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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

marjoramblues wrote:
artisticsolution wrote:Hi MB,

MB:I know that you recognize that there are different 'ways' and 'patterns' re communication, depending on writer/artist, message/medium and any 'audience' in context. I don't accept this idea of a 'world memo' which everyone has received - where did that spring from ?

AS: Oh sprang from my frustration at not being able to understand things other people do and seeing the same thing happen sometimes when I try to communicate back with them.
It seems like everyone but me understands.

For instance, take last week....All I wanted to do was be able to use paypal so that people could purchase my paintings. Easy right? almost everyone I know uses it and has not had a problem setting it up...oh but not me. I go to the paypal site and it might have been written in Chinese. So there I was...reading it over and over...and the way it was worded just did not make sense to me! So I just did what I could do and thought I had followed the instructions correct... hard do I have to work to do what was a cinch for other people?! It friggin pisses me off!

MB:You are more than able to understand and express yourself - what's with this eternal complaint ( yet not !) you have about yourself ? Why do you think you are 'special' in any way?

AS: Yes, I am a good artist. So what's so wrong with admitting I am 'good at this' yet 'suck at that'? I don't understand why you use the word special. To me 'special' means something positive...not something negative.

MB:So what if you have to re-read and ask 101 questions - I'm much the same. I believe that in a philo discussion that is pretty much how it should be - so much better than gibly assuming that you know exactly what someone else is talking about, and where they are coming from personality-wise.

AS: I hear what you are saying...but philosophy and real life are different and I am impatient when I don't understand the language style. I don't want to spend all day trying to figure out how to use paypal. I want to have a life.

AS. Again your specific 'technical language' example of your difficulty in setting up a financial transaction system does not support your 'complaint' that the whole world has received a memo and you haven't: 'I have noticed that the entire world speaks a different language than I do -'

This is where I see you as setting yourself up as 'special' (different from what is usual) - and having different 'needs':
'I can't expect my needs and desires regarding communication to supersede the majority. It is much easier that I conform to their way rather than they conform to mine'.

Who said that there is anything wrong with admitting relative strengths and weaknesses? This is not what your original statement was about, nor what I am questioning. Again, you slip-slide from one meaning to another; I see this as a skilful manipulation of words, changing the argument in such a manner. You complain about your poor abilities to understand and communicate, I believe that you are being dishonest here - or are being insensitive as to people who have a real lack of comprehension and ability to communicate. Perhaps both.

You say you want to have a life. Get real, AS, you have one that is far richer than many - and communication plays a big part. Your PN contributions are many and articulate - you paint scenes with words, you argue, you question, you seek solutions...need I go on :?
...OK. I will...And this ability to manipulate words in a virtual forum is only one manner of presentation which moves someone to think - you can scribe, you can verbal and you can paint. Some might make music.
And most of us can 'hear' but perhaps not listen carefully enough...

We can all be less than clear in our expression, but isn't it grand that we can explore our ways of looking at, and appreciate the world in so many ways.
Of course you are right here. I do have a tendency to exaggerate. I mean...of course I have not actually met everyone on the planet and I am sure there are many who did not get the 'memo'. LOL But I don't know them my little world...full of 'special' people who communicate well, I am alone. That is much different from my positive attributes though where I am special.

But all that is just our perception. You mention the word special...and it reminds me of what satyr was talking about in another thread. How can the word 'special' mean both something positive and something negative? Is it because we want to lie to ourselves and say we are all equal? For example...the 'special' Olympics....who would want to be special in this instance? Not I. But if I was "special' in this way...I would want to be seen as special (the positive)...not 'special' (in the negative). Although I am certain that there would be people who perceived my handicap in both ways.

