The Great Reset

How should society be organised, if at all?

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Immanuel Can
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Immanuel Can »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:40 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:53 pm I'm able, but I'm not going to do all your research for you.
Does it actually say "they want universal Socialism" or did you have to do a bunch of reading between the lines to get that one?
Read what they say.

They want an end to private ownership, redistribution, and no private literally get to "own nothing," (Their words.) and "rent" (their words again) from the government. This, they call "stakeholder capitalism." Except that it's got no element of capitalism in it, except what the elites themselves get to practice. They also get to keep their property, of course. Everyone else becomes totally government dependent. And this, they call "social justice" and "equity."

Of course, poverty, dependency are misery are very "equalizing."

And if the Davos jerks were interested in "redistributing" their own wealth, they'd already have done it, and be living at a normal level themselves. But they have not. Instead, they're jet-setting to Davos, and "making plans for Nigel."

But don't take my word for it: go read it for yourself.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:05 pm
Age wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:37 am
Are you aware that not all that live feel that they have been sentenced to a life of suffering and pain?
Are you aware that all sentient life forms are capable of feeling the effects of suffering and pain brought about by circumstances that are usually beyond their control like being irradiated by the effects of a nuclear bomb going off in the area of where they live.. I'm fairly sure that the people who are effected will indeed feel some kind of pain and suffering.
But this has absolutely NOTHING AT ALL to do with thee ACTUAL question I asked 'you' here "dontaskme".

And, I have ALREADY ANSWERED the "question" you asked here but which you did NOT put a question mark at the end of. Which, by the way, is usually a sign it is a question NOT wanted answered.

And, if you are ONLY "fairly sure", and NOT 'absolutely sure', that people who have been affected by a nuclear bomb will indeed feel some kind of pain and/or suffering, then you REALLY are STILL somewhat CONFUSED.

OF COURSE people who have been affected by a nuclear bomb would feel some kind of pain and/or suffering. But, AGAIN, this has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WHATSOEVER AT ALL to do with the ACTUAL QUESTION I POSED, to 'you'.

Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:05 pm Yes of course you are aware that some people, maybe not all people, maybe feel like they have been sentenced to a life of suffering and pain.
LOL BUT I NEVER asked ME this question I asked YOU. So, 'you' answering for 'me' is just beyond the ABSURD and the RIDICULOUSNESS.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:05 pm I personally am aware of the knowledge that I may be subjected to experiencing the suffering and pain that comes with being through no fault of my own involved in some horrific terror attack where I am seriously injured beyond repair and maybe have to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair in crippling pain needing the assistance of others to care for me and keep me alive.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:05 pm That's not something I would enjoy quite frankly, and if I could choose to have never been born to have avoided that potential event that could happen, is not a risk I would like to take, rather I would choose in a heartbeat, not to ever be born at all, already knowing what could happen to a born person.
Absolutely ANY one can END their life, absolutely, at ANY time they so choose to. NO one is MAKING 'you' LIVE in this Life "dontaskme".

But AGAIN, this is ALL just ANOTHER ATTEMPT at DISTRACTING AWAY from your False, Wrong, and/or Incorrect CLAIMS here.

If you want to become Truly Honest, then just let us KNOW, okay?
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:05 pm
Age wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 10:37 am But it all makes sense, and makes perfect sense at that, that is; if and when you learn how to look at and see things for his they truly are.
Are you aware that not all people may think that it all makes perfect sense, even if and when the person has learnt to look at things for how they truly are, they may still think nothing makes any sense, I being one of them.

How, "in hell", as some say, if one is LOOKING AT 'things', and especially ALL 'things', then they would 'think' that 'Everything' EXACTLY HOW 'It' IS "does NOT make perfect sense"?


Also, WHY make the CLAIM that 'you' are "one of them" that THINKS "nothing makes ANY sense", WHEN 'you' have NOT even LEARNED how to SEE 'things', properly AND correctly, and WHY ASSUME such as you have here.

