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Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Age wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:18 am
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm
Age wrote: Sat Apr 22, 2023 10:07 am


'you' just BELIEVE that ALL 'things' CONTRADICT, and this HELPS in EXPLAINING HOW and WHY 'you' KEEP CONTRADICTING what 'you' SAY and CLAIM here. It ALSO EXPLAINS HOW and WHY some of what you SAY and CLAIM is Truly NONSENSICAL, ILLOGICAL, and just plain old ABSURD.

If you SAY and BELIEVE SO, then 'it' MUST BE SO, right?


Also, only Everything IS One, which IS OBVIOUSLY made up of EVERY 'thing'. And, ONLY WHEN you SEEK OUT CLARIFICATION, then this is WHEN 'this' WILL BEGIN to make ANY SENSE to you. UNTIL THEN you will live IN and WITH your OWN BELIEFS and ASSUMPTIONS here.

But considering the Fact that you are ONLY LOOKING AT 'this' FROM a VERY SMALL and TINY perspective and view and NOT FROM the WHOLE this EXPLAINS HOW and WHY you are SO MIXED UP and CONFUSED here.

If this is what you are UNDERSTAND here, then I will AGAIN suggest you SEEK OUT CLARITY BEFORE you JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS.

But please FEEL absolutely FREE to continue on the way you HAVE BEEN.


WHERE are you GETTING THIS IDEA that so-called "scientists" come up with 'definitions'?


If you SAY SO, then 'this' MUST BE ABSOLUTELY SO, correct?

But MAYBE I HAVE, and from that SENSING I FOUND OUT that ACTUALLY WHILE 'you', human beings, are BELIEVING some 'thing' to be true, for example, then there IS ABSOLUTELY NO 'thing' in the WHOLE Universe, including the Everything, or (WHOLE) Universe, Itself, which can SHOW or PROVE TO 'you' BELIEVING ones ANY 'thing' OTHERWISE.

So, this COULD BE just ANOTHER one of the 'things', which MAKE SENSE, to me, but NOT YET, to you.
1. If it is a thing then its stands apart as this act of standing apart allows for contrast.
1. Just because 'a thing' 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing', then this in and of itself does NOT mean 'as this act of standing apart ALLOWS for contrast. your USE of the 'as' word here is Incorrect. Now, if some 'thing', so-called, 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing', then there JUST IS and WILL ALWAYS JUST BE 'contrast', ANYWAY. Therefore, the 'standing apart' does NOT 'allow' for contrast but IS 'the contrast', itself.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm As standing apart it contradicts that which it stands apart to.
YOUR USE of the word and term 'contradiction' here appears to be COMPLETELY and VERY DIFFERENT FROM mine and "others" use of 'that word'.

Will you inform us of how you define the 'contradict' word here?

Also, 'a thing', so-called, 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing' EITHER in 'actuality' AND/OR in 'conception', ONLY. And, if it is IN 'conception' ONLY but NOT IN 'actuality', THEN there is NO 'ACTUAL' 'standing apart', and ANY 'contrast' exists IN 'thought', or 'conception', ALONE.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 2. Does it matter?
That ALL depends on the 'observer', itself. And on what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, OF COURSE.

So, does 'it' matter to 'you'?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 3. You are stating all is one then reverting to a dichotomy of space and matter. This is a contradiction.
NOT WHEN 'space' is ACTUALLY NO 'thing', or, in other words, ACTUALLY NOTHING, and 'matter', itself, is just one 'thing'.

AND, OBVIOUSLY, there is NOT ONE solitary and/or singular 'piece of matter' existing. Therefore, what CAUSES or CREATES the APPEARANCE of 'separation', or 'dualism', is the 'space', or the 'distance of NO matter', which is ACTUALLY, physically NOTHING and NO 'thing', in between AND around 'matter', itself. The ONLY ACTUAL visibly SEEN 'thing' THERE IS.

Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 4. If you knew the whole then you would no how to convince others of your viewpoint as these others are part of the whole.
ONCE AGAIN, I am NOT here to 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing'.

ALL of 'you', human beings, ARE INTELLIGENT ENOUGH to WORK OUT HOW to FIND, and SEE, what the ACTUAL Truth IS, all by "your" OWN 'selves'.

I am just SHOWING, and/or REVEALING, HOW 'you' CAN ALL do 'this', all by "your" OWN 'selves'.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 5. If "all is one" according to you then anything which disagrees with you is a part of the one thus is true....
In a sense VERY Wrong, but in another sense VERY True. BECAUSE although some of what 'you' are SAYING and CLAIMING here is VERY False, VERY Wrong, and VERY Incorrect, that 'you' are EXPRESSING those False, Wrong, and Incorrect viewpoints HELPS thee One to SHOW the so-called "others" of 'you' what IS ACTUALLY True, Right, AND Correct. So that EVERY one day ALL CAN and WILL come-together as One, in the way that WAS MEANT-TO-BE.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm so okay I will continue on with my viewpoint.
I LOVE that 'you', "eodnhoj7", are EXPRESSING 'your' OWN viewpoint here. 'you' are LIVING PROOF of what I have been SAYING and CLAIMING here, and 'you' ARE providing GREAT EXAMPLES FOR 'me', as it can be CLEARLY SEEN that I am NOT leading 'you' here in ANY way, shape, NOR form.