I can only communicate the way I communicate. I use words by how they 'feel' to me...and not what definition the trend has set up. This "trend" constantly changes and there are usually 'hot button' words that one is not allowed to use...because even if they use them with benign intentions, society automatically thinks of them as meaning the trendy definition. And what is more...those type of words (whatever they be at the time) change with the tide. What was once ok to becomes bad to say. And it's not like the dictionary changed the's that society changed. For example, the word "Gay" today....has a totally different meaning than it did in my grandmothers day. To say someone is Gay today could be seen as an insult. So tell me...what is that but making a judgment based on aesthetics?
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

reasonvemotion wrote:She speaks a different language AS. She will never get it. I have a new computer, what trauma and tribulations I had to go through to set it up. It happens to me all the time. I think I have too much electricity in my body, everything goes haywire. LOL I think you will relate to what I have just said! We live in a Left side of the brain world.
Hi Reasonvemotion,

This made me husband says the same thing. When he is driving and gets to an intersection...invariably the traffic signal will turn red...causing him to have to stop. He says it is because his head emits "red." LOL
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

AS, it is not any tendency to exaggerate that I am questioning here; it is your continuing incorrect self-portrayal as someone who stands out as not being able to communicate with others:

'It seems like everyone but me understands'

'I can't expect my needs and desires regarding communication to supersede the majority. It is much easier that I conform to their way rather than they conform to mine'

and then ' in my little world...full of 'special' people who communicate well, I am alone'

Please, enough already :roll:

And then this...:

'I can only communicate the way I communicate. I use words by how they 'feel' to me...and not what definition the trend has set up'

And then you bring up the fact that words have different meanings, and change in different contexts, related to positive and negative connotations (ideas or feelings invoked by a word in addition to its primary meaning).
You imply that these are judgments based on aesthetics ( a judgment of what is good/bad ? )

I would say that the power of words as a way to manipulate thought and ideas is based on knowledge and observation. People can change the way they communicate - you may use words by how they 'feel' to you, but how are these words interpreted by others. Not by 'feeling' alone; but for sure words can carry emotion.

Philosophy, perhaps, comes into its own - along with psychology and linguistics - to help people identify when they are being manipulated, and also to 'sell' their own message. By analysing what the word means in context, and how it is being used. This is not based primarily on 'feelings' or 'intuitions' but on real-life textual data.

You use words to suit your purposes - perhaps, to move hearts and minds. Here is a great example:

'I wrote the same but in different words'
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by reasonvemotion »

This made me husband says the same thing. When he is driving and gets to an intersection...invariably the traffic signal will turn red...causing him to have to stop. He says it is because his head emits "red." LOL
I like the sound of him.LOL you are one lucky lady.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

Hi MB,
'I can only communicate the way I communicate. I use words by how they 'feel' to me...and not what definition the trend has set up'
AS: I have to add to what I mean here because it didn't come out exactly right. I do use words the way the 'feel' to me...but also I use them according to the definition I was taught as a child. I expect for word to always have the same feel and definition as when I learned them long ago...I even go to great lengths to make sure I look up the definition when someone is not understanding me to make sure I did not imagine or make up the definition I am using. I am usually right and according to the dictionary at least...the definition has not changed. So I can only assume that societies understanding of a word has changed sine the time I have learned it...and thus...they 'got the memo' and I didn't. This causes me to ponder the reasons why this is so....(not me not getting the memo per se...but why society would all off a sudden want the word to mean something other that the straight forward definition that I had learned in the past) So far the only reason that makes sense to me is the 'new' definition is aesthetically pleasing to them. In other benefits their understanding and communication. It is the adapting that is where the judgment comes in...the judgment on their personal aesthetic...which can sometimes take the form of 'group think.' Like in the example of the word "Gay" the make a judgment based on an aesthetic they hold and a positive feeling word...ends up to be a negative word. I can't keep up.

MB:And then you bring up the fact that words have different meanings, and change in different contexts, related to positive and negative connotations (ideas or feelings invoked by a word in addition to its primary meaning).
You imply that these are judgments based on aesthetics ( a judgment of what is good/bad ? )

AS: Yes! If I have this wrong please tell me why (in a way I can Oh but I have to use of the dynamic "good/bad" is not used in an ethical way in this instance...but more of a personal way for each individual. Kinda like if I did not like the taste of me they would be 'bad'....but if you liked the taste of oranges to you they would be 'good'. But that doesn't mean that oranges are either good or they simply have an aesthetic appeal and me thinking they are bad and you thinking the are good would not make it so either way.... on a universal level. So what is that but aesthetic judgment?

