Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

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Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Gary Childress wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:24 am What evidence exists for the belief that the "primary" reason for Islamic terrorism is over religious reasons (the desire to destroy non-believers) and NOT over recent foreign policies of other nations that have intervened in their lands?

I mean, if Islam simply wanted to kill all non-believers, then how is it that there have apparently been many circumstances where non-Muslims have lived peacefully within Muslim controlled territories throughout its history (even during the height of its domination and power when surely they could easily have killed whomever they wanted in their own territories)?
How do you or I know whether ISIS truly expresses the intent of Muhammad anymore than, say the Crusades truly expressed the intent of a figure who was so radically pacifist that he apparently willingly died on a cross when he was ordered to be executed by his enemies?
I am confident of what I had stated re Islam because I had spent 3 years full time reading, researching and analyzing the Quran. In addition I have also studied basic Arabic sufficient for me to understand the linguistic principles [not oral] of Classical Arabic.

Thus I am confident of what I.S.I.S claimed actually reflect the true ethos of Islam.
I have not read the Quran but I've read and listened to audio and video from various scholars who have said that the Quran does not advocate war unless Muslims are attacked. Here's something to that effect from a blogger with the Huffington Post, which echoes what I've often heard stated with regard to the Quran and war/violence:
The fundamental Quranic principle is that fighting is allowed only in self-defense, and it is only against those who actively fight against you. Indeed, Islam is a religion that seeks to maximize peace and reconciliation. Yet, Islam is not a pacifist religion; it does accept the premise that, from time to time and as a last resort, arms must be taken up in a just war. ... 22114.html

Who should I believe, you or various scholars who seem to say otherwise? Have you read the Quran from cover to cover? I have not. And even if either of us have read it cover to cover, does that even guarantee understanding anymore than a Pope "understands" the teachings and motives of Christ when he orders a "crusade" that apparently ends up killing many innocent women and children in a foreign land?
You would be more wiser not to believe me or the various scholars.
I have given you the other views based on my own competence, but preferably you should verify it by reading [thoroughly] the Quran itself.
If you do not intent to read the Quran it would be wiser to suspend judgment and not believe in one side only.

The majority of Muslims do not read the Quran but accept what their clergy preach to them.
In general the majority of the clergy who are full time scholars and thus familiar with the main ethos of Islam which is generally evil will impute a range of evilness in their message to the masses.
A majority of the masses will be influenced to some degree of evilness but a % who are evil prone will be strongly to be evil and violent. Note if this % is 20% conservatively, there would be a pool of 300 million evil prone Muslims. This is so evident by this type of stats and others;

which prove my thesis to be true, i.e. Islam's ethos is inherently evil and violent.

Whilst Islam is inherent malignantly evil and violent, the majority of Muslims are ignorant of it or are blind to it even if they have read the verses and interpret them with all sorts of excuses like the link you provided above. These good Muslims just cannot believe a religion can be inherently evil and violent, thus they give all sorts of excuses for the evil and violent elements as just-wars, self-defense, situational, historical, etc.

But the default is all religions are supposed to be peaceful or seen as peaceful, thus should never include any elements of potential evil and violence within their doctrines, especially where it involve the command of a God who hold their life by a thread.

The fact that the Quran [core of Islam] contain evil elements is evident it was compiled by a group of humans with strong evil tendencies just like the Mein Kempf. I am sure because God is an impossibility to be real.

As with Christianity, Jesus and the NT has an overriding pacifist Maxim, i.e. love your enemy or give your right cheek, love this or love that else Goto Hell!
If Jesus had given such an overriding maxim which Christian would dare to go against it.

Therefore when a Christian commit a killing of the enemy or others, it is because they have no choice to do it or impulsively on their own human nature. It cannot be driven by the doctrines from Jesus. One cannot blame Christianity itself in such cases.
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Age »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:10 am
Age wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:25 pm
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 4:31 am Eventually they will be committing evil and violent acts in compliance with the tenets/command of Islam as their divine duty.
YOU still do NOT and can NOT GET IT.

YOU, veritas, DO NOT KNOW the original meaning of what IS islam, NO matter how much you BELIEVE you do. YOU are just making an INTERPRETATION, based solely upon YOUR assumptions and BELIEFS.
Your views above are very stupid judgments.

I have argued in the following OP -What is Belief
  • 1. Beliefs are assumed truth
    2. It is a default and inherent mental activity of all human beings to facilitate survival
    3. The question is whether beliefs are justified or unjustified.
    4. Justified beliefs can be confined to the individual applying repeatable and justifiable verification processes.
    5. Where justified beliefs are shared and agreed upon by others then they are Justified True Beliefs i.e. objective knowledge, e.g. scientific knowledge.
What I believe 'What Islam is' is Justified Belief in the contexts and qualified of the whole of the Quran*. Such a belief is agreed by all Muslims [as far as I have read them] and non-Muslims scholars. What I claimed is qualified to the above condition and not a claim of an Absolute answer [this is impossible].