ALL by "your" OWN 'self' "eodnhoj7" 'you' are PROVIDING ACTUAL PROOFS of what I SAY and CLAIM ABOUT HOW 'you', human beings, BEHAVE and MISBEHAVE and ABOUT HOW the human brain, itself, ACTUALLY WORKS and WORKS IN ACTUAL CONTRAST to the Mind, Itself, SOMETIMES.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 6. If I have misinterpreted what you are saying it is because your writing is vague...that is on you.
I KNOW that 'my writing' IS ON 'Me'. I also KNOW HOW and WHY I AM writing THE WAY that I AM here. This IS BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW what WILL COME-TO-BE, or BE-COME.

I SPECIFICALLY WRITE 'vaguely' as 'you' call 'it' here BECAUSE as I CONTINUALLY INFORM 'you' I am NOT here to 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing' but rather here to GUIDE and SHOW you HOW TO LEARN, FIND, and SEE the ACTUAL Truth of 'things' all on your OWN.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 7. 'If I say so' only means 'If I say so' doesn't mean I am correct or even wrong.
Okay, but 'that' is NOT REALLY ANSWERING the ACTUAL QUESTION I posed, and ASKED you.

So, when you say, for example, 'The orange is both an apple and not an apple', then you do NOT YET KNOW whether 'that' IS correct or even wrong, right?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 8. If you do not know how to convince others of your viewpoint then you do not understand everything.

If ONLY 'you' KNEW. If ONLY 'you' KNEW "eodnhoj7".

What could be MORE 'convincing' if and when one FINDS OUT, DISCOVERS or UNCOVERS, and COMES-TO-KNOW some 'thing' ALL BY "their" OWN 'self'?

SEE, I could TELL 'you' My VIEWPOINT/S, and ONLY the ones that ARE IRREFUTABLY True, for eternity, BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, WHILE some one is BELIEVING some 'thing' to be ALREADY True, Right, and/or Correct, then they ARE NOT OPEN to FINDING OUT and SEEING what the ACTUAL Truth IS, EXACTLY. So what this MEANS IS I ALREADY KNOW that it is AN IMPOSSIBILITY to 'convince' some one of some 'thing', even WHEN 'that thing' IS an IRREFUTABLE Truth WHILE 'that one' is BELIEVING that they ALREADY KNOW the truth.

So, this MEANS that I ALREADY KNOW it IS a COMPLETE and UTTER WASTE of 'time' and 'energy' to even BEGIN to 'TRY TO' 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing'.

What I ALSO ALREADY KNOW is that PROVIDING IRREFUTABLE PROOF, through ACTUAL EXAMPLES, OF HOW the Mind and the brain WORKS. EXACTLY, on, for example, a forum WHERE 'human beings' are PROVIDING 'their' OWN ACTUAL thoughts and thinking, in a PARTICULAR PERIOD of time in human history, WHILE POINTING OUT the ACTUAL INCONSISTENCIES and CONTRADICTIONS in and from 'those thinking human beings', then, WITH REFLECTION, on the part from 'future human beings', THEN 'those ones' COULD SEE WHERE, and WHAT, EXACTLY NEEDED, and NEEDS, CHANGING, and WITH 'CHANGE' ACTUAL PROGRESSION and FORWARD TRAJECTORY TOWARDS living together IN Peace and IN Harmony, as One, CAN and WILL OCCUR, as IS HAPPENING, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. (Here, and now, are, by the way, absolutely RELATIVE, to the observer, just like EVERY 'thing' ELSE IS.)


LEARNING and TEACHING HOW-TO FIND, SEE, and KNOW 'things', FOR SURE and IRREFUTABLY, "oneself" IS an EXTREMELY SIMPLE and EASY 'thing' to do. However, FINDING 'those' in adult years, in the days when this was being written, who had NOT YET SUCCUMB to HAVING a DETRIMENTAL WAY of LOOKING and SEEING 'things', which WAS what IS BLOCKING and PREVENTING 'you' FROM LEARNING and SEEING 'things' here IS just a process of WAITING, PATIENTLY.

SEE, one has to HAVE BEEN 'prepared', EARLIER, to Be, or BE-come, ONCE AGAIN, Truly Honest, in order to LEARN HOW-TO FIND and SEE the ACTUAL and IRREFUTABLE Truth of 'things'. This HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. We just NOW, WAIT PATIENTLY, for ANY "others" TO COME ALONG, ALSO. Which, by the way, AS SOON as one more DOES COME ALONG, then 'the ride' WILL INCREASE, EXPONENTIALLY.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm If you understand that people believe what they believe then you fail to understand that your arguments are pointless.
Does 'this sentence' of YOURS here even make sense?

