Quote of the day

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Slavoj Žižek

...the wave function of the particle will not let you predict what you measure; you can only predict the probability of what you measure.

Assuming, of course, you can do this...autonomously?
Or, instead, are we nature's own equivalent of QM?

...a truly radical change is self-relating: it changes the very coordinates by means of which we measure change. In other words, a true change sets its own standards: it can only be measured by criteria that result from it.

Uh, theoretically?

Poverty does not simply mean to have little or no money; it is not reducible to the description of one's miserable circumstances.

Uh, theoretically?

As Alenka Zupančič put it, the problem with the idea of the end of the world is the same as with Fukuyama’s end of history: the end itself doesn’t end, we just get stuck in a weird immobility. The secret wish of us all, what we think about all the time, is only one thing: when will it end? But it will not end: it is reasonable to see the ongoing pandemic as announcing a new era of ecological troubles.

Next up: Bird flu 2.0?

And at an even more general level, viral epidemics remind us of the ultimate contingency and meaninglessness of our lives: no matter how magnificent the spiritual edifices we, humanity, construct, a stupid natural contingency like a virus or an asteroid can end it all … not to mention the lesson of ecology, which is that we, humanity, can also unknowingly contribute to this end.

I know, I know: let's not go there.

Trotsky thus targeted the material (technical) grid of power (railways, electricity, water supply, post, etc.), the grid without which state power hands in the void and becomes inoperative.

Next up: the Sun targets it: https://www.astronomy.com/science/a-lar ... lains-how/
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

A true story. Or, rather, based on a true story.

And over and again this story will be told: 1] What would you do? 2] What is the right thing to do? 3] How do you rationalize what you end up doing instead?

Every man for himself? Anything to stay alive?

Here though the better you are at your job the sooner you die. And what you do is aid and abet the Nazis in conquering the world.
The horns of a monstrous dilemma. Survival at all cost? Or is there a line to be drawn? But so much here depends on the admixture of many variables: what you are enduring, the likelihood of success, your philosophy of life, belief in God—or The Cause, how much you have to lose. Etc.

The Counterfeiters [Die Fälscher]

Hans: They’re for our people.
Salomon: Our people? I’m myself. Everyone else is everyone else.
Hans: Don’t you see what’s happening around us? What the Nazis are doing to us?
Salomon: Know why the Jews are always persecuted? Because they refuse to adapt. It’s really not that hard.
Hans: Sally, don’t you have any…
Salomon: No. Need a certificate of Aryan purity? I’ll do one proving you descend from Siegfried and the Dragon.

He may not think this way for long though.

Salomon: I won’t give the Nazis the pleasure of being ashamed I’m still alive.

Let's run that by the Nazis here.

Burger [who is a Communist]: …we should organize ourselves. There’s a lot of us. We’re well nourished, we’re strong, we could fight! We’ve got tools.
Salomon: Retouching knives? Against an SS company?
Burger: Rather than let them gas us!
Salomon: I’d rather be gassed tomorrow than shot for nothing today. A day is a day.

A pragmatist?

Burger: Can’t anyone see what’s happening? The Germans are bankrupt. No foreign currency means no gasoline, no raw materials. We’re financing the German war effort!
Salomon: So? Are you suggesting sabotage? In a concentration camp?!

The look on Burger’s face says it all: Yes

Burger: You cheap whore!
Salomon: Just be thankful you are in here, you idiot!

Who won?

Burger: No, Sorowtsch’s negative was perfect, as always.
Prisoner: But why?
Burger: My wife and I were sent to Auschwitz for printing anti-Nazi flyers. I’m not going to print money for the Nazis.

So, again, how far would you go?

Burger: We could contribute to fighting the Nazis here that wouldn’t be just a symbolic gesture!
Salomon: We’re alive. That’s worth a hell of a lot.
Burger: Isn’t it about more than just your own shitty little life?
Salomon: Our shitty little lives are the only thing we have!
Burger: Is this about surviving or proving you can forge the dollar? I’ll keep on destroying your negatives. You can squeal to Herzog if you want.
Salomon: We’ll have to pay if we don’t deliver the dollar. All if us will pay!
Burger: Yes.

To believe or not to believe in God here can make all the difference in the world. And whether He exists or not.

Salomon: One doesn’t betray one’s mates.
Zilinski: Mates? We’re to die for the ideals of that shitty political ideologue? Burger the hero! Always determined to die the martyr. That’s fine for him, not me. I lost four toes to frostbite in Buchenwald. They broke my back in Dachau. More than once I nearly died of starvation. I deserve to survive this too!
Salomon: One never squeals on one’s mates. Never!
Zilinski: What’s this, jailbirds’ honor?
Salomon: If you betray him, I’ll kill you.

But then later…

Salomon [to Burger]: We’ve delayed the dollar by months. You’ve had your fun. But now our mates’ lives are at stake.

Next up:

"The film then returns to post-war Monte Carlo, where Sorowitsch, apparently disgusted by the life he is now leading on the currency that he forged for the Nazis, intentionally gambles it all away. Sitting alone afterward on the beach, he is joined by the French woman, concerned after his seemingly disastrous losses at the table. Dancing slowly together on the beach, she continues to remark on all the money he has lost, to which he replies, laughing, 'We can always make more'". wiki.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

A “fuck the world” kind of guy. Well, most of the time. And not too many folks like this get to sit next to David Letterman on Late Night. Though after his last appearance no one like him probably ever will.

He is brutally cynical at times but can get away with it because he is also funny as hell. Well, if you like cynical humor.

A very strange guy for being so ordinary?

American Splendor

Young Harvey: Why does everybody have to be so stupid?

Pinheads of the world unite?

Real Harvey [introducing his on-screen character]: OK. This guy here, he’s our man, all grown up and going nowhere. Although he’s a pretty scholarly cat, he never got much of a formal education. For the most part, he’s lived in shit neighborhoods, held shit jobs, and he’s now knee-deep into a disastrous second marriage. So, if you’re the kind of person looking for romance or escapism or some fantasy figure to save the day…guess what? You’ve got the wrong movie.

And what might the right movie be?

Harvey: Let’s get back to your book. What are you gonna do with it?
Crumb: I haven’t really thought about it. It’s just an exercise.
Harvey: No man, it’s more than just an exercise. It’s breaking ground, man. There’s some wild shit in here, Bob.
Crumb: You’re spitting on me, Harvey.

Next up: https://youtu.be/bndpj44w1es?si=B9oWHqaiTZnTNJJg

Crumb: You turned yourself into a comic hero?
Harvey: Sorta, yeah. But no idealized shit. No phony bullshit. The real thing, y’know? Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff.

Yo, Mr. Objectivist!

Harvey: People are starting to know the name Crumb. When you croak, man, you’re gonna leave something behind.
Crumb: Yeah, I guess.
Harvey: Come on, man. I tell you something, it sure beats working a gig like mine…being a nobody flunky and selling records on the side for $1.
Crumb: Well, that’s true.

So, does it beat what you do?

Real Harvey [narrating]: Here’s our man, eight comics later. A brand-new decade, same old bullshit. Sure, he gets lots of recognition for his writing now. His comics are praised by all the important media types telling people what to think. But so what? It’s not like he makes a living at it, like Bob Crumb. He can’t go and quit his day job or nothing. Who am I kidding?

Anyone here never heard of him?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


Danny O'Keefe
Don't know what it comes to
Don't expect I ever will
But the feelings that don't die inside
Are the ones you cannot kill

And if I've really lost her
I'll start the search again
Longing for Love's waters
To wash me clean again

Take me to that river
I'm ready for the plunge
There ain't been much water lately
In my sponge

How about your sponge?

And the sky was all violet
I want it again, but violent, more violent
Yeah, I'm the one with no soul
One above and one below

I told you from the start just how this would end
When I get what I want, then I never want it again

When they get what they want, and they never want it again
And they get what they want, and they never want it again
Go on, take everything, take everything, I want you to
Go on, take everything, take everything, I want you to

Speaking of violence, did she or didn't she shoot him?

June Tabor
When I was a young man I carried my pack
And I lived the free life of a rover
From the Murrays green basin to the dusty outback
I waltzed my Matilda all over
Then in nineteen fifteen my country said Son
It’s time to stop rambling 'cause there’s work to be
So they gave me a tin hat and they gave me a gun
And they sent me away to the war
And the band played Waltzing Matilda
As we sailed away from the quay
And amidst all the tears and the shouts and the
We sailed off to Gallipoli

How well I remember that terrible day
the blood stained the sand and the water
And how in that hell that they called Suvla Bay
We were butchered like lambs at the slaughter
Johnny Turk he was ready, he primed himself well
He us with bullets, he rained us with
And in five minutes flat he’d blown us all to hell
Nearly blew us right back to Australia
But the band played Waltzing Matilda
As we stopped to bury our slain
And we buried ours and the Turks buried theirs
Then started all over again

Now those
In mad world of blood, death and fire
And for weeks I kept myself alive
Then a big Turkish shell knocked me arse over tit
And when I woke up in my hospital bed
And saw what it had done, I wished I was
Never knew there were worse things than dying
no more I’ll go waltzing Matilda
the green far and near
For to hump tent and pegs, a man needs two legs
No more waltzing Matilda for me

So they collected the cripples, the wounded
And they shipped us back home to Australia
, the blind insane
Those proud wounded heroes of Suvla
And as our ship pulled into Circular Quay
I looked at the place where legs used to be
And thank Christ there was nobody waiting for me
To grieve and to mourn and to pity
And the band played Waltzing Matilda
As they carried us down the gangway
But nobody cheered, they just stood and stared
turned all their faces away

And now every April I sit on my porch
And I watch the parade pass before me
my old comrades, how proudly they march
Reliving dreams of past glory

The forgotten heroes a forgotten war
And the young people ask , “What are they
marching for?”
And I ask myself the same question
And the band plays Waltzing Matilda
And the old men answer to the call
But year after year their numbers get fewer
Some day no one will march there at all

Waltzing Matilda, Waltzing Matilda
Who’ll a-waltzing Matilda with me?

