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Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:11 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
thedoc wrote:
vegetariantaxidermy wrote: Ridiculous. This is why people hate you--you are oblivious to the harm you do. You are all so busy puffing up your chests and swaggering around telling everyone how great you are that you end up with a cartoon character of yourselves at the helm and don't even notice how insane y'all look to the rest of us. Do you ever hear anyone else boasting about the country they live in? And there are plenty of countries with a lot more to feel proud about than the US does. You don't even care that you have fucked up the ME and caused a massive refugee crisis that is pushing everyone to the limit. And you have the nerve to vote in a President because he said he would get rid of all the Muslims. What's to like about you?
Oh, and you use by far more oil than any other country and then vote in a bunch of global-warming deniers and religious freak-show of fundy misfits.
Then why does everyone want to come here? BTW I'm not a global warming denier, I just don't accept that it will be a disaster. And I don't want to get rid of all Muslims, just the ones trying to kill us. And I believe that China is now using more oil that we are. You really need to pull your head out of your ass, and stop looking at the world through your own shit.
No. The US is the highest by far. And thanks for proving my points. There was an American on here recently saying the same things I do, so there are a few intelligent ones who can see it for what it is and don't get all Nationalistic and 'butt-hurt' by the truth. And who are all these muslims 'trying to kill' you? Last I saw the US had murdered several million of them. Who's killing who? Or don't they matter?

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:40 am
by Philosophy Explorer
Just want to also point out the US is also one of the most helpful countries on earth. They've helped out England during WW2 with the Lend-Lease program, at Dunkirk resting British soldiers and in many other ways, otherwise you'd see a swastika flying on the British buildings. Aside from WW2, the US has been helping out the world with many charitable acts.


Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:48 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Philosophy Explorer wrote:Just want to also point out the US is also one of the most helpful countries on earth. They've helped out England during WW2 with the Lend-Lease program, at Dunkirk resting British soldiers and in many other ways, otherwise you'd see a swastika flying on the British buildings. Aside from WW2, the US has been helping out the world with many charitable acts.

Oops. Silly me. I keep forgetting that the US single-handedly won WW11. Is that what they teach you at school? :roll:
How on earth would you know what a hypothetical future might have been like? An infinite number of seemingly insignificant events can alter the course of history. Hitler might have stubbed his big toe which turned gangrenous then he dropped dead.

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:50 am
by Philosophy Explorer
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
Philosophy Explorer wrote:Just want to also point out the US is also one of the most helpful countries on earth. They've helped out England during WW2 with the Lend-Lease program, at Dunkirk resting British soldiers and in many other ways, otherwise you'd see a swastika flying on the British buildings. Aside from WW2, the US has been helping out the world with many charitable acts.

Oops. Silly me. I keep forgetting that the US single-handedly won WW11. Is that what they teach you at school? :roll:
How on earth would you know what a hypothetical future might have been like? An infinite number of seemingly insignificant events can alter the course of history. Hitler might have stubbed his big toe which turned gangrenous then he dropped dead.


Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 8:58 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Greta wrote:
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:I can't believe we are still being dictated to by religious nuts who have a heavy arsenal of lies to manipulate the public with.
I think this reflects our speed of progress. Cultural systems seem to hang around for centuries and in this day and age they are looking ever more irrational and crazy. Also note that, due to the long period of church control, a lot of old money is still "religious money" (in terms of lobbying).

It is perplexing but we live in unique and unusual times where it's possible for advocates of the morality of different time periods to clash.
Strange. My response disappeared and then philosophy poked his snout in uninvited with something that was completely irrelevant.
I said it has nothing to do with 'morality' and everything to do with control. Needless suffering can never be 'moral'. It's cruel, sadistic, and completely unnecessary.

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 11:05 am
by Hobbes' Choice
As an American living in England it never fails to horrify my the arrogance of other Americans who talk nonsense about the US being the greatest country in the world; most of whom do not even own a passport let alone have visited other countries. When they do they visit Canada or Mexico. The latter, a country they are abusing as an economic satellite and drug importation business, and upon whom they increasingly rely for cheap labour.
The worst mental aberration suffered by many Americans is the claim that their democracy is the best in the world, when it is crystal clear that the republican system in the US is geared to support an oligarchic plutocracy. So disillusioned or fooled by the myth of democratic perfection voting turnouts rarely even reach 60%, and the choices between or the other rich capitalist self serving corporate shill, leave much to be desired and have much in common with Chinese democracy in terms of variation of candidate.
America is, of course first in the western world for many things, among them the highest prison population, the misrepresentation of minorities, illiteracy, and inequality.

