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Re: Virgin Birth Myths

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:20 am
by Greta
Nick_A wrote: Mon Mar 26, 2018 5:02 am
Greta wrote: Mon Mar 26, 2018 4:40 am
Dontaskme wrote: Sun Mar 25, 2018 9:25 am

Bang on as usual, thanks Nick.
That makes no sense whatsoever, especially when proposed by a pair who have shown intense negative emotions on the forum many times.

I see no connection between remaining positive and the "logic" of a virgin birth. This is all rather boring. You guys make vague comments and then when questioned you say it's all wrong - but never then explain it. A recipe for dull circularity.

I would also suggest that "innocence" is the wrong word for what is supposed to be expressed. Innocence has nothing to do with avoiding negativity. Zilch. Children can quite easily fall into despair. It takes maturity - a loss of innocence - to see past the game and retain a generally positive attitude through life's challenges.
Greta, it is only your attachment to negative emotion that prevents you from opening to the verticality of being which threatens your treasured secularism . Since you are closed, nothing can be explained. You are closed to how levels of reality are connected inviting the life forces under certain circumstances to pass from one level of reality into another as they did with the virgin birth.

Innocence is not avoiding negativity but just not being a slave to acquired negative emotions. When a person is innocent and not caught up in acquired expressions of negative reactions, they become realistic. Then the mind can open to reality rather than remain a slave to acquired defensive preconceptions.
You are always complaining about something or other yet you preach to others about negativity. Noted.

Also, I think you are wriggling with the "nothing can be explained" caper. What an easy cop out. So you announce to the swine that you have pearls of wisdom and then refuse to waste them on mere swine.

What of the "levels of reality are connected inviting the life forces under certain circumstances to pass from one level of reality into another as they did with the virgin birth"? A simple ungrounded speculation, a fantasy.

"Inviting the life forces" ... generally the inviting of life forces results in you judging women's morality. What on earth do you mean? Are you talking about "spirit hacks" like astral travelling and remote sensing? Or are you manipulating chakras to do whatever it is that you need to do? Or is it a matter of just trying really, really hard with classic Abrahamic emotionality? Or is it just a mysterious "knack" only afforded to believers?

Re: Virgin Birth Myths

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 7:56 am
by Dontaskme
Greta wrote: Mon Mar 26, 2018 6:20 am

That makes no sense whatsoever, especially when proposed by a pair who have shown intense negative emotions on the forum many times.

Always embrace the leper in yourself. Don't be afraid to touch it, feel it, sense it, make friends with it, allow it to be there, and know it will always be a part of what is you incarnate.

But also know that what you are something much more grander than the leper, and that the leper can never touch what you really are in essence. You have total immunity to the leper within.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

Before enlightenment, chop wood carry water, burp, fart, don't wash for a week, say jesus fucking christ a lot, ...after enlightenment, chop wood, carry water, burp, fart, don't wash for a week, say jesus fucking christ a lot.

We can't escape what we are, we are all of this warts and all.We as in life ..we are life, we don't have a life, we are life and life is everything. And there is no way out of that which we were never in. You cannot kill that which was never born.

That's life.


To become conscious of would first and foremost have had to be unconscious. You cannot be conscious of the unconscious you.
There is no you because there is no other than you.
