
What is art? What is beauty?

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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by Thundril »

marjoramblues wrote:
artisticsolution wrote:Oooooh...I see what you are saying now. No...I wasn't talking about that...I was talking more about what propels us to go over to the window in the first place. I was talking about even having the desire to make a judgment in the first place. We look out the window to see rain and make a judgment right? But why do we even look out the window in the first place in order to 'know' what the weather is like? What propels us to do that? I believe it is aesthetics.
What makes/prompts us to do anything ? How can it be an abstract concept like 'aesthetics' ?
Our descriptions of forces/objects are abstract concepts. The forces/objects themselves are not.
AS believes that aesthetics propels us to do things.
I agree, to the extent that aesthetics is a positively acting collection of forces/neurochemical states, the negative of which would be anaesthetics.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by Thundril »

Satyr wrote:Value judgments are built on comparisons.
Self with the other or self with an average otherness or an otherness with an other.

The relationship of observer, judging mind, with other and of self determines the value judgments outcome.

In terms of aesthetics the fluid . . .
Can you say what you mean by the 'fluid' please?
. . .exhibits divergences of rates of flow which the mind interprets as form, color, texture, this case the value judgment is with the self interpreting.

Time is the deciding factor, as time is a measurement of change and change is the awareness of a discrepancy between continuous mental models, or abstractions.
The more timeless an otherness seems, the more resistant to change, the more stable or the closest towards the absolute it comes, all the more valuable it is to us. This is man's or a mind's attraction to order in a reality characterized by increasing disorder, or fragmentation.

If entropy is increasing then looking back to the past is looking into a state of more order....God and the Big Bang are examples of this order, projected as absolute.
Symmetry, order, to a higher degree than the average or to the one we perceive in ourselves is called "beauty".
Some interesting ideas here. Do you think we prefer to look to the past rather than the future because the past appears fixed? Could it not be that we pay more attention to the past than we do to the future simply because it is more knowable?
Intelligence is a form of symmetry of mind.
Again, might it not equally be that the idea of symmetry is an intellectual tool, which is so often useful that we associate it with intelligence?
Aesthetics, despite what most moderns wish were true, is not an illusion. Perception and cognition evolves to facilitate survival. that it manages to do so means that its methods have proven to be adequate thus far.
Our perceptions did not evolve to test our faith, to trick us. They evolved to aid an organism willfully guide its aggregate energies towards goals or ideals or object/objectives.
At which stage of complexity do you believe organisms can act 'wilfully'?
I aesthetically perceive the chemical composition of an apple, and perceive if it is ripe or not just by how it looks. I may not have precise information, codes to name the chemicals, a high powered microscope to peer into its depths but I do not really require one. The particular apple's entire past is manifest in its presence and how my brain interprets its presence, via an intermediate medium: light interacting with it and then with my sense organ.
Whereas the apple's entire future may be determined by its aesthetic effect on you? :)
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

I am enjoying this conversation as well...but now I am off to work! Yippee!!!
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by Satyr »

Thundril wrote: Can you say what you mean by the 'fluid' please?
Fluid/Flux is a term derived from the per-Socratic Greeks who used the metaphor of water.
It's purpose is to define or describe a state where no absolute state is evident or even necessary, as it would signify a singularity, an absolute which would entail the end of existence.

The absolute, the perfect, the ordered does not require to change for what would it change into if it were already complete, absolute, perfect?
some have tried to get around this problem by simply changing definitions: now perfect, means that which changes....and perfect means that which alters.
This is like saying that beauty is ugliness...a usage of semantics.

The simplest way to perceive the reality of what is occurring is to sense it in yourself; you are a part of reality, a product of reality and so your sensations are interpretations of reality.
Do you feel perfect, complete, ordered, godly?
Is not your sensation of need/suffering an indication of your lack and your dependence?
Can the perfect, the complete, the ordered be defined as that which lacks and is dependent and contingent?