* you have not read the Quran thoroughly thus blindly argue for it. I have read the Quran VERY seriously.

Note a Muslim is one who had entered into a contract/covenant with Allah.
A contract will contain definite terms to be complied by both parties.
Islam as 'submission' or 'surrender' is provided in the terms of that contract within the Quran.
With just about EVERY response you give you SHOW me how much MORE those BELIEFS have control over you, and just how disillusioned and confused you REALLY ARE.
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Age wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:12 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:10 am
Age wrote: Wed Dec 05, 2018 12:25 pm

YOU still do NOT and can NOT GET IT.

YOU, veritas, DO NOT KNOW the original meaning of what IS islam, NO matter how much you BELIEVE you do. YOU are just making an INTERPRETATION, based solely upon YOUR assumptions and BELIEFS.
Your views above are very stupid judgments.

I have argued in the following OP -What is Belief
  • 1. Beliefs are assumed truth
    2. It is a default and inherent mental activity of all human beings to facilitate survival
    3. The question is whether beliefs are justified or unjustified.
    4. Justified beliefs can be confined to the individual applying repeatable and justifiable verification processes.
    5. Where justified beliefs are shared and agreed upon by others then they are Justified True Beliefs i.e. objective knowledge, e.g. scientific knowledge.
What I believe 'What Islam is' is Justified Belief in the contexts and qualified of the whole of the Quran*. Such a belief is agreed by all Muslims [as far as I have read them] and non-Muslims scholars. What I claimed is qualified to the above condition and not a claim of an Absolute answer [this is impossible].

* you have not read the Quran thoroughly thus blindly argue for it. I have read the Quran VERY seriously.

Note a Muslim is one who had entered into a contract/covenant with Allah.
A contract will contain definite terms to be complied by both parties.
Islam as 'submission' or 'surrender' is provided in the terms of that contract within the Quran.
With just about EVERY response you give you SHOW me how much MORE those BELIEFS have control over you, and just how disillusioned and confused you REALLY ARE.
BELIEFS are the fundamentals of one's views.
Produced sound arguments to justify your BELIEFs are true.

How can you be rational and credible when you don't even have beliefs?
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Age »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 am
Age wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:12 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 4:10 am
Your views above are very stupid judgments.

I have argued in the following OP -What is Belief
  • 1. Beliefs are assumed truth
    2. It is a default and inherent mental activity of all human beings to facilitate survival
    3. The question is whether beliefs are justified or unjustified.
    4. Justified beliefs can be confined to the individual applying repeatable and justifiable verification processes.
    5. Where justified beliefs are shared and agreed upon by others then they are Justified True Beliefs i.e. objective knowledge, e.g. scientific knowledge.
What I believe 'What Islam is' is Justified Belief in the contexts and qualified of the whole of the Quran*. Such a belief is agreed by all Muslims [as far as I have read them] and non-Muslims scholars. What I claimed is qualified to the above condition and not a claim of an Absolute answer [this is impossible].

* you have not read the Quran thoroughly thus blindly argue for it. I have read the Quran VERY seriously.

Note a Muslim is one who had entered into a contract/covenant with Allah.
A contract will contain definite terms to be complied by both parties.
Islam as 'submission' or 'surrender' is provided in the terms of that contract within the Quran.
With just about EVERY response you give you SHOW me how much MORE those BELIEFS have control over you, and just how disillusioned and confused you REALLY ARE.
BELIEFS are the fundamentals of one's views.
If you so BELIEVE.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 amProduced sound arguments to justify your BELIEFs are true.

What happens if they are invalid sound arguments?
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 amHow can you be rational and credible when you don't even have beliefs?
Because I am OPEN.

Rationale and credible has NOTHING whatsoever to do with what you BELIEVE is true. Rationale and credible IS in relation to what IS actually Real and True.

There can be a HUGE difference between what IS actually Real and True from what is BELIEVED to be real and true. Are you NOT aware of this FACT yet?
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by surreptitious57 »

Age wrote:
There can be a HUGE difference between what IS actually Real and True from what is BELIEVED to be real and true
This is the exact reason why I dont have any beliefs at all and dont even use the words belief / believe for what I think or know
Because the things that I would be believing might not actually be true and even if they were I would not know that they were
There are only things I know or think I know or dont know or think I dont know or might / might not know but nothing I believe
Veritas Aequitas
Posts: 12959
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Age wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:19 pm
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 am
Age wrote: Thu Dec 06, 2018 11:12 am

With just about EVERY response you give you SHOW me how much MORE those BELIEFS have control over you, and just how disillusioned and confused you REALLY ARE.
BELIEFS are the fundamentals of one's views.
If you so BELIEVE.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 amProduced sound arguments to justify your BELIEFs are true.

