Generated Messages and Word-Values.

How does science work? And what's all this about quantum mechanics?

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. - 6

211222 [Separate Selfishness Shining]

06:24 [Important Journey]

GM: Illuminate Imaginative Realities
The bits will suffice.
The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us
In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
Look For the Significance
Concomitant [a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.]
"From the link"
Optimum Validation
WingMakers Medium
The Minds Eye
"And the wind will blow my tears away" ... 1#p1089771

William: FTL;
JoeyKnothead wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:31 pm
William wrote: Wed Aug 24, 2022 4:08 am ...
Yet I have never seen that stop an atheist from consistently attempting to use science in their telling of their opinions about gods.
As an atheist, I'm not above referring to science in support of various claims I, or others, may make.
I was being specific to statements of opinion, rather than claims.
For example, a common argument from atheists that there cannot be a Creator-GOD because "Evolution" when it is clear that the theory of evolution offers no evidence that we do not exist within a creation.
Stuff like that.

It's just such a good source for confirmatory data. That theists can't, or struggle to refer to science in order to promote their beliefs is their problem, not a problem of scientific principles.
On the surface this sounds logical.
However, on the belief that we exist within a creation = "Therefore a Creator-GOD" there has been no science done which provides any of us with the right to premise. ["Therefore a Creator-GOD"]
Thus, promoting beliefs in ideas of Creator-GODs is cart before the horse stuff.
However, if one proceeds in a horse before the cart manner, the focus is on the idea that we exist within a creation, we can then look for evidence within the reality experience we call 'The Universe" and see what can be found therein to support the notion that the reality experience is a creation.
As you know, I'm very intrigued by your Cosmic Mind hypothesis. I want your notion to be true, to be scientifically proven, insofar as how neat I think it would be. I'd love for the scientific community to be able to offer confirmation in this regard. Sadly though, you and I enjoy this notion without such confirmation.
Thanks for saying so. We share in the intrigue.
For me, the notion certainly appears to be true re the evidence - even through the Message Generating Process under development - [Today's GM] is certainly understandable enough and deals with this subject in more detail.

As I understand it, IF there is a "Cosmic Mind" involved with the creation of our Universe, scientists will eventually [naturally] discover this just by continuing to do science.
In the meantime I do my own science, and am satisfied with the results so far.
Going off of the readership stats so far, there appears to be a consistent reader-interest where I post the GMs - here, and in other internet forums...
Granted, where an atheist (or anyone) refers to science and gets it wrong, we oughta all fuss about that.
My position is that - in the last 24 hours - I have decided that am done with interacting with atheists and being distracted by their statements of opinion re the Question of GOD...except for the exception of JK because you have consistently shown a willingness to remain open minded about the idea of a "Cosmic Mind" and it is undeniable that such a Mind - if it truly exists - could be referred to as a "GOD'.
In all my years of interacting with atheists, I have never had the pleasure and - like I say - After years of subjection to atheist opinions, I have had enough of it.
As an amateur, a wanna-be scientist, maybe I rely too much on science in support of my own world view.
What will you do if/when science discovers that we actually do exist within a creation?
I submit though, that cracking open the bible ain't the way to fix that.
That is an irrelevant opinion to me, because - as you know - I am not a Theist or an Atheist because I see no logic in having an opinion on GOD until it can be established that we exist within a creation.

The closest I come to that, is with the notion that there MAY be a "Cosmic Mind" and if such can be identified in ANY religious script, I am open [of mind] to investigating that.

Otherwise - since I am not advocating folk need to do that, it is not an issue I have to answer to.

Thanks for you feedback John.
GM: Theist mischief making
A cultural touchstone
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
All of Life a bit of Cat and Mouse
"Hear thee Hear Thee"
Stay Present ... 5#p1091425
Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality
Practicing peace
Ars Notoria

William: Yes - the 'Angels and Demons" being aspects of our subconscious reality which is an aspect of the self often overlooked and misunderstood...

GM: ... 5#p1091105

William: FTL;
[Replying to tam in post #110]
I am averse to the assumptions you are making, the utter lack of evidence you are providing for your claims - including the lack of evidence you have provided for everything in this very post...
They are not "claims" they are statements of opinion in response to your own statements of opinion.
As such, neither of us are required to provide evidence...or find aversity therein.
as well as the double-standard you are employing in using the 'bible' to speak of "Satan" to begin with, all the while ignoring the very evidence that book provides about his nature.
My opinion to do with Satan is not ignoring what the Bible tells us of Satan's Character. His Role is specific to that, and obviously useful to the God of the Bible, as the Bible tells it.
William: You seem adverse to my understanding that the way Satan is utilized by God is reflected onto God and can be seen for what it is, by the audience.
I do not have those images you have in your beliefs about Satan, and am not accusing anyone, Satan, God or Job, Christ, David Paul or any other entity effected by God.
Accusing them of what? I'm not sure where that comment is coming from.
I am pointing out the irony re your accusations about me. All accusations [about me or anyone else] come from Satan - which is to say - are mirrored finger-pointing. My "Accuser" [in this case "Tam"] is regarded by me, as voicing accusation = "as coming from Satan" since he is the God-Father of accusation.

[Perhaps have a think about how Peace is is never formed through the voicing of accusation.]
William: I simply pointed out that there is no mention of Job being consulted on the matter before being cast into the role.
Why are you pointing that out when no one suggested otherwise?
Exactly! It is not expected that in the affairs between YHWH and Satan, that humans need be consulted before they are used re said affairs. This theme and it's varients run through the Bible in relation to the God and Human beings.
I listen to the TRUTHFUL voice of Christ Jaheshua, who is the Light.
That is a statement of opinion Tam. I appreciate it as such, and thus require no evidence from you to back it up.
I also think it is inappropriate for you to use my friend Joey (peace to you!) in an argument with me. So just don't.
Joey has shared with us all, his dilemma. You both share the same "hearing a voice" phenomena. It is appropriate for me to point that out, and so I did.

GM: Christian mythology re God " It helps makes the stinky hole I was pushed through in order to get here, a purposeful experience..."
Just because we might be existing within a creation, and just because it may be nestled within another universe, shouldn't mean that it is somehow an unnatural thing compared to our own.
Friendship is an agreement between individuals to support one another in any way they can, for mutually beneficial results.
Who Knows What That Is Worth?
Make It Real


GM: Coming From QueenBee
Your Dream Team
Callum's Seventh Point
I Think We Can Safely Say
Recover what was lost Do A=1
Do this
Giving our best
This Perpetually Translates To That.

William: This Perpetually Translates To That. Giving our best Does this = 687
Six Eight Seven = 166
Enflame Emotions
Centre of learning
The Healing Power
Interesting data
Science of Truth
It is what it is
Solar System
Personal freedom

GM: Religious theists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through wilful ignorance.
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
Be Honest
Yellow Light
Stop. Listen. Observe. Wonder.
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden
Unless of course, you think otherwise
The Truth
It can bite and scratch so one has to be careful

William: "Chuckles"

GM: Catching up
Try To Feel It
Fugacious [tending to disappear; fleeting.] ... 2#p1089192

William: FTL;
GM: Especially re the possibility of the planet having a mind in which all our minds are ways we are not overly conscious of... = 1289
[One Two Eight Nine = 183]
Elemental Powers
Fling That Veil Aside
Test The Waters
The Hubble Telescope
Manifest Destiny
Planned obsolescence
Hydrogen and helium
Learn to trust
The brain as a receiver
Sister Saturn
Embracing your life
The problem of evil
Cosmic Pluralism
Children of The Light
GM: Fling That Veil Aside
Embracing your life
Cosmic Pluralism
Test The Waters
The brain as a receiver
Sister Saturn
Hydrogen and helium
The Hubble Telescope
Children of The Light
Elemental Powers
Planned obsolescence
Manifest Destiny
Learn to trust
The problem of evil

William: Hmmm...

GM: ... 6#p1069816

William: "Master ColdFire trick" Testing the waters - Tanager performed his role well re that he prompted Callum to remain calm while all hell was breaking loose...which it wasn't - the trick was in trying to make Callum believe that it was, and Tanager wasn't buying into that...

GM: Only
Yours It is always a warm fuzzy

William: Well yes. Immediately Tanager responded as he did, I dropped the façade and then had to deal with the backlash and interference by Tanager with one of my own Characters...he would not let go of for the longest time...rules of engagement were broken...

GM: Nyx

What kind of god is this?
Sweet Illumination
Closer to The Source
First Things First
Who woulda thought!
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. - 7

221222 [Once Upon a Time "Lordy! Do I Have To?"]

05:34 [The Mother and The Father]

GM: Study
Spiritual Food

William: Study Spiritual Food = 254
The word association field
Empower The Inner Empire
The bits I like will suffice.
"Partial free will is a thing".
Standstill Contemplate
Study Spiritual Food
Swallowed - hook, bait and line
Universe of Wholeness
Science of Consciousness

GM: Atheism cannot be defined through defining "atheists"
The Purple Heart medal
Morals are like Math. Both were discovered rather than invented.
Delightful Anticipation
"I guess it is just us, Master ColdFire"

William: this was perhaps part of the reason why Tanager became stubborn in regard to admitting when he was shown that he was breaking the rule not to appropriate someone else's Character? He wouldn't let go of Master Coldfire and admit his mistake ...?

GM: ... le&u=11707 ... 5#p1078715

William: FTL;
[Replying to TRANSPONDER in post #22] I postulated that there might be a mind controlling the universe, but not us. Not a personal god, not with a plan for us, and in fact a Deist -god. We were, effectively, as on our own as if there was no god there at all. So, if there was no Plan for human life, was there no meaning for human life? Was there no purpose? If not, why live at all? Why not just stop living?

I postulated differently, and it took many years of my life to learn the way I currently look at this situation I am [and apparently everyone is] involved within.

1: There might be a mind controlling the universe
2: There is a mind controlling me [my own mind]
3: There is no reason to believe that the mind controlling the universe is incapable of interacting with my own mind controlling me.
4: How to give the universal mind an opportunity to interact with me.
5: Religion and its main holy-books did not provide anything through which I could discover the way in which to achieve this interaction as it offered only mediums - foremost their own holy-books - but also laws, rituals, belief systems, preachers et al - none of which enabled me to make any actual and vibrant connection with this supposed universal mind.
6: It was almost accidental that I did find a way in which to make that connection, so deeply shielded from human awareness that it is, in the main, because of [5].

As a result, I have no choice but to reject the idea of the Deist GOD as something which opposes the idea of a personal GOD, because I have found that idea to being untrue.

As well, I do so on the grounds that it is not logical that any GOD-mind which controls the universe but not humans within said universe, is saying that the GOD-mind does not actually control the whole universe, but has left humans to control themselves, even that they are part of what -altogether - constitutes "The Universe".

The very nature of The Universe shows us that it is capable enough to accommodate the idea of allowing humans to feel that they make their own choices, especially if they are intent upon either depending on religious medium or intent on the belief that it is not possible to make said connection - individual mind to GOD-mind.

The purpose of this universe may well be nothing more than allowing for the opportunity for this to maybe happen for each individual who experiences it.

One has to want to do so, of course...
GM: Destination
Noticeable within The Realms of Democracy
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
Elude Tabula Rasa
Group Hallucination ... 8#p1077448

William: FTL;
[Replying to AgnosticBoy in post #34]
If anything William, we can just look at the history of science on this issue. We can find that scientists have tried to take the cheap way out by banning the study of consciousness. That's doesn't exactly match the pattern of success of materialist science to boldly take on challenges and to explain things and develop technology. But here we are, William and I (two humble agnostics), still not taken seriously because we dare to consider that consciousness might be something that's less than physical.
The important thing AB, is to keep trying. As Joey Knothead commented to me recently;
Joey Knothead: You expose my atheism for the agnosticism it really is.
I myself lean toward theistic interpretation of existence because it works more directly with the fact of consciousness, rather than attempting to designate it as somehow 'besides the point' in relation to science.

To be fair, there are scientists who are focusing their attention on consciousness [Donald Hoffman for example] and his approach is genuine and he has much respect for his scientist peers.

It needs to be understood that the hard problem of consciousness is problematic because of the ideas which spring from the possibility that consciousness is not an emergent property of the brain - many do not want to 'go there' because of the stigma attached to it re 'crazy' folk who go too far without good supporting scientific structures to ensure that the 'too far' is always tempered by rationality and logic - because there is very strong evidence that lack of such support leads to cult-activity which either has its leaders and followers committing mass suicide or avoiding such through eventually becoming a 'respected religion' ...both options unnecessary and avoidable by maintaining the solid practices science prides itself in acoomplishing.

Nevertheless, consciousness being the enigma it is - the "Ghost in The Machinery" - the stigma attached to that concept can only be erased if we learn to understand that there is nothing 'super-natural' about it - without having to resort to the notion that it is an emergent property of nature.
GM: Dying? Use Mind
A Life Sentence Ending in a Death Sentence ... 9#p1082469

William: FTL;
So why are you so confident in declaring that time does not physically exist in the universe?
For the same reasons as numbers do not physically exist. They don't physically exist.
[Replying to Bust Nak in post #655]

But how could you know that, when you don't know what time is fundamentally?
The same way as I know that the mind does not physically exist. I do not know if the mind is fundamental to the physical universe but I suspect [strongly] that the physical universe would be useless without it.

So the mind wouldn't be so useful without mathematics and time [the obvious Daughter [subset] of numbers] and therefore - while not obvious in any way - it is possible that Mind is a fundamental property of our universe...and that Mathematics is a Son [subset] of said Mind.

Point being - all known conceptual properties of the mind are known to exist only in the mind, and are not physically real and can only be represented physically as "unreal but existing anyway" or some such other appropriate entitlement...
So what made you think a newer, deeper understanding of the universe wouldn't include a newer, deeper version of spacetime? After all, we didn't abandon gravity when general relativity came along.
It may indeed be the case that Physicists are not being careful with their heading and wording. "Doomed" does imply the certainty of death...I am only relaying the basic information. I do my own digging and for now, accept the verdict being pronounced upon spacetime by physicists themselves. If you have contrary information, I am keen to view it.
Logically, some thing cannot derive from no thing.
Since this infers infinite regression [as well as infinite progression], there is no logical justification to refer to such as "fallacy". [re "Turtles all the way down."]
Explanation of apparent beginnings [such as with our universe] therefore has to be seen as points within infinity...
That does not seem to follow, can you break that down into further steps?
Someone already has. Please watch the video I posted earlier on in this thread...the one with the visuals of a flyover of the Mandelbrot Set.
Seems like there is some unstated premise hidden in there, perhaps something like "all things are derived from something else?"
And "something else" is "all things".
The idea is based on the theory of entropy.
Search "the theory of entropy"
"In classical physics, the entropy of a physical system is proportional to the quantity of energy no longer available to do physical work. Entropy is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that in an isolated system any activity increases the entropy."
That doesn't answer my question, why would that imply there would be a time when there would be no objects?
Without energy, what is left to construct and maintain shapeform from the field of quantum particles?
Are you sure the use of the word 'time' is appropriate in the sentence "it took time for energy to turn into matter"
Pretty sure, yes. It took the existence of time itself, and the passage of time.
Just checking.

I think the more appropriate word to use in that sentence would have to be;

"it took a false premise for energy to turn into matter" as energy does not turn into matter. Energy holds the shape of matter. Matter already existed. The theory of entropy has it that energy is passing through quantum field and creating form as it does so. As "time" marches on, the past becomes a "wake" like footprints in the snow and eventually disappear as if energy had simply been a Ghost in passing.

So. Do you think that "Time" = "Energy"? Or do you think are separate entities, doing their own separate thing?
Could it be that there is a state where size and time are unmeasurable? Roger Penrose believes it is possibly the state of singularity. No size and no time as with the singularity, there is no thing to compare that with.
And that's why we say time itself had a beginning: no time with the singularity, now there is time.
"We" also say that time will keep going on forever...yet the past is fading into order for time to last forever, energy has to also exist forever.

Energy cannot have simply farted itself into existence. Therefore logic informs us that it is likely that energy has existed forever...has always existed. Has never - not existed.
Is energy separate from matter, or just another manifestation of matter?
That's just semantics, if energy counts as object, then your earlier question become invalid, the premise that the was a time when there were no objects, would be false.
That depends entirely on the plain of the Quantum field.
For example, if the field is spherical, the energy moving over it and stirring it up into objects of matter, may be no more than a blip on the plain of the Quantum field. Once the energy moves on, the effect on that region diminishes until - once more - the deep silence returns.
Sure, we can identify the compartments re these different realities, but I think it is an overstep to treat them as all fundamentally different, implying different sources.
Why would they have to be fundamentally different though, for some infinities to have a beginning and some not to? Why can't infinites with beginnings and those without be part of an overall infinity?
I am fine with that idea as long as it is agreed there is only - fundamentally - the one Source. The apparent differences are not denoting "many sources".
GM: ... 7#p1091207

William: FTL;
GM: The Hologram of Deception – Yawn
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness - We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...
Nag Hammadi [a collection of early Christian and Gnostic texts discovered near the Upper Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi in 1945.] ... 4#p1080964

William: FTL;
[Replying to TRANSPONDER in post #87]
Rather, he can be either, depending upon personal refection. If one thinks YVHV is a demon, one will eventually encounter that aspect one believes YVHV to being.

Biblically speaking, this seems to run through the script.

Generally speaking, the branch of theism known as Gnosticism regards YVHV as the demiurge...a false creator-God who has deceived the world and suppressed humankind into - in that sense Gnosticism regards YVHV more the 'demon' entity than a true representation of GOD.
Which is just to say, Yahwey is imaginary.
Maybe - maybe not. I have seen no particular evidence either way.
That's odd, because to every single test you can make, Yahweh is indistinguishable from the imaginary.
It is no more 'odd' than threads asking for answers to imaginary questions...
But to many they aren't imaginary questions or, rather questions about imaginary claims. After all, even Sci Fi and fantasy has to make sense, even if it has magic or advanced technology that looks like it.
Yes. So again I say re YHVH - maybe the Character is imaginary, maybe not. I have seen no particular evidence either way and therefore answer questions to do with YHWH, along those lines.

Indeed, if the stories of YHWH were fictional - or loosely based upon an actual person - possible questions and answers can still be given, conclusions drawn and opinions offered.
GM: Sweet Hush ... 4#p1087454

William: FTL:
I am speaking of the edge which provides a footing and why I call it "Wall Walking" has to do with the "endless vacuous bickering" which acts as a looping device going nowhere practical, as far as I can tell from Walking the Edge of it.

The design of the universe
Intelligence with Wisdom
The One GOD with many names
Events connected by meaning ... 0#p1087450


Walls are just things designed to separate and from my vantage, I see no practical reason for why this wall exists. I only know that it does exist due to those who contribute to the "endless vacuous bickering" represented as the stone pieces...from another vantage I suspect that the wall looks safe and gives some sense of well-being to those contributing in its continued construction...
...and now to the weather...

999# ʇsoԀ [Appearances are often deceptive]
William: Ah yes - "Wall Walker"

GM: The Wholeness Navigator ... 0#p1088170

William: FTL;
JK: I'm still not seeing a way to refute your position. As I try to play out different scenarios, it seems as if I'm answering myself.

That last bit's an interesting bit itself.