The way around this is to evoke some "outer perspective", a viewpoint form outside the real (from the unreal), from outside existence (non-existence) and to claim that life, sensation, perception is all an illusion.
This means that all of existence is a product of a grand conspiracy; a testing phase, a joke.
Thundril wrote:Some interesting ideas here. Do you think we prefer to look to the past rather than the future because the past appears fixed?
the pas its unchangeable...and we like the idea of being master's of our own destiny.
This is why modern psychologies are fed the notion of free-will and counter-determinism which is essentially both a self-contradicting paradox and a dismissal of the unchangeable and unavoidable past.
Notice how progressiveness is always a "looking forward" and an overcoming of the past.
What lays forward, if we take cosmology as our starting point?
What does entropy man?
Fragmentation, disordering, ignorance, immersion in the absolute nothingness.
Let us assume that entropy will attain its final destination of absoluteness, what does this mean?
No matter, no order in other words; no life, no distinction...a emptiness.
If existence/activity then the world is tending towards coldness...which means an absence of activity/energy.
If space is expanding and space is possibility, then this tendency means that absolute chaos would entail that all was possible...including the Big Bang, which is the almost absolute.
If you think about the metaphor of the Big Bang then it is order....or near order - the almost completed singular. It is not complete or perfect since it explodes into activity, and order is an absence of activity as it is the occupation of all possibilities simultaneously. If you are all things at the same time then you are, by definition, inactive.

The hungry man acts, not the one who is full. It is the man you lacks that creates, not the man who lacks nothing: God.
Creation, like all actions, is an act of need. Need is a sensation of change, change is an indication of an absence, a lack.
You feel this in your bones every time you get hungry or thirsty or bored or hot or cold or horny.
Thundril wrote:Could it not be that we pay more attention to the past than we do to the future simply because it is more knowable?
But we don't pay attention to our modern times we are trained to ignore it, to dismiss it to consider it surpassed, based, primal.

To Know Thyself is to know your past. But not only to know it, but to understand it to accept it.
That's what self-consciousness is...that's why animals lack it more than humans.

In pagan cultures humans honored their past, through their father who was a representation of their ancestors. They honored and respected him.
This is paternalism.
Where do you see this today?
Look at the world around you, forget I am telling you, look at is honestly, courageously, as honestly as you can...what do you see?
Lost minds seeking meaning, direction, identity.
But identity is your past.

Do they nor denounce the past, to free themselves from it?
Are thy not trained, educated, brain-washed to do so as to enslave them to the current?
Why is the family, as a reproductive unity, in decline?
Because in heterogeneous populations it resists uniformity and integration.
In order to integrate masses of people with nothing in common but their biology into one cohesive unity you must eliminate all other sources of identity: you must clean their minds, brain "wash" them. Then they grab onto the first identity you offer them like a drowning man does a life-raft.
Eliminate their genetic past, their culture their family connections, as Christianity does, and you get a desperate lost soul you then "save" and it worships you as it would a Savior.
Make it believe that it is not its sex, its race, its bloodline, its is nothing, void....then call this "freedom".
Then offer it a new identity: the ambiguity and alienation of humanity, materialism and its abstraction, hedonism and its have a slave on your hands ready to take on any identification it is offered to replace the one it was stripped of.
Thundril wrote:Again, might it not equally be that the idea of symmetry is an intellectual tool, which is so often useful that we associate it with intelligence?
Then meditate upon it on your own.
What is knowledge if not the ordering of information into codes, then represented as symbols?
Is not science all about categories?

What is understanding if not the recognition of a pattern which you then use to predict a phenomenon's activities?
Do I embody the other, or do I find repeating pattern in it which I then find in myself or in other patterns?

Knowledge is an ordering.
Beauty has been defined as a symmetry of form...the Greeks made art using this knowledge which we still admire.
Thundril wrote:Whereas the apple's entire future may be determined by its aesthetic effect on you? :)
Yes...that's why consciousnesses, awareness, is a looking back.
When we perceive a phenomenon by the time the sense organ interacts with the intervening phenomenon, such as light or air (sonar) or electromagnetism (touch) and by the time the pulse gets to the central processing point of the brain, gets analyzed and then integrated into a mental abstraction...the phenomenon itself has altered in whatever infinitesimal degree it has altered.
You always perceive reality in the past...making the past and how much of it you perceive an indication of your consciousness in general.

