Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

What did you say? And what did you mean by it?

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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Walker wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:15 am And here I was thinking that your vocabulary was the ruination of Roy.
You really are a vile disgusting human being. Everyone knows it except you.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Walker »

You should hear what they know about you.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Walker wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 12:30 am You should hear what they know about you.
You make no sense.

Please just fucking die or shoot me in the head. I’ll be willing to go first if it meant losing you forever. But alas, you’ve got that Medusa touch, so I guess I’m stuck with living in hell.

You’re the problem not me, your the slimy instigating sleaze ball here.
Stop putting people down it’s very unbecoming of you. urgh!

I’ve warned you, the more you act like an antagonist pig toward me, the harder I will fight back.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Don’t forget your the one that started all this with your pearls before swine performance aimed at me like you were some high and almighty know it all, and that I was just a worthless piece of shit unworthy of your wisdom.

Your arrogance has kept on gaining traction like an out of control runaway train ever since. There is simply no end to your track record, it knows no stop or limit.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by iambiguous »

iambiguous wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:35 pm From my frame of mind this is just another "general description intellectual contraption", the truth of which is predicated entirely on words defining and defending other words. In other words, connecting no dots between the words and the world we live in.
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:46 pm YEAH! And that IS the model/system of "something", "anything", "everything", "nothing". I point this very fact in the videos. Current system/model is a train wreck of convolution and self-referring. My "Fundamental Model of Reality" adapts the current starkly dualistic "thing" '"nothing" model to fit the triune systems expressed by the Fundamental Model.

Of course: yet another "general description intellectual contraption" in which words [some of them Capitalized] defend more words still.

As for this part...
But, okay, cite some particular examples from your own life where everything was changed in regard to a moral/political/spiritual conflict you had with others. Given the argument from the part one video.
roydop wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 9:46 pm I no longer suffer and understand ALL.
Note to others:

Please read what I construe to be his "general description intellectual contraption" words above. Are you able to share the same definition and meaning that he does? Then you too may no longer suffer and understand ALL.

And now if you do, please connect the dots yourself by citing some particular examples from your own life where everything was changed in regard to a moral/political/spiritual conflict you had with others. Given the argument from the part one video.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by henry quirk »

Henry! You're going to get this, I can feel it!
Nah, I don't get it.

Blame it on my smooth brain.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Iwannaplato »

Dontaskme wrote: Tue Aug 23, 2022 10:33 pm What is the difference between a guru and a philosopher?
A guru has walked the path, fallen a million times, picked himself up a million and one times, and reached the finish line. He knows out of experience and he knows everything you can ask about the path. He is someone who can guide you to the finish line.
Or a guru is someone who has chosen a path (note: A path) that they think fits everyone and is faultless or the only way to solve what THEY consider the problem is, when in fact there are different paths, with different goals and their own path has a secret self-hatred in it they cannot see. Or a guru is someone who has mastered, for example, certain kinds of meditative states, but still hasn't resolved how they relate to women - oh, that pattern has happened in ashram after ashram or temple or...and so on. Or a guru is someone who has combined ideas from other cultures, mixed in some meditative abilities and think they are enlightened and of course it is much easier to appear as one wishes online, and is addicted to the dynamic of tellling other people the secret or the truth and so want that role and are impatient when others do not immediately acknowledge their status. And all sorts of other possibilities covering the range of humanity.
A philosopher is someone who has not even taken the first step on the path. He has bought a map and memorized it. He would know the route better than the master, but he cannot help you take a single step. He knows the obstacles, but he has never fallen. He knows the struggles, but he has never conquered. He knows the finish line, but he has not reached it. He can explain the map, he cannot help you walk it.
I know very few philosophers in person or in dialogue and don't consider myself one. But this also seems like a very simplified image of a diverse group.
A chef is a master. He knows how to cook because he has. He has made mistakes, and he has burnt recipes. But after all those years of struggle, he has come to the point that he can create edible art. A philosopher is a food critic. He may not even be capable of boiling an egg, but has read and memorized so much about food that he can earn his living by judging a chef.
I think it is clear which one you identify with.
If you want to cook, you need a chef. If you want to read about food, a critic can help. Similarly, if you wish to experience, only the master can help. If you wish to just know about the path, don't bother troubling the master as the philosopher will be able to do it.
There are teachers and fellow travelers who do not set up the master/servant, active/passive, you listen/I preach dynamic. They understand more than the gurus about power. You have implicitly made a lot of assumptions here about me, gurus, philosophers, what the path must be, power dynamics, interpersonal dynamics.
You need to struggle up a mountaintop and find the right cave to find your guru.
You images are riddled with cliches. Like the answers have been around for a long time, so you can just pluck and image out of some half assed Western amalgam of Hindu/Budd-ism.
You only need to go to a library to find a philosopher.
You assuming that I base my learning on reading the books of philosophers or philosophers somehow. It's like I criticized the Republicans, so you write about how they are better than the Democrats and think you are somehow criticizing my party. Your limited view of things, again and again. i know you are just spewing out what you think and feel in the moment so any criticism of what you say misses the point.

But I appreciate your coming out. I know it's hard to see what you identify with being criticized.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Iwannaplato wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:26 am

But I appreciate your coming out. I know it's hard to see what you identify with being criticized.
All paths lead to the same destination, namely, NOWHERE

If you meet the Buddha along the way, always remember to kill it.

No one was ever enlightened in the making of this movie called I

A philosopher: is a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment.

Log onto the inner-net and be kind to yourself or not.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Iwannaplato »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 6:58 am All paths lead to the same destination, namely, NOWHERE
Yeah, skip all the troubling stuff.
And not, this is just you repeating a cliche that has been handed down for centuries.
If you meet the Buddha along the way, always remember to kill it.
And same thing here, now from Lin Chi. You need to tell this to the guy who started the thread and experiences Absolute Happiness all the time (his self-sense) and thinks that everyone should 'get it' after watching his two videos or they are cult followers who don't want to understand.

YOu find life horrible and hate it. He is absolutely happy all the time. And yet, this judgmental would be guru is the one you defend in the thread. Where does this identification come from? Your ontology, at this abstract level, is similar, even though you hate life and he loves every minute of it. Also the role: you both want to pontificate and if anyone questions any part of it (dontaskme and guru) they have a problem.
No one was ever enlightened in the making of this movie called I
Walking cliches.
A philosopher: is a person who seeks wisdom or enlightenment.

Log onto the inner-net and be kind to yourself or not.
You sure like telling people what to think and do. And, yes, more assumptions.

You keep defending someone so pompous that he thinks if you don't get it and agree with him after watching two of his 15 minute videos once, they don't want to understand and they are deluded members of a cult.

You can't for a moment disentagle yourelf from your identification with his ideas and his role, to see how impatient, judgemental, rude and presumptuous he is being. I mean, what, maybe they need some clarification and a second watching of the videos. Maybe they truly want to understand but his mode of communication didn't fit their background, vocabulary or previous learning.

No, if they watch his two videos and they don't "get it" they don't want to learn.

That's the judgemental would be guru you are defending and identifying with.

Not the people who might not be fast enough learners as he would like.

Not the people who might have something of value to say about his work that he might learn from.

Not people who are supposed to be changing one of the most fundamental ideas to something new, in what, half an hour.

Not you identify with and defend and impatient taskmaster who thinks he is flawless and has communicated perfectly.

On some level aren't you curious why?

He doesn't have episodes of self-hatred and hopelessness like you do. He is absolutely happy, again HIS WORDS, all the time.

And yet you rush to defend the autocrat. How many lifetimes will you spend doing that? Defending the impatient judgmental autocrat?

And how much have his ilk really gotten to the root of your pain?
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Iwannaplato wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:25 am
And how much have his ilk really gotten to the root of your pain?
Knowing the truth of my being has nothing to do with how I feel about it. Truth is truth and will never change, no matter what I think or feel about it or how I choose to analyse it.