Then it gets more complicated when we get into discussing ethics and morality, of course. me it boils down to why do most of us think a certain thing is right or wrong. And why do we usually change our minds about right and wrong when we commit a wrong? For example, if we once thought that cheating was wrong but then we or someone we loved cheated...all of a sudden the act of cheating appears not as 'bad' as we once thought and we can see the reasons for someone cheating are not as black or white as we once thought....OR....we did not like the particular person who cheated and so we magnify the cheating to be even worse than we once thought...for example, when Bill Clinton cheated on Hillary. I believe the sentiment "right vs wrong" varied greatly. If one was a republican...Bill's act was immoral (didn't matter if one had committed the same act) ...if one was a democrat...Bill's act was forgivable and not necessarily immoral...there was a certain leeway given to Bill by Democrats that I don't think would have been there if a republican got caught cheating. What is that but aesthetic judgment? And the complication of this gets even harder when we think about it is okay to murder as a country...but not as an individual. Why? Just saying it could be because of aesthetics.

MB:This is not based primarily on 'feelings' or 'intuitions' but on real-life textual data.

AS: Right. And I am the last to get the memo...okay...maybe not last...but the last of the people "who should know better" and so the privilege of being forgiven as 'clueless' is not one I can enjoy. is my fortune for people to feel it is their duty to bring my stupidity to my attention by holding up a mirror that I don't find particularly aesthetically pleasing. lol

MB:You use words to suit your purposes - perhaps, to move hearts and minds. Here is a great example:

'I wrote the same but in different words'

AS: Thank you for saying this...I LOVE that ad! I think that woman is aesthetically pleasing and if I were a man...i'd hit it! :wink:
Last edited by artisticsolution on Tue Aug 07, 2012 3:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

reasonvemotion wrote:
This made me husband says the same thing. When he is driving and gets to an intersection...invariably the traffic signal will turn red...causing him to have to stop. He says it is because his head emits "red." LOL
I like the sound of him.LOL you are one lucky lady.
I am very lucky indeed. Lucky to have met and fallen in love with someone like him and lucky to have 'seen' the difference.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

OK, the concept of a 'world memo' is not particularly helpful. What is the content of this 'memo' that you are not 'getting' ? Some kind of a universally agreed understanding of what a word means ?

Yes, the world and words change, and it can be difficult to keep up. And boy, am I grateful for the internet and my 'hard' dictionaries to help me get through what can be a bewildering maze of text.

I agree that words can change because of fashion and also the uptake of some 'Americanisms' - as heard on films, etc. It might be because it is 'cool' 8) - in my dictionary there are 4 meanings of 'cool' as an adjective; 3 as a verb; a description of how it is used in a phrase; its derivatives ( another adjective and adverb), and its origin.

Philosophers can use words in a different way to describe a concept in their own theory.This can get horrendously difficult when comparing different theories. Specialist dictionaries might help us out. But philos can be tricky and slippery customers - and extracting the 'juice' and seeing whether it is to our 'taste' is far from easy. We can even be put off reading something altogether because of our judgment that this person is 'stoopid', 'immoral', too 'far out' or 'strange'.

This can be said to be based on our 'feelings' about someone else's 'aesthetics' - where the first use means 'perception', the second means 'set of principles underlying the work of a particular artist/philospher, or artistic movement/philosophy'.

'Tastes' can change and mature - not by aesthetics (pleasing the senses) alone, but by experience and growing knowledge/observation. ( 5 different meaning of 'taste' as a noun; 2 as a verb) So, it pays to be careful about which meaning you are using, and try not to slipslide from one to the other if you are making an argument.

However, most of the time - nouns don't change all that very much. The dictionary reflects common usage, and tries to keep up - new terms can be found in eg the urban dictionary.

So, AS, remind me again ( I lost the memo :? ) - leaving all the paypals and pal plays behind, what is the message (significant point) you were originally sending us about how you 'feel' about the word 'aesthetics' - and the way you used it ? :wink:

AS: 'I do use words the way the 'feel' to me...but also I use them according to the definition I was taught as a child. I expect for word to always have the same feel and definition as when I learned them long ago...I even go to great lengths to make sure I look up the definition when someone is not understanding me to make sure I did not imagine or make up the definition I am using'

Did you look up the words of the topic? Did you see the variations ? Before any criticism of philo X's claim can be undertaken, we need to understand how the terms are being used. On face value, there are distinctions between the words that you lumped together - so, they do not mean the same, at all times and in different contexts. Thanks for showing the 'slipperiness'...

