I was about 15 myself.

my doktor says I have tertiary sisyphus

I had that once.
Unless of course I still do.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Galileo Galilei

I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him.

On the other hand, imagine him here gaping at the pinheads

In the sciences, the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man.

Next up: in the is/ought world.

Knowing thyself, that is the greatest wisdom.

Obviously, he never came across someone like me. Back then there probably weren't any.

I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with senses, reason, and intellect has intended us to forego their use.

See, I told you!!

To be humane, we must ever be ready to pronounce that wise, ingenious and modest statement 'I do not know'.

Any among the humane here?

Two truths cannot contradict one another.

At least until Atlas shrugs.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Willem de Kooning

I might work on a painting for a month, but it has to look like I painted it in a minute.

It has to?

The drawings that interest me most are made with closed eyes. With eyes closed, I feel my hand slide down on the paper. I have an image in mind, but the results always surprise me.

I'll bet they do.

I'd like to get all the colors in the world into one painting.

"It has been estimated that humans can distinguish roughly 10 million different colors." wiki

Not even for a million dollars would I paint a tree.

On the other hand: https://smartify.org/artworks/a-tree-in-naples

You have to keep on the very edge of something, all the time, or the picture dies.

You know, whatever that means.

The past does not influence me; I influence it.

Let's try to figure out how.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Philosophy Tweets

“No matter what happens, it is within my power to turn it to my advantage.” Epictetus


"Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it." Epictetus

Sieg Heil?

"You are a citizen of the universe . . ." Epictetus

How's that working out for you?

"Only the educated are free." Epictetus

Next up: the educated define free.

“The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.” Confucius

Try to imagine him around today!

"Wealth is the number of things one can do without." Fyodor Dostoevsky

You first.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Geraldine Brooks

How little we know, I thought, of the people we live amongst.

More to the point, of course, how little they know about us.

David, like many people, had made the mistake of confusing 'meek' with 'weak'.

Not counting all the exceptions.

I felt the reckless abandon of one who knows she stands already among the damned. Why not, then, another sin?

In fact, shoot the moon.

You, he continued, grabbing my wrist. All of you, from the safe world, with your air bags and your tamper-proof packaging and your fat-free diets. You are the superstitious ones. You convince yourself you can cheat death, and you are absolutely offended when you learn that you can't. You sat in your nice little flat all through our war and watched us, bleeding all over the TV news. And you thought, 'How awful!' and then you got up and made yourself another cup of gourmet coffee.

Or, sure, just changed the channel.

You've got a society where people tolerate difference, like Spain in the Convivencia, and everything's humming along: creative, prosperous. Then somehow this fear, this hate, this need to demonize 'the other'--it just sort of rears up and smashes the whole society. Inquisition, Nazis, extremist Serb nationalists...same old, same old.

Of course that could never happen here.

...the greatest cruelty of madness is the power it has to blot out a person.

Lots of them sometimes.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Existential Comics

Reminder that your boss doesn't pay your salary, you pay his salary.

Or, sure, both.

The biggest problem with being a philosopher is that Karl Marx was already right about everything, so there isn't really much to do.

Any objections? :lol:

By age 30, you should have already discovered all the bands that you are ever going to like in your life.

Nope. I was already 30 when I discovered New Wave.

By age 30, you should have mastered Karl Marx's magnum opus Das Kapital. Volume I at least. By age 30, you should have read a decent portion of the Das Kaptial Volume I. The introduction, at least.

Nope again. No telling why though.

The evolution of the internet:
Web 1.0: static content
Web 2.0: dynamic user generated content
Web 3.0: scams

And of course what we do here.

Socialism will never work because of human nature...humans are too dumb to realize we should be doing socialism.

Pick one:
1] Genes
2] Memes
3] Both
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Re: Quote of the day

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Edward Abbey

I suppose each of us has his own fantasy of how he wants to die. I would like to go out in a blaze of glory, myself, or maybe simply disappear someday, far out in the heart of the wilderness I love, all by myself, alone with the Universe and whatever God may happen to be looking on. Disappear - and never return. That's my fantasy.