And, 'you' have NOT YET LEARNED how to LOOK AT 'things' how they Truly ARE. As evidenced and PROVED True by the way you RESPOND here.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:05 pm If you want to believe that if and when someone learns how to look at and see things for what and how they truly are then that's your self bias world view,
What you SAID here does NOT even make ANY sense. And, that is NOT even TAKING your Wrong and Incorrect use of the 'believe' word into account here.

And, if you even think, let alone BELIEVE, that how 'things' Truly ARE is "my own self-biased world view", then you are MORE DISTORTED than I FIRST NOTICED and REALIZED.

ONCE AGAIN, your ASSUMPTIONS could NOT have led you MORE FURTHER AWAY from what thee ACTUAL Truth IS.
Dontaskme wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 4:05 pm but not necessarily the view of others, so best not to impose it on them as if you have something better to teach them that you believe they may or may not have overlooked.

WHEN 'you', human beings, STOP MAKING ASSUMPTIONS, especially TOTALLY ABSURD ones like here for example, and START asking CLARIFYING QUESTIONS instead, then I will START TELLING 'you' what thee ACTUAL Truth IS.

But, what can be CLEARLY SEEN here is that I have ALREADY TOLD 'you', in this forum, how to FIND and SEE what thee ACTUAL Truth IS, ALL by your ALONEsome, or Ownsome, BUT because 'you' are STUCK IN your OWN ASSUMPTIONS, BELIEFS, and 'self-biased' VIEWS, you appear to ALWAYS MISS where I SAY and WRITE 'It'.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Age »

Sculptor wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:54 pm
Impenitent wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:55 pm The great reset by Glenn Beck...

just picked it up yesterday, good read so far...

of course it has been panned by the critics...

The guy is unhinged.
Zero education. A drug addict. An alcoholic. Antisemite.
Mother drowned with her John in a boat on the Puget Sound. Brought up by a violent father.
Why would you expect his book to be any good?
Some of the BEST books, messages, or lessons in Life can come from those who have had the HARDEST of upbringings, and even with the LEAST education.

As, ONCE AGAIN, PROVED True here, the ones with the most so-called "education" can end up being the MOST CLOSED, NARROWEST, and thus LEAST ABLE to LEARN human beings.

If that guy, or ANY person's words, are UNSOUND, INVALID, UNREASONABLE, or UNACCEPTABLE, then so be it. Just SHOW us WHERE, EXACTLY.

But if words are unsound or sound, invalid or valid, unreasonable or reasonable, or unacceptable or acceptable is NOT, and I will REPEAT IS NOT, depended upon how APPARENTLY the one expressing words is "unhinged", how much or how little "education" that have had, whether that one is a "drug addict" or "alcoholic" or anything else or not, whether if that one is a "racist" or not, whether their parents are alive or dead, NOR how they died if they did, how they were brought up, NOR absolutely ANY thing else.

Words, literally, SPEAK for 'themselves', and if ANY one of 'you', human beings, can NOT SEE past the one who expresses 'the words', then the ONLY 'shame' here is ON 'YOU', and 'YOU' ALONE.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:26 pm
Impenitent wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:55 pm The great reset by Glenn Beck...

just picked it up yesterday, good read so far...

of course it has been panned by the critics...

I have the Resetter's blue book, titled "Covid 19: The Great Reset" here on my desk. I've read it from cover to cover.

If you have any doubt about whether or not Beck et al. are telling you the truth about what those idiots are planning, this is THEIR book. It's not Glenn Beck saying what they say; it's them saying what they want us to know about what they want to do.

A person can find the same information on the WEC website: but the book puts it in order, and all in one place.

My summary? The Resetter's are insane, megalomanic rich guys with a deluded sense of their own power and competence. They want to end us all...they want universal Socialism for us, and all the wealth and power for them. They want to monkey around with not just the economic system, but your biological system as well, hybridizing you with machines. And they want every person on the planet chipped, tracked and them.

