
Is the mind the same as the body? What is consciousness? Can machines have it?

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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm The irony is that i post this stuff to try to help people out of their suffering.
Tell us HOW EXACTLY this stuff, you post, will actually help people out of their suffering?

If by NOT thinking helps people out of "their" suffering, then OBVIOUSLY when they start thinking again, then the suffering will also begin, again.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmI offer an exercise that will show directly, that humans can't stop thinking for more than a few seconds, and then point out that this uncontrollable mind might just be the source of all their problems.
And what is this exercise, exactly?

So, 'you' offer an exercise that will show directly that humans can NOT stop thinking for more than a few seconds, and then you will point out to them that they can not control some "mind" thing, and that this supposed inability to control some "mind" thing, might just be the source of ALL "their" so called "problems", okay, but doing any of this does NOT make much sense at all to me.

I even back up that theory (training to focus on the space between thoughts, rather than the thoughts) with proof from my own experience

Would it not be the case that the "space between thoughts" is the actual act of NOT thinking, and would NOT be the "training to focus" on that non thinking "space", itself? Focusing on the thoughts, rather than on the space between thoughts, I thought would defeat the WHOLE purpose of any of this. So, OBVIOUSLY the "space between thoughts" is what is sought, rather than the thoughts.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm- yes it works; i have no problems in life and experience perfect contentment/absolute happiness.
'you' certainly do NOT come across that way here in this forum.

And, HOW, EXACTLY, is NOT thinking for whatever time period 'you' allege 'you' can do it for, somehow, miraculously, solves and answers ALL "problems", and leave one in PERFECT CONTENTMENT and ABSOLUTE HAPPINESS, for the rest of their "lives"?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmInstead of vast numbers of people thanking me for showing them their delusion and how to free oneself from it, i most often am ignored and/or attacked.
This might be because of your "superiority complex", as SHOWN and EVIDENCE just here.

Have VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE been SHOWN by 'you' "their" "delusion"?

Have 'you' REALLY freed VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE from "delusion"?

If 'you' are most often ignored and/or attacked, then this might be EVIDENCE and PROOF that ACTUALLY 'you' have NOT shown "VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE" of any thing at all REALLY?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmHaving an identity is more important than not suffering, even though it is not seen that the incorrect identification is the very source of the suffering.
And here 'you' are here, telling us how GREAT 'you' ARE, and HOW 'you' SHOULD BE THANKED, by 'us' disillusioned ones.

YET, 'you' can NOT even identify correctly who the 'you' IS actually.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm When the ego (what one thinks they are; the illusion) is threatened, it will respond with fight or flight (hence the reluctance to actually sit and objectively examine one's mind).
How could we "examine" some thing, which 'you' so far have PROVEN completely incapable of explain what it ACTUALLY IS, exactly?

What is IT that 'you' want/expect us to EXAMINE?

So it runs or fights to live another day, another life, another species. And so the cycle of Samsara continues until one finally wakes up.[/quote]

And SEE 'what' EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmWell there's a new dream being constructed right before our very eyes. And it's a long one.
Is this what 'you' are seeing here?

What is this long dream about, which your are seeing?
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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:03 am
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm The irony is that i post this stuff to try to help people out of their suffering.
People can only thank what they personally understand by association within the content of the message and how it is delivered. And I thank you roydop for being here. We've all got a message. And we need to understand that nothing we say is up for sale, rather it's all free.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm I offer an exercise that will show directly, that humans can't stop thinking for more than a few seconds, and then point out that this uncontrollable mind might just be the source of all their problems.
I even back up that theory (training to focus on the space between thoughts, rather than the thoughts) with proof from my own experience - yes it works; i have no problems in life and experience perfect contentment/absolute happiness.
The excercise does work roydop, it's like every other mental skill when applied, you can master just about whatever you set your mind to do with enough focus and willful intent.
But the point being made was; 'you' people can NOT control this, so called, "mind" thing, so I am NOT sure how one could master having control over the "mind" when they "set the mind" to do this with enough focus and willful intent.

