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Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:43 pm
by Walker
artisticsolution wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:11 am Hey "whitey" , your reign is over. Get used to it.

This thread is completely ridicules and a waste of time. There is really only one solution whitey...if you dont like it then start fucking amongst yourselves and breed. :roll:
You should be interested in taking the psychological test.


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:37 pm
by Nick_A
So much hatred and division in the US, and so much religion. The world has turned and the "North Star" to which Americans cling no longer points the way home.
The North Star still points the way home. Diversity expressed as dominant secular denial prevents its influence. It covers is light with imagination. The quality of cultural metaxu necessary to sustain the psychology necessary to prevent society from descending into chaos has even at times been made illegal.

Cultural metaxu is the sum of values which remind us of our connection with the North Star leading to our source. Where once the church representing the values necessary for freedom was the building in the center of a town, it has been replaced by City Hall representing and enforcing the transient values of the Great Beast.

Traditional marriage is a good example. Where once support of the traditional marriage or the foundation of the nuclear family was a healthy part of cultural metaxu, the concept of marriage has been degraded into equality with a civil union. The ideal of the traditional marriage is the blend of yin and yang in the presence of its creator and the potential for children as results of this blend of yin and yang recognizing is creator. This quality of a healthy metaxu has been successfully eliminated in dominant secular society. There are many examples of this. Diversity supports the loss of metaxu by the concern over who gets insulted. Once society forgets the big picture its metaxu must decline and its potential for freedom is lost.

Diversity can only be beneficial when it recognizes the values America was founded upon. Once they are forgotten, diversity and secularized religion supporting the Great Beast becomes the enemy of freedom.


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 7:48 pm
by artisticsolution
Walker wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:43 pm
artisticsolution wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:11 am Hey "whitey" , your reign is over. Get used to it.

This thread is completely ridicules and a waste of time. There is really only one solution whitey...if you dont like it then start fucking amongst yourselves and breed. :roll:
You should be interested in taking the psychological test.

Thanks for making me's been a long time!


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:15 pm
by Frank N Stein
Walker wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:43 pm
artisticsolution wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:11 am Hey "whitey" , your reign is over. Get used to it.

This thread is completely ridicules and a waste of time. There is really only one solution whitey...if you dont like it then start fucking amongst yourselves and breed. :roll:
You should be interested in taking the psychological test.
Imagine all the faux outrage over that skit nowadays (and then the faux apologies).


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:24 pm
by artisticsolution
Frank N Stein wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:15 pm
Walker wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:43 pm
artisticsolution wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 11:11 am Hey "whitey" , your reign is over. Get used to it.

This thread is completely ridicules and a waste of time. There is really only one solution whitey...if you dont like it then start fucking amongst yourselves and breed. :roll:
You should be interested in taking the psychological test.
Imagine all the faux outrage over that skit nowadays (and then the faux apologies).
You are right, Frank! I am faux outraged thinking about the faux outrage that would ensue! :wink:


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:38 pm
by Frank N Stein
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:37 pm Greta
So much hatred and division in the US, and so much religion. The world has turned and the "North Star" to which Americans cling no longer points the way home.
The North Star still points the way home. Diversity expressed as dominant secular denial prevents its influence. It covers is light with imagination. The quality of cultural metaxu necessary to sustain the psychology necessary to prevent society from descending into chaos has even at times been made illegal.

Cultural metaxu is the sum of values which remind us of our connection with the North Star leading to our source. Where once the church representing the values necessary for freedom was the building in the center of a town, it has been replaced by City Hall representing and enforcing the transient values of the Great Beast.

Traditional marriage is a good example. Where once support of the traditional marriage or the foundation of the nuclear family was a healthy part of cultural metaxu, the concept of marriage has been degraded into equality with a civil union. The ideal of the traditional marriage is the blend of yin and yang in the presence of its creator and the potential for children as results of this blend of yin and yang recognizing is creator. This quality of a healthy metaxu has been successfully eliminated in dominant secular society. There are many examples of this. Diversity supports the loss of metaxu by the concern over who gets insulted. Once society forgets the big picture its metaxu must decline and its potential for freedom is lost.