There's no way these lunatics should be way. And that's based on what they say about themselves.
So, according to "immanuel can's" own "logic", 'these people', who have an idea and/or plan for "others", allegedly "themselves" SAY that; "They should NOT be trusted". Which, as can be CLEARLY SEEN here, is EXTREMELY FAR FETCHED 'conception'.

Now, "immanuel can" are you ABSOLUTELY SURE that it is "them" that is saying 'this'? Or, is it MORE CORRECT, to POINT OUT and SHOW that it is 'you' who is ACTUALLY SAYING that, "These people should NOT be trusted", and NOT 'them' AT ALL?

'you', people, in the days when this was being written, REALLY did have a 'knack' of DISTORTING and TWISTING 'things' around SO MUCH that what thee ACTUAL Truth IS becomes HIDDEN and, NEARLY, UNSEEN.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:28 pm
FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:45 pm
Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 7:26 pm They want to monkey around with not just the economic system, but your biological system as well, hybridizing you with machines.
hybridizing? is it actually true that this is in their book?
Yep. As bizarre as it sounds, it's there. You can look it up under "The Fourth Industrial Revolution," their second book, or on their website.

That they, themselves, said, "There is no way us lunatics should be trusted"? Is it actually true that this is in their book, also?

Or, is it more the case that this is just what you think and BELIEVE?

It seems like a LOT of effort to write a whole book and created a whole website talking about doing things, but ALSO including the words;
"BUT, there is NO way that us lunatics should be trusted", as well.

It sort of DEFEATS the PURPOSE of creating and sharing the idea and plan. Or, can you NOT SEE this?
Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 9:28 pm "The Fourth Industrial Revolution, finally, will change not only what we do but also who we are. It will affect our identity and all the issues associated with it: our sense of privacy, our notions of ownership, our consumption patterns, the time we devote to work and leisure, and how we develop our careers, cultivate our skills, meet people, and nurture relationships. It is already changing our health and leading to a “quantified” self, and sooner than we think it may lead to human augmentation. The list is endless because it is bound only by our imagination... Ubiquitous, mobile supercomputing. Intelligent robots. Self-driving cars. Neuro-technological brain enhancements. Genetic editing. The evidence of dramatic change is all around us and it’s happening at exponential speed."

That's Klaus Schwab, their main guru.
I do NOT SEE what 'you' were "seeing" here, by the way.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:53 pm
FlashDangerpants wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:23 pm
Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:03 pm
That's their main bit.

Check out the blue book, sections 1 to 1.4.
You were able to provide a quote for the other thing, but not this?
I'm able, but I'm not going to do all your research for you.

Besides, it's more convincing to you if you look it up yourself.

But if you don't like to do research, and would rather remain uninformed, here's a tidy summary:
ONCE AGAIN, you make a CLAIM, and then when questioned or challenged over that CLAIM, you FALL TO PIECES.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Age »

Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:24 am
FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:40 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:53 pm I'm able, but I'm not going to do all your research for you.
Does it actually say "they want universal Socialism" or did you have to do a bunch of reading between the lines to get that one?
Read what they say.

They want an end to private ownership, redistribution, and no private literally get to "own nothing," (Their words.) and "rent" (their words again) from the government. This, they call "stakeholder capitalism." Except that it's got no element of capitalism in it, except what the elites themselves get to practice. They also get to keep their property, of course. Everyone else becomes totally government dependent. And this, they call "social justice" and "equity."
So, to you, 'they' SAY, "We get to keep what is "ours" but EVERY one of 'you' has to hand over what WAS 'yours' and 'you', literally, get to so-call "own nothing"."

As can be CLEARLY SEEN here, people "see" and "hear" 'things', in what "other's" SAY or WRITE, which would OBVIOUSLY NOT be 'there' AT ALL.
FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:40 am Of course, poverty, dependency are misery are very "equalizing."

