Critical Race Theory

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Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:52 am
Age wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 11:41 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 7:08 am But such a strategy has to be carried out holistically, i.e. taking the whole into account. In the first place we should increase the capacity of the average human to be 'critical' before we impose any 'critical theory of ..'

While it is a good step that there are people who are taking a critical look at the issue of racialism seriously but there are no strategy to increase the rational and critical capacity of the masses.
I noted from the books and videos I am aware, the current CRT is not addressed holistically and thus triggering more race related evils.
But NOT ALL 'racism' is evil, or are they?
That's such a shame, you had a golden opportunity to ask your favourite ClaRIFyinG quESTion without looking like a total plum becasue in this context "critical" doesn't mean what it does as a standalone word int he dictionary. So.... what you should have asked was...

WHAT EXACTLY to "you" human that operates under the name "Vaginal Aquaduct" does CRITICAL mean EXACTLY to "you" and "humans" writing the word TODAY for my FUTURE AUDIENCE of "accolytes" that will totally EXIST ONE DAY because of THEeeeEEEeeEE SECRET TRUTH I could "tell" you BUT can't/won't/shan't/willn't/doesn't/wouldn't

The "critical" in CRT refers to this by the way, which isn't compatible with Vegetable Ambulance's deployment of the term.
Nah, you are ignorant on this.
  • critical: expressing or involving an analysis of the merits and faults of a work of literature, music, or art. - Google
Critical theory (also capitalized as Critical Theory)[1] is an approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures.
How does critical theory rely on the process of "critique" if it does not apply the literal meaning of 'critical'.

Note this from the same link;
This version of "critical" theory derives from the use of the term critique by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason and from Marx, on the premise that Das Kapital is a "critique of political economy".

In Kant's transcendental idealism, critique means examining and establishing the limits of the validity of a faculty, type, or body of knowledge, especially by accounting for the limitations of that knowledge system's fundamental, irreducible concepts. Kant's notion of critique has been associated with the overturning of false, unprovable, or dogmatic philosophical, social, and political beliefs. ... t_and_Marx
Since I am very familiar with Kant's Critique of Pure Reason, and thus is well aware of Kant's use of 'critique' is on the basis of Critical Philosophy and grounded on the literal meaning of 'critical'.

The shortfall of "Critical Theory" is its the lack of a solid basis of morality [especially Kantian Morality] and wisdom. This is why CRT is inherently evil.
Thus when Critical Theory extended to Critical Race Theory, the evil elements are highly amplified especially when promoted by the philosophically immatured left.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

mickthinks wrote: Sat Jun 26, 2021 10:24 am
Last September, a conservative activist appeared on Tucker Carlson’s program and called on Trump to stop racial sensitivity training in the federal government. A few days later, Trump signed an executive order doing just that.

“Critical race theory is a Marxist doctrine that rejects the vision of Martin Luther King, Jr.,” Trump claimed during a campaign rally.

For all the attention critical race theory is getting, many academics ... said they see little evidence it is actually being taught in K-12 schools; it’s instead an academic debate that usually takes place in college and university settings ... [Vincent] Wong said he fears the push to demonize critical race theory will stifle meaningful discussions in the classroom about racism, its causes and how it can affect people of color.

[My emphasis—More information here: ... te-in-ohio ]

Teaching about America's racist history, such as the horrific is not teaching CRT. It's education.
From what I've heard from anti-CRTists, they are not against the teachings of all aspects of American history, all the facts with the warts and all, but what they do not agree with is the indoctrination of any related racist elements and ideologies which could result as;
  • 1. Slavery and killings are very evil elements
    2. Whites had enslaved and killed millions, then and now
    3. Therefore ALL whites are evil people, then and now
The problem is the real rhetoric that is being indoctrinated psychologically and emotionally.
Point is the majority especially children are very vulnerable to be indoctrinated with the above fallacious inference.

Worst still, for CRT to work, the above fallacy MUST BE true and permanent till eternity, thus no room for forgiveness, change and improvements.

Critical Race Theory [CRT] was discussed by legal academics since the 80s or 90s. There are books, articles and other materials related to CRT. Kimberle Crenshaw as one of the pioneers of this topic re CRT.
At present there is no significant consensus as to what CRT should represent. It is still a very open academic topic.

I heard it is claimed, CRT is still not taught as a specific K12 subject at present.