You adjust your actions in accordance with this perception which determines YOU future not the apples. The phenomenon, the apple, does not give a shit about how you perceive it or value it or judge it....but how you do so does determine YOUR future.
This is why perceptions and awareness and consciousness matter and are such dominant factors in survival and dominance over others.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

artisticsolution wrote:Oooooh...I see what you are saying now. No...I wasn't talking about that...I was talking more about what propels us to go over to the window in the first place. I was talking about even having the desire to make a judgment in the first place. We look out the window to see rain and make a judgment right? But why do we even look out the window in the first place in order to 'know' what the weather is like? What propels us to do that? I believe it is aesthetics.
I think it might be a good idea to go back over all that you said about your meaning of 'aesthetics' and the example you provided to explain the concept as you see it.

On Sunday, July 15th
MB: Is one concrete example sufficient to explain your belief that 'most if not all judgments=aesthetics' ? And do you see aesthetics/feelings/judgments as distinct concepts ?

AS: I think it is...simply because the example I give had to do with comparing what I 'see' with what is there... It's not so much about the example as it is the method of wanting to know 'truth' that is similar in people. Exposing something through can it not be based in the aesthetic? The aesthetic being a desire to communicate...the anesthetic being the desire to judge...the aesthetic being the desire for action.
So, setting the concrete example aside, in this quote you see aesthetics as:
1. 'a desire to communicate' - {what, the 'truth' ? }
2. 'the desire for action'

and the 'anesthetic' (my bolds - is that what you meant, or a typo?) as 'the desire to judge'.

you used the equal sign in 'most if not all judgments=aesthetics'. Did you mean 'is the same as' - as in where you lumped aesthetics/feelings/judgments together; or did you mean judgments, feelings and desires 'arise from' aesthetics ? Where 'aesthetics' is as Thundril suggests?

AS believes that aesthetics propels us to do things.
I agree, to the extent that aesthetics is a positively acting collection of forces/neurochemical states, the negative of which would be anaesthetics
some questions can asked about this interpretation of 'aesthetics', such as:

What is it exactly? are you talking about 'consciousness' ?
on what evidence do you base your various claims ?
internal thoughts alone, or external confirmation by others - philo theories ? your subjective 'feelings' ?

How does 'aesthetics' do the thing you claim it does ? What does it depend on? The physical/biological/neural ?

Why do you need this concept of 'aesthetics' - what use or value does it have ? What difference does it make; what, if anything, does it add to 'consciousness' ?
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

Aesthetics, despite what most moderns wish were true, is not an illusion. Perception and cognition evolves to facilitate survival. that it manages to do so means that its methods have proven to be adequate thus far.
Our perceptions did not evolve to test our faith, to trick us. They evolved to aid an organism willfully guide its aggregate energies towards goals or ideals or object/objectives.
I aesthetically perceive the chemical composition of an apple, and perceive if it is ripe or not just by how it looks. I may not have precise information, codes to name the chemicals, a high powered microscope to peer into its depths but I do not really require one. The particular apple's entire past is manifest in its presence and how my brain interprets its presence, via an intermediate medium: light interacting with it and then with my sense organ

Who are these 'moderns', and why would they say that 'aesthetics' is an illusion?

Why would anyone not agree that 'perception and cognition evolve to facilitate survival'; but what has this to do with 'aesthetics' ?

If 'aesthetics' is taken to mean 'feelings', what does the word 'aesthetically' add to 'I perceive' ?

the value judgment is with the self interpreting.
Not having used all of your post here, my interpretation is probably faulty as a result of insufficient 'listening'; I agree this is critical in any 'value judgment' i.e. being able to understand all in context. And like now, with my inattention to the whole, I am guilty of seeming not to value another's input. But such inattentions - what do they matter in the case of survival ?
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

Hi marjoramblues,

MB:So, setting the concrete example aside, in this quote you see aesthetics as:
1. 'a desire to communicate' - {what, the 'truth' ? } I mean 'truth' as in our subjective truths...not in the one absolute 'truth' which I don't think we are able to understand now...if ever.
2. 'the desire for action'

M:and the 'anesthetic' (my bolds - is that what you meant, or a typo?) as 'the desire to judge'.