What happens if they are invalid sound arguments?
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 amHow can you be rational and credible when you don't even have beliefs?
Because I am OPEN.

Rationale and credible has NOTHING whatsoever to do with what you BELIEVE is true. Rationale and credible IS in relation to what IS actually Real and True.

There can be a HUGE difference between what IS actually Real and True from what is BELIEVED to be real and true. Are you NOT aware of this FACT yet?
The most credible knowledge we have is scientific knowledge which [as per Popper] is at best polished conjectures.
The process is thus from conjectures, polished into 'beliefs' and a finer polishing as scientific knowledge into what is actually Real.
One cannot escape from 'beliefs' [assumed truths] in the continuum of truth.

There is no such thing at "what IS actually Real" in the absolute sense.

If so tell me "what is the actually real apple" in the absolute sense?
Is the supposedly "real apple" make up of apple things or its it a dense cluster of molecules, atoms, electron, relative to Wave Collapse Function, quarks, or yet to be undiscovered particles?
At what point in time is the apple becomes the "real apple" at the time of fertilization, on the tree, plucked, sold or whatever?

Note Kant had argued there is no thing-in-itself, in this case, no apple-in-itself but rather it is always apple-with-humanselves based fundamentally on a range of human BELIEFS.

If you cannot agree with the above, suggest you go back to the planet where you belong.
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by surreptitious57 »

Veritas Aequitas wrote:
The most credible knowledge we have is scientific knowledge which [ as per Popper ] is at best polished conjectures
The process is thus from conjectures polished into beliefs and a finer polishing as scientific knowledge
One cannot escape from beliefs [ assumed truths ] in the continuum of truth
The most credible knowledge is mathematical not scientific because it is deductive
Scientific knowledge is based on evidence and is inductive other than by disproof or falsification which are deductive
Beliefs can be knowledge based but that is entirely optional as they can equally be based on absolutely nothing at all
Veritas Aequitas
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:56 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote:
The most credible knowledge we have is scientific knowledge which [ as per Popper ] is at best polished conjectures
The process is thus from conjectures polished into beliefs and a finer polishing as scientific knowledge
One cannot escape from beliefs [ assumed truths ] in the continuum of truth
The most credible knowledge is mathematical not scientific because it is deductive
Scientific knowledge is based on evidence and is inductive other than by disproof or falsification which are deductive
I agree Mathematics is more credible than Science is a very general sense. At times, Mathematics is regarded as a language and a tool of Science, thus Mathematics is not empirical-based knowledge in this sense.
When I claimed Scientific knowledge is most credible, I was implying the direct empirical sense.
Beliefs can be knowledge based but that is entirely optional as they can equally be based on absolutely nothing at all.
Opinions and conjectures are thoughts that are based on absolutely nothing at all, i.e. a thoughts that just flashed across one's mind thus can be rejected easily.

The continuum of knowledge starts from opinions and conjectures which get processed as beliefs [in various degrees] then to knowledge as Justified True Beliefs.
Point is beliefs are already self-processed data, opinions and conjectures to some degrees, thus beliefs cannot be based on absolutely nothing at all.
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by surreptitious57 »

Veritas Aequitas wrote:
beliefs are already self processed data and opinions and conjectures to some degrees thus beliefs cannot be based on absolutely nothing at all
They may be based on something which is entirely irrational or illogical and without any empirical evidence for it which is really nothing at all
Veritas Aequitas
Posts: 12959
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:03 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote:
beliefs are already self processed data and opinions and conjectures to some degrees thus beliefs cannot be based on absolutely nothing at all
They may be based on something which is entirely irrational or illogical and without any empirical evidence for it which is really nothing at all
Agree, beliefs can be based on something irrational and illogical.
This is like a schizophrenic believing gnomes are real because he had a discussion with the gnomes in his garden.

It is the same with this experiment.
If one is not informed of the relevant, he will believed 100% he is seeing two normal faces.
(I presumed you know the true image on the right when it is turned over]


The fact is what the schizophrenic and the person above believed are not Justified True Beliefs.
So far no one is able to prove the Absolute is a Justified True Belief.
I have argued it is impossible for the Absolute aka God to be a Justified True Belief.

The problem with a belief in the Absolute is the illusion is a very complex one that involves thoughts and pure reason thus very difficult to explain and be understood. This is due to the strong primal and instinctual psychological forces that one is stuck to belief the illusory absolute as real.

Note the face illusion experiment above, even when the truth is explained and you understood it is an illusion, your brain/mind will still keep deceiving you with falsehood permanently.

The illusion of the Absolute as real is very refine, subtle and complex thus not easy to explain and be understood.

Kant knew this very well when he stated;
Kant in CPR wrote:They [ideas of God, absolute] are sophistications not of men but of Pure Reason itself.
Even the wisest of men cannot free himself from them.
After long effort he perhaps succeeds in guarding himself against actual error; but he will never be able to free himself from the Illusion, which unceasingly mocks and torments him.
Note the above carefully, it is very complicated and sophisticated.
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Age »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:43 am
Age wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 12:19 pm
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 am
BELIEFS are the fundamentals of one's views.
If you so BELIEVE.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 amProduced sound arguments to justify your BELIEFs are true.

What happens if they are invalid sound arguments?
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Fri Dec 07, 2018 2:37 amHow can you be rational and credible when you don't even have beliefs?
Because I am OPEN.

Rationale and credible has NOTHING whatsoever to do with what you BELIEVE is true. Rationale and credible IS in relation to what IS actually Real and True.

There can be a HUGE difference between what IS actually Real and True from what is BELIEVED to be real and true. Are you NOT aware of this FACT yet?
The most credible knowledge we have is scientific knowledge which [as per Popper] is at best polished conjectures.
The process is thus from conjectures, polished into 'beliefs' and a finer polishing as scientific knowledge into what is actually Real.
One cannot escape from 'beliefs' [assumed truths] in the continuum of truth.

There is no such thing at "what IS actually Real" in the absolute sense.
Are you at all aware just how absurd your argumentative style IS?

The FACT that there is NO one actual way of processing in how human beings think, there is also absolutely NO law that says a human being MUST and DOES conjecture, and then MUST polish them into BELIEFS. Therefore, those two do NOT follow at all. Also, there are two here who are saying that they do NOT have beliefs. HOW can you dispute that, and what can you soundly and validly argue against that with?

Besides those points and a few others, one being; the most credible knowledge IS NOT scientific knowledge as scientifc knowledge only LOOKS AT what COULD BE, NOT what IS, but anyway if I LOOKED AT ALL of your writings and pointed out ALL of the errors I would be here for quite a while. So, besides the above points; explain to me HOW, After you conjecture, and polish your own conjectures into BELIEFS, and then after the finer polishing of BELIEFS into scientific knowledge what is actually Real.

Then HOW COME after your own conclusion here, you then write;

There is no such thing as "what IS actually Real" in the absolute sense.

One minute you are TRYING TO argue that through the processing of the polishing of one's own 'conjectures' into 'beliefs', and then with further polishing of these 'beliefs' through scientific methods A 'scientific knowledge' of 'what is actually Real' is reached, you then claim the exact opposite.

Just two sentences later you CLAIM that; There is NO such thing as 'what is actually Real', in the absolute sense.

Please explain to US here the difference between 'what is actually Real', from 'what IS actually Real' in the absolute sense'?

Then straight after this you contradicted yourself again by stating that 'If there IS such a thing' as 'what IS actually Real, in the absolute sense', then proceeded to ask this next apparent open and clarifying question;
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:43 amIf so tell me "what is the actually real apple" in the absolute sense?
Just one sentence after claiming that there is no such thing as 'what IS actually Real in the absolute sense', you appear to be asking a truly open clarifying question of; If there is SUCH A THING, then tell me 'what is the actually real apple', in the absolute sense.

You have just contradicted yourself two times in just three sentences. The power, or more correctly the disability, of BELIEFS and the BELIEF-system NEVER ceases to amaze me.

I WAS actually going to answer this question and TELL you WHAT THE ANSWER IS, but my mistaking you for being somewhat open and inquisitive was immediately quashed when I read the rest below. So, there is absolutely NO use at all of Me telling you what the actual Real answer IS. I will NOT tell you, now, because you BELIEVE that there is NO answer. You BELIEVE, wholeheartedly, that it is an impossibility to answer, therefore, I do NOT want to destroy what IS BELIEVED to be thee Truth, for you.

And, as I have explained and shown many times ALREADY there is absolute NO use putting EVIDENCE directly in front of a human being who BELIEVES otherwise. I have learned that it is a complete waste to do so.

Is the supposedly "real apple" make up of apple things or its it a dense cluster of molecules, atoms, electron, relative to Wave Collapse Function, quarks, or yet to be undiscovered particles?
At what point in time is the apple becomes the "real apple" at the time of fertilization, on the tree, plucked, sold or whatever?[/quote]

Thee Answer to these questions ALSO Answers and solves that ridiculously little stupid question of What came first, the chicken or the egg? That you, human beings, have been puzzled over for how long now?
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:43 amNote Kant had argued there is no thing-in-itself, in this case, no apple-in-itself but rather it is always apple-with-humanselves based fundamentally on a range of human BELIEFS.
kant, like ALL human beings, may 'argue', but they have yet to formulate sound, valid arguments for things like this issue.

