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Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2017 10:35 pm
by Arising_uk
Walker wrote:...
President Trump Realigning Geo-Political Alliances, and Few Paying Attention…
Dur! It was obvious geo-politics was going to change if he made Prez. How is to be seen. As unlike the trumpette the Chinese take a very long view about things. That'll be why they've been around for about 4000 years.

You mistake me, I've already said I'll await the Americans judgement on the trumpette's presidency(not that its my business nor of much interest to me) and not prejudge how it'll turn out.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 8:07 am
by Walker
Trump is about 70.

There are no known Chinese folks who are about 4000 years old.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 9:26 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Arising_uk wrote:
Walker wrote:...
President Trump Realigning Geo-Political Alliances, and Few Paying Attention…
Dur! It was obvious geo-politics was going to change if he made Prez. How is to be seen. As unlike the trumpette the Chinese take a very long view about things. That'll be why they've been around for about 4000 years.

You mistake me, I've already said I'll await the Americans judgement on the trumpette's presidency(not that its my business nor of much interest to me) and not prejudge how it'll turn out.
Shame that doesn't extend to endangered species.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 10:52 am
by Walker
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
Arising_uk wrote:
Walker wrote:...
President Trump Realigning Geo-Political Alliances, and Few Paying Attention…
Dur! It was obvious geo-politics was going to change if he made Prez. How is to be seen. As unlike the trumpette the Chinese take a very long view about things. That'll be why they've been around for about 4000 years.

You mistake me, I've already said I'll await the Americans judgement on the trumpette's presidency(not that its my business nor of much interest to me) and not prejudge how it'll turn out.
Shame that doesn't extend to endangered species.
Whiny voice ... What do you mean?

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 11:21 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
Walker wrote:
vegetariantaxidermy wrote:
Arising_uk wrote:Dur! It was obvious geo-politics was going to change if he made Prez. How is to be seen. As unlike the trumpette the Chinese take a very long view about things. That'll be why they've been around for about 4000 years.

You mistake me, I've already said I'll await the Americans judgement on the trumpette's presidency(not that its my business nor of much interest to me) and not prejudge how it'll turn out.
Shame that doesn't extend to endangered species.
Whiny voice ... What do you mean?
The obsession they have with their tiny impotent penises is endangering many of the planet's animals. I suppose it's lucky for the giant panda that it's not seen as a natural alternative to viagra.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Sun Apr 16, 2017 7:35 pm
by Arising_uk
Walker wrote:Trump is about 70. ...
So well in the past then.
There are no known Chinese folks who are about 4000 years old.
True but there's been a China for about that time so someone's been paying attention. I wonder if the US will be able to say the same in 4000 years time.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:03 am
by osgart
the middle East is important to the safety of the world and the spread of human rights and democracy .america needs Israel to work. where Muslims and Christians and Jews live non violently next to each other even though they don't come in contact with one another. if democracy spreads in the middle East than having a good quality of life prevents war and bloodshed. poverty and scarce resources cause war. It's in everybody's interest to have sane leadership in the middle East. Syria's leadership is a threat to all people, every bit as outright terrorism.Closing off from middle East only leads to the proliferation of nukes and chemical weapons. america would be insane to stay out of that strategic balance of power location.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:28 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
osgart wrote:the middle East is important to the safety of the world and the spread of human rights and democracy .america needs Israel to work. where Muslims and Christians and Jews live non violently next to each other even though they don't come in contact with one another. if democracy spreads in the middle East than having a good quality of life prevents war and bloodshed. poverty and scarce resources cause war. It's in everybody's interest to have sane leadership in the middle East. Syria's leadership is a threat to all people, every bit as outright terrorism.Closing off from middle East only leads to the proliferation of nukes and chemical weapons. america would be insane to stay out of that strategic balance of power location.
True. Creating wars is always good for peace. The US is such a peace-creator. Look at how peaceful the ME is since the US attacked Iraq. Assad is SYRIA'S leader, for SYRIANS to oust if they choose to. As a matter of fact he's pretty popular with the Syrian people. Syria has been stable and peaceful for the most part since 1970. Now look at it. How would you like it if your country was invaded and destroyed just because its leader didn't suit the invader's self-serving agenda? What a mindless drone you are.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:46 am
by osgart
bombing Syria I would not have done. I am sure they have other means to counteract the chemical weapons usage.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 4:56 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
osgart wrote:bombing Syria I would not have done. I am sure they have other means to counteract the chemical weapons usage.
Does that mean the proof has been uncovered of who did it? Or do you just believe everything your Govt. tells you? It's also so much better to die by being bombed than via chemical weapons. I suppose that's why the US is bombing Syrians, to save them from the worse death of being chemically murdered. :| Bombing people is moral.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:17 am
by osgart
I can only hope that the news stories aren't fabricated. You make it sound like you have the real scoop. how?

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:35 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
osgart wrote:I can only hope that the news stories aren't fabricated. You make it sound like you have the real scoop. how?
Why would you think that? And why on earth should I just believe anything your Govt. says? What's wrong with wanting evidence? I just can't understand why people have such a problem with this. They say 'oooh, you are defending the use of chemical weapons'. WTF? Is everyone retarded or what?
There is also the fact that that US Govt. doesn't actually give a shit about chemical weapons. It suits it to claim that it's the reason they are bombing the crap out of the country. Why would it care? It's bombing people all the time. Why would it be all precious over something like that? It didn't care when Saddam Hussein really was doing it and was open about it. It doesn't even make sense, and as your Judge Judy always says, 'if it doesn't make sense then it's not true'.

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:46 am
by osgart
I would demand evidence. In reality I know darn well trustworthiness is a scarce resource. but news reporters know that its crucial to give some amount of facts. but that is ten percent of what they do.
And it is a watered down ten percent. Trump gave the military a lot of autonomy. And they chose to be aggressors. it was reported that they bombed military installations only. did they bomb civilians? if they did I would consider that a war crime

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 5:51 am
by vegetariantaxidermy
osgart wrote:I would demand evidence. In reality I know darn well trustworthiness is a scarce resource. but news reporters know that its crucial to give some amount of facts. but that is ten percent of what they do.
And it is a watered down ten percent. Trump gave the military a lot of autonomy. And they chose to be aggressors. it was reported that they bombed military installations only. did they bomb civilians? if they did I would consider that a war crime
I don't think they care much about 'war crimes'. It's all criminal to me anyway. The whole thing stinks. If you can smell rotting fish then there is rotten fish around somewhere. Another thing. Why is Assad always described as a dictator? Wasn't he elected, and got 88 percent of the vote? Or is it just countries that the US doesn't like that elections don't count and which are always run by a 'dictator'? Or is that ANOTHER word that has lost its meaning?

Re: Show me where it says in the U.S. Constitution...

Posted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:04 am
by osgart
Assad has been reported as a guy who does crimes against humanity. I would demand evidence of that. I am not going to celebrate him.