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Re: Christianity

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 5:49 pm
by Nick_A
Alexis Jacobi wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 2:02 pm
Immanuel Can wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:32 pmNo, Nick is a Catholic Mystic, of a somewhat Gnostic bent. And the definition of "fundamentalist" is not " one who does not justify his criterion for belief." It's closer to, "one who believes in the literal truth of a particular religious text." That is neither Gnostic nor Catholic.

Just have to set the record straight, there.
A small but significant correction. Nick (I gather) comes out of the Eastern Orthodox Christian tradition. I am uncertain the degree to which he participates in the rites of that church but he is not Catholic. EO is significantly different from the Roman Catholic.
You and I C are alike in your tendency to classify. But what of those whose ideas cannot be classified. They are either nonsense or have become aware of a sense of scale and relativity. My ideas are closeer to those expressed by Sophia Perennis:

http://www.studiesincomparativereligion ... chuon.aspx
“PHILOSOPHIA PERENNIS” is generally understood as referring to that metaphysical truth which has no beginning, and which remains the same in all expressions of wisdom. Perhaps it would here be better or more prudent to speak of a “Sophia perennis”, since it is not a question of artificial mental constructions, as is all too often the case in philosophy; or again, the primordial wisdom that always remains true to itself could be called “Religio perennis”, given that by its nature it in a sense involves worship and spiritual realization. Fundamentally we have nothing against the word “philosophy”, for the ancients understood by it all manner of wisdom; in fact, however, rationalism, which has absolutely nothing to do with true spiritual contemplation, has given the word “philosophy” a limitative colouring, so that with this word one can never know what is really being referred to. If Kant is a “philosopher”, then Plotinus is not, and vice versa.

With Sophia perennis, it is a question of the following: there are truths innate in the human Spirit, which nevertheless in a sense lie buried in the depth of the “Heart” — in the pure Intellect — and are accessible only to the one who is spiritually contemplative; and these are the fundamental metaphysical truths. Access to them is possessed by the “gnostic”, “pneumatic” or “theosopher” — in the original and not the sectarian meaning of these terms — and access to them was also possessed by the “philosophers” in the real and still innocent sense of the word: for example, Pythagoras, Plato and to a large extent also Aristotle.

If there were no Intellect, no contemplative and directly knowing Spirit, no “Heart-Knowledge”, there would also be no reason capable of logic; animals have no reason, for they are incapable of knowledge of God; in other words, man possesses reason or understanding — and also language — only because he is fundamentally capable of suprarational vision, and thus of certain metaphysical truth.

* * *
The fundamental content of the Truth is the Unconditioned, the Metaphysical Absolute; the Ultimate One, which is also the Absolutely Good, the Platonic Agathon. But it lies in the nature of the Absolute to be Infinity and All-Possibility, and in this sense St. Augustine said that it is in the nature of the Good to communicate itself; if there is a sun, then there is also radiation; and therein lies the necessity of the cosmos which proclaims God.

However, to say radiation is also to say separation from the source of light. Since God is the absolute and infinite Good, whatever is not God — that is to say, the world as such—cannot be absolutely good: the non-divinity of the cosmos brings with it, in its limitations, the phenomenon of evil or wickedness which, because it is a contrast, emphasizes all the more the nature of the Good. “The more he blasphemes”, as Eckhart said, “the more he praises God”.........................................
And from Huxley:
“The divine Ground of all existence is a spiritual Absolute, ineffable in terms of discursive thought, but (in certain circumstances) susceptible of being directly experienced and realized by the human being. This Absolute is the God-without-form of Hindu and Christian mystical phraseology. The last end of man, the ultimate reason for human existence, is unitive knowledge of the divine Ground—the knowledge that can come only to those who are prepared to “Die to self” and so make room, as it were, for God.”
― Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy
The intellect of man can be expressed on basically three levels. The first and lowest is the exoteric plan or what Plato describes as the cave. It governs the outer man. Sometimes a person feels something more than external conditioning. Their search for meaning leads them to feel their inner man. It is the inner man that is called to experience the highest level or the transcendent level of reality: the ONE. It begins the struggle between the outer and inner man: conditioning and consciousness.

All the great tradition initiating with a conscious source enter the world at the transcendent level but gradually devolve over time into the exoteric level producing the world of opinions. At the transcendent level they are the same but gradually conditioned to accommodate the mind of the world. The western mind and its concern for science is different than the Eastern mind and its concern for behavior. The modern world consisting of the battle of opinions expressing the exoteric level of conflict is the natural result of the exoteric world.