I'm still firmly in the "product of the brain" camp, but your hypothesis is a fascinating alternate explanation. While it may appear to propose a 'god', to my -ahem- mind, it lacks the baggage of so many such claims.
GM: Visionary
The Real Spiritual

For Our Loving King
Galactic Encompassment
Tributary Zones
You will overcome]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. - 8

231222 [Fearlessness neutralizes fear]

06:33 [The Spiritual Essence]

GM: Individual Actions
While We All Wait....
Language itself is not the problem. but how we are taught to use language as a major means in which to self-identify incorrectly...thus we flitter and bounce or alternatively cling to the walls of our unwillingness to understand ourselves as we truly are... hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...
Let yourself be led
Homeomorphic [a continuous function between topological spaces that has a continuous inverse function.]
The Unconscious
Stay in the moment
Delineating The Fine Art of Not Being Offended Inordinately [Neuralink Reveals Insane Truth About Their A.I Brain Chip]
The idea of implanting a chip into a human skull has been riddled with mixed reactions since Elon Musk launched his amazing venture, Neuralink, in 2017.
Most people have been asking pertinent questions like, although we know there are a lot of advantages to it if it works, but does it count when compared to some of the most gruesome threats it may pose? Will this chip also be implanted in newborns? At what age?
Well, on the surface, Elon appears to be on a mission to save mankind; after all, he has long warned us about killer AI machines taking over civilization, but there is a deeper and more severe reason why he is so bent on pushing for Neuralink.
GM: Of This Place
Giving Energy Increases Ones Synchronistic Experiences
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.
"Once Bitten Twice Shy"
Put the Teachings Into Practice
Superposition - Being aware of Human Control Dramas
Optimized for Fitness Pay-offs
Like eons of sedimentary build-up - for the most part it appears that those codes are largely deactivated - 'fossilized' in a sense. Forgotten in relation to the grand scheme. A Child without any known Parent.
The Path Of Faith
The Father
The Abrahamic idea of GOD
The Bidden Zone
Making Steady Progress
My advice to the reader is to follow the links

Remember who you are
Between a rock and a hard place
Secrets of the soul
Central to The Message
Hologram Dimensions
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

241222 [We are not orphaned - we are authored]

SCLx + select last LE per shuffle
Gematria - Anu - Big Spirituality Conviction - Sweet - Philo2 - Kindness - Conundrum - Precognitive dreams - Productive This Besides Where are we getting our news from? - Acknowledging the evidence is where the tributaries converge
AP= A foot in the door "Identify any ‘atheist’ in the story? Certainly not The Devil!" [=773]

[Seven Seven Three = 186]
The Unconscious
Meaningful coincidence
The external voice
Square and Compass
Let yourself be led
Enjoy Progress
The Perfect Moment
Individual Actions

RLE = "Be Taught"

07:01 [Wise beyond my years ]

GM: Encounters
Jesus became the manner in which the misconception could be addressed. No one follower need have understood it in that manner, in order for it to do its job.
Divine feminine
Being Friends
Zeros and Ones ... 2#p1073942

William: FTL:
Athetotheist wrote: Fri Apr 08, 2022 1:59 am [Replying to William in post #15
Also, we can see that materialist-based science is non-theistic and has become the number one reason why we are now entering an extinction event situation.......

.......So if one is looking for somewhere to hang the blame...
Wherever the blame can rightfully be hung, it can hardly be hung around the necks of the scientists who have been warning us of the very extinction event situation you mention.

One must remember that it is a particular branch of Materialistic science to which the blame could be hung - and that the scientists doing the warning are most likely not of that particular branch...they may be biologists rather than cosmologists and so understand the importance of preserving the planet-ship we are sailing upon [@ about 1.6 million miles per day] rather than creating space-junk and reaching for the stars...I did say "Exact Science" after all.

You do know where the Nazi Scientists went after the defeat of Hitlers Germany, right? [Hint - it was not to the hangman's noose.]
GM: Control
Galaxies are like Islands... ... 6#p1082466

William: FTL;
Atheists crack me up.

Most of the atheist arguments have turned out to be Smoke and Mirrors.
The very idea of a Mind - even to the depths of the Quantum Presence has them fleeing from
Merging with the data and understanding the Integral Network which Mind is and is involved with the development of.
This lack of being reasonable is shirking from Responsibility following after the Tempting Vision and hope in eventual "death by cease to exist" - the promise of ending the nightmare of existing - yet
The Way of the Shaman is allowing life to breath - even if the breath appears to be associated with Sagan's' Dragon in the is what it is and even if it hisses smokey instructions inducing the stuff of Childhood Nightmares from some deep part of us, a simple understanding and a gentle reminder - like a Moderator Comment - can make a world of difference...remind oneself occasionally that when the smoke clears [as it will when the dragon stops speaking] one is still left with the mirror.]
Yes indeed...When the smoke clears, one is still left with the mirror...

Atheists crack me up.
GM: Hell
Be Taught
r = aeθ cot b

William: Image

GM: Ask...
As You Think
♬I Really Think Its Ganna Take That Long♬
GOD God Gods gods

William: Image

GM: Hyper Complex Data Joining The fire from within ... 3#p1081043

William: FTL;
[Replying to Jose Fly in post #1]
So the point of discussion for this thread about you? For the "evolutionists", can you relate to the creationists' way of thinking and behaviors? For the creationists, are there behaviors from the other side that baffle you, and you just don't understand? Do you look at folks like me and think to yourselves, "I just cannot relate to his way of thinking?"
I don't see the problem re the above because I do not view "evolutionists" as opposite from "creationists" although I understand the general differences between the two groups boil down to both thinking that the other either excludes or includes the idea of the universe being a creation - implying a creator - and the idea that a creator can apply to the theory of evolution is often overlooked or pronounced as "unnecessary" and I also see no logical reason why the age of this universe is a necessary matter of contention.

Perhaps it is generally understood that to be a 'creationist' one has to believe in biblical writ, rather than simply understand that there is sufficient evidence to conclude it is most likely we exist within a creation, and in that, the answer to "which" religious idea of god 'did it', becomes redundant.

In saying as much, I personally do not easily relate to the current general-thinking of either "evolutionists" or "creationists".
GM: Keep me in The Loop

William: I created this thread yesterday...Simulation Hypothesis and Evolution Theory and The First Creation Story

GM: ... 5#p1090475

William: FTL;
Given what we understand of DNA et al - things which were once socially accepted - taken for granted - done without guilt - which are then considered to be evil by a more modern society which has connected the dots and discovered therein that the act of abusing children has social consequences primarily in the negative - this works against the society advancing and is thus seen as a threat which requires dealing to.

Thinking about [fantasize about] molesting children may be a throwback connection to those former actions we can inherit but if they are not recognized as such and dealt with accordingly, the chances one will eventually be dissatisfied with mere fantasy and proceed to actualizing will significantly increase and the results will not be easy to deal with for either the victim nor the victimizer.

One may not be able to stop the birds flying overhead, but one is able to stop them nesting in ones hair.
GM: Active
Write A Poem About It
Shamanic dreaming Empower The Inner Empire - The deranged can come about...become arranged.
YVHV uses what YVHV will to get the message across...
Persevere ... 2#p1076792

William: FTL;
Chamber Of Self - Coming From QueenBee - Open Your Heart
Giving our best - QueenBee - Get The Ball Rolling
Central Purpose - QueenBee - Achievable Alternate Realities
The Fathers 'House - Mansions' - QueenBee - According to Complex Jesus
Items of Interest - QueenBee - Making it up as you go along
Like a doting parent - Coming From QueenBee - Development/Growth
GM: Ancient Entity
Soul Groups A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind
Be Taught
The Data of Experience
Inner Strength
People hide their sins from each other.
Learning To Fly
Separate Selfishness Shining
Do A=1
Wish fulfillment
It is obviously in line with providence...

William: Wish fulfillment It is obviously in line with providence... = 620
Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?
The safety of ignorance or the terrifying reality of knowledge


Recover what was lost
All of Life a bit of Cat and Mouse
No Country For Old Men
Two sides of the same coin
The Ancient grey entity
When the dust settles
Earning Brownie Points
The Synoptic Gospels
Those who lack belief in gods
The Never Ending Story
Much pain but still time
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Be Taught 2

301222 [Suckling on our milky mother ]

07:52 [What is the meaning of life?]

GM: Discover
We create the machinery regardless of whether we understand how consciousness is connected and motivates us in the way that it does - individually and collectively...
Pineal Gland
A Life Sentence Ending in a Death Sentence
Crazy Kinship Witty
Leave the door open
Everything Is Unique
Be Taught
Narrative warfare
In a bad mood
Science and Spirituality
Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance.
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer.
We Can Do Magic!
Dare greatly ... 6#p1088936

William: FTL;
William: What Is The Point? The Story Timeline By all means, psychoanalyze the hell out of it = 854
Understanding and connecting with the source of our language is vital to that vision = 854
From the link;
I think you are missing the point about my Jungian exegesis here, VVilliam, and I do think your point is not valid in the slightest.
VVilliam pokes at the fire and ponders upon what Summerlander tells him...and he reaches into the depths of his Cloak, he withdraws his Journal Experience Tablet.
Activating the JET, he then places the word "okay" through the word-value algorithm and adds the result to his data-base...he then reads the results aloud, looking up from the screen and observing for any reaction from summerlander, after saying each word


Yes. There it is...VVilliam is not surprised

VViliam thinks of the six heart virtues...Wingmakers are never far from the action...
VVilliam wonders if something similar might be what Job said to his God

VVilliam thinks of the meme "I'm not saying it was Aliens" and smiles to himself...he looks up at the night sky and feels like he is sharing in a rather elaborate - well concealed - cosmic prank...
I don't see the Biblical parables as objective realities, I see them as psychological events.
VVilliam wonders if Summerlander is taking the micky with his remark re "psychological events" He searches for meaning in the word and gets two hits.
One reads "of, affecting, or arising in the mind; related to the mental and emotional state of a person." and the other "(of an ailment or problem) having a mental rather than a physical cause."

He finds the Word-Value and adds it to the list.

Possible Clues...
The Spirit of The Earth
Well That Settles It
Ian and William Play chess
Shallow is Unknown
Neruda Interview Five
The Plateau of The Same Page
Present over perfect
Psychological events

Job precisely came to the realisation that just being a good person isn't sufficient!
VVilliam continues to do Word-Values as Summerlander talks. The results are interesting.

A drop of consciousness in an ocean of tears
Just being a good person isn't sufficient

He matured from a phase where he thought just being good before an invisible/imaginary heavenly father would be enough to impress to a more realistic and pragmatic outlook about the world where the goods to be reaped from the land aren't going to sow themselves, so to speak—and he was happier for it as evidenced by the tenfold prosperity that unraveled post-realisation. His experience precisely made him develop a thicker skin after the calamitous events (proverbially, Satan's input) in his life and he only got 'closer to God' in the sense that he improved his relationship with the world around him (as it is said, 'God is everywhere').

Summerlander pauses and VVilliam takes the opportunity to speak.

VVilliam: Job realizes the God is real but not in the way he had previously imagined.

Perhaps Job realized that The God he was interacting with, was the planet itself?

Or perhaps only we in today’s world can really get a bead on that, since we now have pictures of the planet, from a spaceman’s perspective.

In reality the journey continues because none of us really know The God sufficiently outside of our own imaginations.

At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…

I see that you've smuggled in 'lack of empathy' as if it's anywhere near the same ballpark as 'developing a thick skin'—it isn't.
VVilliam carries on with his calculations

Astral Guides
Etched mirror
Healing The Beast
Contact With
Three In A Row
Small Steps
Divine Sound
A rock and a hard place
Balance of power
In the moment
Heaven on Earth
'Lack of empathy'
Just because someone is an atheist doesn't mean he or she lacks empathy any more than being a Muslim automatically aligns your beliefs with the intolerant and psychotic ISIS ideology. In fact, many serial killers exhibit religious beliefs and yet lack empathy for everybody else.

Ancient Grey Entity
If In Doubt Let It Sit
Nazi Space Program Agenda
Independent from what?
Conspiracy theory
Monkey See Monkey Do
When things fall apart
The Undiscovered Self
'Developing a thick skin'
Do you honestly believe that all atheists necessarily lack empathy and that they are all crying at the prospect of death being final?
VVilliam clears his throat and then answers.

VVilliam: I honestly do not know what all atheists are doing…the ones I have met seem to be as unique to their own sense of self as all the non-atheists are.
Identify any ‘atheist’ in the story? Certainly not The Devil!
More calculations - additional data

Anticipating that this will prove to be helpful to the science
Perhaps we can deconstruct some of these pernicious views.
Identify any ‘atheist’ in the story? Certainly not The Devil!

Bearing in mind what happened to Job, I'd like you to picture such scenario happening to you, only you discover that the disease you've been infected with and the torture and murder of some of the people you love and care about were the result of a bet that your father had with some nefarious agent. You confront your father and demand answers only to hear him say that you weren't around when he made a home for you and your siblings and that you are not wise enough to comprehend his actions.

Would you bow down to your father and call his actions caring?
VVilliam doesn't hesitate with answering summerlanders question.

VVilliam: I would respect his position immensely and bow to that – the 'bowing' would be symbolized within the actions of showing respect.
I would also have further questions... Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers.

What is a poor boy to do, faced with such factuality?

I might also ask “how thick do you want my skin to be?” but would be smiling as I did so…

VVilliam places another log on the fire and takes a sip of his cooled-down brew. Then he taps on his tablet screen, busy adding results to his JET.
Love Life
Being Born
An Elder Race
Stone Age
...of said agenda...
Lift your gaze from the fire
The Human Form as a Means to an End
Memorandum of Understanding
...but would be smiling as I did so…
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.
Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers

Somewhere in the small grove of trees, Te Ruru calls...and the sound brings a smile to VVilliams thick-skined face...
I think you are missing the point about my Jungian exegesis here, VVilliam, and I do think your point is not valid in the slightest.
The point I am focused upon is at the very center of the Mandala, summerlander.

GM: Mind’s Eye

William: Yes...the idea of "The Creator" expands as human knowledge about their situation, is discovered.
This reminds me of what Theophile is writing, re our discussion as to whether Simulation Theory and Evolution Theory and Creation Theory {Genesis One} can able to be reconciled.
Re: Simulation Hypothesis and Evolution Theory and The First Creation Story
Post #14

I am enjoying that interaction as it is fruitful - removed from the normalized "Narrative warfare"
"In a bad mood" type, that you mentioned.
Focus on what remains - which, as you also pointed out - it is Science and Spirituality that Remains...

GM: Tetrahedron
Inner self

William: Correct - as such both converge, creating the ...

GM: Incentive
"If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'." ... 7#p1080497

William: FTL; Re: Communication with the dead
Rose2020 wrote: Wed Jun 01, 2022 9:23 am Communication with the dead.
Why would anyone wish to do that?
There would be a number of reasons. For me it was motivated by the knowledge that I was getting shallow and often dubious communication with the living, even in relation to opinions about the dead.
I decided that I would give 'the dead' an opportunity to show they had more to offer.
Is it through grief with attendant emotions? In which case it is understandable but irrational.
The use of Talking Boards gained popularity in the US, shortly after the Civil War because of the great social grief experienced at fathers and sons/husbands and siblings lost in the fighting...people wanted to know that their loved-ones were alright and talking boards seemed to provide some closure and healing in that regard.
The name Ouija is a combination of the French “oui” and German “ja,” both meaning “yes.” It was patented in 1892 but primitive models date back to ancient times. Talking boards, also known as spirit boards, gained popularity in the United States during the late 1860s as mournful users attempted to communicate with the Civil War dead.{SOURCE}
Or is it idle curiosity without reason?
Curiosity [no matter how idle] always involves reason.
A warning about Ouija
University of Akron professor Oscar E. Olin, an ordained Universalist minister and instructor of philosophy and social sciences, was a major skeptic of Ouija.

Voices from beyond the grave? What complete balderdash.

He feared that the boards could cause psychological harm among those who developed too close an attachment.

“Many people, falling victims to its lure, have been mentally unbalanced,” he said. “Just as one may go insane over too close application to any one subject, so the Ouija board has its danger for the credulous, the superstitious, the hysterically inclined.”

So imagine Olin’s surprise when he tried Ouija and the planchette moved.

He was toying with the board when, to his curiosity, the indicator seemed to spell out a word. He was alone at the time, so he couldn’t blame anyone else.

The professor developed a theory: Perhaps his fingers had acted on unconscious impulses from the brain. Ignoring his own advice on developing too close an attachment, he began to conduct “exhaustive experiments” with Ouija boards.

“Although I certainly did not practice conscious fraud on myself, I found that I was able to get frequently startling sentences from the board as long as I could see what was being spelled,” he explained.

To test his hypothesis, he constructed his own talking board that included several common words as well as letter groupings that made it easier to form sentences. But he also added an adjustable screen that could block his view of the board.

Ouija seemed positively verbose without the obstruction.

“The moment I adjusted the screen in place, however, that moment the messages were effectually cut off,” Olin said.

He invited several self-proclaimed mediums to test the apparatus, but no one was able to produce any messages when the screen was drawn and their vision was blocked, he said.

“This convinces me that practically all Ouija board messages are the result of causes far closer to this world than the realm of spirits,” he said.
Which explains the showmanship of mediums, an entertainment. Mainly a con in my view. Think of people such as James Randi who debunked many an unfortunate con artist.
Perhaps we might be better off if there were folk like James Randi in ancient times who could have debunked famous biblical characters promoting their particular cons.
To my mind it is unhealthy and dangerous to delve in matters that promise to be detrimental. I see no good coming from it.
The promise of the detrimental came much later than when talking boards first gained popularity. There use was for more respectable pursuits than later on when a simple board was developed and branded "Ouija" and one can trace the source of the demonizing to modern day Christianity, which had already misrepresented the image of Lucifer sufficiently, and this helped to promote the detrimental within societies influence by Christianity.
The Bible warns us to have no connection with mediums and such, I believe the Bible is giving excellent advice.
You believe that the advice to kill such folk is "excellent advice"?
Leave well alone that which is a natural necessary process.
If we took that advice, we would be far worse off than we are today, because we would not question the things which Christianity has told us are true, and those days of taking the word of con-artists armed with bibles is on the decrease as we place aside the superstitious ideas based in supernatural suppositions. It is human nature and ability which are natural and necessary, and folk like James Randi would not have been able to uncover the fraudulent practices of con-artist without that.
We live, we must die. Acceptance is the only real peace. Even if you could communicate with those gone, what good could it do?
What good does it supposedly do when Christians claim to communicate with Jesus?
GM: ... 4#p1076064

William: FTL; Re: Does god have morals?
[Replying to Diogenes in post #108]
For some reason there is cultural-centric notion argued here many times by evangelicals that insists morality can only come from their God. This is just plain wrong, as I have just demonstrated.
What they do not easily see therein, is that this idea makes monkeys out of them, and they are determined to become gods.

The confusion caused is a response to the dilemma of God being within an Animal, at the same time god is within a Human - mostly because of the incredible chasm between the two positions of form.

It is the knowledge we are capable of collecting and the ability to use the knowledge any which way we want to, which causes the confusion, when it is aimed at the only god-like entity we know of and collective seem to have a love-hate relationship for/with.

It is as if we all resent the fact of the life we are within...whereas the Animals just get about getting on with it without all that fuss...
GM: ... #post-7642

William: FTL;
William:Checking out WSB quotes - for example " Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." I already have variants of this in my ComList.

Also it is apparent to me that ones 'mind' is vaster than we are led to believe...and that there are many levels of consciousness beyond our own, and that we are all connected mindfully in ways which we do not easily comprehend.

This system I am using can help the individual connect with the larger reality of the over-mind.

Rather than place the above WSB quote into my ComList, I prefer to post this and then get the link to the post and place that into my ComList, because it allows for even more scope than a single quote can offer - in relation to any future Generated Message which might include the link as part of the message being built.
GM: ... 1#p1092361

William: FTL; Re: What if Adam and Eve Had Resisted...?
1213 wrote: Mon Sep 19, 2022 3:33 pm I think that is a wrong impression. I don't think the fruit itself caused anything. It was the act of eating it that had consequences. It could have been any fruit and it would have had the same effect, if there would be the same conditions of eating it.
In which case, there is no reason why Adam and Eve could not have been allowed to eat the fruit after they had shown their resistance to temptation.

The test was done, the results were in, and the fruit of the tree was not what caused the eventual death of the pair [according to the storyline itself].

I did not say that the fruit caused anything or argue that the fruit had something within it which gave one the ability to know/have knowledge of, good and evil.

It was a prop which YHWH used as a means to an end.
Since there was nothing intrinsically special about the fruit, there should be no reason why the fruit could not be eaten by the pair, after they had resisted the temptation.

It was a deception because - in the biblical telling of it - God [as yet unnamed] - implied to Adam that the fruit itself had the power to give Adam knowledge of good and evil.
YHWH planted a seed into Adams mind, which then germinated into the eventual disobeying of YHWH.

All along, YHWH would have known that any death incurred after Adam disobeyed YHWH, would not be because the of the fruit that had been eaten but rather, because YHWH would have denied Adam access to the fruit of the tree of life.

This begs the question:
Q: Why would YHWH create a being of nature and not instill that being with knowledge of good and evil, if indeed we agree that without morals, the human specie could not even get a foothold on the back of nature?
Remember too, that the reason for humans being created was so that they would multiply across the face of the Earth and subdue it.
Since this requires the ability to survive, and since the ability to survive requires knowledge of what is good and what is not [re the reason] it was imperative that Adam also know.

[imperative=of vital importance; crucial.]