AS: Yes was supposed to be 'aesthetics'.

MB:you used the equal sign in 'most if not all judgments=aesthetics'. Did you mean 'is the same as' - as in where you lumped aesthetics/feelings/judgments together; or did you mean judgments, feelings and desires 'arise from' aesthetics ? Where 'aesthetics' is as Thundril suggests?

AS: Interesting question....the equal sign...could you show what you mean using a concrete example? I am asking because I am not sure the difference between the 2 if you could show me the difference by maybe using a sentence as an example I would be forever grateful. So an example of judgments=aesthetics would be....? And an example of Judgments 'arise from' aesthetics would be...? I think I get the last you mean like: "Joe thought the girl was smart because he thought she was pretty." I am confused on what you are asking about "judgments=aesthetics.' Do you mean something like: "Joe thought the girl was pretty and smart" ???

Also, I am not sure what you mean by "aesthetics" being what Thundril suggests. Perhaps I read him wrong or people here are using language in a way I have not experienced before...

What I am saying is maybe it is impossible for us to make a truly objective judgment. Maybe all are judgments are grounded in aesthetics? If we say, 2+2=4 and everyone agrees that it is "true" does that mean it is true in exactly the same way for everyone? For visual of 2+2=4 might be different from yours. I might see in my head a matrix of numbers too complex to understand and so I just simplify it or reduce it to a symbol I can communicate to others...and you might see a string of colors one blending into the other in a graph or line but it is too complex to communicate so you too reduce it to a symbol you can communicate to others and we all agree to cooperate as to it's meaning. (by too complex to communicate I mean if we even were able to understand that such a minor common symbol as '+' or a number could be 'seen' differently in each individual's mind). Perhaps, our need to communicate and make sense of the world is the very thing that keeps us from knowing 'truth'. And truth what I mean is the "secret" to the universe and beyond. The abstract concept of truth. Like...if we had the complete truth...we would know how to make our own universe and we would become "godlike" and be able to understand all. We see that as an impossibility now...I think we even fear it...but if we survive somehow...and if there is such a thing as eternity....I see it being possible albeit not probable.

So that brings me to can a judgment not be based on aesthetics? Why do we feel Judgments are factual...when we are not even close to knowing everything there is to know about "truth". Judgments (for now) have to be aesthetic....don't they? I mean on a grand scale of all that is possible....If we don't really know how it is possible for there to have been such a thing as 'rain' in the first place (I don't mean rain as we know it in our environment...but how to create it on a grand scale) can we make the declaration, "This is rain...because I and those before me have declared it to be so." It is asking the question...okay...suppose we figure out the big bang is real...then how do we figure out what made it happen? And how do we recreate it? And how do we do it in a way that doesn't destroy us in the process...and is it controllable.... meaning can we speed up time to see a universe form in a lifetime...or the blink of an it possible to 'grow' our own small little our universe in some giant scientist lab right now sort of like 'horton hears a who' on crack? LOL I am just saying....or trying to show what we have agreed is factual in order to communicate an idea, may not be the 'truth' as we know it...but just a tiny speck on 'truth's' ass. How can we know we know truth when there is so much we don't know? Isn't even our concept of 'truth' aesthetic in nature? I mean that for us to even believe in an ultimate 'truth' when we don't even know if such a thing is just seems to be like a 'belief' and not a 'truth'. And to me that boils down to in make believe and not any 'real truth'.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

I mean that for us to even believe in an ultimate 'truth' when we don't even know if such a thing is just seems to be like a 'belief' and not a 'truth'. And to me that boils down to in make believe and not any 'real truth'.
So, aesthetics is now 'make believe' ?

I think you are using 'aesthetics' to mean whatever you want it to mean...and don't have a clear enough vision of what that is to enable a clear explanation.

The same questions apply:

What is it exactly?
on what evidence do you base your various claims ?
internal thoughts alone, or external confirmation by others - philo theories ? your subjective 'feelings' ?