What happened is some very over-zealous black activists and leftist are smuggling the evil elements of CRT into the 'Diversity and Inclusion' programs and other subjects [even Science, Maths, English, etc.] within the K12 syllabus, in corporate training and other organizations.

I don't think it was the school boards, teachers, black activists nor leftists who brought up the term 'CRT' as a meme.

Perhaps it was the Activist [not sure if he is Conservative] could be Christopher Rufo [he claimed he has loads of evidences], who brought it up to the attention of the Trump administration.
Critical Race Theory Has Infiltrated the Federal Government | Christopher Rufo on Fox News - Sep 3 2020

This Ideology Cannot Control the US Government | Christopher Rufo on Fox News [Sep 9 2020]

Trump executive order re the ban of CRT came out in October 2020.

The point is [as claimed with evidence] most of the controversial evil racist elements smuggled by the black and leftist activists were found to originate within the writings of the Critical Race Theorists, thus these elements were conveniently attributed to "Critical Race Theory"-CRT as a label for easy communication sake. [or the Left claimed it is propaganda to win in 2022 -24].

From there the CRT label went viral and CRT is used to oppose any possible CRT elements.

I noted CRT as a theory for academic discussion is not a issue to most people who oppose it, rather, the very serious issue is when the evil elements of CRT are smuggled [infiltrated] into the curriculum of the K12 schools and in society as an ideology for indoctrination purpose.

It is so stupid for a group of leftist [and others] who are supposedly grouped as white to admit their inherent 'whiteness' is inherent and potentially evil and they have to live with such a condemned view their whole life and extended to their generation.

It is also very stupid to cling to an idea of "whiteness" which is a universal [philosophical] that is not real at all but merely imagined for convenience.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Here are some bits of negatives imposed on whites by Critical Race Theorists,
[fortunately I am not white*];
  • As a result, we hear the language of Critical Race Theory from activists in all walks of life ascribing profound failures of morals and character to white people (as consequences of being white in a white-dominant society).

    We [the whites] are told that racism is embedded in culture and that we cannot escape it.

    We hear that white people are inherently racist.

    We are told that racism is “prejudice plus power,” therefore, only white people can be racist.

    We are informed that only people of color can talk about racism, that white people need to just listen, and that they don’t have the “racial stamina” to engage it.

    We hear that not seeing people in terms of their race (being color-blind) is, in fact, racist and an attempt to ignore the pervasive racism that dominates society and perpetuates white privilege.

    We can hear these mantras in many spheres of life, but they are particularly prevalent on college campuses.

    Delgado and Stefancic regard this as positive: ...

    Cynical Theories ... by Pluckrose, Helen & Lindsay, James
I understand Critical Race Theory is circular and a mousetrap.
If you criticize CRT you are a hardcore racist.

Surely the above will make the blood of "whites" boil even as a theory, what more when the above are already smuggled into some vulnerable areas of the K12 curriculum and all of US societies.

* It is also claimed by some CRTists, if you reasoned and do Western Philosophy you are by default 'white' and racist. [WTF!!]
As we will discuss in chapter 8, Critical Race and Critical Feminist Theoretical approaches hold that reason is a Western philosophical tradition, which unfairly disadvantages women and racial minorities.
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by FlashDangerpants »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:46 am How does critical theory rely on the process of "critique" if it does not apply the literal meaning of 'critical'.

Note this from the same link;
This version of "critical" theory derives from the use of the term critique by Immanuel Kant in his Critique of Pure Reason and from Marx, on the premise that Das Kapital is a "critique of political economy".

In Kant's transcendental idealism, critique means examining and establishing the limits of the validity of a faculty, type, or body of knowledge, especially by accounting for the limitations of that knowledge system's fundamental, irreducible concepts. Kant's notion of critique has been associated with the overturning of false, unprovable, or dogmatic philosophical, social, and political beliefs. ... t_and_Marx
Fair enough, I'll not put up a fight on behalf of a family of unconvincing theories that they somehow took the generic concept of critical and successfully made a term of art out of it.
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Immanuel Can
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by Immanuel Can »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 4:30 am It is very true there had been lots of progress with racialism throughout the world
Not really. Racism is still very much a thing in China, Russia, the Balkans, Africa, Europe, the Middle East, and you can find many, many examples of that.

But you should note that your website is pretty low-grade. They don't give us the criteria used, or the raw data. They just want us to "take their word for it," that they did a credible study.