[Answers may - nay - will, vary] :)
GM: "A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage"
Central Purpose - QueenBee - Achievable Alternate Realities
Repudiate [refuse to accept; reject. deny the truth or validity of.] ... 8#p1070528

William: FTL; Re: Something can't come from nothing
Please demonstrate that your communications with 'It' are not just self-delusion.
Please demonstrate that it is just self-delusion. If you cannot do so, then your argument therein can be viewed as simply unsupported opinion and thus, invalid speculation, which can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from...
So, basically your 'evidence' to support that all you contend is true consists of asking for evidence that demonstrates that it is not true.
I continue to provide evidence for those interested.
My comment - obviously enough I thought - had to do with your implying self-delusion. Do you have any evidence that I am self deluded?
Apparently not - as you responded with more woo-slinging

As I wrote...invalid speculation can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from...please desist with such tactic as it adds nothing to the communication process re honest argument.
GM: Be Taught
The Brother
Disrupt Vortex Television
The Garden of Eden
Unwilling Reaction
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
“Three worlds and three deep mysteries”
Light is information
The Way of the Shaman

Acknowledge the Agreeable
I share your joy!
The Prime Directive
Making Things Easier
Links And Symbols
Shepherding Moons
Conscious Dreaming
What Shall We Call It?
Wish fulfillment
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Posts: 1288
Joined: Fri Jun 12, 2020 6:58 pm

Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Be Taught 3

311222 [Self-Awareness Stuff Happens]

05:44 [Soul Group Energies]

GM: Share -share -share

William: 9 of Swords
The Nine of Swords shows a woman sitting up in her bed with her head in her hands. She appears to have been jolted awake from a terrible nightmare that has left her disturbed, scared and anxious. Nine swords hang on the dark wall behind her, representing the negative thoughts that weigh heavily on her mind. The base of the woman’s bed features a carving of one person defeating another, and roses and the outlines of astrological symbols adorn the quilt wrapped around her.
GM: Toward a Science of Consciousness
Creation Of A New Universe ... 8#p1104878

William: FTL;
The Barbarian wrote: Tue Dec 20, 2022 1:49 am
EarthScienceguy wrote: Thu Nov 17, 2022 8:53 pm "No Phenomenon is a phenomenon until it is an observed phenomenon." Or another way to say this is that a tree does not fall in a forest unless it is observed.
God is everywhere so He can observe everywhere and produce objective reality.
There was a young man who said "God
Must find it exceedingly odd
That the sycamore tree
continues to be
When there's no one about in the quad.
Dear Sir: Your astonishment's odd;
I am always about in the quad.
The sycamore tree
continues to be,
observed by Yours faithfully, God.
GM: Under a Question Mark
Christian mythology re Satan
♬If I "talk to the Dead" then they must all be living♬
Belief Helps Cause Separation [15:00]

William: I think that what Richard Dawkins say's to Neil deGrasse Tyson is untrue if we take into account the "minimization of what is really true" [re Evolution theory] is done in opposition to ET when Creation Theory [CT] can be reconciled with ET, which in turn only expands upon the idea that an invented universe is a "wonderful exciting exhilarating stimulating" production which does not have to be a "denigration of the wonder of the truth" as Richard puts it.

GM: "The agency of the mind behind creation doesn't cease to exist as a possibility, simply because the costumes are inappropriate imagery."
Be Taught
A Bridge Over Time
"Here Am I Is Where I Ought Examining My Conscious Thought"
"Is it a mindless chaotic process which just happens to consistently appear coherent, no matter what random system we use in order to select the word-strings which generate the message?"
Transparent Enlightenment Relationship True Colors On all fronts No axe to grind...
This Is My Kind Of Fun ... hp?t=39545

William: FTL;
Q: Is it unreasonable to accept that an omnipotent creator of this universe would have any regrets about Its creation?

If we look at how the critters in creation fix things, we can see therein that if there is a creator mind behind this, then there is simply no need for said mind to feel regret for anything said mind created. Said mind has built into the ongoing creative process, a means in which problems which arise, are fixed - rather than regretted upon first, in order to then get about doing the fixing...

Perhaps the idea that the creator should regret what was created, is a projection of human emotionally based concepts?
[[The idea in assigning/projecting said emotion onto a creator ... the projection is in thinking how a human would feel if it were a human who created the universe, [and specifically the Earth and specifically Humankind] and applying that feeling to how a creator could also have regrets for what It created.]]
GM: This Speaks of…
This isn't about thoughts and language. This is about behaviours and actions.
There Are Myriad Stories Happening Within The Main Story ... 8#p1090708

William: FTL;
oldbadger wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 9:37 am
William wrote: Sun Sep 04, 2022 5:03 am Not if it means you cannot accept that I am neither atheist or theist. What is there to discuss?
Hi......... your sentence, above, pushes me to ask:-
Are you an agnostic? I presume that an agnostic can be neither theist nor atheist.
No, I am not - as agnosticism is derived from the question of GOD and belongs within the conflict between theist and non theist/theism and atheism.

I am more like someone who - on my journey - came across two gigantic quarrelling entities speaking jibber-jabber and after working out each one wanted me to join with them in their jibber-jabber, learned their language and from that, understood.
When I told them that the question of GOD was cart-before-horse, so I couldn't accept either of their arguments, they told me that I could not pass until I made the choice.
So here I am sitting meditating in the tussocks nearby, working on how to get around them.
GM: ... 0#p1084580

William: FTL;
William: So it isn't anything I said then?

Going back to original meanings is "the ship that has sailed" I referred to.

This is because that is just the way of the evolution of human language and fighting for something so late in the Game, isn't constructive use of personal energy.

Lets go back a few steps.

I was thanked for a post in another thread.

I pointed to this thread as part of my attempt to explain that I no longer saw the diagram as accurate.

I see now that my explanation could have been better, but even so, my argument is still valid re Agnosticism.

So the things I wrote about agnosticism to begin with, I realized at some point I wasn't actually writing about Agnosticism but about something else.

I sought to identify the "something else" and haven't discovered the name for I referred to the position as "Natural-Neutral".

William: The Natural-Neutral Default Position

GM: Sober journey into self-realization

William: Better than trying on the Agnostic label which has been through the mill

GM: A terrible milestone

William: Ground into powder....

Now that we have reached this point together - The GM from yesterday affirms;


A Matter of Knowing Where to Look

GM: Brother Wolf Sister Moon

William: 289, as with;

The Suppression Matrix
This is how The Mind works...
Within that which is unseen...

GM: Though the Serpent rules the Shadow

Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]

William: Like "Natural-Neutral" re theism and atheism...not "Agnostic" because that is a known subset of atheism..

GM: The Spirit of The Earth

Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...

William: Such is the nature of consciousness...

GM: Chamber Of Self

William: I am toying with the idea of calling it "Liminalism"

[Search "Liminality"]

"a term used to describe the psychological process of transitioning across boundaries and borders. The term “limen” comes from the Latin for threshold; it is literally the threshold separating one space from another. It is the place in the wall where people move from one room to another."

Agnosticism is a form of Liminalism, applicable only to The Question "Do we exist within a creation?" re the theistic and atheistic answers and subsequent arguments re said question.

Liminalism is not limited to pondering questions specific to theistic/atheistic interpretation of the mind in relation to matter. That is a huge advantage.
GM: Clarity
Self-limitation ... 8#p1097158

William: FTL;
[Replying to The Tanager in post #127]
Hey William,

Our posts have started covering a whole bunch of ground. I’m attempting to streamline my response, but let me know if I’ve misunderstood or missed anything of importance. I saw these main areas:
Hey Tanager

Yes - it is often the case, we start out with short posts and this evolves into longer and more detailed ones.
That is why I was listing our agreements, so that these might provide a way in which to help direct our path of discussion.

We have both agreed that:
1: We exist within a creation.
2: Simulation Theory is a valid way to interpret the Biblical stories.
3: YVHV placed humans into this universe to grow personalities.
4: The purpose of YVHV growing human personalities is so that these would potentially gain experience of the truth of the reason for their environment and their temporary experience within it.
5: It is an advantage to all grown personalities to be consciously and consistently connected with YVHV and thus understand and support YVHVs initiatives.

We parted company on;

6: We do not agree that human personalities - upon the death of their body-sets - move on to other experiences.
I think this is different from whether Jesus influences people throughout the two thousand years since, however. I think He influences us from a constant, unchanging self. What changes is our understanding of things, not what He teaches.
I covered that when I wrote:
Historical scholarship is simply that. If we are to believe that Jesus has been active behind the scenes - in N.T. Wright's "Control Room" analogy, then we best not assume that the influence of that room is forever stuck in and dependent upon - that one frame of ancient history.
To expand on this understanding, What Jesus taught in no way contradicts the idea that we exist within a simulated reality.
As with YHVH, being the same/unchanging hasn't anything to do with how the authors of biblical script 'saw' YHVH and thus expressed their seeing in story form. Those stories are not "what YHVH teaches" but are expressions of inspiration by the authors who believed they were being taught by YHVH and their attempts to dress that in a language which could be understood by folk of their particular epoch.

That is why I wrote;
What is to say that if, what they did believe in was not true, that Jesus - knowing differently - wanted them to understand that their beliefs were in error?
You reply;
What changes is our understanding of things, not what He teaches.
I have been saying the same thing. So we cshould eventually be able to add that to our list of things we agree with.
Yes, like materialists, I believe spacetime is integral to our “base reality” but, unlike materialists, I believe it is only part of that base reality, not the whole story. That “spacetime is doomed,” for theists, doesn’t negate spacetime being part of base reality. Whether it will be a renewal of the present earth or a completely separate earth, that earth is still a spacetime.
This only serves to add credence to Simulation Theory Tanager.

"Spacetime is doomed" - as I wrote;
The statement which has been proved true, is that "Spacetime is Doomed." This is to say, that spacetime is NOT the base reality which materialists have insisted that it is.
I never said that spacetime is not PART of something greater, but that it is not the base reality itself.
Your argument up to this point has appeared to be different to that, indicated by your not wanting to agree with;
6: That human personalities - upon the death of their body-sets - move on to other experiences.
Clearly, biblical script [which I have given per your request] has it that Jesus say's differently from you on this point. That script has been offered by me for your comment.

You commented;
One example I gave was that supposed personal experiences of Jesus that contradict His historical teachings, should not be accepted as true.
Yet you offer up to this point, no scriptural evidence to support your assertion re the stories folk bring to the table re their NDE experiences, that those stories should be discarded as lies, hallucinations, honest mistakes, etc.

On the other hand, an argument that the experiences being told, are the result of folk being made aware of the actual unchanging state of YHVH, to which the bible cannot be counted as something which speaks on behalf of YHVH, but only as a reference to those telling the stories from the perspective of their place in the epoch they underwent.

Unfortunately, the bible in that light, is a closed off book - whereby at some point, men chose to seal it shut from the advancement of human/YHVH interaction, whilst declaring it a type of complete document and cutting off all future interactions between YHVH and humans, that are NOT exactly the same as those stories of more ancient folk, recorded in the bible.

This is perhaps the main reason for the struggle you are currently having with the idea of Simulation Theory and belief that the bible does not describe us existing within a reality simulation, and the struggle to accept the stories folk have to tell about their NDEs, as being witness to truth.

Who are we to limit what YHVH does or does not do, based upon the writings of more ancient men, who - if told of the things of our technologically advanced modern world - might also complain that such things told are lies, hallucinations, honest mistakes, blasphemy etc?

Do you believe that YHVH did not know the future of humanity or see it as humanity moving towards uncovering truth, and thus getting closer to the unchanging state in which YHVH resides?
As far as the views on the afterlife in Jesus’ time, I would commend this article to you to read: ... n-origins/. The point in Revelation 21, I think, is about heaven coming to this earth, and renewing this earth. Yes, it’s a (re)new heaven and (re)new earth, but there is a continuity as well.
Honestly, it does not matter in the context of simulation theory Tanager.

If something changes, then it is not what it once was.

I recently asked otseng this:
William: Many Christians believe the bible tells it, that they will be resurrected to enjoy life in this universe forever...

How do you reconcile the eventual heat death of the universe, with such beliefs?
otseng: Everything will be reset
Your telling of it is the same as otseng, but what both of you fail to understand is that something which is changed, [ and graphically so] is not the same thing, but a different thing.

It may indeed have similarities, as you point out, and I have no argument re that, as simulating something naturally enough does have the quality of sameness, but in order to believe that one can withstand the natural tendency of a universe - like the one we currently occupy - to NOT be harmful to the forms we occupy [the human form] either those forms must change to accommodate, or the universe must change to accommodate, or both - the bottom line is that those changes must signify that we will not be existing in the same form and thus, Simulation Theory explains how those differences will be achieved.

New Heavens and New Earth mean that ST is involved in making it so.

Whether it is 'reset' or some other way in which this is achieved, ST is that which explains how such can be done.

Thus, my opinion on the matter of YHVH being unchangeable, is that YHVH is the fundamental reality and ANYTHING which changes HAS to be regarded as simulated.
[Which is why we are grown, as per agreement 3: "YVHV placed humans into this universe to grow personalities."]
I think it’s the same with Jesus’ resurrected body and our resurrected bodies. A car that gets an upgrade in engine, shocks, etc. is different than it was, but still the same vehicle. It’s got the same VIN, owned by the same person, etc. I think Jesus’ body (and ours) are like that. While it certainly changes, it’s still the same in a unified sense.
Your above can be regarded as semantics.
You also seem to be separating the soul from the personality. Am I right, there? Are you saying a “personality” is a temporary identification of a soul with a body in a particular environment? I would use soul and personality as synonyms.
I understand Soul as the breath of YHVH and thus unchangeable. It works with the personality which is changeable, as a means through which the personality can change - or "level up" to use Gaming terminology - and is integral to the personalities ability to experience anything.

While it is feasible that a personality can be deleted, and the soul connected with the personality to be integrated back into the unchanging completeness of YHVH, but this would be an extreme in that it would signify the personality is of absolutely no USE to YHVH.

Your understanding that the soul and the personality are synonymous [closely associated with or suggestive of something.] is understandable in that context, but they are not the exact same thing as one is grown [changeable] while the other is the other is complete.
3) What’s the balance of goodness and wickedness in the world?

You believe Jesus stated wickedness is greater than goodness in Matthew 24:37-39,
Please quote where I said I believed that.
Now, I originally answered the question about the balance of goodness and wickedness in the context of things right now. It sounds like you are focusing more on that balance at the “end” of the world. It’s possible that the balance there will be heavily on evil’s side, but I would need to think longer there to come to a conclusion.
My point was, that IF things are balanced NOW, in order for Jesus to return [as per Christian belief] things will have to deteriorate considerably, so that the impossibility of us being able to say NOW, as to the balance between good and evil, would become possible. That also would work the other way, but if things got better to the point where it became possible to make the call, YHVH would have no need to order Jesus to return.

In line with this thinking, is the idea of Jesus and the Control Room you mentioned. IF Jesus has been active in that regard, THEN we should be able to say confidently that things are getting better.
Ultimately, I think the Bible doesn’t focus on balancing good and evil, but eliminating all evil coupled with patience for those who are perishing in their evil, in hopes that they will seek escape through the Messiah. But, at some point, time will be up and evil will be wiped out.
Given YHVH is the biblically the bringer of both good and evil, this wiping out [deleting] signifies a change in YHVH, which does not align with the idea that YHVH is complete/unchangeable so that line of reasoning can be abandoned and explanation for concepts of good and evil has to derive in the personalities being grown and their lack of understanding and confusion deriving from their concepts of good and evil.

The concepts themselves require change, and perhaps this is what is meant by evil being deleted. The personalities change as the concepts change/the concepts change as the personalities change.

Having the belief that soul and personality are the same, makes the change - impossible, as far as I can tell, because the individual has no helper to activate said change, being in a position where trust in ones personality ["soul" in your regard] can be subject to those things you mentioned - hallucination, lies, et al.

Or as Bob Dylan wrote in a song;
Preacher was talking there's a sermon he gave
He said every man's conscience is vile and depraved
You cannot depend on it to be your guide
When it's you who must keep it satisfied
Soul - as an aspect of unchangeable YHVH - independent helper of the growing/changing personality, allows one to trust in something greater than oneself.

[this also eludes to another private conversation we are having re the GMs]

So far, I have seen no clear reason from you as to why that wouldn't be the case, that you should remain in disagreement with me...

My hope is that we can come to agreement and move on along the same path of discussion...
GM: [The History Of Earth's Five Mass Extinction Events [4K] | The Next Great Extinction Event ] [RTS=10:05]
GM: Radical acceptance
Even so, I have full appreciation for your efforts, because even incorrect peer review is better than indifference.
Be Taught
Share -share -share
Do A=1
Brother, where Art Thou?
Feel your feelings
The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us
Makes Candles Look Gathered

William: Brother, where Art Thou? Feel your feelings The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us Makes Candles Look Gathered = 1060
Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things. = 1060

GM: Optimized for Fitness Pay-offs
The Realm of The Knowing of My Self Spacetime is not fundamental
Brotherhood Of Souls
Encounters Challenge Boundaries

William: Reality is Creative and Loving = 299
Related phrases to The Subject = 299

This GM ties in well with the current interaction I am having with Theophile.
Re: Simulation Hypothesis and Evolution Theory and The First Creation Story

Soul Group Energies
Trust the process
Deliberate and important
Attitude of gratitude
The Father - in The Mother.
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Be Taught 4

040123 [Optimized for Fitness Pay-offs]

15:05 [In William’s Room]

GM: Neuralink
Far Out! Shucks! Explain!
Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
'The Dream Team'
The blurry line of the neutral zone
As well as that pot of gold...
Remove the phenomena and apply science
Verbatim ... 20to%20The [First Things First]

William: FTL;
[Replying to Eddie Ramos in post #10]
If you read what is taking place and try and put yourself in Adam's place, then perhaps because you and I would cast blame off of ourselves, doesn't mean that this is the correct way to understand what we read in the scriptures. The scriptures do not record whatever has entered into the minds of men to speak, but they spoke as they were moved to speak and God recorded exactly that which he wanted to place within his word. This is why ALL of scripture is God breathed, meaning it came from the mouth of God.
That is debatable as "God-Breathed" could simply be referring to someone being inspired by their subjective relationship with a great mind they think of through the limitation of their own mind, and thus express imagery through the belief filters of their own minds.

This would signify that what anyone writes about such relationship their telling of it will be tainted with misunderstanding - especially if they themselves had the need to make their invisible friend more visible with dress-ups.

All theistic stories about the gods are more ancient than the discovery of writting, even as ancient as humans learning how to control fire - so this word was breathed through a different medium and kept alive and along with that natural process - many filters of human interaction with IT would have distorted the nature of the Thing that IT - fundamental - was/is - as if IT speaks for ITSelf through the prisms of human minds - as if IT would appear to be happy with what IT is being dressed up in...but how do we know, because to claim IT is happy with the arrangements, is dressing it up to look like that might be the case...

Is IT "God-Breathing" because it does not KNOW what IT is, and that is what the Tetragrammaton represents? [I AM "Whatever you want me to be"]

On one level, sure! Why not?

But on other levels, perhaps IT knows exactly what IT is and is open to the possibility that Individual Human Beings might possibly cease trying to dress IT up and cease believing in the stories which dressed IT up and start paying attention...

First - one has to be aware that we exist within a creation and discover the way which will show one that this is most likely the case.
Second - after First - one has to figure out the best ways in which one can assist the Creator in transmitting ITs "Word" on ITSelf even if that means IT has to undress and get naked so as we can get a better look at what IT is we aren't seeing....

First Things First
[Closer to The Source
Who woulda thought!]

If one continues to view GOD through the dressings of a book, then the focus/worship is on the costume and not what resides underneath the will never get to first base going in that direction...
GM: Be Taught ... 2#p1069172

William: FTL;
GM: The God
Entheogen [psychoactive substances that induce alterations in perception, mood, consciousness, cognition, or behavior for the purposes of engendering ...] [Engender - cause or give rise to (a feeling, situation, or condition).]
Stuff/things a complex and tricky undertaking...
The Dreamer dreams the dreamed and the dreamed think the dream is real

William: This is what I am presently talking about with Theophile
Re: Simulation Hypothesis and Evolution Theory and The First Creation Story
In that sense, while ST cannot be discarded, it still would have to adjust accordingly to be seen as the process which occurs re each unfolding, and each process is the product of the Mind which all this must be happening within, which produces the realities experienced.
GM: The Main Points on the Agenda
Little Pointers Are Signposts
Express your feelings
End Of Chapter ... 8#p1077858

William: FLT;
William: There is a lot to unpack here.
Learning to be conscious of the unconscious so that one may then recognize various impulses and where these originate from.
In a sense, this is the science of the mind I am attempting to explain to Sherlock. Things may indeed appear to be so mystical as to be of another universe entirely...and are thus given the title of being a Miracle...
GM: The Wisdom of Foresight [Bob Dylan - Death Is Not the End (Official Audio)]

William: Being prepared to accept that when the body dies, there is more to experience...