Once again, just more self-absurd and self-contradictory terms being expressed, which I will NOT ask for clarity, from 'you', because 'you' "justify" with "reasons" WHY you can NOT clarify.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:03 amIt worked for me. And yes, the result is no problems or suffering, just pure happiness. and the realisation and relief that happiness is not found in people or things, it's quite the opposite.
Do 'you', human beings, REALLY BELIEVE that happiness is found in physical things?

WHY would 'you' even BELIEVE such ridiculous and absurd things, in the first place?

And No medication required either, just a strong mind to see through the delusion of identifying with your thoughts as being real.[/quote]

Yet here 'you' are exactly identifying with the thoughts within that body.

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:03 amDoctors won't tell you that, you have to figure it out for yourself. Doctors take the easy way out by pumping the body full of drugs and sedatives, and people fall hook line ans sinker believing they are ill when they are not.
But 'you' were telling us that we are all disillusioned?

What do 'you' think is the definition of being 'ill', from the person perspective?
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:03 amIn any case, part of their health problems are usually due to wrong thinking, that can be very easily corrected by the right thinking.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmWell there's a new dream being constructed right before our very eyes. And it's a long one.
Let them have their dreams, for what they wish, will manifest.
And what was it again that 'you' are WISHING here that "others" would do?

Do things 'yourself', for what 'you' wish, is one thing, but expecting "others" to do things, for what 'you' wish, is a completely other matter.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:03 am It effects not the unshackled heart. The restless heart loves a problem, and when it runs out of problems it will invent other ones, always looking to replace one illusion with another.
Remember it was "roydop" who claims to NOT have problems?
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:03 amOn and on it goes forever in persuit of chasing pink balloons.

Sounds like a lot of chasing and wishing going on here.
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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:25 am
henry quirk wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 3:58 pm "Instead of vast numbers of people thanking me for showing them their delusion and how to free oneself from it, i most often am ignored and/or attacked."

Sounds like a problem.
Henry, to say it sounds like a problem is a projection that is your problem not roydops...because roy has already announced he doesn't have problems.
But "roydop" is also stating that VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE will thank them, and that "roydop" is MOST OFTEN ignored and/or attacked. If that is NOT a "problem", then WHY post what IS HAPPENING?

Who cares if "roydop" is ignored and/or attacked and NOT thanked? I certainly do NOT, and IF "roydop" does NOT care also, then what is the "problem" with NOT being thanked and instead just being ignored and/or attacked? If there REALLY is NO problem AND NO one cares, then WHY tell us.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:25 amDo you not see what you are doing? you are creating a problem and then projecting it to roy as if it was his when it's NOT..
What "problem" are 'you' "dontasme" seeing "henry quirk" is creating here?

Is "dontaskme" creating a problem when there is NOT one and projecting a problem here?

All I SEE is "henry quirk" is just expressing what sounds/appears to them?

Just expressing what appears, is NOT saying that it is true, NOR is even happening.

To me ALSO it appears that "roydop" has PROBLEMS. This is what appears to me to be the case because of the WORDS that exist under the label "roydop".
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:25 am for there is no problem in roy... And that's what roy is trying to show you.
BUT "roydop" is SHOWING the exact opposite, to me anyway.

"roydop", to me, appears to have LOTS of problems here.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:25 amYou are only throwing rocks at the mirror reflection by attacking the messenger who is trying to show you how to be free of the delusion of being ignored and attacked by others.

The one known as "roydop" has NEVER 'tried to' SHOW any such thing. That one has just said that "it" can do some thing, which 'we' disillusioned ones can NOT.

Where has there been ANY where any advice, guidance, or explanation about HOW exactly to NOT think, for hours, like "roydop" alleges "it" can do?
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:25 amAll you do is react back at what is being shown to you with more attack.

HOW EXACTLY is saying, "Sounds like ... (such and such)" is an "attack"?

IF some thing is HOW it sounds to some one, then WHY can NOT just express that without "others" SEEING it as, and projecting it as, "an attack"?