PS. It's interesting that such claims should be made in a thread discussing the growth of dementia. I've always thought that there was something in the food in the US which is stunting the rational growth of the cerebral cortex.
I'd always thought the cognitive problems were simply due to the fact that for many years the US was populated by the dregs from a range of religions, and this has led to a culture which asserts that 'belief' is good enough, or an acceptable point of argument. I know many Americans are great achievers in the sciences, but the pressure to conform to religious dogma is strong especially in government, and this infects the entire nation.

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 12:53 pm
by Greta
At least half the PhD candidates in the US these days are apparently born in other countries

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:35 pm
by Lacewing
I have enjoyed and partaken in the indulgent lifestyle of America, but clearly there is much toxicity, intoxication, and dull-thickness in it too. It can be a very tricky balance to navigate. It's easy to forget who you basically are when you're constantly bombarded with noise and excess and insanity and unnatural crap. That's why it's encouraging and inspiring to find those who can balance themselves (or even master it) to some degree. No matter where one lives on this planet, or what circumstances and environment they are in, it seems that we all deal with the challenges of staying attuned to our basic natures free of fear and ego.

I do not like country borders or flags. Other people are free to create such stories for themselves... and fight as much as they want in their stories. But from my perspective, they did not create this Earth, and they do not own this Earth. They simply create and engage in stories that they try to hold others accountable to. I'd rather attune to some of the many other elements and possibilities of this experience.

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:37 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
Philosophy Explorer wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote:As an American living in England it never fails to horrify my the arrogance of other Americans who talk nonsense about the US being the greatest country in the world; most of whom do not even own a passport let alone have visited other countries. When they do they visit Canada or Mexico. The latter, a country they are abusing as an economic satellite and drug importation business, and upon whom they increasingly rely for cheap labour.
The worst mental aberration suffered by many Americans is the claim that their democracy is the best in the world, when it is crystal clear that the republican system in the US is geared to support an oligarchic plutocracy. So disillusioned or fooled by the myth of democratic perfection voting turnouts rarely even reach 60%, and the choices between or the other rich capitalist self serving corporate shill, leave much to be desired and have much in common with Chinese democracy in terms of variation of candidate.
America is, of course first in the western world for many things, among them the highest prison population, the misrepresentation of minorities, illiteracy, and inequality.

PS. It's interesting that such claims should be made in a thread discussing the growth of dementia. I've always thought that there was something in the food in the US which is stunting the rational growth of the cerebral cortex.
I'd always thought the cognitive problems were simply due to the fact that for many years the US was populated by the dregs from a range of religions, and this has led to a culture which asserts that 'belief' is good enough, or an acceptable point of argument. I know many Americans are great achievers in the sciences, but the pressure to conform to religious dogma is strong especially in government, and this infects the entire nation.
Do you have dual citizenship? If not, then how can you be an "American living in England?" Once again you're bringing up unjustified bullshit to try to spite me as it's well known that the US saved England's sorry hide in WW2
with all sorts of help, otherwise you would see the Nazi flag hanging off your British buildings today. So are you and VT Nazi sympathizers? You're about as good as Neville Chamberlin who sold out other countries to Nazi Germany.

The US government is drug importing from Mexico?!!!! Now that's a laugh. Wasn't Trump saying he'd build a wall to help stop it (which I already predicted won't happen as I already knew it wouldn't work.) You make a bunch of undocumented claims. You talk about the highest prison population. And how good are things in Merry Olde England that you're covering up on? So good you're turning your backs on the rest of Europe. The reason why the US has a high prison population is because criminals are put behind bars. It's as simple as that. DUH.

Now you're talking about US food bringing on dementia in England and Wales, you who are a nonscientist. What's the matter? Are you falsely claiming that US food is causing dementia where you live at? You haven't a shred of evidence for that, let alone proving that the food you eat originated in the US implying that British food is garbage. Furthermore why is the rate of dementia in England and Wales so high when compared with the US? You're off your rocker.

I'll let others deal with the rest of your nonsense posting. The garbage you've posted isn't even worth a response from me.

Actually it's you who is the Nazi. You voted for a Nazi Govt. and you defend your own Nazi-type imperialism. You are rabidly Nationalistic. You have a superiority complex. You are pro-war. You deny history. And you don't have a clue about science. All Nazi attributes. The methods might be different in some aspects, but dead is dead to dead people.