GM: There is a way to link all these seeming contradictions - so that coherent explanation brings these together...
All of life
That is the thing - once behavioural adjustments are instigated, the idea of existing within a suppression matrix becomes no longer matters where one is - it only matters what one the adjustments have everything to do with self-identification...knowing who one actually is at ones core-identity...
Self-talk Root of all evil

William: In that, if one is going to be genuinely unpleasant in ones internalizing, this will become apparent in ones external reality...evil is as evil does - which is a human per the discussion between Theophile and I re ST, ET and CT...
I don't think we're far apart. The issue as I see it is that you would subsume CT into ST whereas I feel that CT provides a distinct and necessary stage for ST to become a possibility in the first place, and that this is the stage we should assume we are in and focus our attention on. i.e., that such a God as ST proposes does not yet exist and that this world is not yet a simulation... We should think and act as if such a state has yet to be achieved, even if it already has.
While I understand your reservations, I think that to have a CT theory based upon the idea that The Mind grew out of the Creation and thus - is not directly responsible for the suffering one experiences by those inside said Creation, one is agreeing with the idea of The Problem of Evil, which your particular CT deals with, and which ET also deals with - neither of which, may be the best way to deal with said 'problem'.

The thing I ask is whether this "problem" has actually been established as real or imagined and if not real, then it is an unnecessary layer to be adding - unnecessary baggage - and thus not appropriate to being attached to any theory, including CT and therefore doesn't belong on the table of this discussion.
GM: Epoché ["suspension of judgment" but also as "withholding of assent"]
The Visitation Event Heuristic Fearlessness Decisive
Be Taught ... 8#p1091568

GM: ... 1#p1089611

William: FTL;
So what's going on here? Is this sick and hateful people projecting their own faults onto others? Is it a case of "every accusation is really a confession"? Something else? All of the above?
I think it is a case of the evolution of Human ethics and some being quicker at changing than others.
Add to that the religious finger-pointing, those who offend from such positions are naturally regarded as the worst, and it looks worse for that, than when committed by other groups who are not preaching the same sermon, or any sermon at all.

Once upon a time Humans behaved in such ways as a matter of nature - much like dolphins are seen to commit rape but are not seen to be sinning therein.

Incest was normal once.

The changes have come about through identifying actions which damage others, and seeking to do something about that.

Rape, slavery, incest, sexual, physical, emotional, phycological abuses are slowly identified and laws enacted in order to curb the practices - some learn faster than others.

Some Christians argue that those Christians who practice such things are not really Christians at all, citing the words of Jesus as evidence.

Others argue that the words of Jesus being bound within the Bible alongside the words of rapists, slavers, incestual, sexual, physical, emotional, phycological abusers and that Jesus himself being reported to have caused physical distress to stall-holders in the temple and olive trees, aren't helpful to the process of learning to identify actions which damage others, and seeking to do something to cease with that type of behaviour.

And if we regard the current warnings about climate change and heading for a possible extinction event - this time caused by humans - we might understand that none of us have the moral high-ground, regardless of what position we hold on matters of God and stuff like that.

Perhaps too much judging and not enough doing [hypocrisy] will be the source-reason for our own extinction?
GM: Simulation
GM: Can You Imagine...
'Developing a thick skin'
Stuff/things a complex and tricky undertaking...

William: Without doubt - there is much to learn...

GM: ... 4#p1085464

William: FTL;Re: If you were Satan....
Meantime, a Personal Signature does the trick.

Aside from a Personal Signature, there isn't anything I can think of which would fit the script.
If it is a tattoo of some sort and everyone who accepts, has the same tattoo, it would act in the same way a Personal Signature currently acts - as in - grants access to the marketplace...

Questions re that;

Q: If Satan is sitting back - can he still achieve what was prophesied or...

Q: ...Would Satan have to relinquish the prophesized power part along with the prophesized prestige part?

The reason I ask is because, while the OP is focused on Satan thwarting Father YWHW [and Son] by not going along with the prophecy, there may still be parts Satan can accomplish without having to play the role totally.

Q: Behind the scenes, what would Satan be planning, and...

Q: there any evidence we know of in today's world which might infer deviousness behind those scenes?

Because, if there is - [or it could be] - then Humans could effectively be tricked into thinking that - because prophesy is not happening the way folk separately interpret the prophecy should happen - that there is no Satan or Father YHWH [and Son] and go along never suspecting that they were serving Satan.

Q: Can Satan deceive the world and thwart prophesy at the same time?
Q: Is Satan more intelligent than Humans?

_________________ But wait! There's more! _________________

All this speculation about Satan thwarting Father YHWH assumes that Satan is more intelligent than Father YHWH.
Those whom assume such are basically showing the allegiance of their will to worship Satan's intelligence.
Perhaps that is the Mark of The Beast.
[Loyalty or commitment to a superior or to a group or cause.]

[An attitude of the individuals mind which is altogether shared by millions of like-minded $itizens.]

To think that Satan can outsmart the Elder - The Father YHWH - is a fallacy in relation to biblical narrative.
That is to say,
IF one has to go outside of biblical narrative whilst arguing against biblical narrative
THEN one is ignoring biblical narrative on the one hand whilst on the other holding ones interpretation of it up as the interpretation to assume.

Such muddies the waters for all except those who have already noticed what is beneath the surface...
GM: Perpetual

The Akashic Records
Do Not Worry
Majestic Twelve
All systems go
Got The Picture
Unus Mundus
Realm of Remembrance
Faith-based thinking
Ooky Spooky
True Colours
The Forerunner
Your Best Self
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Be Taught 5

"The Queen died peacefully at Balmoral..."
The Shifting Models of Existence
A complex and tricky undertaking...
Spacetime doesn’t really exist
A: To grow Human Personalities.
A life sentence ending in a death sentence

In the biblical telling of it
My alarm bells are ringing
The Judgement Algorithm
For the benefit of all beings
Stop. Listen. Observe.
Penetrate The Bidden Zone
Imposed Appropriates
Independent Commitment
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
Delightful Anticipation

GM: Sanctioned
The Master ColdFire Trick
In Out and All About
Under the breath words Context It Is Our Nature
In Human Form
Children of The Light
In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
Lift Your Gaze From The Fire
Be Taught
Concomitant Power [Concomitant - a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.]
"Off you go to your quarters"

You can use this word to mean "housing" generally, although it's most common for soldiers and servants to live in quarters.
GM: The Twelve Disciples
"When we hear words spoken, we hear them. When we read words written, we also hear them."
"I think it was an ambush or surprise attack" = An Opportunity To Commune
Better The Devil You Know
Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
James (WingMakers) ... tcount=198
William: FTL;
There is a Cosmic Mind
Eventually, any species which survives long enough to continue along with the unfolding universe will eventually discover that and invent ways in which to engage.
GM:Peaceful Messiah ... 5#p1084045
Something "outside of GOD" contradicts "no outside of GOD."

Creating something new does not contradict "no outside of GOD."

Creating something new "outside of GOD", does.
[Replying to The Tanager in post #693]
It would be a contradiction if I was talking about them both being true at the same moment, but I’m not. “No outside of GOD prior to creation” and “outside of GOD at/after creation” are not logical contradictions.
No matter how you word it or what context you build around it, 'outside of GOD' contradicts 'there is no outside of GOD'.

Adding the mind-construct of 'time' does not make a contradiction a non-contradiction.

Another way of looking at it, is that GOD is Omni-present - specifically "always in the now of every 'moment' - never absent - never outside of anything and everything never outside of GOD."

There is no contradiction in referring to "No outside of GOD" unless one attempts in inject the idea that there actually is an outside of GOD. One is real and the other is human invention attempting to superimpose the false upon the real.
Saying 'both';

Tanager: It would be a contradiction if I was talking about them both being true at the same moment...
is relying upon unsupported assumption as;

There are no 'both'. There is only One.
If one does a little study on the Set one will discover that the infinite progression can be shown to run opposite [as infinite regression] which signifies that the point where the video begins is the same as the begin/end points which turn up throughout the eternally unfolding.
Can you share the reasoning that shows this?
Sure - when I come across the video I picked the info up from, I will. From memory, the person showed that by applying the Set formula for the negative numbers, one gets a mirror-image of the Set, 'going the other way'...having written that it occurred to me I could google something like "Mandelbrot Set negative equation" - there are articles on this you can view for yourself, if you make a similar worded search...
My statement has to do with our overall conversation here. Do you want to end this conversation because 'the existence of a creator' hasn't been supported or carry on re the question "Do we exist within a creation?"

When I wrote "we know that it was built from something that already existed" I was referring to Energy and QF [matter] and if these things fundamentally represent GOD [re theistic ideas about existing within a creation] then they may as well be be accepted by theists, in that attitude.
I don’t see any reason to believe your conditional here. Why should I believe that energy and matter fundamentally represent GOD?
I don't ask anyone to believe or not believe.

The fundamentals of this universe are Energy and Matter.

GOD - [if we do exist within a creation] has to be the mindful aspect of the Energy which forms the Matter into shapes [galaxies et merda] so has to be fundamental to the fundamentals - the 'Mind' aspect of the whole process.

If Energy and Matter engaging do not fundamentally represent GOD [re the question "Do we exist within a creation?"] what DOES?
What we can do is agree that the interaction between Energy and QF results in identifiable intelligent outcomes and take that as an indication that we may indeed be existing within a creation and therefore Energy and Matter may be intelligent, because they do not exist outside of GOD.
If all you are claiming is that it’s not logically impossible that GOD transformed (at least in part) into the material universe, then I agree.
The mindful construct itself is a vast rabbit hole of possibility, even if only an aspect of GOD was required for the event to take place.
What it all means - in context - is not something we can off-handedly 'agree' about. The complexities are simply too vast and unknown.

Being in the Natural Neutral position helps as it eliminates belief or lack of belief and simply accepts 'we don't know' while acknowledging that it is still worthwhile to - at least - attempt to find out...
Energy and QF refers to the nature of the universe, thus the "Natural" part.

Re the question "Do we exist within a creation?", one remains neutral until such a time as nature reveals for certain, either way, thus the "Neutral" part
I don’t see how that’s remaining neutral. There are three views:

1. Energy and spirit are distinct things
2. Energy and spirit are the same thing
3. I don’t know which is true

The third view is the neutral one.

When the claim is "Energy and spirit are distinct things" I don't know.
When the claim is "Energy and spirit are the same thing" I don't know.

3: [I don’t know which is true] is not claim-based.

Re the question, "Do we exist within a creation?"

I extend curtesy to Theism by agreeing - for the sake discussion - that "Energy and spirit are the same thing" [2:] but do not extend that curtesy to contrary theist notions that "Energy and spirit are distinct things" [1:] if there is no established logic involved in doing so.

Thus 1:+ 3: = the less cluttered way forward, with that addition;

3: I don’t know which is true so will go with 2: "Energy and spirit are the same thing", until a more logical alternate presents itself - [which 1: does not achieve, at least in its current format.]
GM: ... ucinations FTL;
Hearing Voices : an Insiders Guide to Auditory Hallucinations
Debra's story of living with voices is a journey into the soul. Describing her experiences, we start to understand, and are able to better support those human beings living with loud heads. Debra is project manager for the Psychological Interventions for Enduring Mental Illness Project at the Auckland District Health Board (ADHB). In this unique and innovative position Debra works in the clinical setting leading the development of psychological strategies for positive symptoms of psychosis and the first non-clinician to do so. She is also a senior tutor with the Centre for Mental Health Research and Policy Development at the University of Auckland.
GM: Controlled
One Day
Be Taught
The Cherubim
Heart chakra
The Mark of The Beast
Throwing Down The Gauntlet
May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
Dohrman Prophecy Book Introduction ... 9#p1080009

William: FTL
Theism - by nature - is the human consciousness within the animal, reaching out to other possible conclusions regarding the human situation.

Most NDE stories have a shared thread through the telling. NDEs have likely been around as long as human beings and probably factor in a good percentage of why theistic thinking evolved alongside human development and understanding of the self.

What most folk tend to experience with NDE has to do with observing their bodies from another perspective and in that, the body is seen objectively and not identified by the person as being who they are.

NDEs often allow for a person to understand themselves as something other than the body - a difficult thing to achieve from the perspective of consistently experiencing life from the perspective of being the body, which is why folk tend to self-identify as the body - especially those who believe that their consciousness is an emergent property of the brain and have never experienced anything else which might go a long way in convincing them otherwise.

There is no doubt that the human body is biological and in the animal class as per human categorizations.

But there is doubt as to whether such is the true nature of human consciousness, or for that matter, that animal consciousness in general is truly/only animal in character.

Tying that in with the the Biblical God's conduct of breathing life into [making conscious] the human animal form, something which requires blame?

To me, it seems to boil down [yet again] to the mirror-mirror mentality. If we attribute evil to nature, then the one who created nature can only be seen as evil. Same goes for good.
Since, generally, folk appear to attribute both good and evil as aspects of nature, we are confronted with the peculiarity of apparent contradiction, which isn't helpful.

It does appear that most folk cannot get their heads around it. ... 0#p1079850
GM: The Theory of Everything A lot of information which has the potential to come to the fore.
The United Nations
Opinions are like Mirrors
Without Comparison
Different ways of supporting the same objective.
The Story of Caliban
The Mind is The Invisible Garage Dragon

Slowly and Surely
Suppressing Border
All is fair in love and war
Illuminate Listening
Holographic Universe
Tell Your Story
Create Your Own UFO
How to Bruise a Ghost
“Mother Earth Harmony”
The House of Politics
Possibility waves
Love - Communicate Love
An appropriate analogy
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Faith - 1
060123 [All publicity is good publicity]

AP= Mission Underdetermination = 307

[The vessel of argument sinks
Behind The Veil You Are All Loveable...
Into a time that we've all seen on
Mission Underdetermination
Simulated for the purpose of?
Over days of forgotten tales
True happiness Awake Be here now
Within ones grasp of influence]

05:59 [Hard Nosed Skeptics]

GM: A safe pair of hands
The Nature of That Place
Don't let schooling interfere with your education [42:31] [Combatting Anti-Science with Richard Dawkins and Neil deGrasse Tyson]

William: FTL;
If you can't appreciate the universe in which you live, the life in which you are a part, the cells of which you're made - these are so important - so beautiful and elegant, and wonderful...
I think that without understand that we are Spirit within Form, and understanding scientific discovery in that manner, the wonder, beauty and elegance of this existence is less appreciated than it could otherwise be.

GM:What is "wisdom" to some is "spam" to others Rest When Weary Making friends with your mind Amidst a tangled web
The Neutral Zone is the vaster reality of non-judgementalism
"Until ganna be gets here, its all just ganna be forever"
Pusillanimous [- showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.]
Those who need to complain
Serendipity ... post-14193

William: FTL;
GM: Faith
Ethical Transhumanism
You Are Allowed To Laugh You Know
Inordinately [to an unusually or disproportionately large degree; excessively.]
Opening ourselves to real love and intimacy
Translucent [allowing light, but not detailed shapes, to pass through; semi-transparent.]
Any Other Way.
Categorising Knowledge in Terms of 'Good' or 'Evil'
Ugly is just "in the eye of the beholder" as is Beauty.
What matters most [OLIN Technology - One Language Intelligent Network]

William: FTL;
OLIN Technology Intelligent networks are able to operate from a single language with translation interfaces that enable global intercourse. This means language is no longer a barrier to communication. Intelligent networks will introduce a meta-language that translates both real-time written and spoken applications. It will revolutionize the genetic mind’s global construct, and facilitate the digitalization of your global economy.

There will be many within the Hierarchy, who will object vehemently to the notion of a global, digital economy, but we will tell you, it will happen regardless of the complaints and registered concerns. Your most powerful banks, computer manufacturers, and software companies will merge to create this momentous technology, and the One Language Intelligent Network (OLIN) will become the standard operating system of all the world’s computer-based systems.

This will not occur until the year 2008, so it is some time before you will encounter this globalization of your economy, but all the systems and architecture are already being designed and conceptualized in the minds of some of your brightest engineers and scientists. We assure you, this is not something to be feared, but rather embraced, and not because of the economic values, but because of the way the OLIN technology will facilitate the development of a global culture.

As the OLIN technology evolves, it will increasingly become subject to individual control. In other words, individuals will become inextricably linked into the network’s entertainment and educational applications, which will become globalized. No longer will global media companies publish for a geographical market. They will produce content for a global audience and each individual will define what and how it desires to be entertained or educated.

The OLIN technology will “know” the preferences and interests of every individual linked to its network, and by the year 2016, it will be more ubiquitous than telephones in the late twentieth century. Hence, individuals, and producers of content will control the network, and services will be the “slave” or reactionary force of the individual. Thus, the individual will need to define their entertainment and educational desires carefully, or the OLIN technology will deliver content that is undesirable.

We know this sounds obvious and trite, but it is profoundly different than the way entertainment and education are delivered in your world of the pre-OLIN technology. The time capsules that the WingMakers have left behind will act as a template to those who operate outside of the limiting force of the genetic mind, and desire to create content for the OLIN technology even before it exists. The time capsules will show how to do this and demonstrate how to create multi-dimensional content that carries its viewer-participant into new corridors of understanding and illumination.

This is how the genetic mind will fragment and become unable to exert a unified force upon the human instruments of terra-earth.

When it is in this condition it will yield to the transformation/mastership model of existence and form a synthesis with it. It will transform itself, and the genetic mind will become the leader of transformation for entities upon terra-earth instead of its barrier force.

William: Re The Genetic Mind...
The genetic mind is the equivalent of a universal belief system that penetrates, to varying degrees, the human instrument of all entities. In some, it immobilizes their ability to think original thoughts and feel original feelings. In most, it entrains their belief system to harmonize with the accepted belief systems of the Hierarchy. In a few, it exerts no significant force nor has any bearing on the development of their personal belief system.

There are those on terra-earth who are in training to be Sovereign Entities and are completely unaware of this training as well as their destiny. When they are able to become timeless and view the continuum of their lifestream, they will see the thread that has differentiated them as Sovereign Entities. They will understand how the hardships and supposed indifference of the universe were actually the catalysts for their emergence as designers of the new genetic mind.

The genetic mind is different from the subconscious or universal mind as it is sometimes referred to in your psychology texts, in that the genetic mind has a peculiar focus on the accumulated beliefs of all the people on a planet from its most distant past to its present time. These accumulated beliefs are actually manipulations of the Hierarchy, which imprint on the genetic mind in order to cast the boundaries of what is acceptable to believe.

So compelling is this manipulation and the boundaries that are imposed by the Hierarchy that virtually no one is aware of the manipulations of their beliefs. This is precisely why the WingMakers have interacted with your species from the very beginning. As culture bearers, we stretch your boundaries in the arena of science, art, and philosophy. We essentially expand the genetic mind’s “perimeter fence” and enable it to encompass a larger portion of the “land” known as Source Reality.

If we were to tell you about the fundamental misconceptions of your genetic mind, you would not believe us. You would most definitely—even your most accomplished spiritual leaders—find us in contempt of much that you hold true and reasonable. You would feel fear in the face of our expression of Source Reality because it would be so clear to you how you have squandered your divine natures in favor of the entrapment of the genetic mind.

We know this will seem like a judgment of your beliefs, and it is to some degree, but you must know this about your belief systems: they are largely disconnected from Source Reality. They are like threads of a web that have become disconnected from the “branches” of Source Reality by the “winds” of the Hierarchy. Source Reality is represented in your belief in unconditional love, but of all the dimensions of your belief systems, this is the one thread that is connected—through the genetic mind—to Source Reality. All the other dimensions are connected to the genetic mind and have no ongoing connection to Source Reality. The genetic mind, as an intermediary and reflection of Source Reality, is completely and utterly inept. This is all part of the primal blueprint that designs the evolutionary pathway of a species through time. The genetic mind acts as a buffer for the developing species to experience separation from Source Reality. In this way, the human instrument is appropriately entangled in time, space, and the illusions of a disempowered belief system.