If yes, then HOW, EXACTLY?

If I understand that people BELIEVE what they BELIEVE, (which I ALREADY DO UNDERSTAND that people BELIEVE what they BELIEVE), then I will, supposedly, FAIL to understand that 'my arguments are pointless'. Now, WHAT 'arguments' do you even think or BELIEVE I have made here?

I do NOT recall EVER even making 'an ACTUAL argument' here.

I CERTAINLY NEVER intended to.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm Either way your viewpoint ends in absurdity.
BUT you think or BELIEVE that EVERY 'thing' CONTRADICTS itself and SO think or BELIEVE that EVERY 'thing' IS 'absurdity' anyway, correct?

If no, then 'what', EXACTLY do you think or BELIEVE does NOT CONTRADICT and IS NOT ABSURD?
1. The act of contrast allows for form to occur. The totality is without contrast otherwise something would be beyond it thus it would not be the totality.

2. Does whether or not is matters to me matter to you?

3. Matter is the space between spaces as evidence by a circle: There is the space inside the circle, the space outside the circle and the space that is between what is inside and outside the circle (i.e. the circle). If all there is is space then space contradicts itself.

4. If you are trying to show us the way then you are trying to convince us of the way.

5. If all is one, and the one is correct, then misbehaving is part of the one thus is correct as part of being the one.

6. If you are guiding us to find the truth on our own then we are not doing it on our own because you are guiding us.

7. Why reduce it to a dichotomy of right or wrong when you can just accept things as is?

8. I saw the long response and didn't bother reading...if you need such a long response then you do not know efficiency, thus you do not know everything.

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 2:10 am
by Age
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm
Age wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:18 am
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm

1. If it is a thing then its stands apart as this act of standing apart allows for contrast.
1. Just because 'a thing' 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing', then this in and of itself does NOT mean 'as this act of standing apart ALLOWS for contrast. your USE of the 'as' word here is Incorrect. Now, if some 'thing', so-called, 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing', then there JUST IS and WILL ALWAYS JUST BE 'contrast', ANYWAY. Therefore, the 'standing apart' does NOT 'allow' for contrast but IS 'the contrast', itself.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm As standing apart it contradicts that which it stands apart to.
YOUR USE of the word and term 'contradiction' here appears to be COMPLETELY and VERY DIFFERENT FROM mine and "others" use of 'that word'.

Will you inform us of how you define the 'contradict' word here?

Also, 'a thing', so-called, 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing' EITHER in 'actuality' AND/OR in 'conception', ONLY. And, if it is IN 'conception' ONLY but NOT IN 'actuality', THEN there is NO 'ACTUAL' 'standing apart', and ANY 'contrast' exists IN 'thought', or 'conception', ALONE.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 2. Does it matter?
That ALL depends on the 'observer', itself. And on what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, OF COURSE.

So, does 'it' matter to 'you'?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 3. You are stating all is one then reverting to a dichotomy of space and matter. This is a contradiction.
NOT WHEN 'space' is ACTUALLY NO 'thing', or, in other words, ACTUALLY NOTHING, and 'matter', itself, is just one 'thing'.

AND, OBVIOUSLY, there is NOT ONE solitary and/or singular 'piece of matter' existing. Therefore, what CAUSES or CREATES the APPEARANCE of 'separation', or 'dualism', is the 'space', or the 'distance of NO matter', which is ACTUALLY, physically NOTHING and NO 'thing', in between AND around 'matter', itself. The ONLY ACTUAL visibly SEEN 'thing' THERE IS.

Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 4. If you knew the whole then you would no how to convince others of your viewpoint as these others are part of the whole.
ONCE AGAIN, I am NOT here to 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing'.

ALL of 'you', human beings, ARE INTELLIGENT ENOUGH to WORK OUT HOW to FIND, and SEE, what the ACTUAL Truth IS, all by "your" OWN 'selves'.

I am just SHOWING, and/or REVEALING, HOW 'you' CAN ALL do 'this', all by "your" OWN 'selves'.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 5. If "all is one" according to you then anything which disagrees with you is a part of the one thus is true....
In a sense VERY Wrong, but in another sense VERY True. BECAUSE although some of what 'you' are SAYING and CLAIMING here is VERY False, VERY Wrong, and VERY Incorrect, that 'you' are EXPRESSING those False, Wrong, and Incorrect viewpoints HELPS thee One to SHOW the so-called "others" of 'you' what IS ACTUALLY True, Right, AND Correct. So that EVERY one day ALL CAN and WILL come-together as One, in the way that WAS MEANT-TO-BE.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm so okay I will continue on with my viewpoint.
I LOVE that 'you', "eodnhoj7", are EXPRESSING 'your' OWN viewpoint here. 'you' are LIVING PROOF of what I have been SAYING and CLAIMING here, and 'you' ARE providing GREAT EXAMPLES FOR 'me', as it can be CLEARLY SEEN that I am NOT leading 'you' here in ANY way, shape, NOR form.