Instead: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Ab ... and_burial

Walking is the only form of transportation in which a man proceeds erect - like a man - on his own legs, under his own power. There is immense satisfaction in that.

That and knowing when to stop.

Of all the featherless beasts, only man, chained by his self-imposed slavery to the clock, denies the elemental fire and proceeds as best he can about his business, suffering quietly, martyr to his madness.

Let's blame capitalism.

From the point of view of a tapeworm, man was created by God to serve the appetite of the tapeworm.

Any tapeworms here?

One man alone can be pretty dumb sometimes, but for real bona fide stupidity, there ain't nothing can beat teamwork.

To cite just one example: Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Thomas, Roberts
You know, if you're a liberal.

An empty man is full of himself.

Both clever and true.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


I don't regret the Flood but I regret the ark.

Is that righteous enough for you?

You are a device for your phone.

Progress let's call it.

Did I create quantum mechanics?
Yes and no.

Even He's baffled.

One of the worst things about stupid people is the way they think you're stupid.

Yo, Mr. Pinhead! You're up!!

The right does evil well.
The left does good poorly.

Well, down here anyway.

Trump pleaded the Fifth.
It took a massive criminal investigation to finally make him shut the fuck up.

My guess: He may or may not get the last word.
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Re: Quote of the day

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Ed Yong

At a depth of 2,400 metres, about a mile and a half straight down, the team found the vents they had predicted, but also something they had not – life, in extreme abundance. . . The team were so unprepared to find life that there wasn’t a single biologist among them – they were all geologists. When they collected specimens and brought them back to the surface, the only preservative they had was vodka.

My guess: It's a true story.

...the outbreak was only possible because of poverty, malnutrition, poor sanitation, dangerous working conditions, and inequities perpetuated by incompetent politicians and negligent aristocrats.

Uh, workers of the world unite?

They are animals, and all animals evolved from single-celled predators that ate other things. Their food gave them many of the nutrients they needed, so they lost the genes for making these nutrients for themselves.

God's will of course.

Senses that seem paranormal to us only appear this way because we are so limited and so painfully unaware of our limitations.

Anyone here doubt that?

The variations that exist between the body parts dwarf those that exist between people. Put simply, the bacteria on your forearm are more similar to those on my forearm than to those in your mouth.

Just in case you hadn't noticed.

A moth will never know what a zebra finch hears in its song, a zebra finch will never feel the electric buzz of a black ghost knifefish, a knifefish will never see through the eyes of a mantis shrimp, a mantis shrimp will never smell the way a dog can, and a dog will never understand what it is to be a bat. We will never fully do any of these things either, but we are the only animal that can try.

How's that working out for you?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

The Onion

Historic Heat Wave Causes California Wildfire To Catch Fire

Then wildfires all the way down.

Research Suggests Most Americans One Explosion Away From Disaster

Or, at most, two or three.

Man Bragging About How Infrequently He Receives Dental Care

Toothless it turned out.

Mom Figures It About Time To Sit Down Adolescent Daughter And Explain How Weight Watchers Points Work

So, is that a real thing?

BREAKING: Drunk Teen Going 100 MPH Down Slick Highway Is Invincible

Right up until the tree.

FBI Sent Itemized Bill For 12-Hour Stay At Mar-A-Lago

Now that doesn't surprise us.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Jim Holt

Having just enough life to enjoy being dead.

Tell me that can't get tricky.

In 1921, a New York rabbi asked Einstein if he believed in God. "I believe in Spinoza's God," he answered, "who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.”

And that explains what exactly?

Suppose you turn your attention inward in search of this 'I'. You may encounter nothing more than an ever changing stream of consciousness, a flow of thoughts and feelings in which there is no real self to be discovered.

See, I fucking told you!!

The effort to understand the universe is one of the very few things that lifts human life above the level of farce, and gives it some of the grace of tragedy.

Well put, right?

I really don’t like to formulate what I believe because, like a quantum phenomenon, it varies from day to day, and anyway there’s a sort of bad luck attached to expressing yourself too clearly.