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 5:47 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
Lacewing wrote:I have enjoyed and partaken in the indulgent lifestyle of America, but clearly there is much toxicity, intoxication, and dull-thickness in it too. It can be a very tricky balance to navigate. It's easy to forget who you basically are when you're constantly bombarded with noise and excess and insanity and unnatural crap. That's why it's encouraging and inspiring to find those who can balance themselves (or even master it) to some degree. No matter where one lives on this planet, or what circumstances and environment they are in, it seems that we all deal with the challenges of staying attuned to our basic natures free of fear and ego.

I do not like country borders or flags. Other people are free to create such stories for themselves... and fight as much as they want in their stories. But from my perspective, they did not create this Earth, and they do not own this Earth. They simply create and engage in stories that they try to hold others accountable to. I'd rather attune to some of the many other elements and possibilities of this experience.
Humans did essentially 'create' the earth and its countries. Its identity is our identity. A country is a man-made concept, although a natural extension of our territorial nature. Most mammals are territorial. Some humans created better countries than others, just as some people on a street keep nicer homes than others. Do you consider your home to be your own, or do you have an open-door policy?

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:09 pm
by Lacewing
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
Lacewing wrote:I do not like country borders or flags. Other people are free to create such stories for themselves... and fight as much as they want in their stories. But from my perspective, they did not create this Earth, and they do not own this Earth. They simply create and engage in stories that they try to hold others accountable to.
Humans did essentially 'create' the earth and its countries. Its identity is our identity. A country is a man-made concept, although a natural extension of our territorial nature. Most mammals are territorial. Some humans created better countries than others, just as some people on a street keep nicer homes than others.
Okay, so you're speaking of one way/level of looking at it, just as I am speaking of another. One does not cancel out the other.
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:Do you consider your home to be your own, or do you have an open-door policy?
I can see both vantage points. I "pay" for it and take care of it and protect it as a way of playing within the rules of this game... but my ATTITUDE is flexible for change, because I don't think the game is an absolute/complete view. Would I kill people for this home... no. Would I keep someone out if they needed refuge from being killed... no. I feel like I'm a temporary guest here too! I walk around all the time feeling gratitude that I "get to be here". I don't have some sort of fierce idea of entitlement. This is where my path led based on choices I made, but I do not OWN it supremely! I actually DO want to share this space with others who will appreciate and protect it too. I'm open to non-ownership. And I feel the same way about the planet. Boundaries (and identity with them) may serve certain purposes, but they also destroy a great deal.

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 7:24 pm
by vegetariantaxidermy
Lacewing wrote:
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
Lacewing wrote:I do not like country borders or flags. Other people are free to create such stories for themselves... and fight as much as they want in their stories. But from my perspective, they did not create this Earth, and they do not own this Earth. They simply create and engage in stories that they try to hold others accountable to.
Humans did essentially 'create' the earth and its countries. Its identity is our identity. A country is a man-made concept, although a natural extension of our territorial nature. Most mammals are territorial. Some humans created better countries than others, just as some people on a street keep nicer homes than others.
Okay, so you're speaking of one way/level of looking at it, just as I am speaking of another. One does not cancel out the other.
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:Do you consider your home to be your own, or do you have an open-door policy?
I can see both vantage points. I "pay" for it and take care of it and protect it as a way of playing within the rules of this game... but my ATTITUDE is flexible for change, because I don't think the game is an absolute/complete view. Would I kill people for this home... no. Would I keep someone out if they needed refuge from being killed... no. I feel like I'm a temporary guest here too! I walk around all the time feeling gratitude that I "get to be here". I don't have some sort of fierce idea of entitlement. This is where my path led based on choices I made, but I do not OWN it supremely! I actually DO want to share this space with others who will appreciate and protect it too. I'm open to non-ownership. And I feel the same way about the planet. Boundaries (and identity with them) may serve certain purposes, but they also destroy a great deal.
A bit of honesty goes a long way. Allowing someone into your home as a refuge from being killed is a bit different from having an 'open door'. And I would think you should allow someone in who was in danger, especially if you were the cause and source of that danger (yes, it is ironic isn't it?).

Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:40 pm
by Philosophy Explorer
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
Philosophy Explorer wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote:As an American living in England it never fails to horrify my the arrogance of other Americans who talk nonsense about the US being the greatest country in the world; most of whom do not even own a passport let alone have visited other countries. When they do they visit Canada or Mexico. The latter, a country they are abusing as an economic satellite and drug importation business, and upon whom they increasingly rely for cheap labour.
The worst mental aberration suffered by many Americans is the claim that their democracy is the best in the world, when it is crystal clear that the republican system in the US is geared to support an oligarchic plutocracy. So disillusioned or fooled by the myth of democratic perfection voting turnouts rarely even reach 60%, and the choices between or the other rich capitalist self serving corporate shill, leave much to be desired and have much in common with Chinese democracy in terms of variation of candidate.
America is, of course first in the western world for many things, among them the highest prison population, the misrepresentation of minorities, illiteracy, and inequality.

PS. It's interesting that such claims should be made in a thread discussing the growth of dementia. I've always thought that there was something in the food in the US which is stunting the rational growth of the cerebral cortex.
I'd always thought the cognitive problems were simply due to the fact that for many years the US was populated by the dregs from a range of religions, and this has led to a culture which asserts that 'belief' is good enough, or an acceptable point of argument. I know many Americans are great achievers in the sciences, but the pressure to conform to religious dogma is strong especially in government, and this infects the entire nation.
Do you have dual citizenship? If not, then how can you be an "American living in England?" Once again you're bringing up unjustified bullshit to try to spite me as it's well known that the US saved England's sorry hide in WW2
with all sorts of help, otherwise you would see the Nazi flag hanging off your British buildings today. So are you and VT Nazi sympathizers? You're about as good as Neville Chamberlin who sold out other countries to Nazi Germany.

The US government is drug importing from Mexico?!!!! Now that's a laugh. Wasn't Trump saying he'd build a wall to help stop it (which I already predicted won't happen as I already knew it wouldn't work.) You make a bunch of undocumented claims. You talk about the highest prison population. And how good are things in Merry Olde England that you're covering up on? So good you're turning your backs on the rest of Europe. The reason why the US has a high prison population is because criminals are put behind bars. It's as simple as that. DUH.

Now you're talking about US food bringing on dementia in England and Wales, you who are a nonscientist. What's the matter? Are you falsely claiming that US food is causing dementia where you live at? You haven't a shred of evidence for that, let alone proving that the food you eat originated in the US implying that British food is garbage. Furthermore why is the rate of dementia in England and Wales so high when compared with the US? You're off your rocker.

I'll let others deal with the rest of your nonsense posting. The garbage you've posted isn't even worth a response from me.

Actually it's you who is the Nazi. You voted for a Nazi Govt. and you defend your own Nazi-type imperialism. You are rabidly Nationalistic. You have a superiority complex. You are pro-war. You deny history. And you don't have a clue about science. All Nazi attributes. The methods might be different in some aspects, but dead is dead to dead people.
I don't vote fool. Show me where I said that. You're still the Nazi sympathizer based on statements you made. Just for the record I'm rabid anti-Nazi which many members are aware of. Since you don't say what country you're from, that can only mean you're hiding from Nazi hunters.


Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:55 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
Philosophy Explorer wrote: If not, then how can you be an "American living in England?" Once again you're bringing up unjustified bullshit to try to spite me as it's well known that the US saved England's sorry hide in WW2.

You're about as good as Neville Chamberlin who sold out other countries to Nazi Germany.

The US government is drug importing from Mexico?!!!! Now that's a laugh. Wasn't Trump saying he'd build a wall to help stop it (which I already predicted won't happen as I already knew it wouldn't work.) You make a bunch of undocumented claims. You talk about the highest prison population. And how good are things in Merry Olde England that you're covering up on? So good you're turning your backs on the rest of Europe. The reason why the US has a high prison population is because criminals are put behind bars. It's as simple as that. DUH.


Now you're talking about US food bringing on dementia in England and Wales, you who are a nonscientist. What's the matter? Are you falsely claiming that US food is causing dementia where you live at? You haven't a shred of evidence for that, let alone proving that the food you eat originated in the US implying that British food is garbage. Furthermore why is the rate of dementia in England and Wales so high when compared with the US? You're off your rocker.

I'll let others deal with the rest of your nonsense posting. The garbage you've posted isn't even worth a response from me.


Re: Dementia now the biggest cause of death over taking Heart Disease

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2016 9:57 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
Lacewing wrote: I do not like country borders or flags. .
Me too; the source of most of our pain and conflict.