ALL by "your" OWN 'self' "eodnhoj7" 'you' are PROVIDING ACTUAL PROOFS of what I SAY and CLAIM ABOUT HOW 'you', human beings, BEHAVE and MISBEHAVE and ABOUT HOW the human brain, itself, ACTUALLY WORKS and WORKS IN ACTUAL CONTRAST to the Mind, Itself, SOMETIMES.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 6. If I have misinterpreted what you are saying it is because your writing is vague...that is on you.
I KNOW that 'my writing' IS ON 'Me'. I also KNOW HOW and WHY I AM writing THE WAY that I AM here. This IS BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW what WILL COME-TO-BE, or BE-COME.

I SPECIFICALLY WRITE 'vaguely' as 'you' call 'it' here BECAUSE as I CONTINUALLY INFORM 'you' I am NOT here to 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing' but rather here to GUIDE and SHOW you HOW TO LEARN, FIND, and SEE the ACTUAL Truth of 'things' all on your OWN.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 7. 'If I say so' only means 'If I say so' doesn't mean I am correct or even wrong.
Okay, but 'that' is NOT REALLY ANSWERING the ACTUAL QUESTION I posed, and ASKED you.

So, when you say, for example, 'The orange is both an apple and not an apple', then you do NOT YET KNOW whether 'that' IS correct or even wrong, right?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm 8. If you do not know how to convince others of your viewpoint then you do not understand everything.

If ONLY 'you' KNEW. If ONLY 'you' KNEW "eodnhoj7".

What could be MORE 'convincing' if and when one FINDS OUT, DISCOVERS or UNCOVERS, and COMES-TO-KNOW some 'thing' ALL BY "their" OWN 'self'?

SEE, I could TELL 'you' My VIEWPOINT/S, and ONLY the ones that ARE IRREFUTABLY True, for eternity, BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, WHILE some one is BELIEVING some 'thing' to be ALREADY True, Right, and/or Correct, then they ARE NOT OPEN to FINDING OUT and SEEING what the ACTUAL Truth IS, EXACTLY. So what this MEANS IS I ALREADY KNOW that it is AN IMPOSSIBILITY to 'convince' some one of some 'thing', even WHEN 'that thing' IS an IRREFUTABLE Truth WHILE 'that one' is BELIEVING that they ALREADY KNOW the truth.

So, this MEANS that I ALREADY KNOW it IS a COMPLETE and UTTER WASTE of 'time' and 'energy' to even BEGIN to 'TRY TO' 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing'.

What I ALSO ALREADY KNOW is that PROVIDING IRREFUTABLE PROOF, through ACTUAL EXAMPLES, OF HOW the Mind and the brain WORKS. EXACTLY, on, for example, a forum WHERE 'human beings' are PROVIDING 'their' OWN ACTUAL thoughts and thinking, in a PARTICULAR PERIOD of time in human history, WHILE POINTING OUT the ACTUAL INCONSISTENCIES and CONTRADICTIONS in and from 'those thinking human beings', then, WITH REFLECTION, on the part from 'future human beings', THEN 'those ones' COULD SEE WHERE, and WHAT, EXACTLY NEEDED, and NEEDS, CHANGING, and WITH 'CHANGE' ACTUAL PROGRESSION and FORWARD TRAJECTORY TOWARDS living together IN Peace and IN Harmony, as One, CAN and WILL OCCUR, as IS HAPPENING, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. (Here, and now, are, by the way, absolutely RELATIVE, to the observer, just like EVERY 'thing' ELSE IS.)


LEARNING and TEACHING HOW-TO FIND, SEE, and KNOW 'things', FOR SURE and IRREFUTABLY, "oneself" IS an EXTREMELY SIMPLE and EASY 'thing' to do. However, FINDING 'those' in adult years, in the days when this was being written, who had NOT YET SUCCUMB to HAVING a DETRIMENTAL WAY of LOOKING and SEEING 'things', which WAS what IS BLOCKING and PREVENTING 'you' FROM LEARNING and SEEING 'things' here IS just a process of WAITING, PATIENTLY.

SEE, one has to HAVE BEEN 'prepared', EARLIER, to Be, or BE-come, ONCE AGAIN, Truly Honest, in order to LEARN HOW-TO FIND and SEE the ACTUAL and IRREFUTABLE Truth of 'things'. This HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. We just NOW, WAIT PATIENTLY, for ANY "others" TO COME ALONG, ALSO. Which, by the way, AS SOON as one more DOES COME ALONG, then 'the ride' WILL INCREASE, EXPONENTIALLY.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm If you understand that people believe what they believe then you fail to understand that your arguments are pointless.
Does 'this sentence' of YOURS here even make sense?

If yes, then HOW, EXACTLY?

If I understand that people BELIEVE what they BELIEVE, (which I ALREADY DO UNDERSTAND that people BELIEVE what they BELIEVE), then I will, supposedly, FAIL to understand that 'my arguments are pointless'. Now, WHAT 'arguments' do you even think or BELIEVE I have made here?