How does 'aesthetics' do the thing you claim it does ? What does it depend on? The physical/biological/neural ?

Again, I ask :
you used the equal sign in 'most if not all judgments=aesthetics'. Did you mean 'is the same as' - as in where you lumped aesthetics/feelings/judgments together; or did you mean judgments, feelings and desires 'arise from' aesthetics ? Where 'aesthetics' is as Thundril suggests?

Thundril: AS believes that aesthetics propels us to do things...
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

MB:So, aesthetics is now 'make believe' ?

AS: How can it not be? Are you suggesting Aesthetics is 'truth'? I don't understand.

MB:I think you are using 'aesthetics' to mean whatever you want it to mean...and don't have a clear enough vision of what that is to enable a clear explanation.

AS: Fair enough...but I am only trying to communicate an idea to you...I am not suggesting my idea is 'truth'. Let me ask you this though....who has a crystal clear idea of what 'aesthetics' is? I don't believe there is a single true accurate definition that any of us can agree on. Is not the idea "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" valid? Or do you believe that aesthetics should have a singular definition that everyone can agree to? If so what would be that definition?

MB:What is it exactly?

AS: I can only tell you what it is to me...or what I see. I can't tell you what it is for you. But I am curious, do you think there should be a one size fits all definition of aesthetics? Should that ideal be the model for all judgments?

MB:on what evidence do you base your various claims ?
internal thoughts alone, or external confirmation by others - philo theories ? your subjective 'feelings' ?

AS: What claims? That judgments=aesthetics? I don't have any 'real' evidence, as I can't get into the mind of others. I can only relate what I see...from the starting point that if I have a mind that perceives aesthetics and can be 'tricked' by aesthetics...and I see people around me making similar misjudgments regarding aesthetics...that and my perception that I have physical things in common with other having arms and legs and blood and bones...then perhaps I have similar aesthetics judgments. So what I am doing now is stating what I think...right or wrong. I am simple saying is all. How odd it is to me...that someone could think that judgments are based in fact when they know they can't know all. Such judgments are based on aesthetics as a temporary measure of knowledge, imo. So until someone can explain to me the nature of 'truth' then I will agree to go along with some of their findings for the sake of cooperation. And I cooperate because I do not want to be alone.

MB:How does 'aesthetics' do the thing you claim it does ? What does it depend on? The physical/biological/neural ?

AS: That is over my head. I don't know.

MB:you used the equal sign in 'most if not all judgments=aesthetics'. Did you mean 'is the same as' - as in where you lumped aesthetics/feelings/judgments together; or did you mean judgments, feelings and desires 'arise from' aesthetics ? Where 'aesthetics' is as Thundril suggests?

AS:Probably more 'arise from' but I am still not clear as to what you are asking. I need 2 concrete sentences side by side in order to see the difference. Like in a spelling bee when they ask for the word to be used in a sentence.
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

AS - Thanks, but I'm getting off this particular merry-go-round.

The word 'aesthetics' has a variety of meanings as per dictionary definitions, see earlier.

I don't 'buy' your lack of understanding re definitions. With all your experinece on the PN forum, you are well aware of the need to be clear about which meaning you are using; and how you are using it.

I appreciate your attempt at trying to convey your 'idea'. Perhaps someone else could act as 'translator' ? :?
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

marjoramblues wrote:AS - Thanks, but I'm getting off this particular merry-go-round.

The word 'aesthetics' has a variety of meanings as per dictionary definitions, see earlier.

I don't 'buy' your lack of understanding re definitions. With all your experinece on the PN forum, you are well aware of the need to be clear about which meaning you are using; and how you are using it.

I appreciate your attempt at trying to convey your 'idea'. Perhaps someone else could act as 'translator' ? :?
I thought I was being clear. I gave you the definition and boldly outlined how I meant to use the word aesthetics. How more clear can I be?

"Aesthetics (also spelled æsthetics or esthetics) is a branch of philosophy dealing with the nature of beauty, art, and taste, with the creation and appreciation of beauty. It is more scientifically defined as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste. More broadly, scholars in the field define aesthetics as "critical reflection on art, culture and nature." Wikipedia

I put bold for emphasis. I am talking about aesthetics in nature....What is Nature?

