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Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 3:24 am
by Melchior

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 8:37 am
by Pluto
a free, open, democratic society

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 2:58 pm
by Melchior
Pluto wrote:
a free, open, democratic society
Are you kidding?

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 7:38 pm
by Pluto
No. The article you posted states that in the US people live in a free, open and democratic society. This is false. Not so. If the author thinks this, it's not a good idea to continue reading him or her.

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Wed May 13, 2015 11:54 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
Horowitz will not be happy until Israel has gassed every Muslim on the planet.
RIght now he is content with dragging the free world into Isreal's religio-ideological war of apocalypse.

I would consider it an honour to be disrespected by such a Zionist penis.

The spew from his mouth does more to recommend Chomsky that any accolade.

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Thu May 14, 2015 1:39 am
by Melchior
Pluto wrote:No. The article you posted states that in the US people live in a free, open and democratic society. This is false. Not so. If the author thinks this, it's not a good idea to continue reading him or her.
See Korea, North.

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2023 1:02 pm
by Shimon
This reflects poorly on Philosophy Now: where was Chomsky's critical thinking when he denied the genocide in the Balkans? What critical faculties were on display when he supported the antisemite Professor David Miller, who as I write is compiling a list of Jews to whom he considers society is in thrall? I suggest those responsible for this choice examine their own critical faculties before they choose another recipient.

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:07 am
by Gary Childress
Maybe it should be called "Chomsky rot". It's been picked up by almost EVERYONE in our culture ("left" "right" "conservative" "liberal").

I went to a university in the 80s when Chomsky's political books and interviews were coming out in droves but before he had become an icon for practically every "activist" on the political spectrum (or whatever we should call it). Interesting interpretations of the motives of the "power elite", but he always got sucked into the conspiracy perspective on EVERYTHING. His favorite term I recall most from his interviews and talks to the "masses" concerning the "elites" was "they want" ("they want us to believe" for example) when he talked about what was going on in society. Who or where was this "they"?

When "they" get through getting what "they want" do "they" all board the mothership and fly off to the home planet together to collectively discuss "their" next coincided effort to subvert the public? No wonder we have Fox News and "alternative" facts. Chomsky's books should be retired to the archives in the Museum of American History where everyone can go read what helped bring us to today. I read just about all his political books from the 1980s from cover to cover. Now I hear him in just about every political conversation whether the speakers know it or not.

"But what 'really' happened was..."

Every friggin thing he said in his political writings was an "alternative" interpretation to what the "elite media" were reporting. This was during the Walter Cronkite age when news agencies were at least trying to report things "objectively" (now what some call the "view from nowhere" or something like that) or at least present a coherent uniform picture in agreement of what was going on. Now journalists have given up on the very possibility of objective reporting and have adopted the "lets include a news source for every group that has an opinion", even the ones that aren't true at all or produce enormous volumes of air time full of speculation.

Looking at the US and the world today, I'd say Chomsky's influence on his fellow Americans hasn't served people of his native country particularly well from a scholarly perspective. All we're doing now is spouting unverifiable paranoid opinions.

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 4:39 am
by Gary Childress
I don't even recall any of Chomsky's political books being peer-reviewed on the back credits in any way whatsoever by anyone other than his own following of academic collaborators. He himself stated somewhere (I can't remember where), that anyone ought to be able to state their political opinion. So he stated his outside of peer circles and got his buddies to cosign. It's like watching a John Wayne production featuring John Wayne and the same handful of costars that were in his previous 10 movies. Build your own following of disciples to create worthless art from worthless points of view and the word will be spread. Get out the famous academic baseball cards so even the kid on the streets without a high school diploma can participate.

Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2023 7:15 am
by Gary Childress
I just remembered, I saw a video of Chomsky having a discussion with some students from (I think) the Netherlands where Chomsky completely trashed the French "resistance" during the second world war as light years behind what the partisan networks in Yugoslavia accomplished against the Nazis. It was so righteous and cool! He totally got his revenge on the French after the Faurisson affair. Fuckers discredited him for defending a holocaust denier! Fuckers should have appointed Faurisson to direct the École normale supérieure! That'll teach Chomsky next time he wants to be an advocate of "free speech"!

Re: Noam Chomsky Stud of the Century

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:27 pm
by Gary Childress
Chomsky and 2ND WIFE, Valeria Wasserman


It's like Jabba the Hut finally wins Princess Leia!


Re: Noam Chomsky on Institutional Stupidity

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2023 5:29 pm
by Gary Childress
Sorry, the world is absurd. I have nothing to do but to self-destruct now. I'm evil. I don't "accept" Christ as the same as the creator of all that is. What else can I do but "evil"?