I do NOT recall EVER even making 'an ACTUAL argument' here.

I CERTAINLY NEVER intended to.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri Apr 28, 2023 8:12 pm Either way your viewpoint ends in absurdity.
BUT you think or BELIEVE that EVERY 'thing' CONTRADICTS itself and SO think or BELIEVE that EVERY 'thing' IS 'absurdity' anyway, correct?

If no, then 'what', EXACTLY do you think or BELIEVE does NOT CONTRADICT and IS NOT ABSURD?
1. The act of contrast allows for form to occur. The totality is without contrast otherwise something would be beyond it thus it would not be the totality.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 2. Does whether or not is matters to me matter to you?
That all depends on what the 'it' here IS, EXACTLY?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 3. Matter is the space between spaces as evidence by a circle:

If this is what you want to BELIEVE is true, then that is perfectly fine and okay with me.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm There is the space inside the circle, the space outside the circle and the space that is between what is inside and outside the circle (i.e. the circle). If all there is is space then space contradicts itself.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 4. If you are trying to show us the way then you are trying to convince us of the way.
Is this what you REALLY BELIEVE is true?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 5. If all is one, and the one is correct, then misbehaving is part of the one thus is correct as part of being the one.
That 'you', adult human beings, ARE MISBEHAVING IS, OBVIOUSLY, Correct. BUT, MISBEHAVING IS, JUST AS OBVIOUS, NOT THE Correct 'thing' TO DO, in this One and ONLY Life.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 6. If you are guiding us to find the truth on our own then we are not doing it on our own because you are guiding us.
OBVIOUSLY, one can be guided on HOW TO do some 'thing', AND THEN do 'it' for and/or by "them" 'self' For example, one could be TAUGHT, or GUIDED, on HOW TO FIND 'things' for and by "them" 'self, on their OWN, AND THEN that one COULD THEN go out, on their own, to FIND whatever they have been TAUGHT, or GUIDED ON HOW, TO FIND.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 7. Why reduce it to a dichotomy of right or wrong when you can just accept things as is?
BUT I AM NOT 'reducing' ANY 'thing' here.

OBVIOUSLY there IS A 'Right' AND A 'Wrong', in Life.

Can you NOT YET SEE this Fact?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 8. I saw the long response and didn't bother reading...if you need such a long response then you do not know efficiency, thus you do not know everything.
LOL Okay.

ALL 'things' that NEED EXPLAING take DIFFERENT lengths of response. ALL depending on the GUIDER/TEACHER and the LEARNER/STUDENT.

By the way, I KNOW that to EXPLAIN TO 'you', what can be EXPLAINED TO "another" in just three letters, could take a WHOLE lifetime of yours, and WITHOUT 'you' EVER becoming THE WISER

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 3:32 am
by Agent Smith
1 = 0


I wish time travel were real!! The question is in which direction would you wanna go, backwards/forwards, or ... are they the same thing? Phuwaaa!! 😎

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 8:14 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Age wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 2:10 am
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm
Age wrote: Sat Apr 29, 2023 12:18 am

1. Just because 'a thing' 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing', then this in and of itself does NOT mean 'as this act of standing apart ALLOWS for contrast. your USE of the 'as' word here is Incorrect. Now, if some 'thing', so-called, 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing', then there JUST IS and WILL ALWAYS JUST BE 'contrast', ANYWAY. Therefore, the 'standing apart' does NOT 'allow' for contrast but IS 'the contrast', itself.

YOUR USE of the word and term 'contradiction' here appears to be COMPLETELY and VERY DIFFERENT FROM mine and "others" use of 'that word'.

Will you inform us of how you define the 'contradict' word here?

Also, 'a thing', so-called, 'stands apart' FROM 'another thing' EITHER in 'actuality' AND/OR in 'conception', ONLY. And, if it is IN 'conception' ONLY but NOT IN 'actuality', THEN there is NO 'ACTUAL' 'standing apart', and ANY 'contrast' exists IN 'thought', or 'conception', ALONE.

That ALL depends on the 'observer', itself. And on what 'it' IS, EXACTLY, OF COURSE.

So, does 'it' matter to 'you'?

NOT WHEN 'space' is ACTUALLY NO 'thing', or, in other words, ACTUALLY NOTHING, and 'matter', itself, is just one 'thing'.

AND, OBVIOUSLY, there is NOT ONE solitary and/or singular 'piece of matter' existing. Therefore, what CAUSES or CREATES the APPEARANCE of 'separation', or 'dualism', is the 'space', or the 'distance of NO matter', which is ACTUALLY, physically NOTHING and NO 'thing', in between AND around 'matter', itself. The ONLY ACTUAL visibly SEEN 'thing' THERE IS.


ONCE AGAIN, I am NOT here to 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing'.

ALL of 'you', human beings, ARE INTELLIGENT ENOUGH to WORK OUT HOW to FIND, and SEE, what the ACTUAL Truth IS, all by "your" OWN 'selves'.

