Quote of the day

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

This Is Spinal Tap

David St. Hubbins: I believe virtually everything I read, and I think that is what makes me more of a selective human than someone who doesn't believe anything.

Too close to call?

David St. Hubbins: We say, "Love your brother." We don't say it really, but...
Nigel Tufnel: We don't literally say it.
David St. Hubbins: No, we don't say it.
Nigel Tufnel: We don't really, literally mean it.
David St. Hubbins: No, we don't believe it either, but...
Nigel Tufnel: But we're not racists.
David St. Hubbins: But that message should be clear, anyway.
Nigel Tufnel: We're anything but racists.

Pick two:
1] too woke
2] not woke enough

Nigel Tufnel: Really the young girls are quite fearful—that’s my theory. They see us on stage with tight trousers. We’ve got, you know, armadillos in our trousers. I mean it’s really quite frightening….

He's got 11 armadillaos in there himself.

[Asked by a reporter if this is the end of Spinal Tap]
David St. Hubbins: Well, I don't really think that the end can be assessed as of itself as being the end because what does the end feel like? It's like saying when you try to extrapolate the end of the universe, you say, if the universe is indeed infinite, then how - what does that mean? How far is all the way, and then if it stops, what's stopping it, and what's behind what's stopping it? So, what's the end, you know, is my question to you.

New thread?

Mick Shrimpton: As long as there's, you know, sex and drugs, I can do without the rock and roll.

Same here?

Derek Smalls: You know, we've grown musically. I mean, you listen to some of the rubbish we did early on, it was stupid, you know. Now, I mean a song like "Sex Farm", we've taken the sophisticated view of the idea of sex, you know, and music...
Marty DiBergi: And putting it on a farm?
Derek Smalls: Yeah.

Let's put it here?

Jeanine Pettibone: The band's sign is Virgo, and we see it's Saturn in the third house, alright, and it is a bit rocky. But, because Virgo is one of the most highly intelligent signs of the Zodiac, we're gonna pull through this, with great aplomb.

What's our sign here?

Limo driver: Excuse me… are you reading “Yes I Can”?
Band groupie: Yeah, have you read it?
Limo driver: Yeah, by Sammy Davis, Jr.?
Band groupie: Yeah.
Limo driver: You know what the title of that book should be? “Yes, I Can If Frank Sinatra Says It’s OK”.

You tell me.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by Impenitent »

David St. Hubbins: "Oh, we've got a bigger dressing room than the puppets. That's refreshing."


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Re: Quote of the day

Post by Sculptor »

"Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning? It sounds interesting to me, so we'll see. But the whole concept of the light, the way it kills it in one minute. That's pretty powerful."

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by Sculptor »

“Hillary wants to abolish, essentially abolish, the second amendment, the right to have a gun,
if she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people,
maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by Sculptor »

This is an actual sentence spoken by Bigfatorangebabyman..
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by Sculptor »

And do not forget the classic...

"I have the words. I have the best words.."

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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Marilynne Robinson from Housekeeping

When she had been married a little while, she concluded that love was half a longing of a kind that possession did nothing to mitigate.

My own marriage certainly didn't.

Cain killed Abel, and the blood cried out from the ground--a story so sad that even God took notice of it. Maybe it was not the sadness of the story, since worse things have happened every minute since that day, but its novelty that He found striking. In the newness of the world God was a young man, and grew indignant over the slightest things. In the newness of the world God had perhaps not Himself realized the ramifications of certain of his laws, for example, that shock will spend itself in waves; that our images will mimic every gesture, and that shattered they will multiply and mimic every gesture ten, a hundred, or a thousand times. Cain, the image of God, gave the simple earth of the field a voice and a sorrow, and God himself heard the voice, and grieved for the sorrow, so Cain was a creator, in the image of his creator.

Well, that clears something up no doubt.

Then there is the matter of my mother's abandonment of me. Again, this is the common experience. They walk ahead of us, and walk too fast, and forget us, they are so lost in thoughts of their own, and soon or late they disappear. The only mystery is that we expect it to be otherwise.

Perhaps because for others it is otherwise?

Everything that falls upon the eye is apparition, a sheet dropped over the world's true workings. The nerves and the brain are tricked, and one is left with dreams that these specters loose their hands from ours and walk away, the curve of the back and the swing of the coat so familiar as to imply that they should be permanent fixtures of the world, when in fact nothing is more perishable.

Not counting all the things that are, of course.

I have never distinguished readily between thinking and dreaming. I know my life would be much different if I could ever say, "This I have learned from my senses, while that I have merely imagined."

After all, the senses never deceive.