Tell that to the military industrial complex. The one down under.

Kate Wolf
I was 17 when I quit school
The year that I enlisted
I don’t recall just why I did
My mom says I insisted
I had some strange idea then
That Uncle Sam was right
Momma cried, she signed the card
And I went off to fight

But I just found out this morning
The doctor told me so
They killed me in Vietnam
And I didn’t even know

Got off the plane in Vietnam
It didn’t look like war
With all I saw I started wonderin’
What we came there for
Some officers got drunk at night
And cheated on their wives
While those peasants on the other side
Were fightin’ for their lives

You know the army tried some fancy stuff
To bring them to their knees
Like Agent Orange defoliants
To clear the brush and trees
They fly all day above the trails
Through clouds of poison spray
But they never said that chemicals
Would hurt our health today

But I got the news this morning
The doctor told me so
They killed me in Vietnam
And I didn’t even know

Well I tried hard to forget
That war like everybody else did
I settled down, got married
And I even had some kids
Our children both had birth defects
The doctors had their doubts
They never said what caused it
But I think I just found out

Because I just found out this morning
Yeah, the doctor told me so
They killed me in Vietnam
And I didn’t even know

The doctor says I have some time
He was trying to be kind
Your know I’ve never been a radical
But this has changed my mind
I’d be so proud to hear my son say:
"Hell no we won’t go
Because you killed our dad in Vietnam
And he didn’t even know

"This Agent Orange from Vietnam
We carry with us still
Stays inside for years and years
It does its best to kill
You might get cancer of the liver
You might get cancer of the skin
You might get a VA disability
You might not live to win

Because I got the news this morning
The doctor told me so
They killed me in Vietnam
And I didn’t even know

They killed me in Vietnam
And I didn’t even know

They almost got me too.

David Bromberg
Somewhere in the south of Spain
Sammy, still sixteen, goes with his uncle for a ride
The sun is high

Sailing through the city
For to see the sights and the talking sex
Sammy's sitting tall
The sun is high

His uncle brings him to a brothel
Being big, he buys a drink
Rum and Coke
Don't taste too bad

Having brought him to the brink
His uncle leaves him with his drink
Rum and Coke
Don't taste too bad

The girls all gather in a group
And give Sammy boy the eye
And stare at him seductively
And try to make him buy

So choosing one that's younger
Better looking than the rest
Sammy speaks no Spanish but she understands
They go upstairs to buy the room
She wants her money in advance
Sammy speaks no Spanish but he understands

And lying on her back upon the bed she beckons
Sammy won't lie down yet
He wants her nude

Speaking Spanish, she refuses him
At last, afraid of losing him
She takes off all her clothes
He wants her nude

Her hands upon her heart can hardly hide the horrid scars
From her shoulder to her waist, her skin is leathery and hard
She pantomimes an accident
A car, a fire, not so long ago
His eyes are wide

She moves to put her clothes back on
But he won't let her go
He lies her down
His eyes are wide

And lightly, like a lover
Sammy lets his lips caress the leather of her breast
His brain is numb

Moved by some far, distant mind
He makes himself her bridegroom
Sammy's hardly there at all
His brain is numb

She moves to take him in now
But her hand finds him still slack
So she sucks to make him hard
And then again lies on her back

And Sammy does the deed to silent screaming in his skull
The scars surround him
Is this all real?

Schizophrenic, Sammy sees himself
Outside his body and his brain
Is this all real?

And back at the hotel he has to heal himself
But all he does is shake
And shake some more

Without the grace of tears or sickness
Sammy sucks it all inside and shakes
And shakes some more

Without the grace of tears or sickness
Sammy sucks it all inside and shakes
And shakes some more

And even if it's not true, we know it could be.

Alan Parsons
Time, flowin' like a river
Time, beckoning me
Who knows when we shall meet again?
If ever
But time keeps flowin' like a river
To the sea

Goodbye, my love
Maybe for forever
Goodbye, my love
The tide waits for me
Who knows when we shall meet again?
If ever
But time keeps flowin' like a river (On and on)
To the sea, to the sea

'Til it's gone forever
Gone forever
Gone forevermore

Goodbye, my friends
Maybe for forever
Goodbye, my friends
Who knows where we shall meet again?
The stars wait for me
Who knows where we shall meet again?
If ever
But time keeps flowin' like a river (On and on)
To the sea, to the sea

Til it's gone forever
Gone forever
Gone forevermore

Not many that isn't applicable to.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

American Splendor

Alice: You’re Harvey Pekar? Alice Quinn, from school.
Harvey: College, yeah. We had a couple of Lit classes together.
Alice: What happened to you? You disappeared after two semesters.
Harvey: Yeah, I know. I got good grades and all, but there was that required Math class… hanging over my head. Eventually, the pressure got to be too much, so…

Gee, me too.

