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Re: What is your favorite philosophical book?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:28 pm
by Thundril
Ibid explores the sense of deja vu one eperiences when constantly referring back the the same piece of work.
Passim expands on this idea, theorising about why the same ideas keep cropping up all over the place.
Finally, Op Cit is a sardonically self-refential work of post-futurist surrealism.
Hope that helps.

More seriously, The Tao of Physics, by Fritjof Capra, has some lovely illustrations in it; including IIRC a cloud-chamber printout compared with The Dance of Shiva.
(Just one of my earliest brushes with serious thought, and one of the nicest. Highly recommend!)

Re: What is your favorite philosophical book?

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2011 6:34 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

LOVE The Tao of Physics, by Fritjof Capra.

Thank you for the help!


Re: What is your favorite philosophical book?

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 12:16 pm
by Walgekaaren
Bill Wiltrack wrote:.

A philosophy book is dead if you cant see the philosophy working in life...

Philosophy is life.

Our individual philosophies are woven within each of our moments.

It still doesnt matter if I cant read it out from a thick brick :wink: :twisted: There are philosophers and then there are Philosophers, who mind to use language, that is understandable to the simpleminded... :lol: Normally I dont read philosophy, besides Kierkegaard and Nietzsche... because I just dont have the time to crunch through them... I am a poet in heart and spirit, able to read other poets, and not some lecturing academic I so much despise :evil: Because it is the thelogians like Jeremias (not Jeremija in the bible) and Lohse, the first is guilty for claiming that Jesus only told 'Abba' in the bible (every sunday-school attendant can find more quotes of Jesus from the bible) the second doesnt have a clue about faith, and he was a pastor of a congregation (so mindblowing to read his book "Theology of New Testament" then every single column ends with the frase "Yet again we cannot find Jesus and truth in this sentence but the clerical claims of the church")

I would accept such claims from an atheist, for he doesnt need to believe. But if a Christian writes such books, it makes me mad. 8) If I go to the dentist because I have a bad tooth, and he starts to argue with me that eventually all teeths will fall out, so I dont need to worry about the pain, then I would change my dentist, for this is not why I went there. :wink:

The same problem is with theologians. They fail to do theyr work - proclaim the Lord, Jesus Christ! :idea: