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Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:14 pm
by Arising_uk
Actually I think we don't give a toss about how you kill yourselves over there Henry, or at least I don't, and I can well understand why people wish to have a gun but bob keeps on raising this issue on a non-American forum and I keep wondering why?

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:21 pm
by bobevenson
Arising_uk wrote:Bob keeps on raising this issue on a non-American forum and I keep wondering why?
Because I know I can hold my own against you stupid foreigners!

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 5:28 pm
by henry quirk
Seems to me there's a whole criticism comin' from folks who (claim to) don't give a shit, so - sorry - I don't buy into the indifference for Bob: he's harmless and loud...that so many look to counter him sez way more about them than him.

Again: too many folks with too much time on their hands.


Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:11 pm
by bobevenson
henry quirk wrote:As for Bob: he's harmless...
Destroying egos is harmless?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 6:19 pm
by henry quirk
Bob, I like you and don't wanna fight with you.

If you believe you're "destroying egos" then have at it.

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:16 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
BigWhit wrote:Did you read the quote in that post, Leo or are you just blind to implicit assertions that agree with your ideas?

HC, the day I take lessons on my constitution from a socialist limey fuckwit like you is the day I'll cut my dick off and call myself Caitlyn Jenner. If the second amendment only applies to muskets then I guess the first amendment applies to quill pens and presses only? .
And it is THIS sort of fucking Trump-ass sniffing moron that I am talking about.

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:18 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
BigWhit wrote:.(you have to be 21 to own a handgun in the US) ..

Even morons acknowledge gun control; shame they can't think it through.

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:54 pm
by BigWhit
Hold on while I report tour posts to be censored, HC, because the freedom of speech doesn't apply to the mass communications network that is the interwebz.

Ha! Trump ass sniffing? Hahahaha! Be more clueless. I dare you.

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:01 pm
by BigWhit
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
BigWhit wrote:.(you have to be 21 to own a handgun in the US) ..

Even morons acknowledge gun control; shame they can't think it through.
Says the guy who posted the picture of that control clearly not working.


Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:26 pm
by bobevenson
henry quirk wrote:If you believe you're "destroying egos" then have at it.
Actually, I was thinking of a hand of liar's poker I played once. I actually did destroy the collective egos of the other players with a single bid because we didn't play another hand after that.

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:40 pm
by Hobbes' Choice
BigWhit wrote:
Hobbes' Choice wrote:
BigWhit wrote:.(you have to be 21 to own a handgun in the US) ..

Even morons acknowledge gun control; shame they can't think it through.
Says the guy who posted the picture of that control clearly not working.
If you had half the brain you think you have, you'd have realised that any fucking kid can get gold of a gun because any adult moron, like you can get a gun, and morons like you are too stupid to prevent guns getting in the hands of children.
And morons like you think that because some controls don't work you should get rid of all controls.
And I suppose that because your democracy has failed you might as well adopt anarchy. Yeah! vote TRUMP!

Fact is that in the USA guns are within the reach of any child. And your fucking argument is to end gun control?
Do you know why I think you are a fucking moron?

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 8:50 pm
by BigWhit
Uh, huh. My guns have never been in the hands of a child and in the rural areas where I grew up we were taught the dangers of weapons from a very young age. Result? None of us ever fucked around with guns like a dumbass. No one I know ever shot anyone by accident or on purpose. It's a called being educated about weapons. Just like sex ed can help people avoid STDs and unwanted pregnancies, gun education can help prevent people from being gun phobic little fuckwits like you.

Keep acting like you know me and my life from across an ocean and through a fucking computer screen.

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:14 pm
by Arising_uk
bobevenson wrote:Because I know I can hold my own against you stupid foreigners!
There's nothing to hold you loon, we don't care about your infantile needs.


Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:15 pm
by Arising_uk
henry quirk wrote:Seems to me there's a whole criticism comin' from folks who (claim to) don't give a shit, so - sorry - I don't buy into the indifference act...

Re: Why are bombs OK, but guns bad?

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 9:34 pm
by Obvious Leo
What about anthrax, Bob. I've never actually held a gun so it wouldn't be my weapon of choice, but I know my way around a biological laboratory better than the average punter. If I put my mind to it I'm pretty sure I could make myself a flask of anthrax bacteria which would be many orders of magnitude more lethal than the most sophisticated of guns. Would the AEP protect my basic human right to do this if I so chose?