G.I. Gurdjieff has been a great influence. Without being exposed to the great laws and the relationship between Gurdjieff's cosmology and Ouspensky's dimensions I would not have my respect for understanding rather than parroting. Once a person has become disappointed then these ideas can become meaningful so no sense in debating partial truths in a secular forum when the purpose of these ideas is to awaken to wholeness.

The of course there is Simone Weil. What can a man say about a woman with the mind of a scientist who has grown to experience the heart and verticality of a mystic and puts them together to live by her philosophy in her need to experience truth. For the first time I had experienced what the heart of a woman is capable of being free of vanity. A rare gem.

The Christianity of one living on the exoteric level is completely different then the one having experienced the transcendent level of reality. Yet they have the same name. Having experienced that I am in Plato's cave or at the exoteric level, I am beginning to engage the struggle between my outer an inner man in order to be worthy of the name "human".

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:23 pm
by Immanuel Can
Belinda wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:08 am It's a pity but you don't understand how strong determinism leads inevitably to eternally necessary truths.
Hilarious claim. :D

If Determinism is true, then "truths" become nothing important at all. All one can say is, "Que sera, sera." Nothing anybody "knows" will change anything, because nothing can be changed from its determined course. It will simply all be whatever it is fated to be, regardless of any "knowing."
...we have no access to eternal truths as we can't be omniscient.
You don't have to be.

You're not omniscient, but I hope you know that 2+2 will always equal 4. That's an eternal truth.
Calvinism includes predestination which is an immoral distortion of strong determinism.
Predestination is entailed in both, actually. The only thing that changes is the alleged "agent" of that Determination -- in Calvinism, allegedly God, and in secular Determinism, material laws. Either way, things are fated to be what they are.
Strong determinism completely rules out Free Will. However it includes degrees of human freedom based upon reason.

Your first statement is correct. Your second is false.

"Determinism" means, by definition, that there is no free will. Period. There is no "strong" or "soft" Determinism, because Determinism is an absolute position. If there is any free will in the entire universe, then Determinism itself is, by defintion, not true.
I struggle to understand Nick. Perhaps you understand him better than I do. Maybe it would be helpful if you were to paraphrase Nick's theory of whatever it is.
I'm asked. He said he's not Orthodox and not Catholic.

However, he uses the Christian vocabulary, but does not apply it in ways any Orthodox or Catholic or any other significant denomination would ever use it. He uses Gnostic terms, instead. His word "esoteric" is one of the Gnostic faves, for example. He uses Plato's cave the same way...not as Plato intended it, but as "esoteric" reading might try to make use of it.

So yeah, he's a Gnostic. If you need a label, that's it.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:27 pm
by Nick_A
Dubious wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 3:06 am
Nick_A wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 10:34 pm
Dubious wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 1:47 am

Objective meaning is a myth. Who or what would have placed it there? Wisdom wouldn't be required if there were such a thing as meaning and purpose which always existed. You would only need to discover it not strive for it. Wisdom should also have inspired you to know the universe is not required to be wise but function according to its laws. The rest is your job.
If the universe is constructed on laws then it is a machine beyond the limits of time and space but serves the purpose of its conscious ineffable creator.

Those having studied Plato's Divided Line analogy are aware that opinion exists below the line while human meaning and purpose can only become clear through knowledge obtained above the senses. A person discovers meaning not by striving for it but by remembering what always was.

Plato refers to four cognitive states. pistis and elkasia refer to opinion created by the senses below the line. Dianoia and Noesis refer to cognitive states above the line and referred to as knowledge. The idea here is that Man is normally limited to opinions but sometimes can experience objective knowledge through noesis.

noesis (immediate intuition, apprehension, or mental 'seeing' of principles)
dianoia (discursive thought) intellectual realm

pistis (belief or confidence)
eikasia (delusion or sheer conjecture) visible realm

You seem to believe that there is no knowledge above the line and beyond our senses. Plato suggests that knowledge can only be experienced by higher intellect above the line. It must be remembered

The visible realm leads to opinion while the intellectual realm above the divided line leads to knowledge.