I do have an impulse to sort of leverage what I say against something I disagree with.

Leveraging here.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by promethean75 »

"These go to eleven" - Nigel Tufnel
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

Jungle Fever

Lucinda Purify: What happened to the color TV?
Gator Purify: Mama, I smoked the color TV!

If you know what he means.

Flipper Purify: There's something you should know. I'm having an affair.
Cyrus: H-bomb! H-bomb!
Flipper Purify: It gets worse. She's white.
Cyrus: Nuclear holocaust!

However scripted this affair might be.

Gator Purify: I swear before God...and four more white people! This is the last time!

Cue Harry and Tyrone?

Lucinda Purify: Lord have mercy...on your twisted soul!

Gator, of course. Only nowadays, as a shill for Captial One, he takes in ten million dollars a year.

The Good Reverend: How much money did he ask for?
Lucinda: Gator did no such thing!

How much? A hundred bucks that time.

Angie: I do admit I was looking at your skin.
Flipper: Boy, it’s amazing, this preoccupation with color. I mean here you are staring at me. My experiences, my people, I’ve been called every…Black, dot, smut, midnight, spot. Every black derogatory name you could ever think of. And then white people comment all the time. They love it. It’s a deep, dark tan.
Angie: Sorry. It’s kind of messed up, huh?
Flipper: Yeah, it really is.

None of that here though, right? Well, if you don't read between the lines.

Flipper: I have to admit I’ve been curious about Caucasian women. That doesn’t mean to say that white is right and sisters aren’t beautiful. Sisters are beautiful too. I mean, hey, hey, that doesn’t mean to say that because a brother is with a white girl that he’s less down, I mean, less progressive. I’m still very pro-black.

And, of course, Mike, Angie's Dad, is still very pro-white.

Then Flipper gets caught and Drew’s friends try to deconstruct the affair: The “war council”.


Drew: I’ve told you what happened to me when I was growin’ up. I’ve explained to you. I’ve poured my heart out. I told you how they called me high yellow, yellow bitch. White honky, honky white; white n*****, n***** white; Octoroon, quadroon, half-breed, mongrel!

Start here: https://youtu.be/snxtT7xr-nY?si=mHrT-Ure-ms0jWdw

Mike [Angie’s father]: A n*****! A n*****! A n*****! What kind of woman…
Angie: Daddy!
Mike [slapping, beating Angie around the room]: What kind of a woman are you? You fuck a black n*****? I didn’t raise you to be with no n*****! I’d rather you be a murderer or a child molester than fuck a black n*****!..Your mother’s turning over in her grave.
Angie: Stop, Daddy!
Mike: This is how you scar your mother’s memory? I raised you to be a good Catholic girl. You’re a disgrace! You’re a disgrace! You’re a disgrace to the Italians! You’re a disgrace! You could’ve gone out with a Jew or Irishman but you picked a fucking n*****!..I 'd rather stab myself in the heart with a fucking knife than be the father of a n***** lover!!

Let's run this by Satyr and his ilk here.

The Good Reverend: My own flesh and blood, my firstborn son, and I love you. But you’re evil and your better off dead!
Gator: Mama, check out this new step. I made it up just for you.
[Gator dances towards his father, mockingly]
The Good Reverend: I’ll pray for you, my son. Father, I stretch my hands to Thee.
[He shoots Gator dead]

Good riddance?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


Henry Barthes: Whatever is on my mind, I say it as I feel it, I'm truthful to myself; I'm young and I'm old, I've been bought and I've been sold, so many times. I am hard-faced, I am gone. I am just like you.

In other words, more or less fractured and fragmented.

Quote from Camus on the screen: “And never have I felt so deeply at one and at the same time so detached from myself and so present in the world.”

Uh, theoretically?

Henry Barthes: How are you to imagine anything if the images are always provided for you? Doublethink. To deliberately believe in lies, while knowing they're false. Examples of this in everyday life: "Oh, I need to be pretty to be happy. I need surgery to be pretty. I need to be thin, famous, fashionable." Our young men today are being told that women are whores, bitches, things to be screwed, beaten, shit on, and shamed. This is a marketing holocaust. Twenty-four hours a day for the rest of our lives, the powers that be are hard at work dumbing us to death. So to defend ourselves, and fight against assimilating this dullness into our thought processes, we must learn to read. To stimulate our own imagination, to cultivate our own consciousness, our own belief systems. We all need skills to defend, to preserve our own minds.

Or to scatter -- even shatter -- them.

Henry Barthes: A child's intelligent heart can fathom the depth of many dark places, but can it fathom the delicate moment of its own detachment?

