The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Walker »

UniversalAlien wrote:Now let us deal with some facts - facts that the 'gun grabbers' refuse to accept:

I quote the following:

Murder by Gun Control
by L. Neil Smith

...........Gun control may have felt like a nice, warm, fuzzy idea to its advocates back in the 1960s. However today, owing to a great deal of serious legal and historical scholarship — and a series of horrifying but highly educational events — anyone who wishes to violate the fundamental covenant on which this nation is based, by attempting to outlaw personal weapons, has to get past three extremely inconvenient but absolutely incontrovertible facts:
(1) Every year, in this nation of more than a quarter billion individuals, a few thousand (three quarters of them suicides) are killed with firearms, while _millions_ of Americans successfully use personal weapons to save themselves and others from injury or death. Guns save many, many times more lives than they take.
(2) In every jurisdiction that has made it even microscopically easier for individuals to carry weapons, violent crime rates have plummeted by double-digit percentages. Vermont, where no permission of any kind is required to carry a gun, is named in many respectable surveys as the safest state to live in.
(3) More telling and urgent, every episode of genocidal mass murder in history has been preceded by a period of intense disarming of the civil population, usually with "public safety" or "national security" as an excuse. According to Amnesty International — hardly a gang of right wing crazies — in the 20th century alone (in events entirely separate from war), governments have slaughtered more than a hundred million people, usually their own citizens.
The U.S. is far from immune. Look up "Operation Keelhaul".
Clearly, if those millions had been armed, they couldn't have been murdered by their own governments. And if the governments hadn't known where all the weapons were and who possessed them, the people couldn't have been disarmed. It follows, then, that no amount of gun control — especially "soft" measures like registering guns or gun owners — is reasonable or safe. Those who tremble at the idea of personal weapons — "hoplophobes" is the diagnostic term — are fond of saying that guns are made for only one purpose. Well, gun control serves only one purpose, too — the incapacitation and extermination of whole peoples...........
Quote source and rest of article: ... 82531.html

And another fact and I quote:


Henry's Philosophical position is getting stronger.
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Post by henry quirk »

"Henry. If you decide to keep a dog as a pet in the US is it necessary to register this animal with the local authorities?"

Nope, not where I am, anyway. Mebbe some municipalities or counties on the east and west coasts do, but overall, no.
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Post by henry quirk »


I certainly appreciate the support, but you gotta know: I'm an atheist.


Again, I'm sympathetic to those, with good intentions, who would control guns tightly or even ban them. My sympathies, however, don't run so deep that I'll give up a legit means of self-defense and -sufficency.

Again: I'm not the bad guy here and I won't be punished for some one else's bad choices and behaviors. Just not seein' how me giving up mine makes the world safer or prohibits bad folks from doing bad things. Punish the crapsack and leave me be.
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Post by henry quirk »


Again, I appreciate the support, but my position is not a philosophical one, but purely a practical one, founded on experience.

I hunt and have fed myself and others through the use of my shotgun.

I was able, by way of my shotgun, to dissuade three young men, who entered my home without permission, from doing anything to me or from taking my property. By way of my shotgun, I was able to persuade them to leave my home.

To self-suffice, to self-defend are practical capacities that shouldn't be traded off lightly.
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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Walker »

henry quirk wrote:Walker,

I certainly appreciate the support, but you gotta know: I'm an atheist.
Then you should know, the state of mind that is The United States couldn’t care less.

Whether or not you know it, the issue is larger than who you think you are.

Whether or not you know it, every move you make is a philosophical decision, because you are a human being.
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Hobbes' Choice
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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Walker wrote:
Obvious Leo wrote:Fair enough, Walker, I get your meaning. You're trying to explain to me that the US is a theocracy, which explains why so many Americans are such an immoral murderous gang of bandits who stand willing to trample all over the human rights of anybody who doesn't agree with them.

It seems that you and I have nothing to argue about after all.

The judgements expressed in your words show that you live in a violent and antagonistic world, and that you call this world of yours, peace.

Er... no you got that wrong. Leo does not live in the place you describe which is more or less exactly the USA: the country that when Trump says yet another insane bigoted statement his popularity rises.
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henry quirk
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Post by henry quirk »


Wow, from support to preaching. I respectfully decline to be the poster boy for any one's philosophy. I do as I do for reasons I suss out for myself. Where I align with others, great! Where I deviate from others, *shrug*.



Your question about dog registration got me thinkin'....did some quick Louisiana, there's a mish-mash of laws and regs that vary from parish to parish (we got parishes in LA. instead of counties), mostly centered on rabies prevention...most, it seems, pay these regs and laws no mind (including law enforcement)...cats and dogs have been a fixture for me since I was a kid and registrations never entered into it.

Some time back, in fact, I had a problem with a neighbior's was a vicious little shit...not a real threat to me, but certainly to my nine year old...local PD was mightly reluctant to involve itself, and deferred to Animal Control...Animal Control did absolutely nuthin'...had the neighbors not moved when they did, I may have had to resort to antifreeze to solve the problem.

I got no clue if the animal was registered in any fashion and neither did the cops or animal control one cared or wanted to be involved. Culture (local) has a lot to do with this.
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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Walker »

Henry, wise up. This isn't a situation of your personal opinions.

Cripes. I'm turning into Hex.
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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Walker »

Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Walker wrote:
Obvious Leo wrote:Fair enough, Walker, I get your meaning. You're trying to explain to me that the US is a theocracy, which explains why so many Americans are such an immoral murderous gang of bandits who stand willing to trample all over the human rights of anybody who doesn't agree with them.

It seems that you and I have nothing to argue about after all.

The judgements expressed in your words show that you live in a violent and antagonistic world, and that you call this world of yours, peace.

Or perhaps peace is your hope. If that’s the case, well then shit in one hand and hope in the other … and see which one fills up first.

And it obviously starts now, with your next movement. Speak into your hand so that it taps the keys. Is it to be true peace expressed, or the world that you know.

Er... no you got that wrong. Leo does not live in the place you describe which is more or less exactly the USA: the country that when Trump says yet another insane bigoted statement his popularity rises.
You display a cartoon-level of comprehension, Hobbes of the truncated quotation.
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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Hobbes' Choice »

Walker wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Walker wrote:
The judgements expressed in your words show that you live in a violent and antagonistic world, and that you call this world of yours, peace.

Or perhaps peace is your hope. If that’s the case, well then shit in one hand and hope in the other … and see which one fills up first.

And it obviously starts now, with your next movement. Speak into your hand so that it taps the keys. Is it to be true peace expressed, or the world that you know.

Er... no you got that wrong. Leo does not live in the place you describe which is more or less exactly the USA: the country that when Trump says yet another insane bigoted statement his popularity rises.
You display a cartoon-level of comprehension, Hobbes of the truncated quotation.
Truncated? Is that because you have failed to mention the elephant in the room, dumbo?
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henry quirk
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Post by henry quirk »

"Henry, wise up. This isn't a situation of your personal opinions."

This (gun violence) is a communal problem that each and every one will address as he or she sees fit. Some will band together, others will go it alone. My response to any situation is always mine alone. You perhaps prefer the group effort. More power to ya.

Is it your view, because it is a communal problem, that I should defer to the wisdom of the community in this?


"Cripes. I'm turning into Hex."

I'm thinkin' you sound more like Rev. Bob... :P
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Post by Walker »

henry quirk wrote:"Henry, wise up. This isn't a situation of your personal opinions."

This (gun violence) is a communal problem that each and every one will address as he or she sees fit. Some will band together, others will go it alone. My response to any situation is always mine alone. You perhaps prefer the group effort. More power to ya.

Is it your view, because it is a communal problem, that I should defer to the wisdom of the community in this?


"Cripes. I'm turning into Hex."

I'm thinkin' you sound more like Rev. Bob... :P
Philosophically and rationally,

You do not give life to yourself.

Whatever does, is God.

This is not a statement of belief or faith, it is a statement of truth and fact.

Your faith in athiesm does not change that.

Unless Frankenstein gave you life.
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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Walker »

What's your cartoon elephant Hobbs?
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henry quirk
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Post by henry quirk »


Whoever or whatever gave me life, it/she/he ain't takin' care of me.

I'm the one who feeds me, shelters me, defends me.

I can, of course, let a community do those things for me, but I'm not inclined to, which is really my entire point in this thread.

I respect your god-belief, but until god pours manna down on me, erects a home for me, and smites my enemies, He doesn't figure into my thinkin' on gun violence or anything else.

I got nuthin' against you, Walker, but I'm done with god talk today
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Re: The Right to bear arms for the purpose of domestic resistance.

Post by Obvious Leo »

Walker wrote:The judgements expressed in your words show that you live in a violent and antagonistic world,
Actually I live like an eccentric old hippy in the middle of the Australian wilderness in a house which hasn't once been locked in 30 years. I know a lot of people but I don't know anybody who owns a gun, although admittedly if one of my acquaintances did own a gun it's not the sort of thing he would mention to other people. We have our small community of gun enthusiasts in my country but for the most part the gun culture which we read of in the US is utterly unfathomable. I don't live in a violent and antagonistic world but in the modern day it is possible to be aware of the fact that such a world exists beyond the boundaries of my hermit kingdom and I've certainly been around for long enough to know that I want no part of it.

Henry. Intruders on my estate would not be greeted by a shotgun-wielding lunatic offering violence but by a harmless old git offering fresh Arabica coffee and some of the homemade biscuits for which I am widely renowned. They would then be taken on a tour of my garden, for which I am also widely renowned. I fear NOBODY because I have never been given reason to.
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