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Re: Can philosophy help another persons problem.

Posted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:43 pm
by Blaggard
And sometimes you need to relax under a bridge...

Re: Can philosophy help another persons problem.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:56 am
by thedoc
duszek wrote:
thedoc wrote:
[email protected] wrote:I have proofread the post, if this post has fault, check Grammarly. You judged me, oh you're perfect, I see! If one has not had the same emotions that you have had, how can they help them? Thoughts, please. Paul

A little advice for everyone else, Don't feed the Troll. It seems like PJ has come here with a chip on his shoulder looking for a fight, let him fight with himself.
I am grateful for good advice from friendly people.

On the other hand one should not condemn a person too quickly by labeling him a troll.

How can we decide that a troll is a troll ?
By a majority vote ?
By trusting an expert opinion ?

Sometimes a troll is like a poisonous mushroom that looks like an eatable one.

My first clue is that their posts just seem to be of a nature to start a fight rather than a discussion, but that's just my impression. Too many examples from one particular member and I'm invoking the ignore feature, till I see some evidence of some interesting content. And I usually read several posts before making a decision, but when the posts are consistently of that one particular nature, my decision is made for me.

Re: Can philosophy help another persons problem.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 3:14 am
by thedoc
Blaggard wrote:And sometimes you need to relax under a bridge...

I enjoy reading a book by a window, watching it snow. Currently I'm reading "How to be a Christian, without going to church" by Kelly Bean. I'm reading it for a book study during the adult Sunday school class after service and I'm beginning to think that I should just read it myself and not attend the class. There seem to be a couple members of the class who have made their mind up from the title and are now trying to find anything they can to criticize the premise of the book. I have long ago decided to give up on arguing with that kind of closed mindedness, and I'm much more at peace with things.

Re: Can philosophy help another persons problem.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:04 am
by Blaggard
Can philosophy help you, it is the love of knowing though, so I am reliably imformed. If by any means you don't know, don't tackle philosophy. Or do so it's all good. :)_

Re: Can philosophy help another persons problem.

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 10:57 pm
by SpheresOfBalance
A_Seagull wrote:
duszek wrote:What problems does philosophy cause ?
Philosophy describes a paradigm, a self-consistent way of viewing the world.
Not for those that truly understand philosophy! In truth Philosophy only ever questions everything, especially long dead philosophers, of antiquated years, understanding that knowledge is an ever varying revisionist work in progress. Not that previous visions are to be forgotten, in the platform they provided for now's re-visions. The human condition is ever a work in progress, we just hope that a more universal vision prevails, as it's the truest version of them 'all!' In the end the question is: How aligned with the Universe is your vision? Which determines your visions truth factor.

But it is not the only way, nor can it even be shown to be the best way.
There is more than one vision? Of course there is, each one part of the 'all' one must consider, in chasing the tail of the universal. These are the differences between us, defined by an ever variable environmental, some call it culture, and it is that, yet not that simple, it's geologic's, atmospherics, botanic's geomagnetics, etc, etc. The specific ever relative effectual of one's, specifically different environment. Did I leave out parental, effects? And in all this, there is fear! Did I mention psychology? Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics, Anthropology, Paleontology, Particle Physics, yes all Science indeed! One of my very favorite subjects, Science, and then there is Art! One's vision can only be the truest when it's capable of placing each puzzle piece in it's proper place, all inclusive. The puzzle pieces are there for anyone to see, that tries to understand everything. The universal truth is 'all' inclusive. 'I only know, that I know nothing!' --Socrates--

Aren't we all! ;)

Yet many people consider that philosophy describes the way the world actually is, and when this does not dovetail with their own personal experience of life, they may consider that it is themselves that is at fault rather than the philosophy. This can cause problems.
It's always ones problem; he who doesn't try and understand the universal, no matter how difficult that may be, as that is indeed Philosophies nature, it's essence!

All the pieces in their proper place, the one true vision of the entirety of the universal truth, the puzzle complete; no left over pieces! ;)