I am just SHOWING, and/or REVEALING, HOW 'you' CAN ALL do 'this', all by "your" OWN 'selves'.

In a sense VERY Wrong, but in another sense VERY True. BECAUSE although some of what 'you' are SAYING and CLAIMING here is VERY False, VERY Wrong, and VERY Incorrect, that 'you' are EXPRESSING those False, Wrong, and Incorrect viewpoints HELPS thee One to SHOW the so-called "others" of 'you' what IS ACTUALLY True, Right, AND Correct. So that EVERY one day ALL CAN and WILL come-together as One, in the way that WAS MEANT-TO-BE.

I LOVE that 'you', "eodnhoj7", are EXPRESSING 'your' OWN viewpoint here. 'you' are LIVING PROOF of what I have been SAYING and CLAIMING here, and 'you' ARE providing GREAT EXAMPLES FOR 'me', as it can be CLEARLY SEEN that I am NOT leading 'you' here in ANY way, shape, NOR form.

ALL by "your" OWN 'self' "eodnhoj7" 'you' are PROVIDING ACTUAL PROOFS of what I SAY and CLAIM ABOUT HOW 'you', human beings, BEHAVE and MISBEHAVE and ABOUT HOW the human brain, itself, ACTUALLY WORKS and WORKS IN ACTUAL CONTRAST to the Mind, Itself, SOMETIMES.

I KNOW that 'my writing' IS ON 'Me'. I also KNOW HOW and WHY I AM writing THE WAY that I AM here. This IS BECAUSE I ALREADY KNOW what WILL COME-TO-BE, or BE-COME.

I SPECIFICALLY WRITE 'vaguely' as 'you' call 'it' here BECAUSE as I CONTINUALLY INFORM 'you' I am NOT here to 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing' but rather here to GUIDE and SHOW you HOW TO LEARN, FIND, and SEE the ACTUAL Truth of 'things' all on your OWN.

Okay, but 'that' is NOT REALLY ANSWERING the ACTUAL QUESTION I posed, and ASKED you.

So, when you say, for example, 'The orange is both an apple and not an apple', then you do NOT YET KNOW whether 'that' IS correct or even wrong, right?


If ONLY 'you' KNEW. If ONLY 'you' KNEW "eodnhoj7".

What could be MORE 'convincing' if and when one FINDS OUT, DISCOVERS or UNCOVERS, and COMES-TO-KNOW some 'thing' ALL BY "their" OWN 'self'?

SEE, I could TELL 'you' My VIEWPOINT/S, and ONLY the ones that ARE IRREFUTABLY True, for eternity, BUT, and this is a HUGE BUT, WHILE some one is BELIEVING some 'thing' to be ALREADY True, Right, and/or Correct, then they ARE NOT OPEN to FINDING OUT and SEEING what the ACTUAL Truth IS, EXACTLY. So what this MEANS IS I ALREADY KNOW that it is AN IMPOSSIBILITY to 'convince' some one of some 'thing', even WHEN 'that thing' IS an IRREFUTABLE Truth WHILE 'that one' is BELIEVING that they ALREADY KNOW the truth.

So, this MEANS that I ALREADY KNOW it IS a COMPLETE and UTTER WASTE of 'time' and 'energy' to even BEGIN to 'TRY TO' 'convince' ANY one of ANY 'thing'.

What I ALSO ALREADY KNOW is that PROVIDING IRREFUTABLE PROOF, through ACTUAL EXAMPLES, OF HOW the Mind and the brain WORKS. EXACTLY, on, for example, a forum WHERE 'human beings' are PROVIDING 'their' OWN ACTUAL thoughts and thinking, in a PARTICULAR PERIOD of time in human history, WHILE POINTING OUT the ACTUAL INCONSISTENCIES and CONTRADICTIONS in and from 'those thinking human beings', then, WITH REFLECTION, on the part from 'future human beings', THEN 'those ones' COULD SEE WHERE, and WHAT, EXACTLY NEEDED, and NEEDS, CHANGING, and WITH 'CHANGE' ACTUAL PROGRESSION and FORWARD TRAJECTORY TOWARDS living together IN Peace and IN Harmony, as One, CAN and WILL OCCUR, as IS HAPPENING, RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW. (Here, and now, are, by the way, absolutely RELATIVE, to the observer, just like EVERY 'thing' ELSE IS.)


LEARNING and TEACHING HOW-TO FIND, SEE, and KNOW 'things', FOR SURE and IRREFUTABLY, "oneself" IS an EXTREMELY SIMPLE and EASY 'thing' to do. However, FINDING 'those' in adult years, in the days when this was being written, who had NOT YET SUCCUMB to HAVING a DETRIMENTAL WAY of LOOKING and SEEING 'things', which WAS what IS BLOCKING and PREVENTING 'you' FROM LEARNING and SEEING 'things' here IS just a process of WAITING, PATIENTLY.