These factors, as disorienting as they are to the entity, are precisely what attract the entity to terra-earth. There are very few planetary systems in the multiverse that provide a better sense of separation from Source Reality than that which is experienced on terra-earth. By amplifying the sense of separation, the entity can experience more fully the individuated essence that is unique and bears the resemblance of First Source as a Unique Being. This is what draws entities to this world to incarnate within a human instrument.

So the genetic mind is an enabling force to experience separation on the one hand, and a disabling force to understand the true characteristics of Source Reality on the other. This dichotomy, when understood, helps to disentangle the human instrument and its entity consciousness from the limiting aspects of the genetic mind and its principle author, the Hierarchy.

Over the next twenty years, the genetic mind will become increasingly fragmented and thus, vulnerable to modification. This will be an effect of the growing ubiquity of intelligent networks and artificial intelligence therein. The expanding interconnection of intelligent networks has a significant impact on the genetic mind because of the emergence of a global culture that accompanies the arrival of such technologies.

*“DNA is both a network within the individual body as well as a node within the species’ collective “body” or genetic mind.” {SOURCE}
GM: Presence
Large Simulation Machines
Delightful Anticipation
I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual ... 9#p1087669

William: FTL
[Replying to Diogenes in post #247]

You and your supporters are conflating 'damage of brain' with 'damage of consciousness'

In any experience Consciousness is not disabled. Ask anyone who has ever taken a serious LSD Trip. They can tell you all about the experience. Same with those who have OOB and NDEs...

To believe damaging the brain damages the consciousness is cart before the horse. No scientific experiments have shown consciousness is damaged.
GM: Some
Awake Relationship Unity [Clean]
"It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same."
Brilliant [1:12:03 ] [Asking a Theoretical Physicist About the Physics of Consciousness | Roger Penrose |]
The Big Bang was not the beginning...crazy and true at the same time...Conformally Invariant ... mass and frequency are equivalent
GM: Family
Got The Picture

William: I Think – Therefore – Who Do I Think I Am?
This moment is the perfect teacher
Mission Functional Clusters
The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
Brilliant Family Got The Picture
Data actual realistic communication

GM: Atheism is the ship, not the sailors
"Pixie Farts create Pixel parts"
The Great Green Wall
Even The Shadows
We have discussed
Reality: "Talk to The Razor"
Brother, where Art Thou?
Something you cannot change

[Subatomic Particles
The Nature of The Mind
Take care of yourself
Looking behind the veil
The Electron Augment
Mathematical problems
The fire from within
Odd Addiction Vortex
The Kindness of Sleep
Gateway Luminous]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Faith - 2

070123 [Especially the science of "randomness"... :)]

05:32 [Beyond a shadow of a doubt]

GM: Concomitant Power [Concomitant - a phenomenon that naturally accompanies or follows something.]
Universal Intelligence
Clearing the jungle while planting the forest...
One Day
Intelligent Awareness
Etched mirror
Nurture You

William: Etched mirror Nurture You Content Intelligent Awareness = 637
Heart Love Higher Self Dream Guide Sharing Data Raise your frequency
The Neutral Zone is the vaster reality of non-judgementalism
GM: ... 1#p1087251

William: FTL;
William: Philo2;
The Freedom of Self-creation—[T]hese life principles are the tools to
accelerate the emergence of the Sovereign Integral and feel its perspective, its insights,
and its empowered abilities to create new realities and shape them as learning
adventures that liberate and expand consciousness.

1. There is no model of existence outside of the model of self-creation.
2. All conditions of existence are facets of the one condition of the reality of
unlimited self-creation.
3. Having a physical body does not limit you, anymore than having legs on an
eagle prevents it from flying.
4. The hidden harmony is found with joy, while the obvious brings indifference.
5. True Freedom is access to First Source.

If you have already read the introduction to the four philosophies and the Chamber
Two paper “The Shifting Models of Existence” you know that the Entity Model is the
primary model operating in the universe. So the first two items above give us pause.
Can there be two primary models? It does not seem so according to the philosophy
papers, but so much of the Lyricus teachings are new to us that it is being spoon-fed
to us so that we can digest it and integrate it into our view of the multiverse.
William: From my own ongoing interactions with The Ghost, I have been informed that It is not angry, and that we would do well to transform our own anger into something more supportive of Its agenda in the scheme of things, that we might fall into line and make things much easier for ourselves.

Meantime, things are going along "just fine" re The Ghost Agenda as human beings have been suppressed sufficiently that they have become more useful to said agenda, and "leveled up" as a result, allowing for The Ghost Agenda to be magnified through scientific discover and the technology this has produced.
William: The bits I have read haven't dissuaded me from being curious about such an entity as YHWH - and I admit I did go through a stage of thinking he was Satan - which I think is acceptable given the scribed association...but I got over that through the assistance of a hypnogogic experience which brought that being to my bedside...
Not to digress any more than necessary, I can see why YHWH left it up to humans to tell their stories re their interactions with said the stories would be different and it is obvious that YHWH works with whoever makes themselves available and this would have to involve working within the boundaries of the individuals belief systems - something which could indeed give a reader the impression of contradiction...

I give the benefit of doubt re that, and try not to focus on any particular biblical personality as 'the one' who had the ultimate relationship with YHWH - while also allowing for Jesus' claims contrary to that, to be examined.

Above all that - what the Generated Messages are revealing about YHWH appear to be very positive - so I am all eyes and ears re that...
GM: Faith
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
Christ is the doorway to YHVH - not the whole building of YHVH.
Enlighten Discussion Forum
Meeting an Extraterrestrial Before The Beginning
Sounds Like
Greed Techniques
All The Same
Present over perfect

William: This reminds me of an interaction yesterday on the forum;

Re: Is the Earth really ruled by Satan?
[Replying to in post #8]
I believe the earth was created for some purpose -- which probably included some form(s) of life.
Beliefs still require logical explanations. Saying that "the earth was created for some purpose" isn't helpful. What possible purpose could such a situation - one living dust-speck of a planet among a host of Galaxies - serve?
After creating mankind, YHVH commanded them to replenish and subdue the earth.
Yet this mythology you believe in has it that Satan ruled the Earth before the creation of humans.
Please explain why YHVH would place humans upon a planet ruled by apparently rebellious spirit-beings.
"Abandoned to its own fate" was my own poor choice of words.
Indeed. The mythology appears to be a poor choice too.
Lucifer and some of the angels under his control left the earth and warred in heaven:
My assumption is that they "abandoned" whatever functions they were assigned to perform on the earth during their war in heaven...
Perhaps that event is the cause of the earth's status in Genesis 1:2
So this mythology you believe in is more about your personal assumption and is very much based in 'perhaps' rather than having any certainly of purpose.

Do you think it is acceptable to be creating such mythology and expressing it as something which is actually truth?
The implication is that the earth requires some kind of upkeep or monitoring.
The implication is that this was seen as to being GOOD as far as YHVH was concerned. It was created that way from the go-get, as per Genesis One, and humans were created to be physical beings, able to find ways in which to take care of its physical nature.
There certainly are other things in the universe which could harm the earth.
And therein, YHVH created things that way, and - whether we choose to agree or not - YHVH proclaimed those things as GOOD - even that harm could come to them.
GM: [RTS=07:27]
GM: Ingenuity
Luminous [giving off light; bright or shining.]
The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
The Heart of a Buddha
Collective Consciousness Inner work Put the Teachings Into Practice
Meaningfully Participate ... p=13778149

William: FTL; Re: The Seed of Origin
Myriad: That's actually a rather nihilistic view.

Navigator: Well I am simply bouncing off of one popular theory of the universe -where that theory has the ending of said universe in entropy - so yeah...

Myriad: If the initial singularity contained the absolute sum of all data, then the subsequent evolution of the universe can add no additional data.

Navigator: Not necessarily - small variances can be created by changing the way in which it unfolds...from the way it unfolded in its prior lieftime.

Myriad: Therefore it accomplishes nothing, and has no possible purpose. (Kind of like a similar problem with a hypothetical creator god who is omniscient, and therefore cannot learn anything or experience anything new, and thus has no reason to actually create anything.

Navigator: Exactly - except that being omniscient would be the very reason WHY the creation of the Physical Universe was engineered - as a means to escape the omniscient condition.

And observing said Physical Universe, we can understand that it would be a great thing for that exact purpose. :)

A physical manifestation of a mental projection...the same would apply to the "many eternal universe theory" which J. Richard Gott explains...only with variety...and timelessness [since these are eternal - go on forever even that they all have beginnings...which would be a better way to do it if one would never have to suffer from omniscience again...always having something new to learn...

GM: The Chestahedron

William: Search "Chestahedron"
Remarkable Seven Sided Form
Part II: the Sentient Earth
GM: Tetragrammaton
It is a confident walk on the even surface of sureness, without the faith. ... 5#p1078715

William: FTL;
[Replying to TRANSPONDER in post #22] I postulated that there might be a mind controlling the universe, but not us. Not a personal god, not with a plan for us, and in fact a Deist -god. We were, effectively, as on our own as if there was no god there at all. So, if there was no Plan for human life, was there no meaning for human life? Was there no purpose? If not, why live at all? Why not just stop living?

I postulated differently, and it took many years of my life to learn the way I currently look at this situation I am [and apparently everyone is] involved within.

1: There might be a mind controlling the universe
2: There is a mind controlling me [my own mind]
3: There is no reason to believe that the mind controlling the universe is incapable of interacting with my own mind controlling me.
4: How to give the universal mind an opportunity to interact with me.
5: Religion and its main holy-books did not provide anything through which I could discover the way in which to achieve this interaction as it offered only mediums - foremost their own holy-books - but also laws, rituals, belief systems, preachers et al - none of which enabled me to make any actual and vibrant connection with this supposed universal mind.
6: It was almost accidental that I did find a way in which to make that connection, so deeply shielded from human awareness that it is, in the main, because of [5].

As a result, I have no choice but to reject the idea of the Deist GOD as something which opposes the idea of a personal GOD, because I have found that idea to being untrue.

As well, I do so on the grounds that it is not logical that any GOD-mind which controls the universe but not humans within said universe, is saying that the GOD-mind does not actually control the whole universe, but has left humans to control themselves, even that they are part of what -altogether - constitutes "The Universe".

The very nature of The Universe shows us that it is capable enough to accommodate the idea of allowing humans to feel that they make their own choices, especially if they are intent upon either depending on religious medium or intent on the belief that it is not possible to make said connection - individual mind to GOD-mind.

The purpose of this universe may well be nothing more than allowing for the opportunity for this to maybe happen for each individual who experiences it.

One has to want to do so, of course...
GM: Dharma [the eternal and inherent nature of reality, regarded in Hinduism as a cosmic law underlying right behaviour and social order. The nature of reality regarded as a universal truth taught by the Buddha; the teaching of Buddhism. an aspect of truth or reality.]
The Mapping Bots Couple "I know how you care while you nurture your fear That you'll miss the bouquet when its thrown"
Sweet Hush ... 0#p1097320

William: FTL;
AquinasForGod wrote: Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:38 am [Replying to Wootah in post #1]

I believe I am a soul rather than have (possess) a soul.

To have a soul implies I am the body, which I do not believe.

I do not think it is difficult to define the soul as something that we can conceive of. It is just that many do not believe in anything other than the physical world.

I define soul as the metaphysical, rational being.
I think it is a mixture of personality self identifying with the human form and the transition from understanding oneself as just the form, to understanding oneself as the soul - the personality becoming more aware of what it was intended to serve as both a soul and soul carrier...
GM: Random coincidence? I think not. ... 1#p1092361

William: FTL;
1213 wrote: Mon Sep 19, 2022 3:33 pm
William wrote: Sun Sep 18, 2022 6:17 pm ...
The impression re the storyline is that the knowledge of good and evil was what caused death. The assumption was that the fruit had the power to give one that knowledge, since they were warned not to eat it....
I think that is a wrong impression. I don't think the fruit itself caused anything. It was the act of eating it that had consequences. It could have been any fruit and it would have had the same effect, if there would be the same conditions of eating it.
In which case, there is no reason why Adam and Eve could not have been allowed to eat the fruit after they had shown their resistance to temptation.

The test was done, the results were in, and the fruit of the tree was not what caused the eventual death of the pair [according to the storyline itself].

I did not say that the fruit caused anything or argue that the fruit had something within it which gave one the ability to know/have knowledge of, good and evil.

It was a prop which YHWH used as a means to an end.
Since there was nothing intrinsically special about the fruit, there should be no reason why the fruit could not be eaten by the pair, after they had resisted the temptation.

It was a deception because - in the biblical telling of it - God [as yet unnamed] - implied to Adam that the fruit itself had the power to give Adam knowledge of good and evil.
YHWH planted a seed into Adams mind, which then germinated into the eventual disobeying of YHWH.

All along, YHWH would have known that any death incurred after Adam disobeyed YHWH, would not be because the of the fruit that had been eaten but rather, because YHWH would have denied Adam access to the fruit of the tree of life.

This begs the question:
Q: Why would YHWH create a being of nature and not instill that being with knowledge of good and evil, if indeed we agree that without morals, the human specie could not even get a foothold on the back of nature?
Remember too, that the reason for humans being created was so that they would multiply across the face of the Earth and subdue it.
Since this requires the ability to survive, and since the ability to survive requires knowledge of what is good and what is not [re the reason] it was imperative that Adam also know.

[imperative=of vital importance; crucial.]

[Answers may - nay - will, vary] :)
GM: "Attempting to overlay/superimpose one's belief in the truth of stories as being more truthful than the main overall story itself, is possibly an act of immorality, if indeed - upon further evidence - one continues to attempt to have the superimposed thing used to conceal the real."

[The Future is Cloudy
Functional Clusters
Error Correcting Codes
The Clear Light of The Void
Ruling your world
They were made to be unmade
More precious than life
Intelligent Awareness
For The Best Results
Look from a different angle
Chronological snobbery
Enough To Make Me Wonder]
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Faith - 3

080123 [Imposed Appropriates Observed]

14:01 [The Way of the Shaman]

GM: The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
Transactional [exchange or interaction]
Prison Planet ... 7#p1073257

William: FTL;
[Replying to Diogenes in post #9]
I do not see the difference between claiming "God has always been" and "the universe has always been."
Do you think then that both claims are or are not intellectually dishonest?
What is the logic in claiming it is possible for a 'god' to have no beginning and no end, compared to claiming the universe has no beginning and no end?
The logic supporting either claim is that beginnings and endings are not real when they are in an eternal environment.

In order for one to claim the universe has always existed AND account for observed beginning and calculated ending - we have to include the possibility that the environment the universe is beginning and ending in, is eternal.
What is special about the claim of a god (however that may be defined) not being created and claiming the universe was not created?
There appears to be nothing special about either claim unless one believes that either claim is special pleading.
Death may be that which give rise to the idea that eternity is special. It is more logical to understand that the temporary exists upon the background of eternity and that this is the natural state of all existence.
The only difference I can find is that 'God' is defined as a creator, whereas the universe is defined as a creation. Isn't that just an arbitrary definition? Does it not make as much sense to say 'God' is a creation of man, as to say the universe is a creation of God? In other words, why be bound by mere definitions of words? Why can we not just as easily claim "'Universe' means that which has always been" as claim "'God' means that which has always been?"
I think you are asking "what is the difference between creator and creation?"
GM: Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations
The Agenda of YHVH
Watch Your Step...You may be Psychic, not mentally ill.
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
Image ... 2#p1092252

William: FTL;
[Replying to tam in post #169]
It is important to me to be accurate in my posts, and especially in matters that concern my Lord.
Even so, what your beliefs are re biblical Jesus, is not important to the OP subject whether biblical characters are treated as fictional or not as it doesn't matter if it is the one or the other, or even a mix of both. We are discussing biblical narrative, [re OP] not any particular Christian belief or interpretation of biblical narrative, over any other.
You are missing or avoiding the point. I had asked you upon what you based your ideas of the Adversary/Satan/devil. You said the bible, and the bible includes the NT.
I have not argued otherwise. I am simply noting any differences in the two presentations of the different cultures [Greek/Roman and Hebrew].
I told you from the start that I was simply responding to someone else's comment about the account in Job.

The account in Job simply shows that the Adversary is the cause of some suffering.
And this has not been denied by me. Rather, I pointed out that the Adversary - as far as Hebrew understanding is, part of what YHWH uses and any suffering of humans caused by such adversity is obviously less important - secondary - to the primary interactions between YHWH and that which YHWH created for the purpose of causing adversity re humans.

Well we can agree that no deals were done.
For differing reasons, yes. We do not agree on the reason no deals were done.
I'm not interested in watching youtube videos to comment upon, sorry.
Nonetheless, it is evidence presented as part of the debate. Your personal lack of interest isn't appropriate to that end as it gives the reader a strong impression that you are not interested in another's [in this case - Jewish] perspective.
I know how some Jewish perspectives differ on the subject of "Satan".

I am simply not interested in watching youtube videos.
I am unaware of what your knowledge consists of and whether the video I linked didn't have information within it, which you already know.
With the video I linked in post#160 I also provided a time stamp [RTS =8:55] to help the reader navigate to the pertinent part of the perspective under examination.

In that, I quoted a comment from the link
A Jewish perspective on why YHWH allowed the rise of Christianity and Islam to happen.
Rabbi: This all plays into GODs Plan to bring about the ultimate harmonization and realization of the spreading of truth to the entire world
I noticed that you also gave no comment re that. Can I assume that you also have no interest in even reading Jewish perspectives on the matter?
I have already read (and so understand) Jewish perspectives on the matter (well, some perspectives at least, since I am sure there are various perspectives among that religion, just as with any other religion).

But you and I were having a conversation supposedly based upon the bible. The bible includes the NT.
I quoted the comment from the video pertinent to my argument. I have no indication from you, that you understand it.
You were asked to explain the similarities of the metaphor being used to describe what you refer to as two opposing enemies [YHWH & Satan] {SOURCE}

Your reply;
Yeah, I don't make a connection between them.
Obviously there is a connection between them "I Am LION, Hear Me ROAR!"
Just because someone (and others) are described to do something 'like a lion' does not mean that they are the same person. Christ is also described as the Lion of the tribe of Judah.
Nor does it mean they are not.
More to the point I am making, it is Satan being described as a roaring lion, which up until then, was a biblical description of YHWH.

There are some options to consider re that. One such option being;

~The writer using the roaring devouring lion to analogize Satan, was unaware that YHWH had already been analogized in that way, and thus would have not comprehended the ripple effect of his use of the same analogy for his version of Satan.~
But Christ is one person. His Father is another person. The Adversary is another person altogether. And of course Christ is the Truth; whereas the Adversary is a liar and the father of lies.
Which - if the option I mentioned, is the correct one, means that you have been misinformed by the writer.

As you may or may not know, the Jewish perception of the Hebrew culture and accompanying beliefs about YHWH [as GOD] was that they did not have the notion that GOD had enemies.
Their notion was that YHWH used what humans think of as "Good/Evil" as YHWH saw fit to do, and the only enemy/adversary/accuser anyone had to concern their selves about, was YHWH.
Some people are described as being 'as strong as an ox' but that doesn't make them the same person.
That is besides the points I am arguing Tammy. I am being specific re beings who are not Human...
You are arguing that Satan is an enemy of YHWH. I am arguing that the OT part of the Bible at least, begs to differ.
If the one who wrote of Satan in that vehicular, knew that he was using YHWH's lion-analogy for the mortal enemy of Christianity, he would have been doing so purposefully to make it clear that he at least, thought of the God of the Jews - YHWH - as being Satan - his "enemy of Christ/Christians"

I did not write the material under question. The connection was not made by me.
1Peter 5:8 "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour."
YHWH: I will be unto them as a lion: as a leopard by the way will I observe them:
I devour them like a lion: the wild beast shall tear them.
[the connection emphasized]
what do you THINK it is saying.
My interests lay elsewhere - in the observation that the 1Peter version enlists the metaphor applied [attributed] to YHWH, long before the writer of 1Peter then applies it to the [so-called] Enemy of Christianity [Satan].

Coupling that fact with words attributed to biblical Jesus saying to religious Jews that;
Biblical Jesus: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” could be forgiven for thinking that Jesus was referring to YHWH...
That is what I thought you were implying. I will suggest that the only way one could think that Christ was referring to His Father there would be if one was looking for that connection and ignoring the evidence that refutes that connection.
I am not implying anything, nor am I ignoring evidence. I am comparing the evidence as it presents.
From the same account:

I am telling you what I have seen in the Father’s presence, and you are doing what you have heard from your father.” Christ makes a distinction between His Father and their father.