Are 'you' NOT able to just SEE some thing for what it REALLY IS, instead of just reacting by attacking, with your own projections?
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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:29 am
Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 7:44 am
Only a species like 'you', human beings, could be so stupid and foolish enough to pull your own selves into the own simulation that 'you' are making, yet only some of 'you' can SEE this, but these same ones also can NOT do absolutely any thing about this but just keep getting pulled in to it.

The 'simulation' being 'your' OWN made BELIEFS and ASSUMPTIONS.
TAG YOU'RE IT !! ( The 'human being' being 'your' OWN made BELIEFS and ASSUMPTIONS

Stupid is as stupid does.
Did 'you', thee human being, FORGET that 'I' do NOT have ANY beliefs, and that I do NOT like to ASSUME ANY thing as well?
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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:34 am
Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:21 am
And what is proposed to be take place once this supposed "minds" are "taken over"?
What takes place is the ''take over''..or you could call it the ''make over'' or the ''comb over''

The mind cannot serve two masters.
Thee Mind does NOT serve ANY one.
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:34 am The position is already taken.
'you', adult human beings, are deceiving "yourselves" now, when this is written, and most of what 'you' adult human being do is what is leading to you further on the downhill slope that 'you' are currently on, when this is written.

'you' are, literally, being led now, when this is written, and heading straight to your own demise.

'you' have just deceived "yourselves" that this is NOT because of 'you', and your doing, but because of some other thing, like 5G and technology. LOL
Dontaskme wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 8:34 amPonder on these things.

What I am pondering over now, is WHY the one known as "dontaskme" will NOT just ANSWER the clarifying question?

So, once again, what is proposed to happen with the 'take over'?

Could 'you', human beings, actually do any thing more destructive than what 'you' are currently doing now anyway?
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Re: 5G

Post by SpheresOfBalance »

Electromagnetic energy! Certain frequencies can maim and kill, depending also upon it's amplitude. There should be concern with the quantity of sources of EME and their combined effects in these times.

Unfortunately the quest for the glittering prize reigns supreme, relative to what we should be doing.
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Re: 5G

Post by roydop »

Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:40 pm
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm The irony is that i post this stuff to try to help people out of their suffering.
Tell us HOW EXACTLY this stuff, you post, will actually help people out of their suffering?

If by NOT thinking helps people out of "their" suffering, then OBVIOUSLY when they start thinking again, then the suffering will also begin, again.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmI offer an exercise that will show directly, that humans can't stop thinking for more than a few seconds, and then point out that this uncontrollable mind might just be the source of all their problems.
And what is this exercise, exactly?

So, 'you' offer an exercise that will show directly that humans can NOT stop thinking for more than a few seconds, and then you will point out to them that they can not control some "mind" thing, and that this supposed inability to control some "mind" thing, might just be the source of ALL "their" so called "problems", okay, but doing any of this does NOT make much sense at all to me.

I even back up that theory (training to focus on the space between thoughts, rather than the thoughts) with proof from my own experience

Would it not be the case that the "space between thoughts" is the actual act of NOT thinking, and would NOT be the "training to focus" on that non thinking "space", itself? Focusing on the thoughts, rather than on the space between thoughts, I thought would defeat the WHOLE purpose of any of this. So, OBVIOUSLY the "space between thoughts" is what is sought, rather than the thoughts.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm- yes it works; i have no problems in life and experience perfect contentment/absolute happiness.
'you' certainly do NOT come across that way here in this forum.

And, HOW, EXACTLY, is NOT thinking for whatever time period 'you' allege 'you' can do it for, somehow, miraculously, solves and answers ALL "problems", and leave one in PERFECT CONTENTMENT and ABSOLUTE HAPPINESS, for the rest of their "lives"?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmInstead of vast numbers of people thanking me for showing them their delusion and how to free oneself from it, i most often am ignored and/or attacked.
This might be because of your "superiority complex", as SHOWN and EVIDENCE just here.

Have VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE been SHOWN by 'you' "their" "delusion"?