Harvey [on phone]: You should meet me because I’m a great guy. Despite the way my comics read I got a lot of redeeming characteristics.
Joyce: I don’t know. Where would I stay?
Harvey: I don’t know. With me. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna put no moves on you.
Joyce: I’m not worried about that.
Harvey: So what are you worried about then?
Joyce: It’s the way all the different artists draw you. Sometimes you look like a younger Brando. But then, the way Crumb draws you…you look like a hairy ape, with all these wavy, stinky lines undulating off your body. I don’t really know what to expect.

Actually, he looks a lot like Paul Giamatti.

Harvey [meeting Joyce for the very first time]: Look, you might as well know right off the bat, I had a vasectomy.

Next up: I meet Susan Parks for the first time.

Joyce: I’ve had a lot of trouble eating animals. I support and identify with groups like PETA but unfortunately, I’m a self-diagnosed anemic. Also, I have all these food allergies to vegetables which give me serious intestinal distress. I guess I have a lot of borderline health disorders…that limit me politically when it comes to eating.
Harvey: Wow, you’re a sick woman.
Joyce: Not yet, but I expect to be. Everyone in my family has some sort of degenerative illness.

Off to a good start?

Harvey [at his apartment]: I was gonna clean up…but why should I give you any false notions? The truth is, I got a serious problem with cleanliness. If I had to wash a dish times, it’d still be dirty. They even kicked me out of the army 'cause I couldn’t learn to make a bed.
Joyce: I’ve seen worse. Could you get me some water and a few aspirin?
Harvey: What, you got a headache?
Joyce: No, but I want to avoid one.

Off to a good start?

Real Joyce: There’ve been stories that I’ve participated in or things that have happened, and I’ve seen them as a lot more happy things going on in there. He just doesn’t put that in because he just doesn’t think that sunshine and flowers sell. Is that right? You always say, “Misery loves company.”
Real Harvey: You know, I’m just a gloomy guy, that’s all. It’s my perspective: gloom and doom.

Great, just what we need, another optimist.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“They say that time heals all wounds, but we never live long enough to test that theory ...” José Saramago

Let's be the first.

“There are two days in my calendar: This day and that Day.” Martin Luther

How about now, Martin?

“Modern man thinks he loses something—time—when he does not do things quickly. Yet he does not know what to do with the time he gains—except kill it.” Erich Fromm

Next up: modern transgenders.

“Both described at the same time how it was always March there and always Monday, and then they understood that José Arcadio Buendía was not as crazy as the family said, but that he was the only one who had enough lucidity to sense the truth of the fact that time also stumbled and had accidents and could therefore splinter and leave an eternalized fragment in a room.” Gabriel García Márquez

Your time might be different.

“The idea of the future, pregnant with an infinity of possibilities, is thus more fruitful than the future itself, and this is why we find more charm in hope than in possession, in dreams than in reality.” Henri Bergson

Your future might be different.

“The most important thing I learnt on Tralfamadore was that when a person dies he only appears to die. He is still very much alive in the past, so it is very silly for people to cry at his funeral. All moments, past, present, and future, always have existed, always will exist. The Tralfamadorians can look at all the different moments just the way we can look at a stretch of the Rocky Mountains, for instance. They can see how permanent all the moments are, and they can look at any moment that interests them. It is an illusion we have here on Earth that one moment follows another one, like beads on a string, and that once a moment is gone it is gone forever. When any Tralfamadorian sees a corpse, all he thinks is that the dead person is in a bad condition in that particular moment, but that the same person is just fine in plenty of other moments.” Kurt Vonnegut

Sounds good. Now, how do we get there?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

American Splendor

Harvey: I’ll make room for you, okay? You just have to give me time. I’m not so good at these things.
Joyce: Because you’re obsessive-compulsive.
Harvey: Come on! I don’t wanna hear that psycho-babble crap.
Joyce: I don’t care if you don’t wanna hear it. You are the poster child for the DSM III. I’ll have you know I come from a very dysfunctional family. I can spot a personality disorder miles away.

Like spotting a "condition" here.

Real Harvey [narrating]: If you think reading comics about your life seems strange, try watching a play about it. God only knows how I’ll feel when I see this movie.