Diversity can only be beneficial when it recognizes the values America was founded upon. Once they are forgotten, diversity and secularized religion supporting the Great Beast becomes the enemy of freedom.
Clearly you know little about the history of marriage. Do you know what a dowry is? Marriange has always been nothing more than a contract, a way for families to rid themselves of 'burdensome' daughters, hence the fact that fathers were required to pay someone to take them off their hands.
You need to stop believing that history consists of 1950s American sitcoms.


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:07 pm
by Greta
Frank N Stein wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:38 pm
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:37 pm Greta
So much hatred and division in the US, and so much religion. The world has turned and the "North Star" to which Americans cling no longer points the way home.
The North Star still points the way home. Diversity expressed as dominant secular denial prevents its influence. It covers is light with imagination. The quality of cultural metaxu necessary to sustain the psychology necessary to prevent society from descending into chaos has even at times been made illegal.

Cultural metaxu is the sum of values which remind us of our connection with the North Star leading to our source. Where once the church representing the values necessary for freedom was the building in the center of a town, it has been replaced by City Hall representing and enforcing the transient values of the Great Beast.

Traditional marriage is a good example. Where once support of the traditional marriage or the foundation of the nuclear family was a healthy part of cultural metaxu, the concept of marriage has been degraded into equality with a civil union. The ideal of the traditional marriage is the blend of yin and yang in the presence of its creator and the potential for children as results of this blend of yin and yang recognizing is creator. This quality of a healthy metaxu has been successfully eliminated in dominant secular society. There are many examples of this. Diversity supports the loss of metaxu by the concern over who gets insulted. Once society forgets the big picture its metaxu must decline and its potential for freedom is lost.

Diversity can only be beneficial when it recognizes the values America was founded upon. Once they are forgotten, diversity and secularized religion supporting the Great Beast becomes the enemy of freedom.
Clearly you know little about the history of marriage. Do you know what a dowry is? Marriange has always been nothing more than a contract, a way for families to rid themselves of 'burdensome' daughters, hence the fact that fathers were required to pay someone to take them off their hands.
You need to stop believing that history consists of 1950s American sitcoms.
Well said! :lol: Nick's posts do have a wistful quality, as if he's dreaming of the world represented by Leave it to Beaver and My Three Sons.

The traditional marriage was one of total domination of the woman by the man. I expect you will find that Nick sees that situation as "correct". I wonder if he also believes that the husband has every right to beat his wife as he sees fit to ensure compliance?


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:11 pm
by Nick_A
Frank N Stein wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:38 pm
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 5:37 pm Greta
So much hatred and division in the US, and so much religion. The world has turned and the "North Star" to which Americans cling no longer points the way home.
The North Star still points the way home. Diversity expressed as dominant secular denial prevents its influence. It covers is light with imagination. The quality of cultural metaxu necessary to sustain the psychology necessary to prevent society from descending into chaos has even at times been made illegal.

Cultural metaxu is the sum of values which remind us of our connection with the North Star leading to our source. Where once the church representing the values necessary for freedom was the building in the center of a town, it has been replaced by City Hall representing and enforcing the transient values of the Great Beast.

Traditional marriage is a good example. Where once support of the traditional marriage or the foundation of the nuclear family was a healthy part of cultural metaxu, the concept of marriage has been degraded into equality with a civil union. The ideal of the traditional marriage is the blend of yin and yang in the presence of its creator and the potential for children as results of this blend of yin and yang recognizing is creator. This quality of a healthy metaxu has been successfully eliminated in dominant secular society. There are many examples of this. Diversity supports the loss of metaxu by the concern over who gets insulted. Once society forgets the big picture its metaxu must decline and its potential for freedom is lost.