There IS an extremely VERY simple and easy sound, valid argument for this, so called "issue", and for ALL other perceived "issues", in Life.

You just NEED to learn HOW to find and SEE thee Truth, in order to be able to SEE, and thus learn, just how easy it is to form sound valid arguments for ALL things, which obviously includes ALL of the above.

Remember, 'sound, valid arguments' are irrefutable, unambiguous FACTS, or as sometimes KNOWN, 'thee (Real and Actual) Truth'.

Also, if ANY thing is based fundamentally on a range of human BELIEFS, then you will HAVE a world that is rife with disagreements that lead to disputing, fighting, wars, corruption, greed, pollution, death for some from starvation and disease, while others live in absolute opulence, and a whole range of other 'separatist' causing inflections. Or, in other words, the EXACT SAME world that you live in now.

However, if ALL things are based fundamentally on OPENNESS, then you will HAVE just about the EXACT opposite type of world, which is filled with love, joy, happiness, equality, and justice for EVERY one as One.

By the way, kant, just like all of you adult human beings, TRY TO argue; or FIGHT, for, and from, the already held BELIEF position, instead of 'argue', for and from the LOGICALLY REASONING perspective.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 3:43 amIf you cannot agree with the above, suggest you go back to the planet where you belong.
Best I be heading on back then.

Just before I head off, can you just clear one thing up for me, which one of YOUR claims do you expect people to agree with you on the above?
1. That scientific knowledge has 'what is actually Real'? Or,
2. That there is NO such thing as 'what is actually Real'?

You are SO ABSOLUTELY SURE of yourself that you KNOW 'what is actually Real', but the more we LOOK INTO what it is that you are Really saying, then the MORE of thee Truth is actually being Revealed.

You KNOW 'what is actually Real'. Or,
You do NOT know 'what is actually Real'.

Which one is it going to be?

By the way, anyway you ANSWER, that answer is going TO BE in contradiction of your BELIEFS, and what you BELIEVE is Real and True. So, what do you DO now?

1. Do you hold onto your BELIEFS and keep TRYING TO argue (fight) for those BELIEFS, and keep making up the ridiculous and obviously absurd statements that you make and say? OR,
2 Do you let go of ALL of your BELIEFS and just remain completely OPEN always to, and thus also able to SEE, the Real Truth?

I found and KNOW which one works much better, well for Me anyway.
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Age »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 am
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:03 am
Veritas Aequitas wrote:
beliefs are already self processed data and opinions and conjectures to some degrees thus beliefs cannot be based on absolutely nothing at all
They may be based on something which is entirely irrational or illogical and without any empirical evidence for it which is really nothing at all
Agree, beliefs can be based on something irrational and illogical.
But do you, veritas, agree that ANY of your BELIEFS could be based on something irrational and illogical?

Or, could that NOT happen to you?
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amThis is like a schizophrenic believing gnomes are real because he had a discussion with the gnomes in his garden.

It is the same with this experiment.
If one is not informed of the relevant, he will believed 100% he is seeing two normal faces.
WHERE did you get this BELIEF from?
WHAT empirical EVIDENCE, do you have, that if a person is not previously informed, then they WILL 100% BELIEVE they are seeing two normal faces?
This BELIEF and statement of YOURS IS because I, for one, NEVER would BELIEVE such a thing.

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 am(I presumed you know the true image on the right when it is turned over]


The fact is what the schizophrenic and the person above believed are not Justified True Beliefs.
So far no one is able to prove the Absolute is a Justified True Belief.
I have argued it is impossible for the Absolute aka God to be a Justified True Belief.

If any one had a BELIEF before the absolute Real Truth was before them, then some might call that a delusional episode or a form of schizophrenia.

For example; If a person was to have a BELIEF that they have actually 'argued', from the logical reasoning perspective, that God is an impossibility, then some would SEE that as completely delusional.

The problem with a belief in the Absolute is the illusion is a very complex one that involves thoughts and pure reason thus very difficult to explain and be understood. This is due to the strong primal and instinctual psychological forces that one is stuck to belief the illusory absolute as real.

Would a sane person BELIEVE some thing that was NOT real, NOT true, or NOT correct?
If the answer is no, then that means if a person was to class them self as sane, then they would only BELIEVE some thing that was true, right, and/or correct.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amNote the face illusion experiment above, even when the truth is explained and you understood it is an illusion, your brain/mind will still keep deceiving you with falsehood permanently.
Is this WHAT HAPPENS with you also, veritas?

Or, does this NOT happen with you, but only to "other" people?
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amThe illusion of the Absolute as real is very refine, subtle and complex thus not easy to explain and be understood.
What are you talking about here?

If some one has an ILLUSION of the Absolute as real, then obviously that would NOT be Real.