And then a tiny [and very rare] peek inside the media industrial complex…

Letterman: You know, folks, if it really is true that misery loves company our next guest must always have a house full of people.
Harvey [to himself]: Okay, asshole. You’re gonna pay for that one, man.
Letterman: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome back Harvey Pekar.
[Harvey comes out wearing a t-shirt that reads ON STRIKE AGAINST NBC]
Letterman: Harvey, this is not the forum. This is not Meet The Press.
Harvey: You just want me to talk about simple-minded bullshit, David. But I ain’t co-opted like you. I got things to say.
Letterman: Relax, Harvey.
Harvey: For instance, I want to talk about a conflict of interest situation. Can we do that, David? How about that? You know, like GE owning this network, NBC. GE has basically become a military, industrial, financial…
Letterman: Can we get the singing shitzu back here? Has he left the building yet?
Harvey: You think NBC news is gonna cover what they do fairly? I got other things I wanna talk about.
Letterman: That’s enough…
Harvey: Just shut up, man! Don’t push me. I’m doing my own thing.
Letterman: Harvey, this is not…
Harvey: Are you afraid of the truth, David?
Letterman: It’s not about what you’re saying. It’s about your choice of venue. It may come as a shock to you, but this is a comedy show.
Harvey: Not tonight, it ain’t.
Letterman: You can take your winning personality and go get your own show.
Harvey: I don’t want my own goddamn show.
Letterman: We’ve had you on this show many times. You sulk, complain, and promote your comic book…and you really haven’t been appreciative.
Harvey: You didn’t do me any favors, okay? I’m still a file clerk. I’ve always been a file clerk… and it’s no thanks to you or to your goddamn pathetic audience.
Letterman: We’re gonna take a commercial. And when we come back, guess who’s not gonna be here.
Harvey: You want me to leave, David? Come on, ask me like a man. Don’t go hiding behind a commercial.

Or, nowadays, 10 commercials in a row.

[after watching the movie Revenge of the Nerds]
Harvey: What a crock of shit, man.
Joyce: You missed the whole point of the movie.
Harvey: Where the hell am I supposed to find the point in garbage? I agree with Toby.
Joyce: I think it’s a story of hope and tolerance.
Toby: Yes, it’s about time that the people who get picked on get to be the heroes.
Harvey: It’s an entertaining flick and all, and I can see why you like it, Toby. But those people on the screen ain’t even supposed to be you man! They’re college students who live with their parents in big houses in the suburbs. They’re gonna get degrees, get good jobs, and they’re gonna stop being nerds man! Look, Toby, the guys in that movie are not 28-year-old file clerks who live with their grandmother in an ethnic ghetto. They didn’t get their computers the way you did…by trading in a bunch of box tops and $49.50 at the supermarket.
Toby: You’re funny, Harvey.

Let's run this by Letterman.

Harvey: Joyce, tell me the truth. Am I a guy who writes about himself in a comic book? Or am I just a character in that book?
Joyce: What are you talking about? What are you saying?
Harvey: If I die, will that character keep going? Or will he just fade away?


Harvey Pekar: My name is Harvey Pekar - that’s an unusual name - Harvey Pekar. 1960 was the year I got my first apartment and my first phone book. Now imagine my surprise when I looked up my name and saw that in addition to me, another Harvey Pekar was listed. Now I was listed as “Harvey L. Pekar”, my middle name is Lawrence, and he was listed as “Harvey Pekar” therefore his was a - was a pure listing. Then in the '70s, I noticed that a third Harvey Pekar was listed in the phone book, now this filled me with curiosity. How can there be three people with such an unusual name in the world, let alone in one city? Then one day, a person I work with, expressed her sympathy with me, concerning what she thought, was the death of my father, and she pointed out an obituary notice in the newspaper for a man named Harvey Pekar. And one of his sons was named Harvey. And these were the other Harvey Pekar’s. And six months later, Harvey Pekar Jr. died. And although I’ve met neither man, I was filled with sadness, ‘what were they like?’, I thought, it seemed that our lives had been linked in some indefinable way. But the story does not end there, for two years later, another ‘Harvey Pekar’ appeared in the phone book. Who are these people? Where do they come from? What do they do? What’s in a name? Who is “Harvey Pekar”?

Or John Smith for that matter.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“In a well-functioning democracy, the state constitution is considered more important than God's holy book, whichever holy book that may be, and God matters only in your private life.” Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Next up: the democracy that we actually have. Or, perhaps, more to the point, what's left of it?

“I don't think it is a good mental health practice to fantasize that you know the infinite thoughts of imaginary entities.” Stefan Molyneux

Next up: the wackos here.

“Religion does not help me. The faith that others give to what is unseen, I give to what one can touch, and look at. My gods dwell in temples made with hands; and within the circle of actual experience is my creed made perfect and complete: too complete, it may be, for like many or all of those who have placed their heaven in this earth, I have found in it not merely the beauty of heaven, but the horror of hell also.” Oscar Wilde

The fool!