Diversity can only be beneficial when it recognizes the values America was founded upon. Once they are forgotten, diversity and secularized religion supporting the Great Beast becomes the enemy of freedom.
Clearly you know little about the history of marriage. Do you know what a dowry is? Marriange has always been nothing more than a contract, a way for families to rid themselves of 'burdensome' daughters, hence the fact that fathers were required to pay someone to take them off their hands.
You need to stop believing that history consists of 1950s American sitcoms.
You are referring to marriages for secular reasons. I am referring to marriages for spiritual reasons connecting above and below essential for maintaining the psych necessary for a free society. We speak of different things.

Regardles of how often it happens it is a necessary ideal just as the ideal male and ideal female are necessary ideals. Of course such ideas are frowned upon assuring the demise of of the metaxu necessary for freedom


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:46 pm
by Nick_A
The traditional marriage was one of total domination of the woman by the man. I expect you will find that Nick sees that situation as "correct". I wonder if he also believes that the husband has every right to beat his wife as he sees fit to ensure compliance?
Totally clueless. The ideal traditional marriage which serves as a necessary aspect of the metaxu essential for the psych to remember its quality is described by St' Paul. Notice how wife beating is justified.

Greta could never discuss traditional marriage as essential metaxu. It would drive her bonkers

Ephesians 5:28-33 King James Version (KJV)
So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
This is an ideal and ideals are rare but ideals are a necessary part of a healthy cultural metaxu

For those unfamiliar with cultural metaxu first introduced by Plato, Simone Weil explains it:
This world is the closed door. It is a barrier. And at the same time it is the way through.

Two prisoners whose cells adjoin communicate with each other by knocking on the wall. The wall is the thing which separates them but it is also their means of communication. It is the same with us and God. Every separation is a link.
The concept of a traditional marriage is a living link connecting above and below. No you won't hear of this word in secular education in any sort of a positive context. People have been shot for less.


Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:52 pm
by Nick_A
Well said! :lol: Nick's posts do have a wistful quality, as if he's dreaming of the world represented by Leave it to Beaver and My Three Sons.
No, I am saying that those like you are joyfully willing to sacrifice the ideals essential for a free society for the cause of statist slavery. I don't share your enthusiasm.


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:17 am
by Greta
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:46 pm
The traditional marriage was one of total domination of the woman by the man. I expect you will find that Nick sees that situation as "correct". I wonder if he also believes that the husband has every right to beat his wife as he sees fit to ensure compliance?
Totally clueless.

Greta could never discuss traditional marriage as essential metaxu. It would drive her bonkers
Nick holds up the ultimate relationship as if such relationships are commonplace. He needs to learn some history instead of making things up.

Also, from memory he believes that men should have total dominion over women's bodies. To that end:

1. Does he believe that women have the right to say no to sex in marriage?

2. Does he believe a wife has the right to disobey her husband?

3. Do he believe that it is fine for a husband to hit his wife for disobeying him?

Wasting time with a dimwit

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 4:28 am
by Greta
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:52 pm Greta
Well said! :lol: Nick's posts do have a wistful quality, as if he's dreaming of the world represented by Leave it to Beaver and My Three Sons.
No, I am saying that those like you are joyfully willing to sacrifice the ideals essential for a free society for the cause of statist slavery. I don't share your enthusiasm.
Keep your straw persons to yourself.

The essentials for a free society need not involve adopting the ideology of Iron Age Middle East - we can see how that went for them.

The essentials for a free society do not involve denying women abortions, the freedom to force women to have sex in marriage even when she says no, the freedom for husbands to beat their wives, the freedom to destroy homosexuals for not being normal, the freedom to annihilate the natural environment for "divine man", and so on.

Besides, most of us well know the suspected proclivities of St Paul in shaping Christianity - it appears to be a religion started by a gay man in denial that still holds those qualities that attract gay men in denial to this day - hence all the anti-gay campaigners that seem to have more sex with blokes that out gays. Here's a brief list of prominent Christian "anti gay" campaigners caught playing hide the sausage: ... gay/joanne

Hmm, and they don't much like women. Hmmmm.