Have 'you' REALLY freed VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE from "delusion"?

If 'you' are most often ignored and/or attacked, then this might be EVIDENCE and PROOF that ACTUALLY 'you' have NOT shown "VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE" of any thing at all REALLY?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmHaving an identity is more important than not suffering, even though it is not seen that the incorrect identification is the very source of the suffering.
And here 'you' are here, telling us how GREAT 'you' ARE, and HOW 'you' SHOULD BE THANKED, by 'us' disillusioned ones.

YET, 'you' can NOT even identify correctly who the 'you' IS actually.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm When the ego (what one thinks they are; the illusion) is threatened, it will respond with fight or flight (hence the reluctance to actually sit and objectively examine one's mind).
How could we "examine" some thing, which 'you' so far have PROVEN completely incapable of explain what it ACTUALLY IS, exactly?

What is IT that 'you' want/expect us to EXAMINE?

So it runs or fights to live another day, another life, another species. And so the cycle of Samsara continues until one finally wakes up.
And SEE 'what' EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmWell there's a new dream being constructed right before our very eyes. And it's a long one.

In order to communicate one must relate to the physical realm, as that is the frame of reference for those who believe it to be fundamental reality. So the relative truth of symbols/words are used to point to Self/Reality, which is transcendent of thoughts and sensations.

It has been stated that the thing to do to realize Self/Reality is to focus attention inward onto/as Stillness. To find this stillness one must see past the distractions of thought (especially) and sensations.

So my final human life is a heaven realm, which is a good way to go out. Like retiring after winning the Super Bowl.

Clear enough for you?
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Re: 5G

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:56 pm
But the point being made was; 'you' people can NOT control this, so called, "mind" thing, so I am NOT sure how one could master having control over the "mind" when they "set the mind" to do this with enough focus and willful intent.
If you are not sure, then refer back to your own words for the answers to the HOW question...just to remind you of what you said, here it is again below in you're own words.
Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:56 pmI CLAIM that the EVIDENCE needed to PROVE that God exists is the Universe, Itself. The Truth of this can be tested, and thus VERIFIED (or falsified).

Now, considering that this IS thee absolute Truth of things, and so does NOT need 'justifying', WHY do BELIEVE that this even NEEDS 'justifying', let alone think that I have FAILED MISERABLY to justify this?

Surely, thee Truth of things does NOT need to be justified. In fact, surely thee Truth of things does NOT even need to be talked about. Thee Truth of things is just OBVIOUS, well from My perspective It IS anyway.
Yes, surprise, surprise, you really did say that !!

So yeah, TAG YOU'RE IT


Nuff said, nothing to talk about, explain, justify or clarify, no one to fail, because the universe is all just fine and dandy, because it's all God... now go away you SILLY little BOY.

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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pm
Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:40 pm
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm The irony is that i post this stuff to try to help people out of their suffering.
Tell us HOW EXACTLY this stuff, you post, will actually help people out of their suffering?

If by NOT thinking helps people out of "their" suffering, then OBVIOUSLY when they start thinking again, then the suffering will also begin, again.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmI offer an exercise that will show directly, that humans can't stop thinking for more than a few seconds, and then point out that this uncontrollable mind might just be the source of all their problems.
And what is this exercise, exactly?

So, 'you' offer an exercise that will show directly that humans can NOT stop thinking for more than a few seconds, and then you will point out to them that they can not control some "mind" thing, and that this supposed inability to control some "mind" thing, might just be the source of ALL "their" so called "problems", okay, but doing any of this does NOT make much sense at all to me.

I even back up that theory (training to focus on the space between thoughts, rather than the thoughts) with proof from my own experience

Would it not be the case that the "space between thoughts" is the actual act of NOT thinking, and would NOT be the "training to focus" on that non thinking "space", itself? Focusing on the thoughts, rather than on the space between thoughts, I thought would defeat the WHOLE purpose of any of this. So, OBVIOUSLY the "space between thoughts" is what is sought, rather than the thoughts.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm- yes it works; i have no problems in life and experience perfect contentment/absolute happiness.
'you' certainly do NOT come across that way here in this forum.