“Each of us is aware he's a material being, subject to the laws of physiology and physics, and that the strength of all our emotions combined cannot counteract those laws. It can only hate them. The eternal belief of lovers and poets in the power of love which is more enduring that death, the finis vitae sed non amoris that has pursued us through the centuries is a lie. But this lie is not ridiculous, it's simply futile. To be a clock on the other hand, measuring the passage of time, one that is smashed and rebuilt over and again, one in whose mechanism despair and love are set in motion by the watchmaker along with the first movements of the cogs. To know one is a repeater of suffering felt ever more deeply as it becomes increasingly comical through a multiple repetitions. To replay human existence - fine. But to replay it in the way a drunk replays a corny tune pushing coins over and over into the jukebox?” Stanisław Lem

Any drunks here? You know, if you get his drift.

“So many things were testing his faith. There was the Bible, of course, but the Bible was a book, and so were Bleak House, Treasure Island, Ethan Frome and The Last of the Mohicans. Did it then seem probable, as he had once overheard Dunbar ask, that the answers to riddles of creation would be supplied by people too ignorant to understand the mechanics of rainfall? Had Almighty God, in all His infinite wisdom, really been afraid that men six thousand years ago would succeed in building a tower to heaven?” Joseph Heller

Next up: Catch-22s in Heaven.

“The Maker of the universe with stars a hundred thousand light-years apart was interested, furious, and very personal about it if a small boy played baseball on Sunday afternoon.” Sinclair Lewis

You know, if that's actually true.
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Re: Quote of the day

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Not being deaf myself [and never having interacted at length with anyone who was] I can only speculate that this is an entirely different manner in which to embody dasein. You are outside the norm so you create a new norm in the deaf community. But in many different ways others are outside the norm too. And even within the norm you create there are as many different narratives as there for those outside your own. Somehow these gaps need to be bridged while at the same time accommodating the ones that can never be.

Here they do an admirable job in discovering that above all else this is never easy. And nothing [of importance] is ever really fully resolved.

But how large is the gap between being born deaf and having once being a hearing person and then gone deaf?

Children of a Lesser God

James: You know, if you let me, I bet I could teach you how to speak.
Sarah: And I could teach you to mop the floor.
James: But I don’t want to mop the floor.
Sarah: And I don’t want to speak.
[She walks away]
James [to himself]: Schmuck.

A beautiful schmuck though.

James [of the waiter]: He doesn’t think you’re stupid. He thinks you’re deaf. Only stupid hearing people think that deaf people are stupid.

He's hooked her. Though not for long.

Mrs Norman: Let’s get this straight. Sarah doesn’t want to see me.
James: Has she said why?
Mrs Norman: We don’t communicate very well.
James: Did you ever learn to sign? Some of the parents…
Mrs Norman: I’m really sick of you people coming here every few years asking the same questions, blaming me.
James: God. No one’s blaming you.
Mrs Norman: Of course they are. They can’t blame themselves. So, it’s all my fault. Fine. I don’t give a damn anymore.

No, really, whose fault is it?

James: I really just came to ask one question. What happened when Sarah tried to speak?
Mrs: Norman: What happened? She looked awful. She sounded awful. People made fun of her. What do you think?

Back to Chad and the "company of men"?
And boys, of course.

Sarah: Hearing boys? They could never be bothered to learn my language. I was always expected to learn to speak. Well, I don’t speak. Sex was always something I could do as well as hearing girls. Better! At first, I let them have me because they wanted to. Before long, the boys were lined up on a waiting list my sister kept for me. No introduction, no talk. Just went to a dark place and fucked. They didn’t even take me out for a Coke first.

Boys will be boys?

James: Sarah…you are the most mysterious, beautiful, angry person I have ever met.

And if she wasn't beautiful?
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Re: Quote of the day

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Children of a Lesser God

Dr Franklin: Oh, uh…your size?
James: Yeah.
Dr. Franklin: Be careful, Jimbo.

He takes the shoe and leaves, as I recall.

Dr. Franklin: Nobody’s going to fuck with one of my students.
James: She’s no student!
Dr. Franklin: Alright, nobody’s going to fuck with one of my employees. It’s going to stop!
James: She’s quitting her job! She’s quitting. She’s moving in with me!
Dr Franklin: Oh. Oh, I see. She’s going to be your maid now, huh?

A maid with benefits?

James: Sarah…what do you want?
Sarah: You.
James: You got me. What else?
Sarah: Children. I want deaf children.
James: What do you want me to say, that I want deaf children? No, I don’t. But if they were, that would be fine.

That's reminds me of Maia and wanting or not wanting blind children. Maia. Remember her?

James [on phone]: Don’t translate that to Orin. Please. No, I’m not saying please. Wait a minute. That was Orin saying please. Look, it’s my fault. I probably sounded like myself instead of like the dorm counselor sounding like Orin.

A deaf thing.

James: You know I haven’t turned on my hi-fi since you…Hold it. That sounds like…like I’m blaming you for me not listening to music…Thank you. I will. I’ll rest my hands and listen to something beautiful.
[Bach Plays]
James: I can’t enjoy it. I can’t, because you can’t.

Next up: the sounds of silence.

James: What do you hear? I mean, is it just silence
Sarah: No one has ever gotten in there to find out.
James: Will you ever let me in?

Like he can ever be in as a hearing man.
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Re: Quote of the day

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Children of a Lesser God

Sarah: Nothing. I can do nothing. I’m equipped for nothing and trained for nothing. I feel like an idiot. You treat me like an idiot. You pity me. And now you see Marian…
James: What about Marian?
Sarah: Let me be me. You don’t. You want me to be a deaf person so you can change me into a hearing person!

Actually, it may well be more cynical than that.

Sarah: …you think for me, think for Sarah. As though there were no “I.” I will be with you, quit my job, learn how to play poker, leave Orin’s party, learn how to speak." That’s all you, not me. Until you let me be an “I” the way you are, you can never come inside my silence and know me. And I can’t let myself know you.
James: Well…that’s all very moving. But how are you going to manage? You can lock yourself back in your precious silent castle…I heard. I heard every word, goddamn it. I translated for myself. It went from your hands into my brain and out my mouth. And you know what? I think you’re lying. I don’t think that you think being deaf is so goddamn wonderful. I think that you’re scared to death to try. I think it’s nothing but stupid pride that’s keeping you from speaking right. You want to be on your own. You don’t want to be pitied. Then you learn to read my lips and use your mouth for something besides showing me you’re better than hearing girls in bed. Read my lips. What am I saying? You want to talk to me, then you learn my language. Did you understand that? Of course you did. You’ve probably been reading lips for years. But that’s the great control game, isn’t it? I’m the controller? What a fucking joke. Now, come on! Speak to me! Speak! Speak to me!
Sarah [all but screaming]: Aah! See my mouth! Aah! Hear my voice! I’m not afraid!

Wow, that changed things. Or not as the case may be.

Mother: I sent you away because I didn’t know how to take care of you. Your father couldn’t accept you. He felt he’d failed…You’re right. I hated you for driving him away. Please forgive me.

The human condition...one convoluted context at a time.

James: Do you think that we could find a place where we can meet - not in silence and not in sound?

Sort of?

Sarah: I have been angry since I was a little girl. I didn’t want to hurt again, so I used my anger to push you away. I’m sorry.
James: I’m sorry…for hurting you.
Sarah: But I learned from you. I learned that I can hurt…and I won’t shrivel up and blow away.
James: I don’t want to be without you, either. Do you think that we could find a place where we can meet not in silence and not in sound?

Actually, in "real life" they had a two year relationship. On the other hand...

"Hurt, then 35, was at the height of his acting career while nineteen-year-old Matlin was a Hollywood newcomer. In her 2009 autobiography I'll Scream Later, Marlee Matlin disclosed that William Hurt subjected her to repeated emotional, physical, and sexual abuse throughout their two-year relationship." medium
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Re: Quote of the day

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“It is not doubt, it is certainty which makes mad… But to feel in this way one must be profound, abyss, philosopher… We all fear truth.” Friedrich Nietzsche

Most, alas, still need one or another “my way or the highway” objectivist font in order to sanctimoniously divide up the world between the good guys and the bad guys.

“Sometimes I wonder if the human race isn’t collectively as mad as a sack of door knobs.” Jasper Fforde

Just out of curiosity, how mad is that?

“I swear that each of us keeps, battened down inside himself, a sort of lunatic giant - impossible socially, but full-scale - and that it’s the knockings and batterings we sometimes hear in each other that keeps our intercourse from utter banality.” Elizabeth Bowen

You tell me.

“And what is an authentic madman? It is a man who preferred to become mad, in the socially accepted sense of the word, rather than forfeit a certain superior idea of human honor. So society has strangled in its asylums all those it wanted to get rid of or protect itself from, because they refused to become its accomplices in certain great nastinesses. For a madman is also a man whom society did not want to hear and whom it wanted to prevent from uttering certain intolerable truths.” Antonin Artaud

Not counting all the ones who actually are insane.

“I walked into my own book, seeking peace. It was night, and I made a careless movement inside the dream; I turned too brusquely the corner and I bruised myself against my madness.” Anaïs Nin

Next up: walking into your own post here. Or, more troubling still, walking into mine?

“Three causes especially have excited the discontent of mankind; and, by impelling us to seek remedies for the irremediable, have bewildered us in a maze of madness and error. These are death, toil, and the ignorance of the future…” Charles MacKay

Your three might be different.

“Stupidity consists of limitation, madness of limitlessness, and genius of their balance.” Sebastián Wortys

Though not necessarily in that order. Plus all the other god-awful things we come across here.
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Re: Quote of the day

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Asperger’s syndrome. It’s a type of Autism. A busted brain. Only some parts of it are anything but.