However, if some has a VIEW of the Absolute as real, then that is VERY DIFFERENT. If no one else can logically reason otherwise and/or prove with evidence otherwise, then that VIEW would just remain so, as a VIEW. Also, note that it is just a VIEW, which if just THOUGHT to be true, and is NOT a BELIEF, and, if that VIEW is NOT BELIEVED to be true, right, nor correct, then that VIEW is, and will remain, just an OPEN VIEW readily able to being changed, that is; obviously if reason and/or proof otherwise comes forward.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amKant knew this very well when he stated;
Kant in CPR wrote:They [ideas of God, absolute] are sophistications not of men but of Pure Reason itself.
Even the wisest of men cannot free himself from them.
After long effort he perhaps succeeds in guarding himself against actual error; but he will never be able to free himself from the Illusion, which unceasingly mocks and torments him.
Note the above carefully, it is very complicated and sophisticated.
There is NOTHING very complicated nor sophisticated.

Absolutely EVERY meaningful thing is VERY easy and simple to understand, and understand fully.
Veritas Aequitas
Posts: 12959
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Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Veritas Aequitas »

Age wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:20 pm
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 am
surreptitious57 wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:03 am They may be based on something which is entirely irrational or illogical and without any empirical evidence for it which is really nothing at all
Agree, beliefs can be based on something irrational and illogical.
But do you, veritas, agree that ANY of your BELIEFS could be based on something irrational and illogical?

Or, could that NOT happen to you?
I do not believe I am infallible, thus could be wrong.
As far as I what I have presented I have ensured they are justified as much as possible.
It is up to you and others to argue where I am wrong.

Note I was once a pantheist of a long time and had argued strongly for such a belief.
Then based on critiques by others and own critical thinking I realized I was believing in something irrational, illogical and illusory. Thus I abandoned pantheism.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amThis is like a schizophrenic believing gnomes are real because he had a discussion with the gnomes in his garden.

It is the same with this experiment.
If one is not informed of the relevant, he will believed 100% he is seeing two normal faces.
WHERE did you get this BELIEF from?
WHAT empirical EVIDENCE, do you have, that if a person is not previously informed, then they WILL 100% BELIEVE they are seeing two normal faces?
This BELIEF and statement of YOURS IS because I, for one, NEVER would BELIEVE such a thing.[/quote]
As I had stated whatever I have presented I made sure they are supported by as much research and evidence as possible.
I believe 100% [relatively not absolutely] because I have done research into Prosopagnosia [face blindness]
and its inherent face recognition faculty.
Face perception is an individual's understanding and interpretation of the face, particularly the human face, especially in relation to the associated information processing in the brain.

The proportions and expressions of the human face are important to identify origin, emotional tendencies, health qualities, and some social information. From birth, faces are important in the individual's social interaction. Face perceptions are very complex as the recognition of facial expressions involves extensive and diverse areas in the brain.

to the extent, humans will be led/compelled to see faces everywhere as in Pareidolia,
Pareidolia (/pærɪˈdoʊliə/ parr-i-DOH-lee-ə) is a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image or a sound, by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists.
Age: This BELIEF and statement of YOURS IS because I, for one, NEVER would BELIEVE such a thing.

Note I have shown you the above of my research findings and exposed your ignorance.
How can you believe in anything when your brain is empty of beliefs thus knowledge?

What is pathetic is you keep condemning my views [well justified] when you are so ignorant of what is going on in reality and inside your head.

In most of the cases, I am filling up the holes of your ignorance with knowledge as in the above case.

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 am(I presumed you know the true image on the right when it is turned over]


The fact is what the schizophrenic and the person above believed are not Justified True Beliefs.
So far no one is able to prove the Absolute is a Justified True Belief.
I have argued it is impossible for the Absolute aka God to be a Justified True Belief.
If any one had a BELIEF before the absolute Real Truth was before them, then some might call that a delusional episode or a form of schizophrenia.

For example; If a person was to have a BELIEF that they have actually 'argued', from the logical reasoning perspective, that God is an impossibility, then some would SEE that as completely delusional.
If anyone thinks any idea is delusional, then just counter it with evidence and sound arguments.
The problem with a belief in the Absolute is the illusion is a very complex one that involves thoughts and pure reason thus very difficult to explain and be understood. This is due to the strong primal and instinctual psychological forces that one is stuck to belief the illusory absolute as real.
Would a sane person BELIEVE some thing that was NOT real, NOT true, or NOT correct?
If the answer is no, then that means if a person was to class them self as sane, then they would only BELIEVE some thing that was true, right, and/or correct.
The point is not about sanity.
A serious critical thinker will not believe in anything that is not soundly justified.

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amNote the face illusion experiment above, even when the truth is explained and you understood it is an illusion, your brain/mind will still keep deceiving you with falsehood permanently.
Is this WHAT HAPPENS with you also, veritas?

Or, does this NOT happen with you, but only to "other" people?
It is happening to me also.
Point is I aware I am being deceived in this case.
This deception is easily exposed and explained because it is empirical and we can turn over the face to see the truth.

In the case of the believing in the illusory God as real, the theist is not being aware he is being deceived. This is because it is not easy to explain the mechanisms of the illusion to the theists because the illusion is based on thinking only.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amThe illusion of the Absolute as real is very refine, subtle and complex thus not easy to explain and be understood.
What are you talking about here?

If some one has an ILLUSION of the Absolute as real, then obviously that would NOT be Real.
In reality, absolute aka God is an illusion, thus is not real.
But because theists do not understand it is an illusion, they insist it is real.
However, if some has a VIEW of the Absolute as real, then that is VERY DIFFERENT.
If no one else can logically reason otherwise and/or prove with evidence otherwise, then that VIEW would just remain so, as a VIEW. Also, note that it is just a VIEW, which if just THOUGHT to be true, and is NOT a BELIEF, and, if that VIEW is NOT BELIEVED to be true, right, nor correct, then that VIEW is, and will remain, just an OPEN VIEW readily able to being changed, that is; obviously if reason and/or proof otherwise comes forward.
Note the term 'belief' is definitely more accurate than 'view' to represent that specific type of mental activities of believing.

Theists believe the Absolute aka God to be real when actually it is an illusion which is thought to be true.
The belief in God is via faith, and no one has produced evidence to verify God is real. So according to your above it should remain an OPEN VIEW?
The fact is the majority of theists insist God is real to the extent they are willing to kill non-believers in God's name.

However I have shown proofs and evidences;
1. God is an impossibility to be real
2. The root cause for a belief in God is psychological

Therefore the solutions to all God related evil and violent acts should be dealt with psychologically.

quote="Veritas Aequitas" post_id=387036 time=1544242990 user_id=7896]Kant knew this very well when he stated;
Kant in CPR wrote:They [ideas of God, absolute] are sophistications not of men but of Pure Reason itself.
Even the wisest of men cannot free himself from them.
After long effort he perhaps succeeds in guarding himself against actual error; but he will never be able to free himself from the Illusion, which unceasingly mocks and torments him.
Note the above carefully, it is very complicated and sophisticated.
There is NOTHING very complicated nor sophisticated.

Absolutely EVERY meaningful thing is VERY easy and simple to understand, and understand fully.
You think every thing is simple because you are ignorant, i.e. ignorance is bliss to you.

You are unable to comprehend you are caught in an illusion in believing that 'X' you are postulation is an illusion.
Posts: 20690
Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2018 8:17 am

Re: Supporting Evidences and References are Critical

Post by Age »

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sun Dec 09, 2018 3:39 am
Age wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 12:20 pm
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 am
Agree, beliefs can be based on something irrational and illogical.
But do you, veritas, agree that ANY of your BELIEFS could be based on something irrational and illogical?

Or, could that NOT happen to you?
I do not believe I am infallible, thus could be wrong.
As far as I what I have presented I have ensured they are justified as much as possible.
It is up to you and others to argue where I am wrong.

Note I was once a pantheist of a long time and had argued strongly for such a belief.
Then based on critiques by others and own critical thinking I realized I was believing in something irrational, illogical and illusory. Thus I abandoned pantheism.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amThis is like a schizophrenic believing gnomes are real because he had a discussion with the gnomes in his garden.

It is the same with this experiment.
If one is not informed of the relevant, he will believed 100% he is seeing two normal faces.
WHERE did you get this BELIEF from?
WHAT empirical EVIDENCE, do you have, that if a person is not previously informed, then they WILL 100% BELIEVE they are seeing two normal faces?
This BELIEF and statement of YOURS IS because I, for one, NEVER would BELIEVE such a thing.
As I had stated whatever I have presented I made sure they are supported by as much research and evidence as possible.
I believe 100% [relatively not absolutely] because I have done research into Prosopagnosia [face blindness]
and its inherent face recognition faculty.
Face perception is an individual's understanding and interpretation of the face, particularly the human face, especially in relation to the associated information processing in the brain.

The proportions and expressions of the human face are important to identify origin, emotional tendencies, health qualities, and some social information. From birth, faces are important in the individual's social interaction. Face perceptions are very complex as the recognition of facial expressions involves extensive and diverse areas in the brain.

to the extent, humans will be led/compelled to see faces everywhere as in Pareidolia,
Pareidolia (/pærɪˈdoʊliə/ parr-i-DOH-lee-ə) is a psychological phenomenon in which the mind responds to a stimulus, usually an image or a sound, by perceiving a familiar pattern where none exists.
Age: This BELIEF and statement of YOURS IS because I, for one, NEVER would BELIEVE such a thing.

Note I have shown you the above of my research findings and exposed your ignorance.
How can you believe in anything when your brain is empty of beliefs thus knowledge?

