Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

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henry quirk
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Post by henry quirk »

"Plus a bunch of executive orders that were actually carried out without so much as a check for legality."

Nope, just one, the seven nation travel-ban, and that one was/is legal (as the Supreme Court would find).


"It doesn't matter whether he is a racist; it matters that he acts like a racist in the world's most powerful job."

Viewed in context, nuthin' he's said or done is racist.


"What is the "context" of 140-character message to the world at large?"

That depends on the topic, don't you agree?


"Does 'insofar as you can tell' put everything into its proper context?"

Nope, and it wasn't meant to.


"Can you give an example of someone doing this?"

MSNBC (all the time), CNN (all the time), HLN (all the time), FOX news (A good chunk of the time), the N.Y. Times (all the time), the Washington Post (all the time), Politico (all the time), the Huffington Post (all the time), and on and on and on.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by Skip »

"What is the "context" of 140-character message to the world at large?"

That depends on the topic, don't you agree?
No, it doesn't.
Context refers the body of communication within which a statement is contained.
A tweet has no context; it stands entirely alone.

This is so obvious, it should not require clarification. So is this:

The president does not represent anyone. Read the labels:
Representatives represent their constituencies (that is, anywhere to 25 to 90% of their constituents).
The legislature legislates.
The administration administers.
The executive executes.
The judiciary adjudicates.
The president presides.

If he is supposed to represent anything, it is the union.
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Post by henry quirk »

Context can also refer to the set of circumstances or facts that surround a particular event, situation, or statement (or tweet).

As you say: This is so obvious, it should not require clarification.
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If he is supposed to represent anything, it is the union.

Post by henry quirk »

And the 'union' (United States) is, foundationally what (*who)?

*that there is your (big, fat, unambiguous hint)
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by Walker »

Hobbes' Choice wrote:
Walker wrote:Tip of the iceberg.
No evidence is no evidence.
The evidence has surfaced via Susan Rice. Obama was spying on Trump. Violation of the 4th Amendment by the executive branch. The stark lie is apparent. Now for the fog. Now it’s all about diluting the language, redefining words to redefine legality, shifting attention to other news topics such as attacking Trump. The media is doing their best to shift attention away from this. Major Left-wing news outlets are ignoring the information by scarcely mentioning it, if at all. This is obvious to anyone paying attention. The Left is so corrupt. We'll see how it goes.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by Arising_uk »

Is Wired 'The Left'? (hysterical given that you have no 'Left' just two Rights from our perspective). ... oking-gun/
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by wtf »

Walker wrote:Now for the fog. Now it’s all about diluting the language, redefining words to redefine legality, shifting attention to other news topics such as attacking Trump.
The narrative goes from "I didn't do anything," to "I didn't do anything illegal."

But the latest from the left is that attacks on Rice are sexist and racist.

For the record I'm a radical centrist disgusted by both sides. Of course Obama used the intelligence agencies for political purposes. Nixon is smiling from his perch in Hell right now.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Walker wrote:Shared bigotry and whining about the mean man does not an argument make.
Au contraire, that he is obviously an idiot, you know, mentally challenged, is a valid argument for him being impeached.
Here's something for you:

"WASHINGTON (CNN)As the 100-day mark of Donald Trump's presidency approaches, a new CNN/ORC poll finds the President reaches this milestone holding on to the lowest approval rating of any newly-elected president at this stage, amid sharp partisan divides and a failure to capitalize on post-election strengths.
Overall, 44% say they approve of Trump's handling of the presidency, 54% disapprove. That's about the same as in each of the two previous CNN/ORC polls taken after his inauguration. That 44% marker puts Trump last among approval ratings for newly-elected presidents at the 100-day point since modern polling began, a trendline that runs back to Dwight Eisenhower. Trump is last by a significant margin, trailing Bill Clinton's previous low by 11 points." --CNN--

"POLL: Trump remains the least-popular president in history ahead of his 100-day milestone" --Business Insider Australia--

"Franklin D. Roosevelt invented the idea of a president’s first 100 days. Roosevelt was actually referring to the first 100 days of a special Congressional session to fight the Great Depression, as Robert Speel of Penn State notes. But the idea soon came to mean the 100 days that start on Jan. 20 and that, for President Trump, will end on Saturday.

No doubt, you’ve seen a torrent of coverage in recent days of the milestone. And while it’s certainly an arbitrary milestone, it’s also a meaningful one. Presidents are at their most influential in their early months, which makes that period a particularly important one for a presidency.

Here’s my reading of Trump’s start: It’s the least successful first 100 days since the concept existed." --The New York Times--

"With a week remaining before his 100th day in office, Trump has yet to achieve a major legislative accomplishment..." --The Washington Post--

"Donald Trump has lowest approval ratings of any US President after 100 days, says latest poll

The 100 day mark of any presidency may, or may not, tell us something about the new administration.

But a flurry of surveys that have been published as Donald Trump marks the milestone, suggest he has the lowest approval rating of any newly elected commander-in-chief.

The latest survey, by CNN/ORC, puts the New York billionaire’s approval rating at 44 per cent, with 54 per cent of people saying they disapprove of the way he is doing the job" --The Independent--

You want more???

Like I said earlier, Trump shall be remembered as the worst president ever! Wait and see!

Trump says he was bugged.

One of his first calls as POTUS was to Australia. The possibly purported content of his conversation, over the official and secure phone of the president, was leaked to the press not long after the call. The leaker’s ID is currently not proven.

Also, his home was bugged when he was a private citizen.
Maybe it was bugged by the same Rooskies who somehow snatched Hillary's victory.
Maybe it was Spectre.

Trump has the law on his side but he's threatening the big house of cards that's built on self-preservation of the functionaries.