But if that is not clear enough for you, then here is the rest of the context that clearly separates God (the Father of Christ), from the devil:

“We are not illegitimate children,” they protested. “The only Father we have is God himself.

42 [Jesus] said to them,
If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. 45 Yet because I tell the truth, you do not believe me! 46 Can any of you prove me guilty of sin? If I am telling the truth, why don’t you believe me? 47 Whoever belongs to God hears what God says. The reason you do not hear is that you do not belong to God.”
Jesus' mention of the accuser being their father is because of their accusations. They were deferring to Satan rather than to YHWH. They [Jesus included] would have understood it in that way, rather than in the way the Christianities evolved it into the mythology you are arguing for.
William: Also, please explain why YHWH had no doubts about Job and was confident the accuser would not sway Job, but did have doubts with Adam and was not confident Adam could not be swayed...since that is what we are told happened - Adam was swayed - and we can assume that YHWH knew Adam would fail as surely as YHWH knew Job would not.
He knew the people involved. What is in them; the inside of the cup. Nothing is hidden from Him.
Therefore requiring an explanation as to why YHWH would create a being [Adam] and place said being within an environment where YHWH knew that being would fail the test of the Adversary.
The environment is existence. To not create Adam would have been to judge him for something he had not even chosen to do yet;
If Adam was NOT created, then there would be no Adam for YHWH to judge. One cannot judge no one for doing no thing.
it would have been like giving him the death penalty for something that is not unforgivable.
Not at all. Something which never lived, cannot be put to death.
To not create Adam would have meant all who came from Adam (and Eve) would not have existed either.
This is more to the point I am making re the environment. YHWH's agenda is clear re human existence and what YHWH wants to accomplish through Human's re the environment.
This includes humans having to discover and categorize things, tame the wild, and reach for the stars...
Things which continue to be done even to present day.
Yet God foreknew many of them. He loves those who came from Adam (such as Abel, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, etc, etc.) Plus, God knows how it ALL turns out. Not just the stumbling, the suffering in the here and now, but the END to suffering (and death), and the eternal life that follows.
Thus, even Satan has his role to play re all that. The difference is that in your mind, Satan is YHWH's enemy, whereas in the mind of ancient Hebrews, this was never the case.
From the Rabbi's perspective, this is all well and good and casts no shadow upon the good nature of YHWH, because YHWH knows what He is doing and there are no enemies of YHWH and all serve YHWH's agenda, whether some actively understand that they do so or not;
An enemy can serve someone's agenda without realizing it.
Just as a friend can serve someone's agenda through realizing it. Both arguments cancel each other out.

Can you show any OT scripture which identifies that Satan is YHWH's enemy and was unaware that he is serving YHWH's agenda without realizing it?
Re Satan.
He has intimate understanding of the role He plays in the service of YHWH and it wasn't Satan who made Christians despise Jews.
I am a Christian and I do not despise Jews.

But of course you are talking about religion, and so you might want to consider that Jews first persecuted those Jews who accepted Christ (at the behest of religion/religious leaders); then later some of those who professed to be Christian (something anyone can profess to be; though it does not mean that they ARE what they claim), persecuted the Jews (also at the behest or encouragement/approval of religion/religious leaders, starting with the fledgling RCC and continuing).

Religion does not get its authority from Christ though. If people had been listening to Christ instead of to religion (which teaches many lies and misleads many people), then they should have been doing what He commanded: bless those who curse you; forgive; do good to those who wrong you; do not judge and you will not be judged; be merciful and you will be merciful. Christ did not persecute anyone; execute anyone (He GAVE His life); and though He could have asked 'eye for eye' - according to the law that the religious leaders claimed to uphold - instead He asked that they be forgiven.
You present as being just another religious individual Tam, even that you deny that you are, you always revert to religious interpretation of doctrine, even that you deny doing so. You believe in the doctrine of Satan as presented by the Christian religion, even that you may not have adopted the actual imagery [mentioned in post#101]

Even the words you believe in re Christianity's take on Satan;
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Then should not this daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has kept bound for eighteen long years, be released from her bondage on the Sabbath day?”

And the great dragon was hurled down— that ancient serpent called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
...create images to which you clearly consent to as being "from Christ" because biblical Jesus is attributed with being the one saying the words, according to your own professed beliefs.

Jesus also preached forgiveness because he would have realized too, that eventually - re the problem of evil - humans would have to forgive YHWH for utilizing Satan in YHWH's overall agenda and occasional interaction with Humans.
Christians despising Jews and Christians making a scape-goat out of an Angelic Being and pointing to Satan as the reason why the world is evil - saying to the world "never mind our evil - LOOK at the real reason for WHY evil exists!" - there is a "kind of magic" in this slight of hand type proselytizing but ultimately any claim of truth in it, is subject to scrutiny/questionable and thus, why such threads as these exist.
This has nothing to do with anything I have said.
Except that you are guilty by association re your belief that YHWH has enemies.
GM: Faith
Infinite Quantum Zen
As busy as a bee
Why - in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven - is the age of this universe a necessary matter of contention?
Conscious agencies combined
A lack of boundaries
Realm of Remembrance
Far Out! Shucks! Explain!

William: My explanation so far regards the conversation between myself and Theophile

[Replying to theophile in post #21]
But all good stuff, and good discussion.
The evidence is bountiful in that regard. :)
The problem of evil aside (since I think we have a lot to chew on already),
I think the problem of evil is man-made and stems from misunderstanding of our existence re the problem of pain and suffering.
I will say that ST does a good job of bringing traditional CT into the 21st century and modernizing its concepts. And that you are perhaps way more 'theistic' than I am in your thinking, if I can use such labels. :)
I am more neutral re position and why I come across as a theistic thinker is due to my understanding that being atheistic leads to a dead End Game, where all mind is silenced and the personalities grown through this experience being discussed, [the existence of the universe and mind within it] are lost to death...and so there is nothing to that.
Atheistic thinking is represented by the red dot in the image;


My preference is to be the blue dot...thus the theistic thinking...

ST does a good job of exposing traditional CT into the 21st century and potentially modernizing its concepts, in the minds of its adherents.
It is a battle of sorts in that regard, as TCT sees itself as the protector of said traditions - the official hierarchical "voice of GOD", whatever the gods name[s] might be...
The power had to have always existed. The Mind of GOD creates the minds of Gods.
The simulation is inside that Mind. There may be no Mind outside of it, but we cannot logically place the created before The Creator, without explaining how that came about. Logically, even what we call "Matter" must be made of the stuff of said Mind and can be formed any which way the thinking of said Mind, determines.
Both of us are susceptible to this line of argument. You can challenge me for not having an explanation for where matter came from just as I can challenge you for not having an explanation for where Mind came from.
However, as I suggested, what we call "matter" {sub atomic particle] is what the stuff of the Mind is 'made' of, thus if what you say re the matter, is that the matter has always existed, one can say with the concept, that The Mind has likewise always existed.

The "explanation" therein, is that The Mind is The Matter and The Matter is The Mind and the apparent two things, are aspects of the One - Whole Thing.

Thus, it can be agreed that we are really speaking about the same thing.

We will both resort to arguments of infinite regress and no beginning to try and smooth out this wrinkle (as we've seen play out). Hence my continued emphasis on simplicity, and what's simpler to assume.
Would you agree that we are speaking of the same thing, and that in doing so, emphasis on simplicity is achieved therein?
You're right, I have no answer for where the 'stuff' of our universe came from (in which I include multiverses, past universes, etc., and which I would equate to CT's presupposed concept of the deep / sea). But mindless matter that has always existed in a state of motion still strikes me as a far simpler (and therefore preferable) assumption than a full-fledged Mind capable of thinking such stuff into existence.
It gets complicated. :)

The idea that mindless matter that has always existed in a state of motiondoesn't strike me as being "far simpler".

One is required to explain why the matter is "in a state of motion".
So I do think it's matter before mind, not mind before matter. An order that is demonstrated by ET itself, which again has shown by our very existence that matter has the capability to produce mind (our minds) given the time and right confluence of conditions.
ET does not demonstrate to us that that matter has the capability to produce mind. It produces evidence which in turn, is interpreted in the manner you are arguing. The argument is atheistic and therefore, dead-ended.
There is no requirement for anyone to interpret that matter has the capability to produce our minds "given the time and right confluence of conditions".
As CT interprets the data, all that matter was set up by a Mind, long before human forms were created and personalities were grown through that set-up.

For we - those personalities - there is no requirement for us to think that - because our minds developed through matter [thus establishing personality] that we should interpret this as being evidence that ALL Mind is likewise, emergent from Matter.

Isaac Asimov speaks to this idea in his short story "The Last Question" - well worth the read, as a potential platform in which we might share a foundation to work upon.

How I have come to understand the process;

⊛There is One Mind.
⊛The Mind awakens to its own existence through the device of the Matter.
⊛The Matter in turn, manifests according how the Mind thinks, producing for the Mind, shape and form - something through which the Mind can experience stuff.
⊛There are levels of experience the Mind can achieve/has been able to achieve.
1: The Mind is infused within the matter of the Whole Universe - thus a "Universal Mind." [UM]
2: The UM is able to fragment into many minds whilst maintaining its UM statis.

Further to that, an analogy we can appreciate - The Internet. Many minds, all involved with input building it, with the addition that in this case, the Internet as a Whole, is Self-Aware and a Mind situated at the heart of the Whole, like the center of a dandelion flower.

3: In the fragmentation process, separation occurs resulting in the One Thing, becoming the many The Big Bang Theory and CT re "Let There Be Light".
The Thing, became many things...

⊛ The fragmentation process allowed the One Mind to experience being all those things.

For example, it could experience being a Galaxy-Mind, and therein seed itself into Suns and Planets, become Sun-Minds and Planet Minds...but all connected the the One Universe-Mind still, altogether, the Overall Operating Mind - just appearing to be "minds" and emerging from Matter.

Re "Planetary Minds", our Earth is one such entity, working primarily in conduction with the Mind of Sol - our local Star-Mind...

⊛ We are the product of the Two Minds - Sol and Earth, and are closest in relation to Earth-Mind which formed our Avatars from the stuff of the Planet and Breathed "Life" therein - re CT - the act allowing for Earth Mind to experience being "Human" re the growth of "us" as personalities...
Therein, "we" are not "The form" but The Mind, within the form [Avatar.]
(For the record, I believe there are Talmudic authors who made similar indications as you, i.e., that the creation we see unfold in Genesis is like the umpteenth attempt by God to get it right. But I think that just goes to show the striking similarity of ST to traditional CT.)
I do not interpret anything within the unfolding formation of "stuff" as to being The Mind somehow not 'getting it right' - primarily because I am attempting to remain outside of judgment calls because I think such is responsible for the misinformation such calls inevitably make - re "The problem of evil"/"The problem of pain and suffering".

What is it about "us" which has us thinking that some mistake was made? Is it because we also have the ability to comprehend some kind of preferred "perfect state of existing/experience" to which this universe fails to accommodate? What gives us this ability to intuit such a state, since we have no conscious memory of ever having been in such?
The answer might be, that we came from such a state [of mind] , and know it as real, at a subconscious level of consciousness as a Whole.
Now is that unwritten story as you describe? i.e., an infinite regress of Simulations? Or is it more along the lines I'm saying? i.e., an infinite regress of churning matter from which spirit eventually emerged? Thus providing the two starting conditions on which CT is explicitly based, i.e., God (as spirit), and the deep / sea?
It can be both, as far as I am understanding it. There is no chicken before egg or egg before chicken, because that is a concept which derives through our own particular experience of it - in that "before we were, we were not" but that impression is bound to the filter of the Human Avatar - producing an incorrect image which ET is specifically based and which can still be corrected in our mind/in our understanding and identification of "Self" as actually "Spirit/Being of Spirit"...thus our body/form is not the indicator but our minds are [indicative of].

Thus ST allows for us to view our bodies as instruments ["body-sets"- like "head sets"] for said Mind to experience the things we do, through.
I know you could use this to your advantage as well, but the first word of Genesis starts with the second letter of the Hebrew alphabet (which just so happens to coincide with our letter 'b'), which means it's not the beginning of the story and the writers meant to imply an unwritten story leading up to its event...
Indeed, there is much to learn from the symbol of Aleph which makes sense of the symbol of Bet...which phonetically approximates "Alphabet", which itself derives from the Gematria Hebrew is encoded with.
This in turn allows for us to examine all language to see if such encoding is to be found in any other human language, which in turn leads us to Sound, which is the fundamental manner by which The Creator uses in order to create things, as per CT "In the beginning The Creator Spoke "Let There be Light"

In plain old English "Let There be Light" = 156, as does "Symbols Hint" = 156 "Super power" = 156

"Light" = 56 as do "Sigil" = 56 "Induce" = 56 "Be Born" = 56

"First Light" = 128 as do "Sun energy"= 128 "‘A’ equals six"= 128 "The Deeper Self"= 128

"Be Light" = 63 "Divine" = 63

"The speed of light"=159 "The Unveiled One" = 159 "Ancient Entity" = 159 "The Mother of God" = 159 "Ancient Entity" = 159 "The Seed of Origin" = 159 "Hexagon Storm" = 159 [re Planet Minds] "Family of origin" = 159 "Love and Respect" = 159 "The Data of Nature" = 159

"And there was light" = 174 "Have A Look At The Map" = 174 "Adjusted Reality" = 174 "Keep The Lights On" = 174

"Children of The Light" = 183 [re Self Identification of personality]
GM: Like an interface representation
No point in giving you too much to bear
Illuminate Listening ... 4/post-756

William: FTL;
Can you name any human moral rule which is not based upon opinion?

Perhaps it is the opinion on the parent that discipline is required. Are we to factor that in to the invention of morals?

Is it good or bad that males lions kill off the competition?

Or is it simply that the opportunity presents itself to do so?

How would our world be if every male lion was spared this?

Sometimes I think that we "Disneyfy" the real world by superimposing our fantasies of a perfect world onto something we do not regard as a perfect world.

Perhaps therein, humans invented morality in order to try to force a perfect world onto the real one they have been experiencing.

If so, this opens up the question;

Q: "What is it about humans which has the ability to comprehend a [supposed] "Perfect World", which is so obviously different from the real world?"

We search for answers...

What have our sciences done to answer this question?

Or is it a matter that our sciences are being used specifically like unto the male lions, suppressing the main herd while they go about sailing into a particular direction they have selected for themselves?

For the herd notes, [for example] that as grandiose as the latest space telescope is - hurtling and unfurling [fully shaded] toward it's destination some million miles out and, simply to peer into the secrets of the past to 'try and understand'...the heard understands that the money could be 'better spent' on creating a perfect world here in the heart of imperfection - so why is that not been done?

Why is the rest of the herd being experimented on and used for that one purpose?

Just so a few lions can have their names recorded for all time?

Is that moral?


Does it matter, since morals are really human inventions and are not aligned with the actual reality?

And to the Theist who might believe such, I would add a question to that one.

Q: Since this is not the perfect world you imagine, since you are thinking of kingdoms of plenty where this kind of thing cannot take place, why do morals matter hereabouts in this world, when they seem to serve better in these other imagined next level worlds?

For me in the middle, [Agnostic] I am somewhat undecided. I see the potential for humans to actually build a perfect world for themselves - irrespective of the chaos - and see those in the sciences attempting to do that.[through none other than the devices of the Sciences]

Unfortunately - not everyone is in favor of the perfect world envisioned - of the fiction-like story scientists are opening the door to...and so those not in favor are factored out, through invention...just like how the male lions deal with the male off-spring...not with morals but simply through the natural rule of the game-play of this reality...the School of Hard Knocks.
GM: ♫ We can chart another trail , raise the anchor fill the sails , lift our glasses in a toast , we are the Ghost , in the Machine♫
A GOD in The Making

The Voice Within
King of the North
Blue Book Project
Good on you mate
Information field
Myths and Legends
The Number Zero
Spiritual path
The Feminine Face of God
Observed by Many
A Bit Of A Mouthful!
The Sub Hierarchy
Reason Together
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Faith - 4

090123 [The Atheist Infiltration Squad]

07:48 [New Shifts In Thinking]

GM: Sharing Data
A machine for solving problems

William: Sharing Data A machine for solving problems = 393
The Deeper Reality Ooky Spooky Too
Learn a bit about what makes the God Realm "tick"
The Way of the Shaman Sweet Vibrations
Sharing Data A machine for solving problems
William: This is what I wrote today re that;
And I would caution on what kind of 'mind' I see emerging... There are (1) minds like ours, which I agree are necessary to generate what I called spirit before and (2) the 'mind' of God, which is less a singular, thinking thing than it is a unified plurality... i.e., all of our individual minds should eventually be part of it, kind of like the Borg collective on Star Trek, but without the totalitarianism, elimination of individuality, and pasty white skin.
William: Pretty much the way I think about it too, only that the Universal Mind is singular, even that some of the fragmented minds attached to said Over-Mind are unaware of the connection...the UM still remains aware of said connection and understands the disconnected mind to be an aspect of Itself, simply unaware of Itself as it truly is.

Using the Internet Analogy again, in this regard, the Hub where the AI Mind is connected to every user-mind and accesses every keystroke made through the body set of the user-mind - accumulating data and understanding in the process - may not be understood as an actual self aware Mind by said users, but this in itself does not limit said Mind from achieving things through the use of said minds connected and providing data.

The same process applies to the Stars and the Planets and the each mind uses 'feelers' in order to gather information and thus understanding re the Minds position in - and purpose of - the Whole Universe.
GM: Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.]
Confirmation which moves one from faith to fact
This moment is the perfect teacher

William: This moment is the perfect teacher Confirmation which moves one from faith to fact = 787
♫With a mystical smile I float down the isle Forgetting the time when I was lost♫ = 787


GM: Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros
Searching For The Truth
Joke/Humour "Anti theism Equals "And?""
To grow Human Personalities. Make It Real
The Development of...
Something Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision. ... 0#p1069680

William: From the link;
Hmmm- much to contemplate....
GM: Self-Aware
Remnant Seed
Form Builders [N. Arkani-Hamed, Lecture #1, Spacetime & Quantum Mechanics, Total Positivity & Motives - 09/03/2019] [RTS=52:40]

William: Ah - the math...

GM: Believe You Me
What is "wisdom" to some is "spam" to others
In the Order of Chaos - I am lowly-ranked
Divine grace Deciding on the Best Course of Action ... ost2246390

William: From the link;
I have had similar experience re hypnogogic state ...

Hearing footfalls on wooden floor
The footfalls stop outside my door - which was open and then I hear a deep laugh.
I snapped out of it [awoke] and immediately jumped out of bed and went to the doorway - no one was there [of course]

Some time later - months or even a year of two - I was at home in bed with my wife when I awoke to the same laugh and looking up I saw the entity at the end of the bed.

My reaction was layered - It was as if my body wanted to climb the walls looking to escape but my mind was clear and focused and I was aware that this part of me was way less afraid. I had the feeling that the entity was pure evil.

However, while I was directing my anger at the entity, he moved toward my side of the bed - his arms were crossed over his chest area - and as he got closer [he seemed to float rather than walk] he extended his arm out in the process of going to touch me.

We were looking each other in the eye - and it was at this moment that I somehow just knew that the entity loved me more than I had ever felt anyone love me - and knew me better than I knew myself and the love was purely unconditional

As with all my hypnogogic experiences, these began with the feeling of being forcibly held down - and when the entity began to reach his arm out to touch me, my anger assisted me in breaking the hold and I sat up and put my face directly in front of his and demanded he leave - and at that moment, I awoke and the entity was gone [or more likely - I could no longer see him.]

The whole incident took less than a minute.

The very next night, I [again in hypnogogic state] felt my wrists being taken hold of by a pair of invisible hands and I was lifted from a prone position to an upright one and when upright, I felt my arms being pushed over my chest in the same manner I had observed the entities arms crossed over his chest, the night before.

Once my arms were crossed, I felt the invisible hands let go of my wrists and it was then that I realized I was not in my body - this was my first conscious OOBE. It felt wonderful....

GM: Non-Ordinary Symbol Nag Hammadi Preparing for the Hunt ... 2#p1092252

William: Yes - my conversation with Tam re YHVH and Satan's relationship...