What is pathetic is you keep condemning my views [well justified] when you are so ignorant of what is going on in reality and inside your head.

In most of the cases, I am filling up the holes of your ignorance with knowledge as in the above case.

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 am(I presumed you know the true image on the right when it is turned over]


The fact is what the schizophrenic and the person above believed are not Justified True Beliefs.
So far no one is able to prove the Absolute is a Justified True Belief.
I have argued it is impossible for the Absolute aka God to be a Justified True Belief.
If any one had a BELIEF before the absolute Real Truth was before them, then some might call that a delusional episode or a form of schizophrenia.

For example; If a person was to have a BELIEF that they have actually 'argued', from the logical reasoning perspective, that God is an impossibility, then some would SEE that as completely delusional.
If anyone thinks any idea is delusional, then just counter it with evidence and sound arguments.
The problem with a belief in the Absolute is the illusion is a very complex one that involves thoughts and pure reason thus very difficult to explain and be understood. This is due to the strong primal and instinctual psychological forces that one is stuck to belief the illusory absolute as real.
Would a sane person BELIEVE some thing that was NOT real, NOT true, or NOT correct?
If the answer is no, then that means if a person was to class them self as sane, then they would only BELIEVE some thing that was true, right, and/or correct.
The point is not about sanity.
A serious critical thinker will not believe in anything that is not soundly justified.

Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amNote the face illusion experiment above, even when the truth is explained and you understood it is an illusion, your brain/mind will still keep deceiving you with falsehood permanently.
Is this WHAT HAPPENS with you also, veritas?

Or, does this NOT happen with you, but only to "other" people?
It is happening to me also.
Point is I aware I am being deceived in this case.
This deception is easily exposed and explained because it is empirical and we can turn over the face to see the truth.

In the case of the believing in the illusory God as real, the theist is not being aware he is being deceived. This is because it is not easy to explain the mechanisms of the illusion to the theists because the illusion is based on thinking only.
Veritas Aequitas wrote: Sat Dec 08, 2018 5:23 amThe illusion of the Absolute as real is very refine, subtle and complex thus not easy to explain and be understood.
What are you talking about here?

If some one has an ILLUSION of the Absolute as real, then obviously that would NOT be Real.
In reality, absolute aka God is an illusion, thus is not real.
But because theists do not understand it is an illusion, they insist it is real.
However, if some has a VIEW of the Absolute as real, then that is VERY DIFFERENT.
If no one else can logically reason otherwise and/or prove with evidence otherwise, then that VIEW would just remain so, as a VIEW. Also, note that it is just a VIEW, which if just THOUGHT to be true, and is NOT a BELIEF, and, if that VIEW is NOT BELIEVED to be true, right, nor correct, then that VIEW is, and will remain, just an OPEN VIEW readily able to being changed, that is; obviously if reason and/or proof otherwise comes forward.
Note the term 'belief' is definitely more accurate than 'view' to represent that specific type of mental activities of believing.

Theists believe the Absolute aka God to be real when actually it is an illusion which is thought to be true.
The belief in God is via faith, and no one has produced evidence to verify God is real. So according to your above it should remain an OPEN VIEW?
The fact is the majority of theists insist God is real to the extent they are willing to kill non-believers in God's name.

However I have shown proofs and evidences;
1. God is an impossibility to be real
2. The root cause for a belief in God is psychological

Therefore the solutions to all God related evil and violent acts should be dealt with psychologically.

quote="Veritas Aequitas" post_id=387036 time=1544242990 user_id=7896]Kant knew this very well when he stated;
Kant in CPR wrote:They [ideas of God, absolute] are sophistications not of men but of Pure Reason itself.
Even the wisest of men cannot free himself from them.
After long effort he perhaps succeeds in guarding himself against actual error; but he will never be able to free himself from the Illusion, which unceasingly mocks and torments him.
Note the above carefully, it is very complicated and sophisticated.
There is NOTHING very complicated nor sophisticated.

Absolutely EVERY meaningful thing is VERY easy and simple to understand, and understand fully.
You think every thing is simple because you are ignorant, i.e. ignorance is bliss to you.

You are unable to comprehend you are caught in an illusion in believing that 'X' you are postulation is an illusion.

You have said a couple of times, just in this post, that I believe some thing.

I have continually told you that I neither believe nor disbelieve some thing. And I have also asked you to provide an example of some thing that, you say, I believe.

You have yet to provide ANY example.

The only people caught in illusions are the ones who believe some things. Obviously if one remains completely and fully OPEN, then they are NOT saying some thing is True, Right, nor Correct that could be (or obviously is to some) an illusion. ONLY the people who BELIEVE some thing/s, are the ones who could be caught in an illusion. The rest of us are OPEN, and thus NOT caught up in any thing.
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