Indeed, look what it's gotten me here.

In both jokes and dreams, Freud observed, meanings are condensed and displaced, things are represented indirectly or by their opposites, fallacious reasoning trumps logic. Jokes often arise involuntarily, like dreams, and tend to be swiftly forgotten. From these similarities Freud inferred that jokes and dreams share a common origin in the unconscious. Both are essentially means of outwitting our inner "censor.”

That superego thing.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

The Onion

Increasing Number Of Men Pressured To Accept Realistic Standards Of Female Beauty

Any of them here?

Vomit-Covered Man Who Shit His Pants Hopes He Didn’t Blow First Date

Would you date him again?

I Don’t Vaccinate My Child Because It’s My Right To Decide What Eliminated Diseases Come Roaring Back

A pinhead, right?

Scientist Admits ‘Space Telescope Image’ Actually Slice Of Chorizo

Pick one:
1] Hubble
2] Webb

Less Popular Friend Only Included In Suicide Pact Out Of Pity

Talk about being at the bottom of the barrel.

Great Britain Returns Looted Stonehenge Back To India

Let's check YouTube.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Bart D. Ehrman

Think of all the sermons preached on the basis of a single word in a text: what if the word is one the author didn’t actually write?

Or: think of how totally irrelevant that is to the fulminating fanatic God world objectivists. They believe what comforts and consoles them after all.

The very first surviving account of Jesus’s life was written thirty-five to forty years after his death. Our latest canonical Gospel was written sixty to sixty-five years after his death. That’s obviously a lot of time.

Same thing. You believe what soothes your soul, not what can be pinned down definitively as the real deal.

If you get fired from your job, that’s outside your control, so you shouldn’t be personally invested in your job.

Right, tell that to the bill collectors. At least until the workers of the world do unite.

If you expect Jesus to come back soon—say, sometime this month—there is no real need for a hierarchical system of organization and leadership. You simply need to get along for the short term.

Then extending that "short term" for years and years and years.

...like all groups of Christians at all times and in all places, they understood themselves to be the fortunate heirs of the truth, handed down to them by their faithful predecessors, who received their understandings about God, Christ, the world, and our place in it from people who should know—ultimately from the apostles of Jesus, and through them from Jesus himself, the one sent by God.

Wow! Not unlike all the other religious denominations!!

For ancient people, male and female were not two kinds of human; they were two degrees of human.

Cue the U.S. Supreme Court?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

tiny nietzsche

the myth of sisyphus only it's kate bush's running up that hill on repeat

Next up: Kate's bush on repeat.

occam's pillow

Though you might not think so, it's much more complicated.

sending myself mixed messages

Worse: receiving them that way too.

Breaking: my heart

Fractured and fragmented in fact.

fuck hills. I'd rather die on the beach

How about rolling down the hill, ending up on the beach and then croaking?

back on my nihilist shit

Remind you of anyone?
Here, for example.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Jean-Paul Sartre, from Nausea

It's quite an undertaking to start loving somebody. You have to have energy, generosity, blindness. There is even a moment right at the start where you have to jump across an abyss: if you think about it you don't do it.

Anyone here love me?

Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.

Three in the morning for you night owls.

My thought is me: that's why I can't stop. I exist because I think… and I can't stop myself from thinking. At this very moment - it's frightful - if I exist, it is because I am horrified at existing. I am the one who pulls myself from the nothingness to which I aspire.

You know, being optimistic.

I want to leave, to go somewhere where I should be really in my place, where I would fit in . . . but my place is nowhere; I am unwanted.

So, who does that remind you of? 8)

I am going to outlive myself. Eat, sleep, sleep, eat. Exist slowly, softly, like these trees, like a puddle of water, like the red bench in the streetcar.

On, for example, The Corner.

I am. I am, I exist, I think, therefore I am; I am because I think, why do I think? I don't want to think any more, I am because I think that I don't want to be, I think that I . . . because . . . ugh!

Ugh? A start let's call it.
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