And, HOW, EXACTLY, is NOT thinking for whatever time period 'you' allege 'you' can do it for, somehow, miraculously, solves and answers ALL "problems", and leave one in PERFECT CONTENTMENT and ABSOLUTE HAPPINESS, for the rest of their "lives"?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmInstead of vast numbers of people thanking me for showing them their delusion and how to free oneself from it, i most often am ignored and/or attacked.
This might be because of your "superiority complex", as SHOWN and EVIDENCE just here.

Have VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE been SHOWN by 'you' "their" "delusion"?

Have 'you' REALLY freed VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE from "delusion"?

If 'you' are most often ignored and/or attacked, then this might be EVIDENCE and PROOF that ACTUALLY 'you' have NOT shown "VAST NUMBERS OF PEOPLE" of any thing at all REALLY?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmHaving an identity is more important than not suffering, even though it is not seen that the incorrect identification is the very source of the suffering.
And here 'you' are here, telling us how GREAT 'you' ARE, and HOW 'you' SHOULD BE THANKED, by 'us' disillusioned ones.

YET, 'you' can NOT even identify correctly who the 'you' IS actually.
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pm When the ego (what one thinks they are; the illusion) is threatened, it will respond with fight or flight (hence the reluctance to actually sit and objectively examine one's mind).
How could we "examine" some thing, which 'you' so far have PROVEN completely incapable of explain what it ACTUALLY IS, exactly?

What is IT that 'you' want/expect us to EXAMINE?

So it runs or fights to live another day, another life, another species. And so the cycle of Samsara continues until one finally wakes up.
And SEE 'what' EXACTLY?
roydop wrote: Tue Dec 03, 2019 2:13 pmWell there's a new dream being constructed right before our very eyes. And it's a long one.

In order to communicate one must relate to the physical realm, as that is the frame of reference for those who believe it to be fundamental reality.
Okay, but in order to communicate with those who believe some thing else to be "fundamental reality", then what 'realm' is that exactly, which would be the 'frame of reference' that one must relate to?
roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pmSo the relative truth of symbols/words are used to point to Self/Reality, which is transcendent of thoughts and sensations.
But the thee Truth that SHOWS what the Self and Reality actually IS, is NOT transcendent of thoughts and sensations AT ALL. In fact, the Truth of ALL things can and will be ILLUSTRATED and SHOWN with WORDS/SYMBOLS, and become commonly subconsciously KNOWN in thought and felt with sensations.
roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pmIt has been stated that the thing to do to realize Self/Reality is to focus attention inward onto/as Stillness.
But how does just doing this REVEAL any thing?

'REALIZATION' appears on 'thought', and obviously NOT on its own. Therefore, to 'REALIZE' Self/Reality, then thought and thinking is NEEDED.

One maybe Still, or in Stillness, but only when there is thought does REALIZATION appear.
roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pm To find this stillness one must see past the distractions of thought (especially) and sensations.
But there is NOTHING hard nor complex at all about "finding" Stillness, It is just HERE-NOW ALWAYS. There is also NOTHING hard nor complex at all about getting past the distraction of thought (especially) and sensations AS WELL. It is just OBVIOUS that in complete and absolute Stillness NOTHING is REALIZED. Thinking is NEEDED for REALIZATION.
roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pmSo my final human life is a heaven realm, which is a good way to go out.
What do 'you' mean by "my" final "human life". Who and/or what is the one that is the "my", which has a "final" and "earlier lives", and which also has a "human life"? What "other" lives has that one had?

Also, if this is 'your' "final life", then whereabouts are 'you' going EXACTLY?

I know of NO other place than the one that is HERE-NOW.
roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pmLike retiring after winning the Super Bowl.
What is supposedly so important or good about "winning" some "super bowl"?

True Life IS NEVER about "winning". Where 'you' NOT YET Aware of this FACT?
roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pmClear enough for you?
Yes, VERY CLEAR, to me.