From what though?

Meredith: Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

As though it could never be otherwise?

Henry Barthes: Y'know you can't... you can't keep living on the street...
Erica: I'm not, I mean, I'm staying here with you.
Henry Barthes: Well, you can't continue to stay here with me. I'm not good for you...
Erica: That's not true. You're like, the only family I've ever had...
Henry Barthes: Well, I can't be your family, I can't give you what you need. You have to understand, you should be...
Erica: You're good and gentle, you're the most kind... I love you Henry. Don't let them take me, please nooooooooo, you're all I have, please don't let me go.
[Social workers take her away still protesting]

To sir with, well, you tell me?

Henry Barthes: It doesn't take strength Meredith, you've gotta understand that, unfortunately, most people lack self-awareness.

Or demand the same awareness from you.

Henry: Did you pay her?
The John: Oh, yeah. Right. Right.
[The John pulls money out of his wallet and hands it to Henry]
Henry: What are you paying me for? It wasn’t in my mouth.

Meet Erica.

Doris: I’m a total burnout.
Charles: No you’re not.
Doris: Yes I am.
Charles: I mean, I don’t know how you make it through the day, but listen, what do you think I take these pills for? I mean, that’s a rubber room in there. If I didn’t take these things I’d be committing mass murder on half the parents. I’d be throwing the fucking kids out the window.

And the equivalent of that here. If there is one.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


Jed: [during his deposition] which makes me wonder if this 'lawyer' has any idea what kind of grades one must receive in college to be accepted at a top medical school, if you have the vaguest clue on how talented one must be to lead a surgical team. I have an M.D. from Harvard, I am board certified in cardio-thoracic medicine and trauma surgery, I have been awarded citations from seven different medical boards in New England, and I am never, ever sick at sea. So I ask you; when someone goes into that chapel and they fall on their knees and they pray to God that their wife doesn't miscarry or that their daughter doesn't bleed to death or that their mother doesn't suffer acute neural trama from postoperative shock, who do you think they're praying to? Now, go ahead and read your Bible, Dennis, and you go to your church, and, with any luck, you might win the annual raffle, but if you're looking for God, he was in operating room number two on November 17, and he doesn't like to be second guessed. You ask me if I have a God complex. Let me tell you something: I am God.

It's all an act. Except the parts that aren't.

Dr. Jed Hill: I'm the new guy around here and I want to make friends, so I'll say this to you and we'll start fresh. If you don't like my jokes, don't laugh. If you have a medical opinion, then please speak up and speak up loud. But if you ever again tell me or my surgical staff that we're going to lose a patient, I'm gonna take out your lungs with a fuckin' ice cream scoop. Do you understand me?

And how ironic is that?

Mrs. Kennsinger: Welcome to the game.

A classic scene: https://youtu.be/hJ_hYqA2WgE?si=G_7hxpqDySnm--3N

Andy: I had a chat with your mom. Not bad looking for someone who has been dead for 12 years.
Tracy: What do want, Andy?
Andy: That woman changed my life. I don’t think I’m overstating the case and she knows some pretty cool card tricks.
Tracy: Cut the shit! What do you want?!
Andy: I want half. What the fuck do you think I want!

Trace will get back to him.

Tracy: Ask God how many shots of bourbon he had before he cut me open.

And it's all just an act! The long con!!

Andy Safian: Sit the fuck down.
Tracy: What?
Andy Safian: I said sit the fuck down.

Another fish, another barrel.

Andy: Dana, what do you think he does with the hair? He cuts off all their hair. What do you think he does with it?
Dana: Makes pillows, who knows.

Not even close?

Nurse: I know why you guys become doctors.
Jed: It’s not what you think.
Nurse: I think it’s so you can make a lot of money and see a lot of naked women.
Jed: Oh, well, then it is what you think.

With Bryan Ferry blasting in the background.

Dana: Let me ask you something. How well do you know Tracy?
Andy: She’s my wife.
Dana: I want you to come back to the station with me. I want to show you something.

A plot twist let's call it.

Andy: What happened to the baby? The Newport millionaire.
Mother: She pocketed the money he gave her for the abortion. Went downtown to the clinic. She ended up working for the doctor.
Andy: What was the name of the doctor? Was the name of the doctor David Lillianfield? Was the name of the doctor David Lillianfield?!
Mother: Welcome to the game.

Like I said, the long, long, long con.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“A man who wants to die feels angry and full of life and desperate and bored and exhausted, all at the same time; he wants to fight everyone, and he wants to curl up in a ball and hide in a cupboard somewhere. He wants to say sorry to everyone, and he wants everyone to know just how badly they've all let him down.” Nick Hornby

Covering all the bases as it were.