But let's suppose they did. What they, even they, purport to show, is not "the level of actual racism" in a country, but, as they put it: "The purpose of the Racial Discrimination Survey is to measure how much racism exists in a given country as perceived by its residents." In other words, not how much really exists, but how conscientious the residents are in detecting and reporting what they consider "racism." And it's probably true that the US ranks high in that, particularly since it's the place that incubated CRT.

The US might be the world's leader in self-flagellation over its past, it's true: but it's also one of the least racist places right now. You can tell, because not only do they have laws that compel opportunities to be open to all, but they actually went so far as to have "affirmative action" programs as reparations for the past. Most Americans never had, and never will have, anything to do with that past; and the irony is that nobody alive in the US today, save a few elderly Democrats, ever had anything to do with slavery or Segregation.

The US is now the number 1 choice of immigrants worldwide as a place to end up. (As they used to say in the days of the Cuban Boat Lift, "all the boats go one way.") Right now, Hondurans and other Central Americans are rushing north and flooding the southern border, so desperate to get INTO the US that they fall prey to Mexican gangs, coyotes, and sex and drug traffickers at the southern border. That fact needs explaining, if you think the US is the kind of racist, sexist, homophobic, fat hating, disablist, ageist, Islamophobic, extremist-Capitalist horror show the CRT people want you to believe it is.
racialism is not easy to get rid or be modulated as compared to say slavery.
Don't you mean "racism"? Just asking.
In the first place we should increase the capacity of the average human to be 'critical' before we impose any 'critical theory of ..'
One does not "impose" any genuinely "critical" theory. Critical thinking is independent judgment, not dogma.
Critical Race Theory emerged from 'Critical Theory' [Frankfurt & marxist] which is supposed to be part of being critical and analytic.
Their use of the word "critical" is no more than window dressing, really. It points to the fact that they are "critical" of everybody else, but there is no ideology less self-critical or tolerant of reform than Marxism. And that's proved statistically, historically obvious, even if one didn't know the rigid dogma that drives it.

However, I do. And you can, too, if you want to know the truth. They aren't shy about saying what they think. They're wordy, they're pretentious, they're self-righteous, and they're disingenuous, but they're also pretty flagrant, if you read their essays.
Even Science [objective, critical, rational] can also be a dogma when held by those who are into Scientism.
Science isn't a dogma. Fairly practiced, it produces data for or against any proposition, without concern for ideology. But when you speak of "Scientism," you're right: that is a dogma, however it is no necessary or compatible part of science itself. Science is essentially that which is done by means of the scientific method invented by Francis Bacon. And as mere method, it has no dogmatic presuppositions attached to it.

Not so with Scientism, of course. That's the irrational worship of science as the only method to find any truth, and yes, that's indoctrinatory.
They're all in the same Identity Politics Neo-Marxist club. The issue changes (from race to sex to gender to fat to age to disability etc.) but the propaganda is still all the standard stuff.
Yes, in a way, but not all of them indulge in neo-marxism or are with the Left.
Yeah, they are.

There isn't one of them that doesn't indulge in the Neo-Marxist strategies, and not one of them that is on the Right, actually. They're all insane extremes of Leftism. They're a great example of what happens when we don't believe the Left can go too far and become lunatic. I think we've always known the Right can do that: but now we're seeing where uncontrolled Leftism takes people, and it ain't pretty.
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by mickthinks »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 5:28 am From what I've heard from anti-CRTists, ... they do not agree with ... ALL whites are evil people, then and now.
Yeah, " ALL whites are evil people" —that's pretty dumb!

But here's the thing ... your conservative opponents of CRT have made it up to scare you into joining them in opposing change—much needed change.

CRT has no beliefs or doctrines—it's a discourse, a methodology, an approach, a set of conceptual tools for examining society. But those who have engaged in CRT have come to agree on a couple of things:
  1. America is systemically racist.
  2. That needs to change
Now, not all white people are actively opposed to the second of those tenets, but many are. And anyone who is against curing America of its racism may not realise that they are part of the problem. But they most certainly are.
Last edited by mickthinks on Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by FlashDangerpants »

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Immanuel Can
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by Immanuel Can »

mickthinks wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:24 pm ..your conservative opponents of CRT have made it up to scare you into joining them in opposing change—much needed change.
That's the sort of conspiracy-theory the Left just loves to traffic in. One of the hallmarks of extremist Leftism is that they always project their own motives onto others. Through people like Foucault, they have drunk the Nietzschean kool-aid that says, "Everything is about power," and so they think that everybody else is always just trying to control them, dominate them, marginalize them, and seize moral and political "hegemony" (their word).