The irony is that the GOP and their favourite man are the very epitome of statist slavery in their policy-making. Yet a sizeable majority of Christians are too too dim and uneducated to realise how they are being played by both flock leaders and political leaders pretending to be spiritual people. Probably too busy trying not to fantasise about being bonked by blokes :lol:


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 6:11 am
by Walker
Nick_A wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 9:46 pm The concept of a traditional marriage is a living link connecting above and below.
So much so that it’s sacred. A sacrament. But not because anyone says so.

That society demeans the sacred does not diminish what makes the sacred, so.


Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:04 pm
by Dachshund
artisticsolution wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Frank N Stein wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:15 pm
Walker wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 4:43 pm
You should be interested in taking the psychological test.
Imagine all the faux outrage over that skit nowadays (and then the faux apologies).
You are right, Frank! I am faux outraged thinking about the faux outrage that would ensue! :wink:
Here are two facts for you to consider...

FACT (1)

Over the past 1000 years of its existence, Western (white European) civilization has been the single most war-ridden, war-dominated and militaristic civilization in history.

FACT (2)

Western (white/European) culture is objectively superior in every respect (rational, moral, aesthetic, etc.) to every other world high culture that has ever existed in the entire history of human civilization. No other ethnic/racial group has ever produced a culture/civilization that even comes close to rivalling the power, beauty, nobility and glory of that created by the white Western European race.

Now, tell me, "Aristotle", what inferences do you draw when you add FACT (1) to FACT (2) ?

One inference II draw is that if you think the white man in America will passively succumb to genocide at the hands of inferior racial groups like:the black African-American; the Arab Muslim; or the Mexican Hispanic, etc; if you think that when demographic "push" really comes to "shove" he will offer no resistance, that he will just meekly surrender his identity (and existence) as a proud, white, Western man along with all of his glorious cultural inheritance ( i.e; the legacy unique values; traditions; institutions; moral principles; social manners and mores passed down to him by his forefathers, those men who forged human history's greatest civilization) to a mob of grubby savages (i.e. people like YOU), THINK AGAIN.




Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2019 2:07 pm
by FlashDangerpants
Dachshund wrote: Mon Jan 21, 2019 1:04 pm
artisticsolution wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:24 pm
Frank N Stein wrote: Sun Jan 20, 2019 8:15 pm

Imagine all the faux outrage over that skit nowadays (and then the faux apologies).
You are right, Frank! I am faux outraged thinking about the faux outrage that would ensue! :wink:
Here are two facts for you to consider...

FACT (1)

Over the past 1000 years of its existence, Western (white European) civilization has been the single most war-ridden, war-dominated and militaristic civilization in history.

FACT (2)

Western (white/European) culture is objectively superior in every respect (rational, moral, aesthetic, etc.) to every other world high culture that has ever existed in the entire history of human civilization. No other ethnic/racial group has ever produced a culture/civilization that even comes close to rivalling the power, beauty, nobility and glory of that created by the white Western European race.

Now, tell me, "Aristotle", what inferences do you draw when you add FACT (1) to FACT (2) ?

One inference II draw is that if you think the white man in America will passively succumb to genocide at the hands of inferior racial groups like:the black African-American; the Arab Muslim; or the Mexican Hispanic, etc; if you think that when demographic "push" really comes to "shove" he will offer no resistance, that he will just meekly surrender his identity (and existence) as a proud, white, Western man along with all of his glorious cultural inheritance ( i.e; the legacy unique values; traditions; institutions; moral principles; social manners and mores passed down to him by his forefathers, those men who forged human history's greatest civilization) to a mob of grubby savages (i.e. people like YOU), THINK AGAIN.


Given that you have now explicitly stated other races are inferior, can we now describe you as a White Supremacist against your previous advice?

From what data do you derive the FACTTTTT(1) about most militaristic civilizations? I can't see any real justification for it given that Sparta was over 1000 years ago, and in the last millennium we've had the Mongols. That's before Veritas Aquafresh rolls out his general complaint list about Islam.

Describe a culture as superior is to make what is called a normative judgment. That is normative as opposed to objective. So by definition FACCCCTTTT(2) is false.