You are closed to the distinction so must demand visible proofs Without them, Humanity has no objective meaning and purpose. Naturally I see it differently. My own experiences have proven to me that knowledge of human meaning and purpose is only remembered through a personal experience above the divided line
Got news for you! It's not anything Plato had to say that means anything regarding the universe. It's physics and all the sciences which are in charge and not ancient bullshit theories that barely had a clue how anything works.

If we or when we begin the process of exterminating ourselves through a thermonuclear war, (one time unthinkable, now not so distantly impossible) your "ineffable creator" would be as useless and disinterested in stopping it as if WE or IT never existed. Nevertheless, that won't stop all the planet's idiots from pleading to be saved.

There are over 100 billion planets in the Milky Way alone and one to two hundred billion galaxies in just the observable universe. There ain't no "ineffable creator" ineffable enough to even conceive of such dimensions, but even it were true what would be the source of its ineffability! Without an explanation of THAT, all you're saying is "the buck stops there"; some kind of "I Am that I Am / All-in-All" entity is the IT which has its eye simultaneously on every star and planet in the cosmos.

Not least, if the universe were constructed on laws beyond the limits of time and space, which is your statement, not anything any physicist would believe, it could never have come into being. But, no problem! The paradox is easily resolved by providing for an ineffable creator and there you have it. It's always been the default position - because it takes no effort of the imagination to merely insert a conclusion beyond which there is no surpassing!

All this god and wisdom bullshit - referring to the kind you espouse - to me is equivalent to burying the living mind in a coffin!
If the ineffable ONE exists within the machine we call universe, I agree it is hard to justify. But if the universe exists and functions within the ineffable ONE, then by definition the universe is part of the ONE but at lower levels. The ineffable ONE "IS" while the universe serves the PROCESS of existence. IS means the eternal unchanging while the PROCESS of existence is always changing

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:33 pm
by Dubious
Nick_A wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:27 pm If the ineffable ONE exists within the machine we call universe, I agree it is hard to justify. But if the universe exists and functions within the ineffable ONE, then by definition the universe is part of the ONE but at lower levels. The ineffable ONE "IS" while the universe serves the PROCESS of existence. IS means the eternal unchanging while the PROCESS of existence is always changing
I see! Change direction; cause the universe to be contained, to be immanent within the body of the ineffable ONE who remains impervious to time, distance and entropy creating an object with an objective (as you like to declare) inherent within itself by fine-tuning it for human life for which purpose the cosmos itself is created. Have I got it right?

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:52 am
by Nick_A
Dubious wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:33 pm
Nick_A wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:27 pm If the ineffable ONE exists within the machine we call universe, I agree it is hard to justify. But if the universe exists and functions within the ineffable ONE, then by definition the universe is part of the ONE but at lower levels. The ineffable ONE "IS" while the universe serves the PROCESS of existence. IS means the eternal unchanging while the PROCESS of existence is always changing
I see! Change direction; cause the universe to be contained, to be immanent within the body of the ineffable ONE who remains impervious to time, distance and entropy creating an object with an objective (as you like to declare) inherent within itself by fine-tuning it for human life for which purpose the cosmos itself is created. Have I got it right?
Essentially yes. I would add that the universe is a necessity. The Absolute or ONE is unity while the first step in creation is the intentional involution into the three essential forces: no-thing, every-thing, and the spirit that provides the connecting levels of existence. So creation functions within the unity of ONE.

Man and all life in the universe sometimes called the demiurge serves to sustain the universe. I know most believe the universe is here to serve Man but in reality Man exists to serve the necessary purpose of our universe: the transformation of substances.

Animal life on earth has evolved to its fullest and repeats: dust to dust. Man is unique and reveals the purpose of Christianity. The human organism has the potential to consciously evolve into a higher quality of being. Jesus' sacrifice opened the path to conscious evolution. What prevents it is another thread. If you understood any of this, It is good to know I underestimated you.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:19 am
by attofishpi
Alexis Jacobi wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 6:11 pm Note: I assert you could not have written the submitted poem. An overflow of correct punctuation! 8)

OTOH some of the word-play could well be yours.
Alexis, this proves you have read bugger all of my "stuff". I guess if I was a famous artist\poet you would bother!

Don't forget to check my website, it is packed with mind nutrional stuff to consider!

Oh yes, I forgot to ask, what do you mean when you consider yourself Gnostic?