According to Merriam Webster:

Definition of NATURE
a : the inherent character or basic constitution of a person or thing : essence b : disposition, temperament
a : a creative and controlling force in the universe b : an inner force or the sum of such forces in an individual
: a kind or class usually distinguished by fundamental or essential characteristics <documents of a confidential nature> <acts of a ceremonial nature>
: the physical constitution or drives of an organism; especially : an excretory organ or function —used in phrases like the call of nature
: a spontaneous attitude (as of generosity)
: the external world in its entirety
a : humankind's original or natural condition b : a simplified mode of life resembling this condition
: the genetically controlled qualities of an organism
: natural scenery

I am speaking of the general idea of aesthetics as it applies to our nature. It would be a lie for me to say Aesthetics means art or culture or nature in order to gain some sense of false definition to an all encompassing idea. Even Wikipedia doesn't set out to do that! I get the feeling you want every word to adhere to a set of strict meanings/facts when in all honesty that is impossible according to some definitions of some words.

Literally speaking...the definition of the word it is written in wikipedia....can be all encompassing. I am not making this shit up so don't blame me...blame whoever came up with such a wide assortment of definitions.

This is why I never understood why people, who can agree on a 'thing' such as a dictionary, as a means of a general consensus of what a word means...but then turn around and deny it means more than one idea on that dictionaries list of definitions. I don't get it...I guess I never will. Is it that hard to think that a word can be all encompassing, like nature or aesthetics? Must we limit it to one thing or another? If I talk about aesthetics and nature, why does that HAVE to mean I am talking about "beauty" or "art'. Can it not mean I am talking about "human nature'? Can it not mean I am talking about a "universal nature'?

What the hell am I missing!
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

AS et al

Just to be clear - I am not washing my hands of this topic all together - I will be offering up my perspective on aesthetics/feelings/judgments at some point. Right now, I have other things to get on with...
{ any bolds are mine }

The latest thought from AS is taken from a definition of aesthetics related to the 'study of...judgments of sentiment and taste...more broadly as a critical reflection on art,culture and nature'
Here, aesthetics is first and foremost a 'study of...' or 'reflection on...', not the thing in itself.

My question is how does this fit with:
AS: 'I am speaking of the general idea of aesthetics as it applies to our nature...'

So, are we talking about using 'aesthetics' as a tool which is applied in understanding our nature, or what? whose 'nature' ?
This would make the distinction between any theory of and practice of aesthetics ?

That aside, that is not how I understood her first 'position' where she offered up a concrete example which was more about the technical aspects of art - a narrow view of aesthetics.
MB: this is about technicalities of art - a narrow view of aesthetics,
AS: It was not supposed to be a broad view...
Next, we have a further explanation - about 'how she meant to use the word 'aesthetics' ( but is that how she actually used it previously?)

AS: By Aesthetics I mean not only an object in nature but anything that brings us to make a judgment or have a desire or provoke a propels us....and is the basis upon which we are able to judge.
Judgment may be accurate or inaccurate. Judgement is driven by aesthetic which is why I lump them all together. To me they are the same and one can't exist without the other.

If aesthetics drives judgement, then how can they be the same thing ? What is this 'anything' that bring us to make a judgment ?
MB:you used the equal sign in 'most if not all judgments=aesthetics'. Did you mean 'is the same as' - as in where you lumped aesthetics/feelings/judgments together; or did you mean judgments, feelings and desires 'arise from' aesthetics ? Where 'aesthetics' is as Thundril suggests?

AS:Probably more 'arise from' but I am still not clear as to what you are asking. I need 2 concrete sentences side by side in order to see the difference. Like in a spelling bee when they ask for the word to be used in a sentence

I am asking AS to explain what she means, and she can't answer...this indicates a lack of clear understanding of her own 'idea' or claim that 'most, if not all judgments=aesthetics'.

AS:What the hell am I missing!

MB: What does your aesthetics tell you ?