SEE, one has to HAVE BEEN 'prepared', EARLIER, to Be, or BE-come, ONCE AGAIN, Truly Honest, in order to LEARN HOW-TO FIND and SEE the ACTUAL and IRREFUTABLE Truth of 'things'. This HAS ALREADY HAPPENED. We just NOW, WAIT PATIENTLY, for ANY "others" TO COME ALONG, ALSO. Which, by the way, AS SOON as one more DOES COME ALONG, then 'the ride' WILL INCREASE, EXPONENTIALLY.

Does 'this sentence' of YOURS here even make sense?

If yes, then HOW, EXACTLY?

If I understand that people BELIEVE what they BELIEVE, (which I ALREADY DO UNDERSTAND that people BELIEVE what they BELIEVE), then I will, supposedly, FAIL to understand that 'my arguments are pointless'. Now, WHAT 'arguments' do you even think or BELIEVE I have made here?

I do NOT recall EVER even making 'an ACTUAL argument' here.

I CERTAINLY NEVER intended to.

BUT you think or BELIEVE that EVERY 'thing' CONTRADICTS itself and SO think or BELIEVE that EVERY 'thing' IS 'absurdity' anyway, correct?

If no, then 'what', EXACTLY do you think or BELIEVE does NOT CONTRADICT and IS NOT ABSURD?
1. The act of contrast allows for form to occur. The totality is without contrast otherwise something would be beyond it thus it would not be the totality.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 2. Does whether or not is matters to me matter to you?
That all depends on what the 'it' here IS, EXACTLY?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 3. Matter is the space between spaces as evidence by a circle:

If this is what you want to BELIEVE is true, then that is perfectly fine and okay with me.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm There is the space inside the circle, the space outside the circle and the space that is between what is inside and outside the circle (i.e. the circle). If all there is is space then space contradicts itself.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 4. If you are trying to show us the way then you are trying to convince us of the way.
Is this what you REALLY BELIEVE is true?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 5. If all is one, and the one is correct, then misbehaving is part of the one thus is correct as part of being the one.
That 'you', adult human beings, ARE MISBEHAVING IS, OBVIOUSLY, Correct. BUT, MISBEHAVING IS, JUST AS OBVIOUS, NOT THE Correct 'thing' TO DO, in this One and ONLY Life.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 6. If you are guiding us to find the truth on our own then we are not doing it on our own because you are guiding us.
OBVIOUSLY, one can be guided on HOW TO do some 'thing', AND THEN do 'it' for and/or by "them" 'self' For example, one could be TAUGHT, or GUIDED, on HOW TO FIND 'things' for and by "them" 'self, on their OWN, AND THEN that one COULD THEN go out, on their own, to FIND whatever they have been TAUGHT, or GUIDED ON HOW, TO FIND.
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 7. Why reduce it to a dichotomy of right or wrong when you can just accept things as is?
BUT I AM NOT 'reducing' ANY 'thing' here.

OBVIOUSLY there IS A 'Right' AND A 'Wrong', in Life.

Can you NOT YET SEE this Fact?
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Wed May 03, 2023 8:13 pm 8. I saw the long response and didn't bother reading...if you need such a long response then you do not know efficiency, thus you do not know everything.
LOL Okay.

ALL 'things' that NEED EXPLAING take DIFFERENT lengths of response. ALL depending on the GUIDER/TEACHER and the LEARNER/STUDENT.

By the way, I KNOW that to EXPLAIN TO 'you', what can be EXPLAINED TO "another" in just three letters, could take a WHOLE lifetime of yours, and WITHOUT 'you' EVER becoming THE WISER
1. If the totality is without form then it is not a thing thus nothing.
2. What does 'it' mean to you?
3. Then there is only space and space contradicts itself when form occurs (form is a space between spaces thus space standing apart from itself).
4. Do you believe that is the right question to ask?
5. If all is one, and the one is correct, then misbehaving is part of the one and is correct. This necessitates the one contradicts itself and is no longer the one as with contradiction anything goes therefore multiplicity occurs as well.
6. If they are following out a path laid before them, i.e. what is taught, then they are not doing it on there own as the path guides them.
7. And yet both occur thus leaving us with contradiction.
8. If you are here to learn how to socialize with others then technically I am teaching you and "what can be EXPLAINED TO "another" in just three letters, could take a WHOLE lifetime of yours, and WITHOUT 'you' EVER becoming THE WISER."

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 8:15 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Agent Smith wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 3:32 am 1 = 0


I wish time travel were real!! The question is in which direction would you wanna go, backwards/forwards, or ... are they the same thing? Phuwaaa!! 😎
If history repeats then is there really a future?

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 8:28 pm
by Agent Smith
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:15 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 3:32 am 1 = 0


I wish time travel were real!! The question is in which direction would you wanna go, backwards/forwards, or ... are they the same thing? Phuwaaa!! 😎
If history repeats then is there really a future?
Gracias Eodnhoj7!

A lightbulb went off in Kimran's pretty head ... cars and graves make an odd couple but given enough rope 6 feet over is the same as 6 feet under, oui?

