Am I sick?

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Bill Wiltrack
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »



I don't perceive anything, posted on the internet, as being erotic or pornographic.

I think you are trying to pull the scope of this thread beyond it's framework.

Or you see something that is not here.

What if I don't perceive anything, posted on the internet, as being erotic or pornographic.?

What would that, in itself, mean? - If anything?

Could that mean that I am extremely healthy?

Could that mean that I am lacking something?

What are those words? What is behind them?

What if, I don't perceive anything, posted on the internet, as being erotic or pornographic?

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Re: Am I sick?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

I'm reminded of the title of a Bush tune. I like the music, it's a bit: grunge rock: "The Chemicals Between Us."
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by The Voice of Time »

depends bill on whether you don't feel it also. In that case, definitely something wrong, while "sick" may be an exaggeration.
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

So Bill, am I to understand that, that gif you posted, of the beautiful chic pulling up her shorts, doesn't make you want to be there, to hold her in your arms, and love her, hoping she'll want to engage in some, one on one acrobatics, on the first apparatus that pops up, (yes, yes, at one time I was a gymnast ;-)). Minus all the gawker's, of course! It's all about the chemicals between us. There are hormone therapies, which I understand are ever increasingly, sometimes needed, as one grows older. Care needs to be taken in their use, but I think along with some regular acrobatics, to aid in blood flow, one could control any possible side effects. Could that be at the core of your dilemma? Was there ever a time otherwise?
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by reasonvemotion »

yes indeed RE, but I prefer calling it "intense", I have probably experienced more "glorious" moments by myself, but the woman was so intense it felt like dying, it was indescribably paralysing in a way, and she got complete control over me, no, I mean like literally, not me "wanting" to be controlled or anything, I couldn't move unless she touched me first, I was literally paralysed.

But I can get incredibly excited still by what I experience on the web, and the point is not what turns you on the most or anything, the point is could it... even the slightest... turn you on? Because that's when it becomes erotic, though maybe pornographic is reserved for another meaning, namely explicit eroticism, if it's possible to distinguish.

I have never watched porn on the internet.


I can relate to both your experiences of being attracted to "the mind" (no sex) and another(sex) of such intensity that it was almost paralysing, I understand what you are saying.

The interesting fact is when I had to choose, which one I would marry, I chose the sexual out of the two, because I never understood why it didnt happen with the other. If I met him again, I would not hesitate in commiting myself to him, sex or no sex.
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »



I have ventured into every corner of the internet.

I too have never watched porn on the internet.


I don't perceive anything, posted on the internet, as being erotic or pornographic.

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Re: Am I sick?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Can the Chemicals Between Us be stymied due to mind? Of course they can, all sorts of preconceived notions due to social pressure can shut one's natural tendencies down. But I see that to follow the social norms is not natural, as sexual function is fundamental to the animal, it is why there are in fact sexes to begin with. And that some, with stronger drives, that block the natural course of life process', can experience devastating effects, in terms of health issues, both mental and physical. Sex is in fact a stress reliever, and if bottled up, one can only explode. I've always disliked prudes as the psychopaths that they truly are. To deny nature is a fools game, and self defeating one way or another.

If on the other hand, one does not succumb to social pressure, or that of parental input, and instead seek their own balance, recognizing the truth, of their own unique design, then they are truly themselves, as free of will as can be. There is no need to compare oneself with others, as if others could possibly set the bar, that one must aspire too reach. Everyone's body and mind are individual, and each should seek their own path.

So if the former paragraph applies to you, you are sick, while if it's the latter, you are cured, and you are merely being you!

One should always know the why of their desires, this shall always yield the most, true individual, free of will, as one decides for themselves what they are/should be. Others only provide possibilities, you provide the solution.
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by Dunce »

SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sex is in fact a stress reliever, and if bottled up, one can only explode. I've always disliked prudes as the psychopaths that they truly are. To deny nature is a fools game, and self defeating one way or another.
But what some people don't seem to realise is that this 'explosion' can happen in your sleep being harmless, nature-afirming and insightful.
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Dunce wrote:
SpheresOfBalance wrote: Sex is in fact a stress reliever, and if bottled up, one can only explode. I've always disliked prudes as the psychopaths that they truly are. To deny nature is a fools game, and self defeating one way or another.
But what some people don't seem to realise is that this 'explosion' can happen in your sleep being harmless, nature-afirming and insightful.
Fair enough, I believe that one could experience this, not that it's necessarily universal, but OK, in some instances. But I see it from another perspective. Some scientific study found that the incidence of breast cancer increased for those women that did not breast feed, while conversely the women that used those glands for their intended purpose, had a much lower incidence of cancer. My way of viewing this data, though inconclusive, is that of a mechanical nature. That the milk was voided and not left to remain stagnant so as the body reabsorbed it in a non natural way. That the body, when operated as intended, yields a much healthier body. Likewise I see that if any glands are denied intended usage then there is an increased risk of cancer. As the proper use includes a cleansing action, a voiding of the old so as to make way for the new, as our bodies are constantly shedding and creating new cells so as to maintain ones health. So I see that to deny the natural sexual functioning of the animal is to decrease that animals health on many different fronts. Frequency then, can be of major importance. For instance one can do curls to maintain the health of the bicep, but how does one exercise that particular, or for that matter, any other sphincter muscle? And what adjacent benefit is realized due to proximity, as blood vessels are a web of highways that pass by many other zones in their travels, so I see that strengthening any particular muscle, strengthens all adjacent organs, glands, etc., via healthy unclogged vessels. Of course this assumes proper nutrition.
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by Bill Wiltrack »



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Re: Am I sick?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

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Re: Am I sick?

Post by reasonvemotion »

That the milk was voided and not left to remain stagnant so as the body reabsorbed it in a non natural way.
Which is the process when women decide to cease breast feeding. :?
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Re: Am I sick?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

reasonvemotion wrote:
That the milk was voided and not left to remain stagnant so as the body reabsorbed it in a non natural way.
Which is the process when women decide to cease breast feeding. :?
No that's only after, the glands have been purged for some time, the time it takes to ween a child. And don't forget, while I may not know the exact mechanisms that are involved, according to the study, it is a fact that women that breastfeed are less likely to get breast cancer, while those that instead choose to dry up and feed their baby man-made, mass produced substitutes, have a greater risk of breast cancer. If I remember correctly, if one never gets pregnant, thus not setting the body in motion to facilitate breastfeeding, they don't have to worry. I see that there is a cleansing action, that's purely my analogy, but in addition there could be some long term physiological changes in the glands, after a period of time. Which to me makes sense. Look the only thing that really matters here is that both Mother and Child are better served by breastfeeding, a natural state of events, go figure!

And I truly believe that in fact men have a lesser chance of prostate cancer when the contents of the prostate is regularly purged/exercised via ejaculation, Bills comical gif aside. Lets face it, a man is at greater risk, as he grows older, after his testosterone levels start to drop, causing his desire to wane, thus sexual function frequency is diminished. What's that old saying, use it or loose it? In this case I believe it, (actually in all cases I believe it). Of course I see that in addition, cardiovascular health should be maintained, and that producing ejaculate, on a regular basis, aids in this endeavor, in a localized fashion. As one exercises muscle fibers, assuming they're breathing properly, the fibers are both nourished and oxygenated more readily, while breaking them down, causes them to build up tougher and stronger. Of course one cannot forget the importance of nutrition.

So YES, I see that the regular sexual activity of a couple, as they grow older together, is important to their long term health, on many levels.
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