Anyone else want to either get on the merry-go-round, or give it a push in the right direction ? Is clock-wise better ? :)
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

Our descriptions of forces/objects are abstract concepts. The forces/objects themselves are not.
AS believes that aesthetics propels us to do things.
I agree, to the extent that aesthetics is a positively acting collection of forces/neurochemical states, the negative of which would be anaesthetics.
Thanks for this, Thundril.
This is how I was beginning to understand what AS meant - but it seems this is not the case :?
What now...? Still agree ?

And it did lead me to questions about consciousness - and local and general anaesthesia - but best not go there :)
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by artisticsolution »

MB:The latest thought from AS is taken from a definition of aesthetics related to the 'study of...judgments of sentiment and taste...more broadly as a critical reflection on art,culture and nature'
Here, aesthetics is first and foremost a 'study of...' or 'reflection on...', not the thing in itself.

AS: Is 'aesthetics' a thing in itself? If so what is 'it'? Perhaps if you give me your definition of the word 'aesthetics' I would be able to understand what you are saying.

MB:So, are we talking about using 'aesthetics' as a tool which is applied in understanding our nature, or what? whose 'nature' ?

AS:Okay...good...let's go with the description of aesthetics being a "tool" I like it... So here is what I 'see'...Aesthetics is a 'tool' for making judgments as legs are a 'tool' for walking.

MB:This would make the distinction between any theory of and practice of aesthetics ?

AS:To answer this question one would have to first state what definition of aesthetics they are using, as the word 'aesthetics' has many meanings. If using it is a general way to define "what propels us" then I would have to say aesthetics might be a 'tool' for the mind, which allows us into move into action like legs allows us to move into action. Only aesthetics directs our mental position (making judgments, like good/bad, right/wrong, beautiful/ugly etc.) and legs directs our physical position. We can't make a move (a judgment) without aesthetic guiding us just as we can't make a move without legs propelling us. Which makes me wonder if there will someday be aesthetics prosthesis like there are prosthetic legs.

MB:That aside, that is not how I understood her first 'position' where she offered up a concrete example which was more about the technical aspects of art - a narrow view of aesthetics.

AS: I think you may have misunderstood me...the concrete example I offered up was to show how aesthetic judgments are made and how they can be wrong. Meaning how can we 'see' one thing...and it not be the truth...when our eyes lead us to believe it is truth. I was using that one example to explain a more complex idea. I was musing about the possibility that we don't just have that problem of not being able to see 'truth' in a technical aspect of art...but we may have the same difficulty in other areas of judgment. It makes me thing that aesthetics is the very thing getting in the way of 'truth'.

But I think you are demanding an answer from me that is beyond my capabilities. I am merely trying to convey my thoughts to you because you asked. I am sorry but I can't give you the fact to prove my one can yet...because no one understands yet how the brain works. And I certainly am not a scientist. I am but a mere observer. And I am just relating what I see...albeit very poorly.
MB: this is about technicalities of art - a narrow view of aesthetics,
AS: It was not supposed to be a broad view...
Next, we have a further explanation - about 'how she meant to use the word 'aesthetics' ( but is that how she actually used it previously?)

MB:If aesthetics drives judgement, then how can they be the same thing ?

AS: I think I am getting what you are saying. When I use the 'tool' scenario I can see that if aesthetics is a 'tool' for making judgments as legs are a tool for walking, then I can't say that legs=walking...and I can't say that aesthetics=judgments. Right?
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Re: Aesthetics/Feelings/Judgments

Post by marjoramblues »

artisticsolution wrote:MB:The latest thought from AS is taken from a definition of aesthetics related to the 'study of...judgments of sentiment and taste...more broadly as a critical reflection on art,culture and nature'
Here, aesthetics is first and foremost a 'study of...' or 'reflection on...', not the thing in itself.

AS: Is 'aesthetics' a thing in itself? If so what is 'it'? Perhaps if you give me your definition of the word 'aesthetics' I would be able to understand what you are saying.

MB : you ignore the whole point; which is that there is a difference between 'aesthetics' as a branch of philosophy...a study of questions of beauty and artistic taste' - and 'aesthetics' as either ' a set of principles concerned with the nature and appreciation of beauty...or underlying a particular artist's work' - and how you want to use the term. Now as some kind of a mental 'tool'...which alone is the basis for judgments or feelings ( or is the same as ).