I'm done with this topic - as 'aesthetics/feelings/judgments' - we could get into the complexities and intertwining philo areas - like I said it is a 'biggie'...but not for now...

Thanks, AS et al.

BFN :)
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by bus2bondi »

hello, very interesting perspectives. some of the things i've read led me to ask why did the word 'rad' become uncool, yet the word cool still remains? i think they originated at around the same time and at the time appeared one and the same, yet still, 'rad' was like a blip and became uncool, and yet cool still remains.

(and thanks mhoraine for your earlier comment, i was trying to find a time to add more, and it just wasn't working out, but thank you. the other night i was just going to post something quick to you, but at the same time i was saying to myself, well wait, maybe this is a good time to post something more thorough, then i went back and forth and back and forth with that, and eventually didn't even post anything. all the while thinking of if, when and what i should post for a zillion other threads and thoughts as well. bahhh that buggered me well good goddammit! :lol:
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by bus2bondi »

hello again mhoraine, you mentioned a slippery slope, something reminded me of this. recently, i was reading through the alcholic thread i posted and i had many different responses, and didn't end up posting anything, one was going to be a 'John Cougar Mellancamp' song called 'Everyone needs a hand to hold onto', all i knew at the time was that in regards to alcoholism, and what i was feeling at the moment in regards to alcoholism, that song popped into my head. i didn't end up posting it, but i did listen to it.

when i was listening to it i started to notice some of the words in it, that seemed to go beyond the initial, i'm just going to post this because of what i was feeling about alcholism at that moment type of thing, some of the lyrics are 'don't need to be no strong hand' 'don't need to be no rich hand'
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by bus2bondi »

theeeeen, i started thinking about that.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by bus2bondi » i've listened to it, and listened to it, and listened to it, and each time i find something more in it, i'm listening to it now, and have found at least 20 different perspectives that i didn't have before in one listen.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

bus2bondi wrote:hello, very interesting perspectives. some of the things i've read led me to ask why did the word 'rad' become uncool, yet the word cool still remains? i think they originated at around the same time and at the time appeared one and the same, yet still, 'rad' was like a blip and became uncool, and yet cool still remains.

(and thanks mhoraine for your earlier comment, i was trying to find a time to add more, and it just wasn't working out, but thank you. the other night i was just going to post something quick to you, but at the same time i was saying to myself, well wait, maybe this is a good time to post something more thorough, then i went back and forth and back and forth with that, and eventually didn't even post anything. all the while thinking of if, when and what i should post for a zillion other threads and thoughts as well. bahhh that buggered me well good goddammit! :lol:
Didn't know that about the word 'rad' ? was it more of an American expression ? I wondered because my first 'feeling' was that 'cool' is easier to slip off the tongue, and is perhaps similar in many languages, haven't worked that one out yet...

About posting 'quick' - not always a good idea - but then again...

Sometimes, we can overthink things to the meltdown point :?
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

bus2bondi wrote:hello again mhoraine, you mentioned a slippery slope, something reminded me of this. recently, i was reading through the alcholic thread i posted and i had many different responses, and didn't end up posting anything, one was going to be a 'John Cougar Mellancamp' song called 'Everyone needs a hand to hold onto', all i knew at the time was that in regards to alcoholism, and what i was feeling at the moment in regards to alcoholism, that song popped into my head. i didn't end up posting it, but i did listen to it.

when i was listening to it i started to notice some of the words in it, that seemed to go beyond the initial, i'm just going to post this because of what i was feeling about alcholism at that moment type of thing, some of the lyrics are 'don't need to be no strong hand' 'don't need to be no rich hand'

I have to rush out now, b2b - but will respond later. It would be great to talk about 'feelings' related to alcoholism - and how words and music might help...; also about 'judgments'...

Later... 8)
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

bus2bondi wrote:theeeeen, i started thinking about that.
As one does :wink:
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

bus2bondi wrote: i've listened to it, and listened to it, and listened to it, and each time i find something more in it, i'm listening to it now, and have found at least 20 different perspectives that i didn't have before in one listen.
Will listen later. Would be interested to hear about your 'take'...

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