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 8:51 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:28 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:15 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Thu May 04, 2023 3:32 am 1 = 0


I wish time travel were real!! The question is in which direction would you wanna go, backwards/forwards, or ... are they the same thing? Phuwaaa!! 😎
If history repeats then is there really a future?
Gracias Eodnhoj7!

A lightbulb went off in Kimran's pretty head ... cars and graves make an odd couple but given enough rope 6 feet over is the same as 6 feet under, oui?
One mans ascent is another's decent....up and down are the same thing in 0 gravity. If I fall 6 feet I am being raised 6 feet from the sky.

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:08 pm
by Agent Smith
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:51 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:28 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:15 pm

If history repeats then is there really a future?
Gracias Eodnhoj7!

A lightbulb went off in Kimran's pretty head ... cars and graves make an odd couple but given enough rope 6 feet over is the same as 6 feet under, oui?
One mans ascent is another's decent....up and down are the same thing in 0 gravity. If I fall 6 feet I am being raised 6 feet from the sky.
I'm happy for you, but that's entirely your choice and in case you don't wish me to be happy (for you), I have loads of painful memories to choose from ... to be sad. Plus, you seem to be on top of things ... a veteran I presume.

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:14 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:08 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:51 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:28 pm

Gracias Eodnhoj7!

A lightbulb went off in Kimran's pretty head ... cars and graves make an odd couple but given enough rope 6 feet over is the same as 6 feet under, oui?
One mans ascent is another's decent....up and down are the same thing in 0 gravity. If I fall 6 feet I am being raised 6 feet from the sky.
I'm happy for you, but that's entirely your choice and in case you don't wish me to be happy (for you), I have loads of painful memories to choose from ... to be sad. Plus, you seem to be on top of things ... a veteran I presume.
A veteran? No. Fortunately....unfortunately. As to happiness and sadness....what I want is neither.

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:22 pm
by Agent Smith
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:14 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:08 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 8:51 pm

One mans ascent is another's decent....up and down are the same thing in 0 gravity. If I fall 6 feet I am being raised 6 feet from the sky.
I'm happy for you, but that's entirely your choice and in case you don't wish me to be happy (for you), I have loads of painful memories to choose from ... to be sad. Plus, you seem to be on top of things ... a veteran I presume.
A veteran? No. Fortunately....unfortunately. As to happiness and sadness....what I want is neither.
That's an excellent choice you made there! Tell me how it goes ... if you wish.

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:32 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:22 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:14 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:08 pm

I'm happy for you, but that's entirely your choice and in case you don't wish me to be happy (for you), I have loads of painful memories to choose from ... to be sad. Plus, you seem to be on top of things ... a veteran I presume.
A veteran? No. Fortunately....unfortunately. As to happiness and sadness....what I want is neither.
That's an excellent choice you made there! Tell me how it goes ... if you wish.
Still working on it...philosophy is the current tool for now.

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:37 pm
by Agent Smith
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:32 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:22 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:14 pm

A veteran? No. Fortunately....unfortunately. As to happiness and sadness....what I want is neither.
That's an excellent choice you made there! Tell me how it goes ... if you wish.
Still working on it...philosophy is the current tool for now.
How cute!! I've been on the same friggin' page for the last 4 decades! I was never meant for tertiary education, but here I am with a bachelors degree in quackery!! I hope you make it pal, someone hasta, that's exactly what all this is about, correct?

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:46 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:37 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:32 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:22 pm

That's an excellent choice you made there! Tell me how it goes ... if you wish.
Still working on it...philosophy is the current tool for now.
How cute!! I've been on the same friggin' page for the last 4 decades! I was never meant for tertiary education, but here I am with a bachelors degree in quackery!! I hope you make it pal, someone hasta, that's exactly what all this is about, correct?
Isn't it amazing how one can read the same thing over and over again yet never have the same thoughts about it?

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:50 pm
by Agent Smith
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:46 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:37 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:32 pm

Still working on it...philosophy is the current tool for now.
How cute!! I've been on the same friggin' page for the last 4 decades! I was never meant for tertiary education, but here I am with a bachelors degree in quackery!! I hope you make it pal, someone hasta, that's exactly what all this is about, correct?
Isn't it amazing how one can read the same thing over and over again yet never have the same thoughts about it?
Some things are impossible unless

1. Math is amazing
2. President Carter ate hot dog at least once in his life
3. Swig means drink

Re: 1=0 III

Posted: Fri May 05, 2023 9:55 pm
by Eodnhoj7
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:50 pm
Eodnhoj7 wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:46 pm
Agent Smith wrote: Fri May 05, 2023 9:37 pm

How cute!! I've been on the same friggin' page for the last 4 decades! I was never meant for tertiary education, but here I am with a bachelors degree in quackery!! I hope you make it pal, someone hasta, that's exactly what all this is about, correct?
Isn't it amazing how one can read the same thing over and over again yet never have the same thoughts about it?
Some things are impossible unless

1. Math is amazing
2. President Carter ate hot dog at least once in his life
3. Swig means drink