A Philosophy of Mind

Is the mind the same as the body? What is consciousness? Can machines have it?

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Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

The pathway to knowledge embraces nothing less than the entire system of consciousness. The whole realm of truth and knowledge is set forth in consciousness.

All things become useful and advantageous only by good and everyone should pursue it and makes it their end of all actions.

Knowledge plays the inner principle role that carries out good. Grasp the truth the world of knowledge only makes its appearance at a time when the spirit of the people has worked out apathy and insensitiveness to the idea of good, which stands in contrast to indifference.

Knowledge belongs to its own time and it’s principle reigns for a certain time, what will be the consequences of the very hypothesis and paradoxes is what matters,

Little things elaborated how ridiculous! Nothing short of the most finished picture should satisfy the philosopher never lose sight that all things become useful and advantageous through good.

Knowledge this long course of mental discipline in which the human spirit attainsdivine and human good in a community of consciousness that moves along the highway of truth.

Philosophy ought always to follow the paths beaten by great philosophers and imitate them who have been most admirable. So, if we never equally match them, at least we will to be able to hit the mark.

Look back at philosophy that took place years ago. There were a generation of philosophers the same as there are generations of plants and in anything that there is opposition generated out of opposition such as just and unjust, and good and evil, and innumerable other opposites that generate out of opposite.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

My chief aim writing here is for my improvement but I do not begrudge anyone who may want to read. The perfection which philosophers ought to reach and cannot to fall short of is difficult without a director and a director can hardly be found nowadays even so as matters stand today most students would not attend to them.

As disregarded philosophy is today still it forces its way into daylight and with a little help some day will appear. Someday though philosophy will be given the honor, it deserves then students will want to come, and there will be continuous serious knowledge discovered.

I consider this most important occupying, cultivating, and advancing as much as possible my love of knowledge and truth.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Now there are those who will see eye to eye with what I say and who take my words as wonders; and there are others who oppose and find what I say be utterly devoid of intelligence and deem me to be useless and see no sort of profit to be obtained.

You have to love thinking about things for the sake of knowledge and be capable of speculative and reflective thinking. The ultimate aim is to bring back the spirit of thinking and create a consciousness that recognizes absolute reality.

Socrates believed any kind of knowledge acquired under force does not stay in mind so let us not slave in the acquisition of knowledge for that which is rigid and cold is powerless. Rigidity exists as long as it does not break down, like the moon rigid represents earth's centre and the principle of individuality.

Any person who has a natural talent for numbers, and are generally quick at every other kind of science is a philosopher. But even if someone who is not so quick but has arithmetical training becomes much quicker than they would otherwise be,

Numbers may be truly called necessary for the use of the pure intelligence and truth. The use of numbers is a necessity in the attainment. Turn and gaze towards the full perfection of numbers and behold not in a narrow manner of squaring and extending and applying and the like, that creates narrow mindedness only and confuses Mathematics and Geometry. The essential natures of numbers lays in the universal element of rules therefore have a rational function to fill.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Numbers have an elevating effect that compels the mind to reason about things. It may truly be called necessary. Numbers are a kind of knowledge in which the best learners should be trained and which they must never give up. Numbers are necessary in all arts, science, and data. Parmenides Who demonstrated one and many, that one cannot exist, for it is absolute if it did it would be no longer one and that one is determined by a relationship among those identical to their respective spheres.

Computation and calculation lead the mind out of the sea of change to truth by figuring the nature of numbers by mind only. The eyes certainly see but cannot distinguish what that means, whereas numbers small and great are not confused.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Consciousness, self-consciousness, reason, and feeling, all individual moments all at the same time together, constitute the nature of character. In the case of what determinate character it has in its consciousness, in which specific character it has expressed its self, or in what shape it knows its essential nature.

This whole argument is self-evident and easy to be understood; In the case of character attributes substance is the main point of importance. The many ideas that are being entertained about character are tossed in some region, which is half way between truth and not truth.

Character pervades and permeates all aspects of self; collects all these moments into its own content, keeps them together, and advances within this total concrete actual character within self bound together into a single bundle belongs to each self.