And if the Davos jerks were interested in "redistributing" their own wealth, they'd already have done it, and be living at a normal level themselves. But they have not. Instead, they're jet-setting to Davos, and "making plans for Nigel."

But don't take my word for it: go read it for yourself.
Are you even SLIGHTLY AWARE that the way people "read and see" 'things' is VERY individually DIFFERENT. For example, you "saw" in a previous quote 'things' that we NEVER 'saw' AT ALL.

But, AGAIN, this is due to your OWN VERY NARROWED and VERY CLOSED WAY of LOOKING AT and SEEING 'things'.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by FlashDangerpants »

Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:24 am
FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:40 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 11:53 pm I'm able, but I'm not going to do all your research for you.
Does it actually say "they want universal Socialism" or did you have to do a bunch of reading between the lines to get that one?
Read what they say.

They want an end to private ownership, redistribution, and no private literally get to "own nothing," (Their words.) and "rent" (their words again) from the government. This, they call "stakeholder capitalism." Except that it's got no element of capitalism in it, except what the elites themselves get to practice. They also get to keep their property, of course. Everyone else becomes totally government dependent. And this, they call "social justice" and "equity."
Does any of your interpretation depend upon not believing certain things a person says because you find them untrustworthy?

It's not socilalism to rent a car, it's socialism to not be allowed to own a car because they belong to the state by the way. If you choose never to buy a car, but simply to lease a new model every three years you haven't been hoodwinked into communism.

I'm reasonably sure you can't find a quote in that book where the global elite gloats that the hoi-polloi will be permanently mired in state dependence.

This is all some very inferior paranoid ranting you are doing, it's more like being in a Pink Floyd concept album than 1984
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by henry quirk »

Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:24 amThey want an end to private ownership, redistribution, and no private literally get to "own nothing," (Their words.) and "rent" (their words again) from the government. This, they call "stakeholder capitalism." Except that it's got no element of capitalism in it, except what the elites themselves get to practice. They also get to keep their property, of course. Everyone else becomes totally government dependent. And this, they call "social justice" and "equity."
call it what it is: slavery
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Sculptor »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:33 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:24 am
FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:40 am
Does it actually say "they want universal Socialism" or did you have to do a bunch of reading between the lines to get that one?
Read what they say.

They want an end to private ownership, redistribution, and no private literally get to "own nothing," (Their words.) and "rent" (their words again) from the government. This, they call "stakeholder capitalism." Except that it's got no element of capitalism in it, except what the elites themselves get to practice. They also get to keep their property, of course. Everyone else becomes totally government dependent. And this, they call "social justice" and "equity."
Does any of your interpretation depend upon not believing certain things a person says because you find them untrustworthy?

It's not socilalism to rent a car, it's socialism to not be allowed to own a car because they belong to the state by the way.
If you choose never to buy a car, but simply to lease a new model every three years you haven't been hoodwinked into communism.

I'm reasonably sure you can't find a quote in that book where the global elite gloats that the hoi-polloi will be permanently mired in state dependence.

This is all some very inferior paranoid ranting you are doing, it's more like being in a Pink Floyd concept album than 1984
I find it both puzzling and amusing at the total lack of understanding of the word socialism expressed in the younger generation.
You are indocrinated to hate the very thing that would help you.
The elites love that, because that is the way the masses are controlled, exactly by getting them to attack their own interests.
You are participating in your own oppression.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Sculptor »

Age wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 5:39 am
Sculptor wrote: Mon Jan 17, 2022 5:54 pm
Impenitent wrote: Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:55 pm The great reset by Glenn Beck...

just picked it up yesterday, good read so far...

of course it has been panned by the critics...