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:23 am
by attofishpi
Dubious wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:17 pm Regardless of "many different shades of meaning" most poetry is bunk serving no useful purpose by way of insight or anything else. Jung himself, was much more interested in the significance established in prose than in poetry...with very few exceptions. Most poetry is bunk...including mine!
I have to disagree. Although my poetry is not structured in any classical sense, it does have a rythm, a flow in general, but more importanty and in relation to "no useful purpose" - since I advocate that certain key words are EXTREMELY unlikely to be of natural language etymology..the poetry I use, where homophones and word reversals shows poetry can serve a purpose (for me at least..and of course God\sage - that kicked my arse into doing it)..

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 3:24 am
by Dubious
attofishpi wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 1:23 am
Dubious wrote: Thu Jun 23, 2022 11:17 pm Regardless of "many different shades of meaning" most poetry is bunk serving no useful purpose by way of insight or anything else. Jung himself, was much more interested in the significance established in prose than in poetry...with very few exceptions. Most poetry is bunk...including mine!
I have to disagree. Although my poetry is not structured in any classical sense, it does have a rythm, a flow in general, but more importanty and in relation to "no useful purpose" - since I advocate that certain key words are EXTREMELY unlikely to be of natural language etymology..the poetry I use, where homophones and word reversals shows poetry can serve a purpose (for me at least..and of course God\sage - that kicked my arse into doing it)..
It wasn't the opinion I once held, and it's true there are some poems I still like a lot, but now I can't see anything useful in the art anymore. Seriously, the one's who still read it or have any regard for it are miniscule. Speaking for myself ONLY, every one I ever wrote I now consider a waste of time and effort. If it gives you pleasure to write, it would be a mistake not to keep at it.

Most of mine are lost, gone forever only a few survivors. I can't say I have any regrets about it.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:42 am
by Dontaskme
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:23 pm
Hilarious claim. :D

If Determinism is true, then "truths" become nothing important at all. All one can say is, "Que sera, sera." Nothing anybody "knows" will change anything, because nothing can be changed from its determined course. It will simply all be whatever it is fated to be, regardless of any "knowing."

"Determinism" means, by definition, that there is no free will. Period. There is no "strong" or "soft" Determinism, because Determinism is an absolute position. If there is any free will in the entire universe, then Determinism itself is, by defintion, not true.
Not so funny, but seriously true and not so true, insofar as the separate 'individual' chooser, known conceptually as a person is an illusion...and yet the illusion of choice is always known absolutely.

Free will is a belief within the dream of separation, a notion you have refused to believe is true.

No human being known as an (individual person) ever chose to be born, nor does it choose to die, nor does it choose it's gender, nor does it choose it's eye or skin colour, nor does it choose which country it is born in, nor does it choose it's parents, or it's siblings. . the list is endless....Knowledge exists within the dream of separation the illusory belief I am a separate being who chooses and is in control of every outcome within it's daily life.

This is known as the dream of separation within the mental realm of duality...a fact you IC have not yet been able to fully grasp or comprehend absolutely, because you strongly believe the relative world of Father and Son is the real world.

Now while this relative idea is only partially true within the dream, in the absolute sense, it's not real, because only the absolute can be real...and that is a realisation you refuse to allow your thinking mechanism to accept..

There is free will ... it's called Absolute will. The notion of a separate self-identity is a belief. Can a belief have will? It's the Absolute will to dream of a being separate self. Once it is revealed to be a dream, there is nothing left but Absolute Free Will being/dreaming an individual expression of itself, but without the belief in being a separate self-identity segregated from Absolute will. Then the will of a separate self becomes a moot point. One just acts according to one's Absolute nature.

All this is self-confusion, as long as the separate self-identity belief remains.

From belief to clarity.

We can only keep reminding you IC...but ultimately, you will always believe what you want absolutely within the dream of separation where someone will be wrong in order to make you right, and vice versa. Ultimately, no person is choosing anything, there is only everything choosing, which is another word for nothing choosing.

That sucker first has to go, to truly grok true free will.


Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:34 am
by Dontaskme
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:52 am
Dubious wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:33 pm
Nick_A wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 9:27 pm If the ineffable ONE exists within the machine we call universe, I agree it is hard to justify. But if the universe exists and functions within the ineffable ONE, then by definition the universe is part of the ONE but at lower levels. The ineffable ONE "IS" while the universe serves the PROCESS of existence. IS means the eternal unchanging while the PROCESS of existence is always changing
I see! Change direction; cause the universe to be contained, to be immanent within the body of the ineffable ONE who remains impervious to time, distance and entropy creating an object with an objective (as you like to declare) inherent within itself by fine-tuning it for human life for which purpose the cosmos itself is created. Have I got it right?
Essentially yes. I would add that the universe is a necessity. The Absolute or ONE is unity while the first step in creation is the intentional involution into the three essential forces: no-thing, every-thing, and the spirit that provides the connecting levels of existence. So creation functions within the unity of ONE.

Man and all life in the universe sometimes called the demiurge serves to sustain the universe. I know most believe the universe is here to serve Man but in reality Man exists to serve the necessary purpose of our universe: the transformation of substances.

Animal life on earth has evolved to its fullest and repeats: dust to dust. Man is unique and reveals the purpose of Christianity. The human organism has the potential to consciously evolve into a higher quality of being. Jesus' sacrifice opened the path to conscious evolution. What prevents it is another thread. If you understood any of this, It is good to know I underestimated you.
The self-aware universe serves nothing but itself, it's one without a second...only known to itself within the illusory dream of separation, the dream of mental construction, manifested as every known concept, including the concept known as MAN

Concepts do not have the free will to serve the universe. Man is a mental construction of it's imagined making. The mind telling the mind it has no free will is a big circular mind jerk. Only awareness can "see" the absence of free will properly.

Life is living itself, all one, all alone. The universe has no purpose or plan or reason to be other than it just simply is. Christianity is just a narrative, an illusory story, a fabricated mentally constructed concept known, without which, it is simply a blank slate, in other words, the mind is a myth, as is the emptiness of space, it is both empty and full of it's own imaginings.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:05 am
by Dontaskme
Belinda wrote: Fri Jun 24, 2022 8:40 am In the deterministic sense mankind has always existed.In the deterministic sense every event including mankind is a necessary event. God is a deterministic idea.
That's very true Belinda.

The opposite of determinism is indeterminism, the opposite of free-will is responsibility. As an agency of free will, we are still response-ible. On reflection we can determine based on what we already know, as pre-dicted.

Both concepts 'cause' and 'effect' have to exist in the exact same instance of knowing. In that every known action and re-action is one unitary acausal action.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:31 am
by attofishpi
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Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 10:49 am
by Belinda
Immanuel Can wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 6:23 pm
Belinda wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 11:08 am It's a pity but you don't understand how strong determinism leads inevitably to eternally necessary truths.
Hilarious claim. :D

If Determinism is true, then "truths" become nothing important at all. All one can say is, "Que sera, sera." Nothing anybody "knows" will change anything, because nothing can be changed from its determined course. It will simply all be whatever it is fated to be, regardless of any "knowing."
...we have no access to eternal truths as we can't be omniscient.
You don't have to be.

You're not omniscient, but I hope you know that 2+2 will always equal 4. That's an eternal truth.
Calvinism includes predestination which is an immoral distortion of strong determinism.
Predestination is entailed in both, actually. The only thing that changes is the alleged "agent" of that Determination -- in Calvinism, allegedly God, and in secular Determinism, material laws. Either way, things are fated to be what they are.
Strong determinism completely rules out Free Will. However it includes degrees of human freedom based upon reason.

Your first statement is correct. Your second is false.

"Determinism" means, by definition, that there is no free will. Period. There is no "strong" or "soft" Determinism, because Determinism is an absolute position. If there is any free will in the entire universe, then Determinism itself is, by defintion, not true.
I struggle to understand Nick. Perhaps you understand him better than I do. Maybe it would be helpful if you were to paraphrase Nick's theory of whatever it is.
I'm asked. He said he's not Orthodox and not Catholic.

However, he uses the Christian vocabulary, but does not apply it in ways any Orthodox or Catholic or any other significant denomination would ever use it. He uses Gnostic terms, instead. His word "esoteric" is one of the Gnostic faves, for example. He uses Plato's cave the same way...not as Plato intended it, but as "esoteric" reading might try to make use of it.

So yeah, he's a Gnostic. If you need a label, that's it.
Immanuel Can does not differentiate between determinism and fatalism. Determinism does not imply complete lack of freedom. In a determined world a reasoning reasonable man is more free than an unreasoning unreasonable man.

Calvinistic predestination is another wrong tangent from determinism. Calvinistic determinism is like fatalism as it denies any freedom to individuals. Together with a punitive God Calvinistic predestination has caused some men to despair.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:14 pm
by Nick_A
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:34 am
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:52 am
Dubious wrote: Sat Jun 25, 2022 10:33 pm

I see! Change direction; cause the universe to be contained, to be immanent within the body of the ineffable ONE who remains impervious to time, distance and entropy creating an object with an objective (as you like to declare) inherent within itself by fine-tuning it for human life for which purpose the cosmos itself is created. Have I got it right?
Essentially yes. I would add that the universe is a necessity. The Absolute or ONE is unity while the first step in creation is the intentional involution into the three essential forces: no-thing, every-thing, and the spirit that provides the connecting levels of existence. So creation functions within the unity of ONE.

Man and all life in the universe sometimes called the demiurge serves to sustain the universe. I know most believe the universe is here to serve Man but in reality Man exists to serve the necessary purpose of our universe: the transformation of substances.

Animal life on earth has evolved to its fullest and repeats: dust to dust. Man is unique and reveals the purpose of Christianity. The human organism has the potential to consciously evolve into a higher quality of being. Jesus' sacrifice opened the path to conscious evolution. What prevents it is another thread. If you understood any of this, It is good to know I underestimated you.
The self-aware universe serves nothing but itself, it's one without a second...only known to itself within the illusory dream of separation, the dream of mental construction, manifested as every known concept, including the concept known as MAN

Concepts do not have the free will to serve the universe. Man is a mental construction of it's imagined making. The mind telling the mind it has no free will is a big circular mind jerk. Only awareness can "see" the absence of free will properly.

Life is living itself, all one, all alone. The universe has no purpose or plan or reason to be other than it just simply is. Christianity is just a narrative, an illusory story, a fabricated mentally constructed concept known, without which, it is simply a blank slate, in other words, the mind is a myth, as is the emptiness of space, it is both empty and full of it's own imaginings.
The three forms of God that make up the Hindu trimurti are Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. You seem to deny Vishnu and Shiva as dreams created by Brahma. For me the interactions of these three forces at relative levels of creation sustains our universe. The only dreams are human interpretations.

The three forms of the trinity in Christianity are the Father (active), Son (passive, and the Holy Spirit (neutral). Why you want to deny the necessity of the Son and the Spirit to sustain creation is a question only you can answer.

Re: Christianity

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:00 pm
by Dontaskme
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 5:14 pm
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 6:34 am
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jun 26, 2022 12:52 am

Essentially yes. I would add that the universe is a necessity. The Absolute or ONE is unity while the first step in creation is the intentional involution into the three essential forces: no-thing, every-thing, and the spirit that provides the connecting levels of existence. So creation functions within the unity of ONE.

Man and all life in the universe sometimes called the demiurge serves to sustain the universe. I know most believe the universe is here to serve Man but in reality Man exists to serve the necessary purpose of our universe: the transformation of substances.

Animal life on earth has evolved to its fullest and repeats: dust to dust. Man is unique and reveals the purpose of Christianity. The human organism has the potential to consciously evolve into a higher quality of being. Jesus' sacrifice opened the path to conscious evolution. What prevents it is another thread. If you understood any of this, It is good to know I underestimated you.
The self-aware universe serves nothing but itself, it's one without a second...only known to itself within the illusory dream of separation, the dream of mental construction, manifested as every known concept, including the concept known as MAN

Concepts do not have the free will to serve the universe. Man is a mental construction of it's imagined making. The mind telling the mind it has no free will is a big circular mind jerk. Only awareness can "see" the absence of free will properly.

Life is living itself, all one, all alone. The universe has no purpose or plan or reason to be other than it just simply is. Christianity is just a narrative, an illusory story, a fabricated mentally constructed concept known, without which, it is simply a blank slate, in other words, the mind is a myth, as is the emptiness of space, it is both empty and full of it's own imaginings.
The three forms of God that make up the Hindu trimurti are Brahma the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the destroyer. You seem to deny Vishnu and Shiva as dreams created by Brahma. For me the interactions of these three forces at relative levels of creation sustains our universe. The only dreams are human interpretations.

The three forms of the trinity in Christianity are the Father (active), Son (passive, and the Holy Spirit (neutral). Why you want to deny the necessity of the Son and the Spirit to sustain creation is a question only you can answer.
Believe what you want, it’ll be just another human interpretation of what is in essence nothing at all.