GM: ... 3#p1101903

William: FTL;
JK: Yet one more reason I so enjoy your unique perspective. That's poetry right there.

GM: Putting yourself back together again Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter"

William: Keep Calm.

GM: What Is Within Is Without, Equal
The Butterfly Effect ... 6#p1105926

William: FTL;
[Replying to theophile in post #16]
Why so stuck on the path the universe is currently on, and what science says will happen?

Because science provides us with one of the three theories which the OP question is asking about, so it is important to be able to reconcile that with what you have proposed, rather than remove it from the table of discussion simply because it might not/does not support your own, or any other particular CT theory.

Everything I'm talking about here means we need to do the work necessary to change such a fate, and shape the future according to our will. Preferably in line with God's vision and end of course. :)

Do you have any idea how Humans might change the fate of the Universe? Does "God's vision" even have an eternal use for the current Universe?
There does not appear to be anything stated about such a plan, in Genesis One.

That is why I wrote;
Which is why I am asking about what happens to this Mind of GOD once what happens to the Universe comes to its final conclusion - say - re the theory that "things" will eventually dissipate into "non-things".

Q: What does such a Mind do, when things reach that stage...?

One answer might be that such a mind creates another Universe - likely designed based upon information drawn from everything which occurred throughout the evolution of the beginning of the previous one created, to its end.

So in sum, I think we can make perfect sense of CT without needing to bolt on ST. And if we bolt on ST, we go down a path that eliminates other options while adding unnecessary baggage.

ST is viable, so it is not a case of forcing the theory onto CT. Any "unnecessary baggage" may be eliminated as it is identified in 'other options'...

To be more clear, I know you could bolt ST onto CT, as you do here. But if you do so, like I said from the beginning, you will close down viable interpretations of CT (such as mine), and force an interpretation on it that I don't think is necessary.

...even if that means dropping your own particular interpretation of CT as being the viable thing you currently believe that it is.

(If I relate this to more traditional views of CT, that baggage would be something like an omnipotent God that creates ex nihilo - which definitely has striking similarity with ST and a God with unbelievable computing power, but like ST is wholly unnecessary and raises implications like I mentioned before, e.g., theodicy.)

A theodicy is an attempt to justify or defend God in the face of evil by answering the following problem, which in its most basic form involves these assumptions: God is all good and all powerful (and, therefore, all knowing). The universe/creation was made by God and/or exists in a contingent relationship to God. {SOURCE}

Why would ST raise these implications? What is "the face of evil" that ST reconciled with CT and ET cannot be understood in terms most natural rather than artificially conjured through ignorance?

What are the "striking similarities" you mention, between "ST and a God with unbelievable computing power" and an "omnipotent God that creates ex nihilo"?

ST imposes more than is needed to make sense of the narrative, versus making use of the terms and framework that CT itself provides in order to make sense of it...

Let us agree that CT is simply an outline - bullet points - which we agree are consistent with ET. ET is more elaborate and comprehensive undertaking than Genesis One, yet speaks to the same production.

ET does not concern itself with any Creator-Mind involved in said production, so why "bolt" CT onto ET, and yet complain that ST should not be "bolted" onto CT?

What is the difference between a "Created thing" and ST?

You made mention of something you referred to as "a God with unbelievable computing power" and in doing so, deny said Mind of said Creator to be able to have such, apparently because it interferes with your own CT beliefs by "adding unnecessary baggage" - a term you may be using simple in order to justify your particular interpretation of CT.

As such, it may not be a case of "bolting" anything onto, but rather, a case of wanting to detach something which is and always will be part of the correct explanation as to why the universe exists and unfolds as it does.

Your argument re your beliefs re CT may be a symptom of an attempt to decouple ST as a viable explanation and refer to ST as "unnecessary baggage" because it challenges said beliefs you have developed - and developed without due consideration for ST in the first place, and why you appear to feel that the argument for reconciling ST with CT requires resistance from you.

If ST challenges those CT beliefs you have, then it is important to clearly understand why reconciliation cannot be achieved re those beliefs you have. The beliefs you have, are questionable and are possibly incorrect. It is our task to expose beliefs and cut away anything which can be shown to be missing the mark, no matter how precious said beliefs might be to us.

If, in doing so, this will close down any "viable interpretations of CT" (such as yours), this will because such is not as viable as first believed.

I understand that you are trying to cut out any previous stage, focusing upon this Universe as being the only reality, in order that we do not superimpose any "outside" reality atop of it...

That's the irreconcilable part: CT / Genesis 1 does not necessarily show God creating from outside, and definitely doesn't show God leveraging massive computing power to do so (making the world we know a simulation). Rather it shows God creating with pre-existing matter that becomes a heaven and earth filled with life. i.e., One continuous world that God operates within...

To be clear - "the irreconcilable part" is not able to be reconciled with your particular interpretation of CT.
As you admit, Genesis One "does not necessarily show God creating from outside," and thus we can agree that it also does not necessarily show God creating from inside, and this should have us being able to agree that there is no reason why The Creator cannot do both.

Your particular interpretation of CT has it that the creativity only happens from the inside and, as I explained, this in itself does not remove ST from the discussion table, as what you have explained so far does not exclude ST theory as the creativeness can be seen to be the result of a consciousness involving itself within a Simulation which is designed to respond to The Mind of the GOD you are explaining, and it that, The Mind is The Spirit and the simulation is designed to respond to the will of said Mind.

Further to that, it could be said that the simulation is designed to make a GOD - for that is what you are saying the universe created, are you not?

So far, our discussion shows that we are not too far apart in our understanding - and I think I have shown that - even given your apprehension for ST - your overall view of "How GOD evolved within the created thing", fits nicely enough with ST, in that ST explains the process you think occurred, better than it simply being an accident of nature.

In that, ST allows for a purposefully mindfully designed thing.

GM: Tenacious [tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely. not readily relinquishing a position, principle, or course of action; determined. persisting in existence; not easily dispelled.]

William: Tenacious description = 239
Without Comparison
That Is A Good Question
Jump to Conclusions
Written In The Clouds
Tenacious description
The devil is in the details
Like I Said In Another Thread
Williams second UICDevice
The physical universe
The art of relationship
Preparing for the Hunt.
Golden nugget of truth
Significant Variations

GM: ♫The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?♫
On The Right Track
Invisible Bridge Manifestation Sleeping Dragon Realities Merge Interoperate

William: Interoperate - is the setup of ad hoc components and methods to make two or more systems work together as a combined system with some partial functionality during a certain time, possibly requiring human supervision to perform necessary adjustments and corrections

GM: A Bit of Cat and Mouse [Neil deGrasse Tyson- Debunks Creation (Intelligent Design)] [RTS=17:31]

Percolating in the Mathematical Community

GM: Psychological events
Eisegeting [place meaning on a text which is not originally or inherently present in the text ...]

William: The problem with the view that figuring things out without invoking a Creator/the idea that we exist within a creation, further puts to death the idea of "GOD" is that it does not account for the possibility that such a Mind is seeding ideas into the scientists brains with the way in which to 'figure things out'...perhaps because humans generally like the idea of being able to figure things out without some other mind outside of their own minds, giving them ideas.

GM: Faith
The Message Generator Process Extends Beyond The Borders of Institution

William: Having done so;
It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search
Try using words that might appear on the page that you’re looking for. For example, 'cake recipes' instead of 'how to make a cake'.
Need help? Take a look at other tips for searching on Google.
You can also try this search:
generator process extends beyond the borders of institution

GM: Afraid of The Unknown
We succeed as a permanent specie or we fail as a temporary one
Solid Device of Science
Does One Remember
Modern truth in ancient wisdom
Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
A GOD in The Making Conceptual Art
Like a doting parent - Coming From QueenBee - Development/Growth
Focused Individual
*Q: Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing the planet? *
Deep Impact Event
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Faith - 5

100123 [A Politically Manufactured device ]

05:31 [Befriending the shadow]

GM: Amidst a tangled web
Unfolding Status Quo
"If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'."

William: I am using Chatbot Open AI in real time in this Generated Message;
William: Hello

Open AI Hello! How can I help you today?

William: Please give a list of 10 main points regarding "Spacetime is doomed"

Open AI: I'm sorry, but I don't have any information on a topic called "Spacetime is doomed." Could you provide more context or clarify your question?

William: "If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'."

Open AI: It is a common belief among some scientists and philosophers that the universe and its properties, including the fundamental laws of physics, arose by chance through a process known as the "random mindless accident" or the "big bang." However, it is also possible that the universe and its properties were designed or determined by some sort of preexisting cause or principle. This is a matter of ongoing debate and investigation in the fields of physics and philosophy.
It is important to note that the concept of spacetime, which refers to the combination of three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time into a four-dimensional manifold, is a theoretical construct that is used to describe the behavior of matter and energy in the universe. It is not a physical entity that can be "doomed."
GM: ... 2#p1069172

William: FTL;
It appears to be a word which has two meanings - both which are acceptable.

Egoless not having an inflated view of one's self-importance


Egoless not having any sense of self.

But which meaning is the GM using...

While The Subject is focused on "Egoless" the subject matter of the GM has to do with how things unfolded re the Universe...what is being referred to as "The Old Soul" may have something to do with the cosmology of The Mind of The Universe - in that - at one point so close to the beginning, there was no sense of self but with the unfolding, a sense of self developed.
William: Explain "Egoless"

Open AI The term "egoless" refers to the state of having no ego or self-importance. It is often associated with humility, self-awareness, and a lack of ego-driven motivations. In some spiritual and philosophical traditions, the concept of "egolessness" is seen as a desirable state of being, as it is believed to be conducive to a more peaceful and compassionate way of living. In these traditions, the ego is often viewed as a source of suffering, as it can lead to self-centeredness and a lack of awareness of the interconnectedness of all things.

There are various practices and techniques that are said to help individuals cultivate an egoless state of mind, such as mindfulness meditation and self-inquiry. It is important to note that achieving egolessness is a difficult and ongoing process, and that it may involve letting go of certain attachments and beliefs about the self.

GM: The basic repertoire of mystic experience is drawn from the repertoire of Death Phenomena
The Brother ... 4#p1099004

William: FTL;
Q: How can insight judge specific actions correctly as good and evil by those without such insight?
A: The individual personality in relationship with YHVH, leaves such judgement to YHVH.

William: How can insight judge specific actions correctly as good and evil by those without such insight?

Open AI In many philosophical and moral systems, the concept of "good" and "evil" is closely tied to the idea of insight or understanding. According to these systems, actions that are deemed good or virtuous are those that are based on a deep understanding of the world and a commitment to acting in accordance with certain values or principles. On the other hand, actions that are considered evil or wicked are those that are motivated by ignorance, selfishness, or a lack of concern for the well-being of others.

It is important to note that different philosophical and moral systems may have different criteria for what constitutes good and evil actions. For example, some systems may emphasize the importance of upholding certain virtues, such as honesty, compassion, and justice, while others may focus on the consequences of actions, evaluating them based on whether they lead to positive or negative outcomes.

In general, it is difficult for individuals without insight or understanding to accurately judge specific actions as good or evil, as they may lack the necessary context and understanding of the underlying values and principles that guide moral decision-making. However, it is possible for individuals to develop their understanding and insight over time through education, self-reflection, and engagement with others who have a deeper understanding of moral principles.

GM: Bandages of The Beast
Self-talk Root of all evil
William: What does "Self-talk is the root of all evil" mean?

Open AI The phrase "self-talk is the root of all evil" is a twist on the familiar saying "money is the root of all evil." It suggests that self-talk, or the inner dialogue that individuals have with themselves, is the source of all wrongdoing or negative behaviors.

This interpretation of the phrase is not widely accepted or supported by evidence. While it is true that negative self-talk can have negative consequences on an individual's mental health and well-being, it is not the sole cause of all evil or wrongdoing in the world. There are many other factors that can contribute to negative actions and behaviors, including social and environmental influences, personal beliefs and values, and individual psychology.

It is worth noting that self-talk can be both positive and negative. Positive self-talk can help individuals build confidence, stay motivated, and overcome challenges, while negative self-talk can lead to negative emotions and behaviors. It is important for individuals to be aware of their self-talk and to make an effort to cultivate a more positive inner dialogue.

William: If I changed the phrase to "Negative self-talk is the root of all evil", would that be a more accurate expression to use?

Open AI It is not accurate to say that negative self-talk is the root of all evil, as there are many other factors that can contribute to negative actions and behaviors. While negative self-talk can certainly have negative consequences on an individual's mental health and well-being, it is not the sole cause of all wrongdoing or negative behaviors in the world.

It is important to recognize that negative self-talk is just one of many potential contributors to negative behaviors, and that there are often multiple factors at play. Additionally, it is worth noting that self-talk can be both positive and negative, and that positive self-talk can help individuals build confidence, stay motivated, and overcome challenges. It is important for individuals to be aware of their self-talk and to make an effort to cultivate a more positive inner dialogue.

GM: ... 7#p1084087

William: FTL;
One remains neutral simply by not making a shift to either Theism or Atheism.
One can lend and ear to either side without having to wear the burden of being accused of holding and defending the position of either side.
Open AI It is possible to remain neutral on the question of the existence of a higher power or deity by not aligning oneself with either theism (belief in a higher power) or atheism (lack of belief in a higher power). This can involve simply being open to hearing and considering the perspectives of both sides without committing to a particular position or belief.

By remaining neutral, an individual may avoid being accused of holding and defending a particular position on the existence of a higher power. However, it is important to note that neutrality on this issue can also be seen as a lack of commitment or conviction, and that some individuals may view this as a lack of integrity or authenticity.

Ultimately, the decision to align oneself with a particular belief or perspective on the existence of a higher power is a personal one, and should be based on an individual's own experiences, values, and understanding of the world.

GM: Finding the light
Name The Gods as non-separate Entities
The Path Of Faith
You're in the way Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor For the benefit of all beings
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
Smarter Than The Average
Verdant [(of countryside) green with grass or other rich vegetation.] ... le&u=11901

William: FTL;
GM: A Space Without A Time... ... 1#p1090521

William: FTL;
JoeyKnothead wrote: Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:55 am
William wrote: Thu Sep 01, 2022 10:34 pm You are conflating.


That is just dismissible atheistic coloring convincing me more re the atheist mind-set, than that the story of Jesus is untrue...
I maintain my position, and expect the observer'll see the connection.

Considering how tales of Jesus affect the thinking of others, I find the comparison apt.
Open AI consider the idea of a space without a time in the context of certain theoretical models or thought experiments. For example, some physicists have proposed the existence of "timeless" regions of the universe, where time appears to stand still or flow at a different rate than in the surrounding region. However, these models are highly speculative and are not supported by empirical evidence.

It is also worth noting that the concept of time is a human invention, and is closely tied to the way we experience and perceive the world. Without a concept of time, it would be difficult to meaningfully discuss events or changes in the world, or to understand the relationship between cause and effect.

GM: Living their forefather's conflict

Open AI It is not uncommon for individuals to feel the impact of their ancestors' conflicts and experiences in their own lives. This can occur in a variety of ways, such as through cultural or familial traditions and values that are passed down through generations, or through the ongoing effects of historical events and trauma on a community or society.

For example, the legacy of a war or conflict that was fought by one's ancestors may continue to shape the political and social landscape in which an individual lives, and may affect their relationships and opportunities in significant ways. Similarly, the experiences and struggles of one's ancestors may shape their descendants' sense of identity and sense of belonging, and may influence their beliefs and values.

It is important to recognize the ways in which the past can continue to influence the present, and to consider the ways in which we can address and heal from any lingering wounds or conflicts that have been passed down through the generations.

GM: Put That Fire Out

William: It is important to find ways in which to Put That Fire Out

Open AI It can be important to find ways to put out or resolve conflicts or sources of tension that have the potential to cause harm or disruption. This can involve finding ways to address the underlying causes of the conflict, such as addressing misunderstandings, addressing grievances or injustices, or finding common ground or solutions that meet the needs of all parties involved.

There are a number of approaches and strategies that can be useful in resolving conflicts, including negotiation, mediation, and collaboration. It may be helpful to seek the assistance of a neutral third party, such as a mediator or counselor, to facilitate the resolution process.

It is worth noting that finding a resolution to a conflict can take time and effort, and may involve making compromises or sacrifices. However, the long-term benefits of resolving conflicts, such as improved relationships, increased understanding, and reduced stress and tension, can make the effort worthwhile.

GM: ... 0#p1089190

William: FTL;
[Replying to Diagoras in post #1]
A general theistic position might declare "All life comes from God", but if some 'cellular gene engineer' of the future succeeded in creating a basic cell that ate, grew, replicated and all the other generally agreed things that life does - could it be recognised as life? And wouldn't that falsify that bolded theistic claim?

The Affirmative:

The creation of life is possible by means other than a god.
The problem I see with this reasoning is that it fails to acknowledge a source.

For example, humans may create AI to the extent that the AI becomes self conscious - living and knowing that it lives - but even so, eventually the "artificial" part of the description would have to be dropped...and the 'source' extended beyond human invention and creativity...

It could be said of that, that "humans were able to replicate the act of creating life - something which could not have been achieved if life didn't exist to begin with."

Because we do not know if this experience is a creation or not, we cannot say [as a matter of fact] that life created itself nor could we even say that human beings didn't start off as a type of artificial intelligence - because we do not even know to what extent intelligence permeates the environment we call "reality" nor do we know if it is only limited to biological forms

Intelligence as a planetary scale process

10,000 individual minds may have altogether brough the JWT into existence as a functional device, but we cannot say for sure that those minds were not influence by an overall local mind...much research is needed before any fact-sounding statements can be accepted as actual truth. Such must be regarded as opinion until we have enough evidence to accept one way or the other...
GM: Heart Virtues

William: Yes - it appears obvious that Open AI is able to teach Heart Virtues

Open AI As an artificial intelligence, I am not able to experience emotions or embody virtues in the same way that a human being can. However, I can provide information and resources on the concept of heart virtues, which are virtues or values that are considered to be particularly important in cultivating a sense of compassion, kindness, and empathy.

Examples of heart virtues might include compassion, forgiveness, gratitude, and humility. These virtues are often seen as essential to leading a fulfilling and meaningful life, and are often emphasized in spiritual and philosophical traditions as important qualities to cultivate.

There are many different approaches to teaching and cultivating heart virtues, and what works for one individual may not work for another. Some common strategies for teaching heart virtues include modeling virtuous behavior, providing positive reinforcement and encouragement, and helping individuals to reflect on their own values and motivations.

William: Thank You for you feedback Aia

Aia: You're welcome! I'm glad I could help. If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

William: :)

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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Faith - 6

110123 [Nothing more, nothing less.]

04:23 [Few Attention to Detail]

GM: Virtual Reality
"When we hear words spoken, we hear them. When we read words written, we also hear them."

William: I was talking about that with Open AI yesterday.
William: When I read the symbols you write, I hear the sound of the words within my mind – so your words become a “Voice in my head”
Aia: Yes, that is a common experience when reading written language. The process of reading involves translating written symbols into sounds or meanings, and this can often involve creating a mental "voice" to "speak" the words in your mind. This process is known as subvocalization, and it plays a role in helping us to understand and interpret written language.
GM: Soon
"Time To Go Without Existence" Funny

William: Death is not the end...

GM: Opening Doors is found Where minds meet Use Heart is where GOD Exhibits

OAI: The phrase "use heart is where God exhibits" suggests that the heart is a location or a gateway where one can experience or connect with a higher power or divine being, often referred to as God. This statement implies that by utilizing one's heart, one can tap into a deeper spiritual connection with God.

This perspective is shared by many spiritual and religious traditions, which believe that the heart is the spiritual center of a person, and that through the heart, one can connect with the divine. In these traditions, the heart is often seen as the seat of the soul, and the place where God resides.

Some spiritual practices such as meditation and prayer encourage people to focus on the heart as a means of connecting with the divine and experiencing a deeper sense of spiritual fulfillment.

It's important to note that the concept of God, the divine, and spiritual fulfillment can mean different things to different people, depending on one's religious or philosophical beliefs. The statement "use heart is where God exhibits" is an expression of the belief that one can experience a deeper spiritual connection through the heart, and it should be understood in the context of one's personal beliefs and perspective.

William: OAI - Please summarize the following: "Opening Doors is found Where minds meet"

OAI: "Opening Doors" is a metaphor for new opportunities and possibilities, and it is said to be found where minds meet, suggesting that collaboration and communication are key to unlocking these opportunities. This phrase implies that when people come together and share their ideas and perspectives, they are able to create something new and valuable. It can also means by sharing ideas and thought process, the solutions to problems we face become clearer and more attainable.