The guy is unhinged.
Zero education. A drug addict. An alcoholic. Antisemite.
Mother drowned with her John in a boat on the Puget Sound. Brought up by a violent father.
Why would you expect his book to be any good?
Some of the BEST books, messages, or lessons in Life can come from those who have had the HARDEST of upbringings, and even with the LEAST education.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Sculptor »

Socialism is not about state dependance, you already have that with Trump/Biden.

Socialism was and still is about the people that do the fucking work hold the power, not the people who make money from them.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by FlashDangerpants »

henry quirk wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 11:53 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:24 amThey want an end to private ownership, redistribution, and no private literally get to "own nothing," (Their words.) and "rent" (their words again) from the government. This, they call "stakeholder capitalism." Except that it's got no element of capitalism in it, except what the elites themselves get to practice. They also get to keep their property, of course. Everyone else becomes totally government dependent. And this, they call "social justice" and "equity."
call it what it is: slavery
Do you have Spotify Henry? What IC is defining in his tupically apocalytpic and paranoid terms is essentially that; a totally free market, completely choice driven move by consumers to quit purchasing stuff outright and to move to more flexible services.

It's stuff like this: In the nearish future, we will have cars that can reliabably drive themselves. They will be expensive to own, and it will be a waste to own one if it is unecessarily parked > 95% of the time as cars which cannot drive themselves around typically are. But cars which can dive themselves around can drive to wherever the next person with the right app is waiting to get a ride. So that's what will happen, some fleet management company will purchase the cars, their customers will purchase mobility as a service from them, and our cities won't have to dedicate 20% of their space to car parking because cars will only stop when they return to depot after X hours per day of driving around.

You can still purchase a car if you want to, but the market isn't likely to go in that direction because few will consider it a wise allocation of their income.

There's no slavery involved, Mannie is just panicking because he doesn't enjoy the modern world very much.
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by henry quirk »

Do you have Spotify Henry?

I'm not even sure what that is.

a totally free market, completely choice driven move by consumers to quit purchasing stuff outright and to move to more flexible services.

Based on what I've read so far: none of it seems chosen; all of it seems forced and enforced. Ain't nuthin' in it smells of freedom much less free-market or -enterprise.

we will have cars that can reliabably drive themselves.

No, you will. I can drive myself just fine.

They will be expensive to own, and it will be a waste to own one if it is unecessarily parked > 95% of the time as cars which cannot drive themselves around typically are.

In-city, parkin' is a problem; in-country, where I am, ain't no problem at all.

But cars which can dive themselves around can drive to wherever the next person with the right app is waiting to get a ride.

Hey, if you wanna rent or lease, or rely on a robot, do so: I own and -- as I say -- I drive myself.

You can still purchase a car if you want to, but the market isn't likely to go in that direction because few will consider it a wise allocation of their income.

Unless rural life goes belly up and everyone moves into a metropolis, that ain't happenin'.

There's no slavery involved.

I disagree: it's all very civilized, sure, but it's no different than Mr. Rilla's set up in veg's freedom thread. A cage is a cage no matter how well-appointed; a pet is a pet no matter how well-treated.
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Immanuel Can
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Re: The Great Reset

Post by Immanuel Can »

FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 10:33 am
Immanuel Can wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 4:24 am
FlashDangerpants wrote: Tue Jan 18, 2022 2:40 am
Does it actually say "they want universal Socialism" or did you have to do a bunch of reading between the lines to get that one?
Read what they say.

They want an end to private ownership, redistribution, and no private literally get to "own nothing," (Their words.) and "rent" (their words again) from the government. This, they call "stakeholder capitalism." Except that it's got no element of capitalism in it, except what the elites themselves get to practice. They also get to keep their property, of course. Everyone else becomes totally government dependent. And this, they call "social justice" and "equity."
Does any of your interpretation depend...
I'm quoting them. See above. Those are their terms.

So my interpretation depends on me having actually read what they say. :shock: That puts me way ahead of you, apparently. So you've got some reading to do.
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