So they think (or rather, they choose to believe) that any objection to CRT is secretly a move to prevent change. But it's not. There are lots of people, even on this forum, whose goal is not to "oppose change" or to control anyone else, but rather to secure their own right to be left alone, to have their personal freedoms, and not to be forced into collusion with Leftism in its efforts to "seize hegemony."

CRT is not the only voice for change. Neither is it a good one. It's what used to be called "rabble-rousing," which is the dividing of society into prejudicial identity groups, and then the pitting of them against one another in a bit for naked control of society.

One can be for change and very much against CRT. Indeed, if one is a person of principle, and has no "control" motives, one HAS to be against CRT, because it's unapologetically devoted to seizing power through Marxist collectivism, and to shaping society to purposes of its own.
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by FlashDangerpants »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:47 pm
mickthinks wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:24 pm ..your conservative opponents of CRT have made it up to scare you into joining them in opposing change—much needed change.
That's the sort of conspiracy-theory the Left just loves to traffic in.
How are your team getting on with their election stealing paedophiles and the jewish space lasers thing?
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henry quirk
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by henry quirk »

You're a racist!

There's no defense against it.

Anything you say is just proof of your racism.

You are guilty till proven innocent, and you will never be proven innocent.

Your guilt is your skin.

You can't reason with the unreasonable: you can only defend yourself (as in preserve your life, liberty, and property) from the unreasonable.

The proper response, then, to the critical race theorist is meh (while keepin' your weapon of choice close).
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by uwot »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:47 pmCRT is not the only voice for change. Neither is it a good one. It's what used to be called "rabble-rousing," which is the dividing of society into prejudicial identity groups, and then the pitting of them against one another in a bit for naked control of society.
You mean the rabble gets so roused they might say something like:
Immanuel Can wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:47 pmThat's the sort of conspiracy-theory the Left just loves to traffic in. One of the hallmarks of extremist Leftism is that they always project their own motives onto others.
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by Immanuel Can »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:00 pm How are your team getting on with their election stealing paedophiles and the jewish space lasers thing?
You've got the wrong "team," son. And "team" is what the Left believes we all belong to. But that's their problem.
Last edited by Immanuel Can on Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by Immanuel Can »

henry quirk wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:16 pm You're a racist!

There's no defense against it.

Anything you say is just proof of your racism.

You are guilty till proven innocent, and you will never be proven innocent.

Your guilt is your skin.

You can't reason with the unreasonable: you can only defend yourself (as in preserve your life, liberty, and property) from the unreasonable.

The proper response, then, to the critical race theorist is meh (while keepin' your weapon of choice close).
Yep. The very first thing...the thing they try every to say, "If you even express a doubt about anything we say, then you're a racist."

It's supposed to end every possibility of discussion with such a violent "bang" that you are absolutely silenced.

But it's CRT that's racist. Heck, it's the middle term of their own preferred acronym. The only "racial theorists" that remain anywhere on the right are on the wild fringe of lunacy. But in CRT, being a racist is your entry permit. You must believe, you can ONLY believe that "race" is the consummate identifier of your "group" and that you are never anything BUT a member of that "group," never a thoughtful individual with a good question about CRT.
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by mickthinks »

Immanuel Can wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 2:47 pm That's the sort of conspiracy-theory the Left just loves to traffic in. One of the hallmarks of extremist Leftism is that they always project their own motives onto others.
lol That's the sort of conspiracy-theory the Right just loves to traffic in. One of the hallmarks of extremist Conservatism is that they always project their own faults onto others. They don't traffic in conspiracy theories—the others do. They don't seek power—the the others do. They don't try to fix elections—the others do. They don't divide society—the others do.

[CRT is] unapologetically devoted to seizing power through Marxist collectivism, and to shaping society to purposes of its own.

CRT has no politcal agenda or purposes—it's a discourse, a methodology, an approach, a set of conceptual tools for examining society.

But America is racist and that needs to change. You are trying to make that seem wrong by calling it "Marxist". McCarthy tried the same trick: it wasn't a good look then and it isn't a good look now.
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henry quirk
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Re: Critical Race Theory

Post by henry quirk »

mickthinks wrote: Sun Jun 27, 2021 3:47 pmAmerica is racist
(my 12 gauge is right here)
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