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Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 2:16 am
by Bill Wiltrack

Kind-of funny...I thank you for opening -up this space for me tonight to reflect upon how much cryptocurrencies mean to me at this moment and actually how much this technology has enriched my life over the past few years.

I have been monitoring the dynamic growth of this new type of currency pretty intently for quite a while. There is a story, a narration that I have enjoyed viewing outwardly about the actual currencies and the blockchain but, more importantly I have learned a great deal about my inner self in this process of relating to this new, developing technology.

Unexpectedly, of late, I have understood the philosophical impact of this entire process upon myself as I relate to The Philosophy of Mathematics.

As most of you know here my life has been greatly influenced by the philosophies of P.D. Ouspensky. A Russian, a mathematician, and a tremendously dynamic philosopher.

Oddly enough, cryptocurrencies are a currency of the mind. THE EXACT SAME SPACE AS MATHEMATICS.

There is no outward tangible aspect of a crypto coin or token.

Cryptocurrencies represent the third major philosophical evolution of the currency of mankind. The currency of the mind.


Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 3:36 am
by Arising_uk
Bill Wiltrack wrote:...

Oddly enough, cryptocurrencies are a currency of the mind. THE EXACT SAME SPACE AS MATHEMATICS.

There is no outward tangible aspect of a crypto coin or token. ...
Where have you been living Bill? I haven't used cash in years.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:33 am
by EchoesOfTheHorizon
I'm not into electronic bitcoins and the like, sure some of these will just change programming one day and deposit all back into Russia.

So I just do it all the old fashion way and print my own money whenever I need it.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 9:15 am
by Bill Wiltrack

Credit cards are fiat based and do not have the benefit of being peer-to-peer.



Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:05 am
by Arising_uk
Bill Wiltrack wrote: Credit cards are fiat based and do not have the benefit of being peer-to-peer.
:lol: You just like using words whose concept you do not understand nor it's application, all in the hope of sounding clever.

Firstly, I use a debit card Bill. Secondly, what is the tangible asset behind the GBP? Thirdly, what do you do when you want to realise the value of your crypto-currency?

This last one should be of interest to you Bill if you are investing in Bitcon as don't get caught when this bubble bursts. Please remember, never trade money you cannot afford to lose and especially not if you are dreaming of being rich from the process as the market is built upon such dashed hopes.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 11:42 am
by Bill Wiltrack

There have been & there will continue to be bubbles in the crypto-currency markets.

I can think of about six different ways that one could lose ALL of their crypto assets almost immediately.

The blockchain as an experiment is still being developed.
IT IS EXTREMELY RISKY to be involved in any crypto-currency right now.

That being said, I am more of a, Live in your dreams not in your fears type of guy.

& it's a little like heroin...once you taste it, any other investment vehicle just isn't the same...

It's a developing, new technology and quite frankly, the philosophical insights I am gaining in my life right now, because of my relationship to the technology, is impossible for me to give-up. The philosophy/mathematics plunge I had taken in my late teens is re-visiting me right now. Don't know if this will lead me to my ultimate downfall or to some type of penultimate philosophical breakthrough...but I can't look away.



Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 4:11 pm
by Arising_uk
Well that's all very sweet and I'm pleased to hear you understand the risks you are taking if you are investing in such things but please don't be one of these fools who uses money they can't afford. However what I'd really like is for you, just for once, to answer questions. So, what are the tangible assets of the GBP? And if you wish to realise the value of your crypto-currency how would you go about it?

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:28 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

Here is a site that will tell you all you need to know about GBP along with associate related links. If that is what you are looking for.

As far as realizing the value of a crypto-currency there are MANY exchanges that have up-to-the-minute listings of current value of hundreds of cryptocurrencies. Here is a partial list. There are literally dozens of exchanges throughout the world.

GREAT questions!



Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 5:45 pm
by Arising_uk
And fuck all answers from you as usual.

Let's try again, I know there are valuation sites for crypto-currencies but do you understand what realising their value actually entails? Let's try it simply, you have some bitcoins, how do you cash them in and what do you receive?

You claimed that fiat currency, unlike crypto-currencies, have tangible assets, so what are the tangible assets of the GBP? As I've not spent any cash for a few years.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:27 pm
by Bill Wiltrack

Crypto-currencies do not hold tangible assets in themselves. There is a cost associated to what's known now as, Proof of Work which is a system where crypot miners are rewarded for solving mathematical problems but that is about the extent of it. Sorry if you misunderstood me but, like fiat, cryptocurrencies main value is in perception. Thank you for allowing me to clarify this for you.

As to your other question, when you visit exchanges you will be able to see exchange rates, often called pairs, where you would be able to to exchange, for example, Bitcoin for Ripple, which would look like this BTC/XRP. There are many pairs available. If the pair that you wish to exchange is not evident within the exchange you are working with you can use Bitcoin as the commonality between coins. Example, exchange coin A for Bitcoin, then use the newly acquired Bitcion amount to purchase coin B.

Hope that cleared things up for you. I noticed you used the term fuck above. PLEASE do not get down on yourself. Cryptocurrencies are a whole new mindset & philosophy. It will take time for you to understand. Be patient!

*Remember, you can find ALL you need to know online & you can always fall back on me if you have a question that you are unsure how to formulate. Just as we have done here.

Have a GREAT day!



Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:54 pm
by Arising_uk
Once again you ignore my questions, I can't figure out if you are just stupid or sly, the latter I suspect.

Try it this way, once you've used ripple to trade your bitcoins into another crypto-currency, say Ripple, how do you realise the value of that currency, that is, how do you spend it?

And this, you say what makes crypto-currencies unique compared to fiat ones is that they have no tangible aspect, so tell me what the tangible aspect of the GBP is given that I've not spent any cash for a number of years now?
"Cryptocurrencies are a whole new mindset & philosophy. It will take time for you to understand. Be patient!"

:lol: At a stretch I could probably write the interface you use to access a blockchain implementation.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 6:56 pm
by EchoesOfTheHorizon
Crown Jewels back the GBP.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:02 pm
by Arising_uk
EchoesOfTheHorizon wrote: Crown Jewels back the GBP.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:07 pm
by EchoesOfTheHorizon
Your labor does as well. If it defaults, you become my slave. If you have kids, they have to make my smartphone in a factory, instead of going to school.

Re: ~ Crypto-Currencies Mark an End to the Nation-State ~

Posted: Wed Nov 08, 2017 7:10 pm
by Arising_uk
Care to say that in English?