It makes no difference where you go, there are always bullies and thugs. Here a lot more than there but no less infuriating there I’ll bet. Being different, of course. These scumbags always poke around there. And then you learn the scumbags are bullied in turn. Somewhere. At home usually. That makes it harder to despise them. Then you think: it’s “the system”. It’s the nature of capitalism in the modern world to twist the lumpenproletariat [the NEDS] into the worst sort of human beings.

As for video games that take you into another world and let you be who you wish you were rather than who you are [here it is ArchLord] I’ve never had any inclination to play them. But I can easily understand why others would.

Would that all the scumbag bullies could be exposed like this. Not to mention "the system".

Ben X

Ben [narrating]: It’s hard to explain. It’s hard to explain myself. But I never tell lies. Everything I say is true, even when I don’t say a thing.

Actually, it's a bit more complicated, one suspects.

Ben: I’m the one who is always wrong but no one could tell me exactly how to be right.

Right about what though?

Doctor: Think of them as a computer that is configured differently. They see everything. They see every leaf extremely clearly, but they don’t see the tree. They literally can’t see the forest for the trees.

If only going all the way back to...God?

Teacher: God damn it, Bogaert! Leave Ben alone!..Ben’s just different from you, from the below-average members of the class. Fortunately for him if you ask me. But you obviously find it very difficult to accept that someone is different.

Of course this just puts a bigger target on Ben.

Doctor: He has extraordinary perception. But every day he fights to be ordinary.

Next up: the bullies take on it all.

Doctor: They are volcanoes. They are walking volcanoes. Timebombs living under cover in our world. We don’t know when they will erupt. And their reactions often happen much later than the cause.

Much, much later in this case. But it's worth waiting for.
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Re: Quote of the day

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“Death doesn't exist. It never did, it never will. But we've drawn so many pictures of it, so many years, trying to pin it down, comprehend it, we've got to thinking of it as an entity, strangely alive and greedy. All it is, however, is a stopped watch, a loss, an end, a darkness. Nothing.” Ray Bradbury

Right, right, that's all it is.

“Son. Everyone dies alone. That's what it is. It's a door. It's one person wide. When you go through it, you do it alone. But it doesn't mean you've got to be alone before you go through the door. And believe me, you aren't alone on the other side.” Jim Butcher

Yet another example of, "it's true because in my head I believe it's true."

“I would request that my body in death be buried not cremated, so that the energy content contained within it gets returned to the earth, so that flora and fauna can dine upon it, just as I have dined upon flora and fauna during my lifetime” Neil deGrasse Tyson

Good point?

“Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” J. Robert Oppenheimer

In the interim, let's make him a...star?

“No sense of the irony of human experience, that we are the highest form of life on earth, and yet ineffably sad because we know what no other animal knows, that we must die.” Don DeLillo

Not counting those who ineffably snuff themselves.

“I know, too, that death is the only god who comes when you call. ”Roger Zelazny

How's that working out for you?
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Re: Quote of the day

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Ben X

Ben [narrating]: And then it was over. I was over. Eyes open again, head shut once more. Then it was time for truthfulness. Shamefulness, painfulness. Everything can be destroyed so easily. Why couldn’t I just be destroyed too?

Or, perhaps, not be humiliated over and over again?

Ben [narrating]: The endgame. The endThe endThe endThe endThe endThe endThe endThe endThe end. The endgame.

Yours might be different.

Father: I remember he once asked me, "How many reasons does one need to commit suicide?" I asked him what he meant by how many. He said, “How many? Two, five, ten?” That’s what he was thinking about. He wanted to know if he had enough.

Of course, all it takes is one.

Ben [narrating]: The endgame. My plan. The one-word plan. Murder. The murder of myself. Catch the train to nowhere. There is one advantage to killing yourself. You never have to look far for your victim.

Of course, we know [or will know] it's not that endgame at all.

Scarlite: If you think it’s all over quickly, you’re wrong. Even if you’re lucky enough to be decapitated immediately, apparently your head remains conscious for another 13 to 15 seconds. So you can imagine that what goes through your mind isn’t pleasant.

You know, if that's actually true.

Scarlite: Do you want to quit this world, Ben? Go on then, go. But if you want revenge, take revenge. Otherwise you’re exactly what they say you are, a loser.

Uh, start here? https://www.amazon.com/Get-Even-Complet ... 0873641868

Ben [narrating]: She called it dying creatively. Suicide without dying. I had to learn everything. But I’d forgotten the most important thing. Learning to lie. To deceive.

And did they ever.

Mother [on TV]: Someone had to die first. Otherwise you wouldn’t have come. Not for a boy. You can’t keep on begging and asking. And asking again and again and again that something be done to put a stop to it. That they would finally stop tormenting my son and making his life so impossible.

But what will really change in the world we know now? For as many as are shamed many more will be reborn in the belly of the capitalist beast. Just note all the bullies here.
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