Pain is disgusting, there is here a hatred for pain. There is here a hatred for being an alive sentient feeler of pain. Life for this one here is endless suffering, but it is what it is, and there is nothing this one here can do about the 'WHAT IS' especially the pain experience. If I could do something about pain, I would be in a position to abort my life before I am born.

Thankfully, there are short, sometimes long absences of pain within all sentient feeling living organisms, which help it to endure the unavoidable struggles of being alive. The greatest absence of pain is to die while we remain alive, and to be able to finally R.I.P where resistance to ''what is'' - is no longer a struggle, as the parasitic entity lets go, giving way to total surrender. And is where Roy is correct on that my humble opinion.

The mental struggles of pain both emotional and physical will always arise as long as there is a sentient feeling creature to experience them. The trick is to embrace what can never be changed, by that which has no control over it's body whatsoever.

So every time a pain arise, I am going to curse that pain from the roof tops and fully embrace my capacity to let that sucker out. Pain hurts like fuck, and I have no problem calling that pain out for what it is. It's vile, and I'm not afraid to express my anger and disgust for it. Letting out, fully letting go, is how I stay sane, well balanced and able to endure everything that life throws my way.

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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Iwannaplato wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:25 am
You keep defending someone so pompous that he thinks if you don't get it and agree with him after watching two of his 15 minute videos once, they don't want to understand and they are deluded members of a cult.

You can't for a moment disentagle yourelf from your identification with his ideas and his role, to see how impatient, judgemental, rude and presumptuous he is being.
Well that's just your reaction, not mine.

I haven't seen Roy around this forum in months, maybe I was surprised to see him in actual physicality and that he even bothered to pop in to show off his own videos, was in my opinion generous and confident, takes guts to do that, and it's nice to see a face to the philosophy. It makes a change to see where actual philosophy is sourced, which is straight from the sources mouth itself.

I happened to enjoy watching the videos for the first time, they reminded me of what I already understand. I never once thought about Roy personally, I was just resonating deeply with the message. It was spoken in a way I had not heard before. The style and format that came through was worthy of a wow, it gave me the wow factor. I've never heard it explained like that before, and so could only think how impressive it was, and how impressed I was to be given the chance to see and listen to some idea expressed another way, that I am already familar with.

As a philosopher we have each got something to show others. I personally am open to all ideas, and simply take or leave them according to my own level of understanding of what is being shown...I have absolutely no interest in the messenger, only the message.

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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Iwannaplato wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 7:25 am Yeah, skip all the troubling stuff.
And not, this is just you repeating a cliche that has been handed down for centuries.
Yep, your getting it, it's all parrots parroting each other, eternal echos on repeat. Who told you you exist?

All infested with the same old cliches, same old concepts that have been around for as long as talking animals have existed. Nothing new under the sun here, the sun was here long before animals came to praise or condenm it for giving it this wonderful wretched sinful saintly life.

Yeah yeah tell me something I don't know, show me a man who has finished with words so that I may have a word with him, yada yada yada...yawn!!.

Always be yourself the real fictional character, I am.

Why copy someone else when you can just be yourself, oh wait, I have a self? :roll: could I ever be someone other than myself. :roll:
Last edited by Dontaskme on Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Harbal »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:26 am I haven't seen Roy around this forum in months, maybe I was surprised to see him in actual physicality and that he even bothered to pop in to show off his own videos, was in my opinion generous and confident,
I'm not sure I would call using this forum to increase his Youtube figures an act of generosity.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Dontaskme »

Harbal wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:49 am
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:26 am I haven't seen Roy around this forum in months, maybe I was surprised to see him in actual physicality and that he even bothered to pop in to show off his own videos, was in my opinion generous and confident,
I'm not sure I would call using this forum to increase his Youtube figures an act of generosity.
Well it worked for me, and whatever works for me, is ok with me.
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Re: Someone, everyone, please take this seriously.

Post by Harbal »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 8:51 am Well it worked for me, and whatever works for me, is ok with me.
It's probably just me, but when someone starts out by telling me I'm delusional they are probably not going to get me on board.
Last edited by Harbal on Wed Aug 24, 2022 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
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