But, ALL-OF-THIS has been VERY CLEAR, to me, from the outset of 'you' posting. I have just been stating that what 'you' are 'trying to' explain CAN BE explained in a much BETTER, much easy and much simpler way than the way 'you' do now.

There is also, by the way, much more to ALL-OF-THIS, which again is very simple and very easy to explain, and which would be self-explanatory, so that NOTHING is left misunderstood nor misinterpreted. Therefore, NO one will be in a confused, and suffering, state like 'you' are in now, when this is written.
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Re: 5G

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:22 pm
Did 'you', thee human being, FORGET that 'I' do NOT have ANY beliefs, and that I do NOT like to ASSUME ANY thing as well?
No I did not forget. How can I forget when there is always something there to remind me. :lol:

Bye the way, to know you don't have any beliefs or assumptions, you first have to conceive such ideas...which means you do have them.

Hahahaha, you earthlins are tripping over yourselves again. :mrgreen:

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Re: 5G

Post by Dontaskme »

roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pmSo my final human life is a heaven realm, which is a good way to go out. Like retiring after winning the Super Bowl.
Beautiful, and right on the button, I resonate deeply with this, thank you roydop.

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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 7:35 am
Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:56 pm
But the point being made was; 'you' people can NOT control this, so called, "mind" thing, so I am NOT sure how one could master having control over the "mind" when they "set the mind" to do this with enough focus and willful intent.
If you are not sure, then refer back to your own words for the answers to the HOW question...
But ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in MY OWN WORDS will explain how to have control over the "mind" is by "setting the mind" with enough focus. The absurdity and contraction of this speaks volumes, for and by itself, about HOW this could NEVER WORK.

Can 'you' NOT see this?
Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 7:35 amjust to remind you of what you said, here it is again below in you're own words.
Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 1:56 pmI CLAIM that the EVIDENCE needed to PROVE that God exists is the Universe, Itself. The Truth of this can be tested, and thus VERIFIED (or falsified).

Now, considering that this IS thee absolute Truth of things, and so does NOT need 'justifying', WHY do BELIEVE that this even NEEDS 'justifying', let alone think that I have FAILED MISERABLY to justify this?

Surely, thee Truth of things does NOT need to be justified. In fact, surely thee Truth of things does NOT even need to be talked about. Thee Truth of things is just OBVIOUS, well from My perspective It IS anyway.
Yes, surprise, surprise, you really did say that !!
If 'you' copied MY WORDS, word for word, then YES they ARE MY WORDS. Why would that be some sort of surprise?

I stand by THOSE WORDS and can back them up FULLY.
Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 7:35 amSo yeah, TAG YOU'RE IT

HOW MANY TIMES do 'you', "dontaskme", NEED TO BE TOLD, that 'you' are NOT God. The word 'you' implies or infers "another", and remember that thing NON DUALITY, which means that there is NO "other"? Besides this, God does NOT separate. God Unifies and IS Unity, Itself. Therefore, 'you', a human being 'self', could NOT be God. But, who God REALLY IS, is 'I', thee One and only True (Being) Self.

Thee True Self, which is within EVERY thing, IS God. God is the very Thing, which IS the Unity of ALL things together as One. The word 'I' refers to this One Being. Whereas, the word 'you' refers to all the individual human beings.

Does this now make more sense at all to 'you', "dontaskme"?
Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 7:35 amNuff said, nothing to talk about, explain, justify or clarify, no one to fail, because the universe is all just fine and dandy, because it's all God... now go away you SILLY little BOY.

But NO one EVER fails, in what will be the eventual outcome. The perceived failings are NEEDED in order to LEARN what IS Right and Good, for ALL and EVERY one.

Also, WHY do 'you', human beings, seemingly always revert to attempts at ridiculing or belittling each "other" to make the "other" look bad or worse?

If 'you' do NOT like the WORDS I use, then WHY NOT just explain WHY?

Do 'you' REALLY BELIEVE that calling me a "SILLY little BOY" is going to achieve any thing productive or positive?

In fact, calling "others" names like that is a form of attempting forced 'separation', which 'you' consistently TELL US does NOT even exist anyway.

Also, WHY do 'you' want me to "go away"?

Do 'you' want to be the one who does ALL the talking?

Is the only thing that want to hear also is 'your' own 'self'?
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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:33 am
Age wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 2:22 pm
Did 'you', thee human being, FORGET that 'I' do NOT have ANY beliefs, and that I do NOT like to ASSUME ANY thing as well?
No I did not forget. How can I forget when there is always something there to remind me. :lol:
But the words, "The 'human being' being 'your' OWN made BELIEFS and ASSUMPTIONS", were under the label "dontaskme", which were in direct reply to the words under the label "age". Therefore, are 'you' SURE 'you' did NOT forget?

Also, I am "always" reminding of other things as well, but 'you' keep forgetting them also, and just re-repeating the same things, which are OBVIOUSLY NOT true, NOT right, and/or NOT correct.

So, if 'you' can have lose of memory with those things, even when you are "always" being reminded, IS EXACTLY HOW you could have forgotten the above.
Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:33 amBye the way, to know you don't have any beliefs or assumptions, you first have to conceive such ideas...which means you do have them.
Firstly, 'you' have twisted around what I actually said and wrote and 'you' have jumped on the WRONG assumption AND WRONG conclusion of what I actually said, actually wrote, AND ACTUALLY MEANT. If 'you' also did NOT have any BELIEFS and did NOT ASSUME any thing here, then 'you' would NOT have distorted what I actually said and wrote, and also would NOT have come to the WRONG conclusion, which you OBVIOUSLY have.

Secondly, If this so called "logic" was at all true, then all I would have to do is conceive the idea that I do not have 1 BILLION dollar bills in my bank account, which, to 'you', means that I do have them.

Are 'you' at all able to elaborate on HOW this could POSSIBLY be True?
Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:33 am Hahahaha, you earthlins are tripping over yourselves again. :mrgreen:

Yes, this could be VERY TRUE. We will have to wait and SEE if 'you' can back up and support what 'you' just claimed here.

Explain HOW I can conceive of the idea, for example, that, in the days of when this is written, there is NO wars, NO pollution, and NO problems at all, and HOW that means that I HAVE those things?

Are 'you' NOT aware that just because "roydop" can conceive of the idea such as thinking or thought then "roydop" can still be in "thought FREE Awareness" for hours at a time? Or, do 'you' STILL want to INSIST that just because ideas can be conceived of, then that MEANS that they MUST EXIST ALWAYS?

By the way, WHY do 'you', human beings, when perceived that 'you' have a "got you" moment in regards to "another", then 'you' then laugh at them, and perceive that that one could have a reply, which could counter what 'you' have just thought was irrefutable?

WHY does there appear to be NO allowing of "others" to respond? Why do 'you', human beings, actually think or believe that 'your' word IS the last and final one, never to be disputed nor refuted forever more?
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Re: 5G

Post by Age »

Dontaskme wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:44 am
roydop wrote: Wed Dec 04, 2019 4:40 pmSo my final human life is a heaven realm, which is a good way to go out. Like retiring after winning the Super Bowl.
Beautiful, and right on the button, I resonate deeply with this, thank you roydop.

'you' resonate "deeply" because 'you' two listen to, and want to belong to, the same religious teachings.

Why do 'you', human beings, NOT use 'your' OWN True and Right IN-SIGHT, from the Tutor (True Self) with-IN, instead of following "others", especially when it is 'you', human beings, are INSISTING on non duality?

Repeating what "others" say, and worshiping and following "them", defeats, contradicts, and is very hypocritical of the WHOLE idea and purpose of NON DUALITY.
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Re: 5G

Post by Dontaskme »

Age wrote: Thu Dec 05, 2019 8:57 amAlso, WHY do 'you' want me to "go away"?
Because you keep on repeating information via talking to me about what I already KNOW.

It's just annoying. There's just no room in me for two of us. So why can't you just understand and respect that.

Now, go away.

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