He has already clearly declared that his intent is to represent the people.

The question is, what is his take on the meaning of enemy and war.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by Walker »

I think you're wrong, just like before, when you said that crook was going to surely be elected instead of President Donald J. Trump.

Have you seen the fake Hillary site? It's fake news of what would have been, had she been The Man.

Some good satire.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Walker wrote:I think you're wrong, just like before, when you said that crook was going to surely be elected instead of President Donald J. Trump.

Have you seen the fake Hillary site? It's fake news of what would have been, had she been The Man.

Some good satire.
And that's the difference between you and I, you value fiction, satire, believing it somehow speaks of truth, while I value facts or at least those things presented as facts, like her projected win. The fact is, more people dislike Trump as president, than has ever been recorded thus far in our history. And I've never heard of demonstration after demonstration against a new president ever. His stance on the environment alone, is why I "know" he's a moron, (has his head screwed on backwards). And mark my words, we'll eventually pay for it, with our lives. There should be a law that capitalist businessmen can never be considered for president, as making money is their primary goal, a selfish goal. Donald's a liar and a thief, deserving only to loose everything he values. How can anyone be considered respectable that preys on human weakness, then filing for bankruptcy due to people not being capable of feeding that weakness any longer. He's a bottom feeder!! A worthless bottom feeder!!
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by Walker »

SpheresOfBalance wrote:
Walker wrote:I think you're wrong, just like before, when you said that crook was going to surely be elected instead of President Donald J. Trump.

Have you seen the fake Hillary site? It's fake news of what would have been, had she been The Man.

Some good satire.
And that's the difference between you and I, you value fiction, satire, believing it somehow speaks of truth, while I value facts or at least those things presented as facts, like her projected win. The fact is, more people dislike Trump as president, than has ever been recorded thus far in our history. And I've never heard of demonstration after demonstration against a new president ever. His stance on the environment alone, is why I "know" he's a moron, (has his head screwed on backwards). And mark my words, we'll eventually pay for it, with our lives. There should be a law that capitalist businessmen can never be considered for president, as making money is their primary goal, a selfish goal. Donald's a liar and a thief, deserving only to loose everything he values. How can anyone be considered respectable that preys on human weakness, then filing for bankruptcy due to people not being capable of feeding that weakness any longer. He's a bottom feeder!! A worthless bottom feeder!!
I understand what you’re saying. I simply think you’re misreading between the lines.
Surprised you don’t like satire and cynicism. As I’m sure you know, they are offshoots of critical thinking best reined in for conviviality, and I’ve noticed that a demonstrated tendency towards a hyperbolic condition is a counter-indicator to exaggeration’s absence in the noggin. :P

Look at it this way.
- As someone who has already successfully matched intent to results on a big scale involving a lot of people, by doing what must be done, this president is very qualified.
- Finally got one who measures up to the job.
- Too bad his party, Congress, the press, and big mouths with a public voice don’t measure up to him.
- He has a personality of leadership, he is fluid and reflective.

He is master of his ego, he is not a slave to his ego.
- Recently he said that the job is harder than he thought it would be, he explained why, and he was humble about it.

I think you’re misreading his character.
- He’s not a saint, but he’s nobody’s fool.
- He’s a hard worker and does what must be done.
- He knows his limitations.
- He makes work his vice.

Folks are bitching about the expense of his weekends in Florida. Look at it this way.
- Instead of him trotting all those jets and cars and folks and stuff all over the world, in duplicate, simply to literally bow to foreign leaders while giving away the country and screwing up relationships on the scale of nations (as did his predecessor who was ill-equipped with inexperience and narcissism to parley with power), foreign leaders have been the fortunate guests of President Trump.

- So, the expense balances out.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by osgart »

A president is only going to do his convictions of what is best for the American people. those convictions won't ever represent the totality of American people. and their bias and prejudices and self interest is what they will legislate and enact.

two monsters in America: government and economy. self interest is the prime motive of both.

we don't have a system of give only take.

we ideally are supposed to have equal representation for all.

but this is a republic and not a democracy.

A conservative wants government to stay out of the way of economy

A liberal is socialist by nature and wants to control the economy and regulate everything

The constitution sets both at gridlock typically.

yet with trump we see in Congress he has a majority.

not very often does a presidents actions gain consensus agreement that lasts. And

with each new election the previous president is undermined.

good! because power corrupts and good presidents are rare.

America is divided but on a few things unwavering ly United. such as defending the country from terror and hostile regimes .

with each new president the two headed beast is a different animal. America is a split between liberals and conservatives.

I don't see any unifying principles between the two but a few and they are divided in those.

It's almost like two different countries.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by Walker »

The President doesn't write the laws.
Neither does Congress ...

Understanding Why President Trump Has Not Received Legislative Action From Congress… ... -congress/

“If you asked a DC Senator or House Member to actually write a law they’d look back at you like a cow just licked them on the forehead. The politician would have no clue what you are asking them to do, and would immediately look to their staff as their closest reference point (the go-betweens) for outside lobbyist assistance.”
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by Greta »

The government is charged with representing taxpayers. However, governments - especially those from the right of the political spectrum - increasingly only work for large institutions. Human individuals in large societies seem to be essentially a kind of livestock now.
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Re: Is the US President supposed to represent all the people?

Post by wtf »

Greta wrote:The government is charged with representing taxpayers. However, governments - especially those from the right of the political spectrum - increasingly only work for large institutions. Human individuals in large societies seem to be essentially a kind of livestock now.
Only going to get worse. That's what globalism is about. Anti-globalists have a point, even if the likes of Trump and Le Pen are not always the ideal representatives.
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