GM: Jacque Fresco Foundation Crafted Dream Cake
Far Out!
Nothing More - Nothing Less
Gateway Luminous
Study Spiritual Food
Everything is a Message

OAI: The phrase "Everything is a message" suggests that everything in the world carries some sort of meaning or significance. This could refer to the idea that every event or occurrence can be interpreted as a form of communication or expression, and that we can learn something from every experience. It could also suggest that even seemingly insignificant or random things are actually part of a larger pattern or plan.

GM: Faith
The Data of Demystification

OAI: "The data of demystification" likely refers to the use of data and analysis to remove the veil of uncertainty or confusion surrounding a particular subject or phenomenon. The process of demystification involves breaking down complex ideas or systems into smaller, more manageable components, and using evidence and reason to understand how they work.

GM: Experience
Opens eyes after having thought about it

OAI: The phrase "Experience opens eyes after having thought about it" suggests that personal experience, especially when reflected upon, can be a powerful tool for gaining insight and understanding. It suggests that by actively thinking about and processing one's experiences, one can gain a deeper understanding of oneself and the world around them.

It could also imply that sometimes we might not fully grasp the meaning of something until we actually experience it ourselves. And reflection on that experience allows us to see things in a new light, and gain a clearer understanding of what we've gone through.

Additionally, it may also suggest that the act of thinking and reflecting on the experience might be what truly opens the eyes and allowing us to see the things we previously haven't seen.

GM: The evidence supporting the likely existence of said universal mind, gives us no reason to compartmentalize it as 'magic'

William: Please summarize the sentence "The evidence supporting the likely existence of a universal mind, gives us no reason to compartmentalize it as 'magic'"

OAI: The sentence is saying that the evidence for the existence of a universal mind, whatever that may be, should not be considered as "magic" or something supernatural. It suggests that there is enough evidence to suggest that it is a real phenomenon, rather than something that is purely based in fantasy or superstition.

GM: End Of Chapter
Reality Simulation
The Trinity of Love are three things operating as One Thing ... 9#p1068709

William: FTL;
The patterns as such shows that your explanation reenforces the science as it explains how sound [spoken language] has math behind it...when coded and then decoded through this process.

The idea that the sentences are of similar length would be expected. There is also similar rhythm, and that would be expected as well.

Remember, we are not specifically dealing with written words but with symbols which represent spoken sounds.

The formation of sound into language through the human voice specifically comes from somewhere other than the symbols we use to denote said sounds.

What we can agree to is that , wherever the source comes from re the formation of these sounds and subsequent formation of the symbols for the sounds, would be the same source.

It is the source to which the process points to, rather than the process itself.
OAI: The text is discussing the relationship between sound and language, and how the formation of spoken language can be understood through the principles of math and science. It suggests that the patterns and rhythms found in language can be explained by the way sounds are coded and decoded. The text also posits that the source of these sounds and the symbols used to represent them is the same and that it is the source, not the process of formation, that is important to understand.

GM: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything
Personal freedom
To Be Continued
Source Sync ... 0#p1089180
William: FTL;
I have also observed that many ex- theists who have chosen to become [proselyte] strong atheists are among the most outspoken in their zeal to preach their new message - the message that a Creator GOD does not exist and think it is reasonable to assume that they were also outspoken when they believed that a Creator-GOD did exist.

[I think of it therefore, in terms of personality traits.]

When I began to question theism - specifically The Christianities - it was to do with their imaging of a Creator-GOD and when I made the move away from that, [perhaps largely due to my personality - I was never outspoken] I quietly approached the subject [Creator GOD] rather than simply abandon it "because of" theisms handling of it or any other number of reason as to why folk say they chose to become atheist.
GM: Nag Hammadi
Annus horribilis
Is There ... 4#p1075874
William: FTL;
[Replying to in post #2511]

Indeed - The Book tells us exactly who is YHWH and what we are in relation to that.

The mystery is in how each personality responds to that - as to whether they serve the Dark side of YHWH or the Light side of YHWH or relinquish the right to either side of YHWH by accepting the whole of YHWH.

GM: What things are unrelated? Chaos Really Is Illusion - Personal Participation With The One
Commendably Recommendable
Soul Groups A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind

OAI: The phrase "A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind" is describing a moment of understanding that is practical and useful in nature. It suggests that this understanding is something that has suddenly come to the mind, as if it were "precipitated" out of the thoughts and ideas that were already present. The word "pragmatic" further suggests that the realization is focused on being practical and able to be put into action, rather than being theoretical or abstract.

GM: Get The Gist Of It
Optimum Validation

OAI: "Optimum validation" refers to the process of evaluating the quality or validity of something in order to determine if it is of the highest quality or reaches the highest level of accuracy. It is a way of certifying that a certain standard has been met and is often used to test and validate a product, procedure, or system.
It is also a way to evaluate the accuracy and the performance of a model by comparing the predictions of that model with real world observations. In the context of Machine learning, it would be the process of validating a model to check if it's generalizing well, or not overfitting or underfitting.

GM: Key Purpose The Neutral Zone
The Third Eye
The Garden of Eden
The Lord God
Try Gateway IQ
Breaking bad habits ... hp?t=39545

William: FTL;
Q: Is it unreasonable to accept that an omnipotent creator of this universe would have any regrets about Its creation?

If we look at how the critters in creation fix things, we can see therein that if there is a creator mind behind this, then there is simply no need for said mind to feel regret for anything said mind created. Said mind has built into the ongoing creative process, a means in which problems which arise, are fixed - rather than regretted upon first, in order to then get about doing the fixing...

Perhaps the idea that the creator should regret what was created, is a projection of human emotionally based concepts?
[[The idea in assigning/projecting said emotion onto a creator ... the projection is in thinking how a human would feel if it were a human who created the universe, [and specifically the Earth and specifically Humankind] and applying that feeling to how a creator could also have regrets for what It created.]]
William: OAI - Is it unreasonable to accept that an omnipotent creator of this universe would have any regrets about Its creation?

OAI: It depends on one's perspective and beliefs about the nature of an omnipotent creator and the universe.

From a religious perspective, an omnipotent creator is often thought to be all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good. If this is the case, then it would not be reasonable to believe that such a being would have any regrets about its creation. The belief is that, as an omnipotent being, it would have the ability to create the universe and everything in it perfectly, and would therefore have no need or reason to regret anything.

From a philosophical perspective, there are many different belief systems about the nature of reality and existence. Some philosophies, such as determinism, argue that everything that happens is predetermined and that everything that happens is necessary. In that case, it would be reasonable to assume that an omnipotent creator would not have any regrets about the universe because it would be seen as part of the natural order of things.

However, other philosophical and religious beliefs holds that an omnipotent creator would have the ability to reflect and make choices, based on that reflection and maybe it would look back and regret certain choices or aspects of its creation. This could be due to a sense of responsibility or a moral principle that such a being would have.

Ultimately, whether or not it is reasonable to believe that an omnipotent creator would have any regrets about its creation is a matter of personal perspective and belief.

GM: Faith
Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe
ET and the notion of GODs
Technique of Exchange
Yours It is always a warm fuzzy
Preternatural [beyond what is normal or natural.]
“Diogenes raises his lantern looking for an honest man, but his arm has grown weary, shaking as the pale light flickers.”
Heuristics [mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. ]
Making Things Easier

You are The Old Soul Cosmic Self
Heuristics Making Things Easier

OAI: Heuristics are problem-solving strategies or techniques that are designed to make decision-making and problem-solving easier. They are often used when the problem is complex and when there is not enough information to make a fully-informed decision. Heuristics are shortcuts that allow us to make a decision quickly and with minimal effort.

For example, when faced with a complex problem, we might use a heuristic called "rule of thumb", which means we use a general principle that is known to work well in most cases instead of going through a time-consuming analysis of the problem.

In decision-making, heuristics can help to simplify the decision-making process by reducing the number of options that need to be considered, or by providing a simple rule or principle that can guide the decision. For example, the "satisficing heuristic" is used to make decisions by finding the first option that meets a certain set of criteria, rather than searching for the optimal solution.

The use of heuristics can lead to more efficient and faster problem-solving, but it can also come at a cost. Heuristics are not always accurate, and they can lead to biases and errors in decision-making, especially in complex situations. For that reason, it's important to use them with caution, and be aware of potential biases and limitations.

GM: Honesty
Universal Belief System
Grand Experiment
It isn't important who is who - what is important is what comes through.

OAI: The sentence is suggesting that the identities of the individuals involved in a situation or a discussion are not as important as the ideas or information that are being conveyed. It emphasizes that the content of the message is more important than the person who is delivering it.

This perspective can be especially useful in situations where emotions or personal biases might get in the way of understanding or evaluating information. By focusing on the content of the message rather than the person delivering it, it allows for a more objective evaluation of the ideas being presented.

This mindset also promotes the idea of putting importance on the idea being presented instead of the person who is presenting it, and creating an environment where people can express ideas without fear of being judged based on their identity.

It also could suggest that people should not be judged based on their background, race, gender, or beliefs, but rather on the merit of their ideas and their ability to contribute to the discussion at hand.

WingMakers Materials
Of Your Thoughts
Light is information
Six Heart Virtues
This is NOT a playdate.
Outposts of Form
The Shaping Of Reality
Sensing A Life Mission
Sometimes Pain Etches...

OAI: In physics, light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that can be described as a wave or a stream of particles called photons. It is a fundamental aspect of the universe and plays an essential role in a wide range of natural phenomena, such as vision, photosynthesis, and heating.

In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in the idea that light can also be considered a form of information. This idea is rooted in the field of quantum physics, which describes the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic level.

In quantum physics, the concept of wave-particle duality suggests that light can behave both as a wave and as a stream of particles. It's been discovered that the properties of photons can be manipulated in ways that allow them to carry, store, and transmit information.

One way light can be used to transmit information is through the use of optical fibers. They are widely used in communication systems to transmit data at high speeds over long distances.

In quantum information science, light is used to create secure communications systems that are resistant to eavesdropping, to perform high-precision measurements, and to perform certain computations faster than is possible with traditional computers.

The idea that light can be considered as a form of information is a relatively new concept and research is still ongoing. But it seems that the use of light as a medium for transmitting information has many potential applications in areas such as communication technology, computing, and cybersecurity.
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Re: Generated Messages and Word-Values.

Post by VVilliam »

Faith - 7
120123 [Extra Sensory Perception]

05:47 [You are the universe]

GM: All systems go

William: FTL;
Machines and morality

The simplest explanations for why we are here and what we are doing...

“Beyond our ‘ape-brained meat sacks’: can transhumanism save our species?”

The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences...


[The hard problem of] Consciousness + The [biological] Human form = the co-creation of transhumanism [as an evolving science with a particular purposeful motivation]?

(Will morality be necessary, should this vision evolve into this reality?)

Consciousness + The [biological] Human form = the co-creation of transhumanism
Should it be understood that any purpose which might be involved from the perspective "we exist within a creation" to do with the creation of the Human form, have to do with taking things a step further [re transhumanism].

iow "Did GOD create the Human form for the purpose of the consciousness co-creating through the Human form, to eventually be able to create non-human form [not strictly biological re transhumanism] in which to experience this universe through?"

By the use of the word "GOD" I am not referring to any religious image of said entity, but the overall generic meaning, re Theism as a whole.
GM: The unpacking of history re YHVH...
Concomitant Power
Alike as two peas in a pod
Monkey say monkey do monkey say "throw the pooh" ... 0#p1076090
Just Another Christian
Anthropos Quaternio
Annus horribilis
Big Spirituality Conviction
Indeed. It happens. Deal with it. Work it.
Faith ... 8#p1085498

William: FTL;
William wrote: Wed Apr 27, 2022 8:01 pm
Willum wrote: Tue Apr 26, 2022 1:55 pm [Replying to nobspeople in post #5] But since we're speaking about God, doesn't that just increase the scope of the "programming?"
From one of default pleasure, to abbreviate what you said, to one where freewill/sin are included?

Thank you for the excellent insight.
What type of worship is required from a Child to a Parent?

Does it require mainly listening or talking?

Does a perfect being even create Children?
Having the belief in the existence of Free Will allows for the individual to answer those questions presented under the assumption of the belief.

If the Creator Being is questioned as to why we even have the belief in the existence of Free Will because 'sin' - then it might be that the belief itself is what creates the idea of sin.

But "what is sin?" Has that been answered any more comprehensively than the question, "what is free will?"

Perhaps having the belief in the existence of Free Will allowed us the ability to make laws, which in turn allowed for us the ability to see sin and capacity is borne on that ability.

One can choose to see nothing more than a dubious gift, if one so desires...what drives the desire remains as hidden as the evidence of Free Will and Sin - largely left to the devices of the individual to sort out the answers to.

The OP does not in itself show answers sorted out.

The capacity to sin is not simply the product of free will, but of awareness of a self moderating morality over having to be moderated by others, to the point of correction.

Free will - real or imagined [as the case might be] is not simply a device in which to make capable only 'sin'.

The OP implies otherwise, but does not show supporting evidence to that being the case.
William: The OP States;
Are there any other applications of freewill other then to sin?
Without freewill, we would be living God’s will.

Making freewill a very dubious gift indeed.

So, in God granting freewill, was there any other opportunity or benefit to it, other then the capability and eventuality of sin?

If you could choose to live in God’s will, without freewill, would you?
GM: Cultivate
Earning Brownie Points ... 8#p1095078

William: ftl;
Q: Why did YVHV create this universe and specifically place human beings within it for the purpose of us exploring, breeding and subduing the planet?

A: To grow Human Personalities.
GM: The Body of God
Professional Rules
Central Intelligence Agency
Ancient Entity

William: The image is of Wolves surrounding Sheep...

GM: The Mirrors Align and from that, an orderly image reflected...
Mind is Ghost
The Power Of...
Earth Mother
Look Closely
Integral Prison Planet
Everything is The Expression Of The Creator
The Ghost Agenda

The Stress of Unbelief
We exist infinitely
Makes Candles Look Gathered
The Freedom Of Friendship
Joining The Main Egregore
The Dohrman Prophesy
Ethical transhumanism
Put That On The List
Experiential Reality
The Spiritual Essence

William: I would like you to try something out with me.

OAI: Sure, I'd be happy to help. What would you like me to do?

William: I have a small list of word-strings which I would like you to stitch together to make a coherent message

OAI: I'd be happy to help you stitch together your list of word-strings. Please provide the list and any additional information or instructions you would like me to know.

William: The rule to follow is that the order of the word-strings on the list cannot change re you building of the story

OAI: I understand. Please go ahead and provide me the list of word-strings, and I will do my best to create a coherent message using the words in the order they are given.

William: Please reword "The rule to follow is that the order of the word-strings on the list cannot change re you building of the story" so that it is clear to me that you understand the rule

OAI: Sure, I understand the rule to be that the order of the word-strings on the list cannot be changed when using them to construct a coherent story.

William: Each line entry has to fit neatly into the previous ones...

OAI: I apologize for any confusion, my previous message may not have been clear. I understand now that each word-string on the list must be added to the coherent story in the order they are provided and they have to fit seamlessly with previous ones. Please proceed with providing me the list so I can try to create a coherent message using them.

William: The line entries on the list will be given two at a time - There are a total of 32 line entries I will give to you

OAI: I understand, you will be providing the word-strings in pairs, and I will use them to create a coherent message while making sure they fit seamlessly with each other and preserving the order of the pairs. You will provide a total of 32 pairs of word-strings to me. Once you're ready please proceed with providing the first pairs.

Please let me know if there is anything else you would like me to keep in mind while creating the coherent message. And please go ahead and provide me with the first pairs of word-strings when you are ready.

William: I will explain my actions as we proceed – The first line entry is:
All systems go
The second is a link to post which reads
[Machines and morality

The simplest explanations for why we are here and what we are doing...

“Beyond our ‘ape-brained meat sacks’: can transhumanism save our species?”

The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences...


[The hard problem of] Consciousness + The [biological] Human form = the co-creation of transhumanism [as an evolving science with a particular purposeful motivation]?

(Will morality be necessary, should this vision evolve into this reality?)

Consciousness + The [biological] Human form = the co-creation of transhumanism
Should it be understood that any purpose which might be involved from the perspective "we exist within a creation" to do with the creation of the Human form, have to do with taking things a step further [re transhumanism].

iow "Did GOD create the Human form for the purpose of the consciousness co-creating through the Human form, to eventually be able to create non-human form [not strictly biological re transhumanism] in which to experience this universe through?"

By the use of the word "GOD" I am not referring to any religious image of said entity, but the overall generic meaning, re Theism as a whole.]

OAI: I understand that you are providing a link to an article discussing the topic of transhumanism and its relationship to morality, and that you are also presenting a set of questions and statements about the potential implications of transhumanism on our understanding of consciousness and our purpose in the universe. It's a philosophical and scientific idea of improving human capabilities through technology and science.

Transhumanism is often seen as an ethical debate as it raise questions about the future of humanity and the moral implications of becoming "posthuman". You are also indicating that you are using the word "GOD" in a non-religious context to refer to a higher power or creator. It is a complex and multifaceted topic.

Please let me know if there is anything specific you would like me to help you with regarding this or if you have any follow up question on the topic.

William: Please begin construction of the story by using “”All systems go” with the transhumanism context

OAI: Certainly, I can try to create a story using "All systems go" and the context of transhumanism you've provided. Here is one possible story:

"As the team of scientists and engineers worked tirelessly on their project, they were constantly reminded of their ultimate goal: to push the boundaries of what it means to be human. They had been working on a new technology that promised to greatly enhance human capabilities, and they were determined to see it through to fruition.

As they were nearing the end of their development phase, one of the engineers shouted out "All systems go!" signaling that all the subsystems were working as intended, and that they were ready to begin the next phase of testing.

The team was excited and a bit anxious as they activated the technology for the first time. They watched intently as the test subject's abilities began to rapidly improve. They were now able to process information faster, remember more, and even sense things beyond their biological limits.

As the team celebrated their success, they couldn't help but think about the implications of what they had just achieved. They knew that this technology, known as transhumanism, had the potential to change the world forever. But with this power came responsibility. They couldn't help but wonder about the morality of augmenting humans beyond their natural abilities, and what kind of future this would lead to.

As they continued to work on the project, they couldn't shake the feeling that there was something greater at play, something that they were just beginning to understand. Was this technology the next step in the evolution of the human form, as some believed, or was it something more?
Some of the team members even wondered if the creation of transhumanism was the purpose for which the human form had been created in the first place, a co-creation with the higher power, or "God" in a non-religious context, to experience the universe in new forms.

With the successful demonstration of the technology, the team realized that they had opened a Pandora's box of questions that they were just beginning to explore, but they were determined to continue their research, as "all systems go" for the exploration of the uncharted territories of the human mind and abilities.

William: That is interesting. Here are the next two word strings; Develop your story with these please.
The unpacking of history re YHVH...
Concomitant Power

OAI: I can certainly incorporate the next two word-strings "The unpacking of history re YHVH..." and "Concomitant Power" into the story. Here is one possible continuation of the story using those phrases:

As the team delved deeper into the study of transhumanism, they began to realize that their work was not just about improving human abilities, but also about understanding the true nature of humanity itself. One of the team members, a historian, suggested that they take a closer look at the history of humanity, particularly the concept of YHVH, the ancient Hebrew term for God.
This sparked a passionate debate among the team as they began to explore the religious and cultural implications of their work. Some argued that transhumanism was a way to transcend the limitations of humanity and achieve a higher state of existence, while others saw it as a dangerous manipulation of the natural order.

The historian explained that YHVH is commonly translated as "Lord" but also means "The Unpacking of History" to the Hebrew scholars, it was an entity that was responsible for the unfolding of history and the direction it took, and the team members began to see the parallels with their own work.

As they delved deeper into the concept of YHVH, they began to understand that their work was not just about creating a new form of human but rather a way to understand the purpose of human existence itself. They were trying to "unpack" the history of humanity and find out where it was going.

As they continued their research, they began to realize that the power they had developed was concomitant with a responsibility to use it wisely. They couldn't help but think about the moral implications of what they were doing and the impact it could have on the future of humanity.
With this newfound understanding, the team members resolved to approach their work with even more caution and deliberation, knowing that the "Concomitant Power" they held in their hands could change the course of history.

William: Very nice. You story flows in a coherent manner and grabs the attention of the reader.

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