I would use any of the definitions on offer in their context. Hopefully I would use any defintions consistently when supporting a philosophical claim...

MB:So, are we talking about using 'aesthetics' as a tool which is applied in understanding our nature, or what? whose 'nature' ?

AS:Okay...good...let's go with the description of aesthetics being a "tool" I like it... So here is what I 'see'...Aesthetics is a 'tool' for making judgments as legs are a 'tool' for walking.

MB: You might like it, but is that what you had in mind in your original statement?

MB:This would make the distinction between any theory of and practice of aesthetics ?

AS:To answer this question one would have to first state what definition of aesthetics they are using, as the word 'aesthetics' has many meanings.

MB: Yes indeed, and there are many philosophical theories of aesthetics, pointed out earlier...and I actually saw your 'claim' as an unusual, possibly wrong, theory :) which is one of the reasons I wanted to understand what you meant and how you were using it, in that context.

AS: If using it is a general way to define "what propels us" then I would have to say aesthetics might be a 'tool' for the mind, which allows us into move into action like legs allows us to move into action.

MB: So, would you then see 'aesthetics' as a function, characteristic or property of the mind; a bit like 'intelligence', or what? That is to say, not the only tool in the mental box ?

AS: Only aesthetics directs our mental position (making judgments, like good/bad, right/wrong, beautiful/ugly etc.) and legs directs our physical position. We can't make a move (a judgment) without aesthetic guiding us just as we can't make a move without legs propelling us. Which makes me wonder if there will someday be aesthetics prosthesis like there are prosthetic legs.

MB: I don't see 'aesthetics' as the sole spur towards a judgement or action; especially if it is = feelings. A mental prosthesis - excellent, I want one, and I want it yesterday !

MB:That aside, that is not how I understood her first 'position' where she offered up a concrete example which was more about the technical aspects of art - a narrow view of aesthetics.

AS: I think you may have misunderstood me...the concrete example I offered up was to show how aesthetic judgments are made and how they can be wrong.

MB: but wasn't it meant to explain what you meant by 'aesthetics' not 'how aesthetic judgments are made', the latter is technical.

AS: Meaning how can we 'see' one thing...and it not be the truth...when our eyes lead us to believe it is truth. I was using that one example to explain a more complex idea. I was musing about the possibility that we don't just have that problem of not being able to see 'truth' in a technical aspect of art...but we may have the same difficulty in other areas of judgment. It makes me thing that aesthetics is the very thing getting in the way of 'truth'.

MB: Difficulties in judgment elsewhere.. well...of course that happens elsewhere; your example simply does not explain your 'theory'. And as for the 'truth' being blocked by 'aesthetics' - I really think that is a bit of a stretch, given your definition, or changing definitions. If you mean that it could be people's own set of principles, or thought patterns, which get in the way of thinking out the box, and looking at another perspective - then I think I would agree with you.

AS: But I think you are demanding an answer from me that is beyond my capabilities. I am merely trying to convey my thoughts to you because you asked.

MB: No, I am not - you have helped my analyse what I think you meant by your initial claim. This is no easy task, I admit, but I'm beginning to see clearly now - I think :?

AS: I am sorry but I can't give you the fact to prove my one can yet...because no one understands yet how the brain works. And I certainly am not a scientist. I am but a mere observer. And I am just relating what I see...albeit very poorly.

MB: You made a philosophical claim which might not have fact as a basis, but I was wondering what you based it on - really didn't expect a theory of consciousness from you :)

MB:If aesthetics drives judgement, then how can they be the same thing ?

AS: I think I am getting what you are saying. When I use the 'tool' scenario I can see that if aesthetics is a 'tool' for making judgments as legs are a tool for walking, then I can't say that legs=walking...and I can't say that aesthetics=judgments. Right?

You can say whatever you like, but you need to be clear about what it is you are saying; and possibly offer a justification for it.

Like, I believe X because 1,2,3....
This is the best I can offer right now - will really need to give it a rest. Thanks ! :)
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