“A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic.” Joseph Stalin

And he ought to know.

“Six hundred and forty fish later, the only thing I know is everything you love will die. The first time you meet someone special, you can count on them one day being dead and in the ground.” Chuck Palahniuk

Next up: the first time they meet you.

“Women were different, no doubt about it. Men broke so much more quickly. Grief didn't break women. Instead it wore them down, it hollowed them out very slowly.” Cornelia Funke

Except when it's the other way around.

“The phoenix must burn to emerge.” Janet Fitch

Yeah, what about that?

“Whatever happens, they say afterwards, it must have been fate. People are always a little confused about this, as they are in the case of miracles. When someone is saved from certain death by a strange concatenation of circumstances, they say that's a miracle. But of course if someone is killed by a freak chain of events -- the oil spilled just there, the safety fence broken just there -- that must also be a miracle. Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous.” Terry Pratchett

Yeah, what about that?
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »

The Great Santini

Ben: Would you like to die in action, Dad?
Bull: It’s better than dying of piles.

Next up: the piles here.

Mary Anne: He does remind me someone from the movies, but it’s not Rhett Butler.
Karen: Who’s that?
Mary Anne: Godzilla.

Godzilla...the lifer.

Bull [to Lillian]: Our son has it all. He’s fast, he’s got balance, he’s got smarts. But I think you gentled him too much. It screws up his instincts and his timing. There’s one thing I want to give my son and that’s the gift of fury. I want him to gobble up the world. Eat life, or it’ll eat him.

For example, in Vietnam, in Afghanistan, in Iraq.

Lillian: Your father is very nervous about this game. Look at me, young lady! Look at me! You’ve got to interpret the signals he gives off!
Mary Anne: No problem! He always gives off the signals of a psychopathic killer, so it really doesn’t matter how you interpret them!

On the other hand, unlike Sgt. Maj. Zack Carey, he doesn't own a tank.

Mary Anne: Hey Dad, why do you love me more than your other children?
Bull: Beat it, I’m reading the sports page.
Mary Anne: Let’s have a conversation Dad. Let’s bare our souls and get to know one another.
Bull: I don’t want you to get to know me. I like being an enigma, like a Chink. Now scram.
Mary Anne: Am I a Meechum Dad? Can girls be real Meechums; girls without jump shots? Or am I a simple form of Meechum, like in biology. Mary Anne, the one-celled Meechum.
Bull: Mary Anne scram, I’m starting to lose my temper; Lilian!
Mary Anne: [falls to the ground] Dad, I’m pregnant. I’m pregnant by a negro Daddy. His name is Rufus, I didn’t wanna tell you but since we’re baring our souls to each other. Rufus is a pacifist; a pacifist homosexual.
Bull: Jesus H. Christ! Lillian, I’m going to the club. I’ll see you all at the game! I can’t stand it around here!
[storms off as Mary Anne follows him.]
Mary Anne: But you’ll get to like him after awhile Dad. Dwarfs are easy to like, especially when they’re bald and cross-eyed…Dad…Dad…DAD!!

Actually, she doesn't go nearly far enough, does she?

Bull: No. Don’t get between niggers and grits when they go after each other. I’m giving you a direct order, Hog! Acknowledge!

Or else, in other words.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


“I think I am, therefore, I am. I think.” George Carlin

Though not anymore, one suspects.

“Our ability to adapt is amazing. Our ability to change isn't quite as spectacular.” Lisa Lutz

Hypocrisy, let's say.

“Do you know what punishments I've endured for my crimes, my sins? None. I am proof of the absurdity of men's most treasured abstractions. A just universe wouldn't tolerate my existence.” Brent Weeks

Not even theoretically?

“When we are shown scenes of starving children in Africa, with a call for us to do something to help them, the underlying ideological message is something like: "Don't think, don't politicize, forget about the true causes of their poverty, just act, contribute money, so that you will not have to think!” Slavoj Zizek

Okay, true, but only until the workers of the world unite.

“I suppose therefore that all things I see are illusions; I believe that nothing has ever existed of everything my lying memory tells me. I think I have no senses. I believe that body, shape, extension, motion, location are functions. What is there then that can be taken as true? Perhaps only this one thing, that nothing at all is certain.” Rene Descartes

He thought.

“There are two kinds of people in this world: Those who believe there are two kinds of people in this world and those who are smart enough to know better.” Tom Robbins

There could be as many as four or five.
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Re: Quote of the day

Post by iambiguous »


Peter Cable: I have no idea what I'm going to do. I'm so deeply puzzled. I've done terrible things, I've killed three people. Really, I don't consider myself a terrible man, no more than-than others. See, Tom Gruneman had discovered me. We were here on business together and he found me and Jane McKenna in my hotel room. She had become hysterical and she started screaming and I guess I hit her. I don't actually recall, it all happened so quickly. Anyway, she fell and hit her head and that's when Tom came in the room. I guess he must have heard her screaming. But I never understood really why she... she did that, she had never screamed before. And it was the revulsion and the contempt that I saw in his face. And the certainty that sooner or later he would use it against me within the company. And I tried to endure that as long as I possibly could, you see. Just want me to keep on talking, don't you?
Bree Daniel: No, I don't. I do understand, I really do.
Peter Cable: Make a man think that he's accepted. It's all a great big game to you. I mean, you're all obviously too lazy and too warped to do anything meaningful with your lives so you prey upon the sexual fantasies of others. I'm sure it comes as no great suprise to you when I say that there are little corners in everyone which were better off left alone; sicknesses, weaknesses, which-which should never be exposed. But that's your stock in trade, isn't it - a man's weakness? And I was never really fully aware of mine... until you brought them out.

Sex...and philosophy?

Bree Daniel: Look, will you please just try to get it from my side? A year ago I was in the life full time, I was living on Park Avenue. It was a very nice apartment, leather furniture... and then the cops dropped on me, they caged me. They started asking me about a guy, some guy, that I'm supposed to have seen a year before that. Two years ago! He could be in Yemen. Gruneman... what does that mean? It's a name! I don't know him! And they start showing me these pictures, and they don't mean anything to me. And then they started asking me if I've been getting letters from some guy out in Cabbageville.
John Klute: [coldly] Tuscarora.

That's what she said, cabbageville.

Bree Daniel: What's your bag, Klute? What do you like? Are you a talker? A button freak? Maybe you like to get your chest walked around with high heeled shoes. Or make 'em watch you tinkle. Or maybe you get off wearing women's clothes. Goddamned hypocrite squares!

Got a few of them here too.

Bree Daniel: Tell me, Klute. Did we get you a little? Huh? Just a little bit? Us city folk? The sin, the glitter, the wickedness? Huh?
John Klute: Ah - that's so pathetic.
Bree Daniel: Fuck off!

And eventually they both do.

Psychologist: What’s the difference between going on a call as a model or an actress, as a call girl? You’re successful as a call girl…
Bree: Because when you’re a call girl you control it, that’s why. Because someone wants you. Not me. I mean, there are some johns that I have regularly that want me and that’s terrific. But they want a woman and I know I’m good. I arrive at their hotel or their apartment and they’re usually nervous, which is fine, because I’m not. I know what I’m doing. For an hour I’m the best actress in the world. I’m the best fuck in the world. And…
Psychologist: Why did you say you’re the best actress in the world?
Bree: Because it’s an act. That’s what’s nice about it. You don’t have to feel anything. You don’t have to care about anything. You don’t have to like anybody. You just lead them by the ring in their nose in the direction they think they want to go. You get a lot of money out of them in as short period of time as possible. You control it and you call the shots and I always feel just great afterwards.
Psychologist: And you enjoyed it?
Bree: No.
Psychologist: Why not? You say there’s nothing wrong. Why not? You said…
Bree: There’s a difference. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it morally. I didn’t enjoy it physically. I came to enjoy it because it made me feel good. It made me feel like I wasn’t alone. It made me feel that I had some control over myself, that I had some control over my life. That I could determine things for myself. I don’t know. I don’t know why I’m here. It’s just so silly to think that somebody else can help anybody, isn’t it?

Silly, sad...lots of things.

Bree: Well, there’s this man, this detective and I don’t know exactly what is happening or what he wants out of me, or anything like that. But he took care of me.
Psychologist: Did you feel threatened by it?
Bree: I don’t know. When you’re used to being lonely and somebody comes in and moves that around, it’s sort of scary I guess.
Psychologist: How do you feel when you feel scared?
Bree: Angry.
Psychologist: At whom?
Bree: Whoever is making me feel that way.
Psychologist: Do you feel angry at him?
Bree; Half of the time, yes.
Psychologist: How do you feel angry? What do you want to do?
Bree: I want to manipulate him. How? In all the ways that I can manipulate people. I mean, it’s easy to manipulate men. Right?

That’s not what we see on the screen though. Or is that me up there?

Bree [to Klute]: You’re not gonna get hung up on me, are you?

What she never figured on though was getting hung up on him.
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