Consciousness and self-consciousness have to come to terms character, knows self in the first instance immediately, and thus self-character in the form of immediacy is pure simple being. This bare existence character has indeed a filling but not drawn either from sensation or purpose; its filling is solely sense of self to be all truth and reality.

The ultimate absolute nature of character -filled by the certainty of self this certainty constitutes filling as the fundamental basis, or pure consciousness self-being self compose have all that self can reveal and when complete reveal a perfect and complete character.

Indeed consciousness contains all that is essential concrete actual of self. Personality is constituted just by character. All these individual moments, consciousness, self-consciousness, reason, and spirit, all at the same time constitute “ total character”. This independent total character belongs in each individual. Self within self not isolated, one with self: collects all the moments into content, keeps them together, and advances within character all that is essential and concrete and actual in the world.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Descartes believed the body is the instrument of perception, that is to say, when using the sense of sight or hearing or some other sense, meaning through the senses. Our character passes into the realm of purity, eternity, immortality, and unchangeable-ness, which are kindred, and everlife not hindered

Through the medium of sight or touch, or of some other sense we must have known previously absolute equality. From the senses is derived knowledge that all sensible things aim at. Then before we see, hear or perceive in any way, we must have knowledge.

We call learning to be a process of recovering knowledge, rightly termed recollection. When we perceived something, either by the help of sight or hearing, or some other sense, there was no difficulty in receiving from that conception some other thing like or unlike it. I am speaking not only of knowledge but also, beauty, goodness, justice, holiness, and all that we stamp with the name of essence in the dialectical process.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

In ancient times, learning had significance; there was an enthusiasm and nourishment in knowing. If the pursuit of philosophy could reach that point of public knowledge, will have value?

The finally of knowledge is dialectic philosophy, the copingstone of all sciences, considered the greatest benefit in education. Any science or art takes a considerable amount of time spent in learning as a disciple. Let the other sciences try as much as they like to get along without dialectic philosophy, they would be unable, or would they have significance.

There should be a decree that people attain dialectic knowledge the greatest educational skills students ought to attain and not fall short of it.

Many are persuaded there is difficulty in knowing is because they never raise the mind above the senses, and so accustomed to not having knowledge? This old saying sums them up “Better to be with the devil you know then the devil you do not know“

The sweetness of learning embraces freethinking; raises emotion in a philosopher. The philosophical mind always loves knowledge of this sort, which shows everlastingness not varying from generation to generation.

Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Love is the middle term between ignorance and learning it is never in want or never plenty, tossed in some region, which is half way between knowledge and not knowledge.

Descartes believed that the requisite of love above all establishes reason between the divine and the humane surrender and mysteries and charms, and prophecy and incantation find their way.

Hemingway believed of love: "From things that had happened and from things as they exist and from all things that you know. That all those you cannot know, you make something through your invention that is not a representation but a whole new thing truer than anything true and alive, and if you make it well enough, you give it immortality. That is why you write and for no other reason that you know of."

Love of learning is philosophy, which is gentle, good, noble and purposeful. The requirement is courage, quickness, and might and well being.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Because the mind is more often to pass out from the severity of learning than from the severity of sports the philosopher has to set aside every other business to dedicate themselves wholly to learning.

Love of knowledge is lodged in a philosopher’s heart any thing after that all depends upon learning and discipline; if the philosopher’s heart element leads to order freeing the virtuous elements there is no greater blessing than that?

Turn back to the time that took place thousands of years ago the love of knowledge was viewed as essential and distinctive contributions to the field of science and the intellectual world.

Philosophers need like good farmers to watch over the crops nurture and cultivate their gentle qualities and remove the dislike of learning.
Philosophy, which is gentle, good, and noble, has purpose.

All philosophy does is put reflective insight into the essence of knowing to show what is actual. There is capacity of learning existing in every mind; we learn by degrees to endure the sight of being good

Knowledge portrays things useful and profitable, a philosophical mind always loves knowledge of this sort that shows the everlasting and not so far from the heaven of pleasure.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Then purpose is an opposition to inner character, it abolishes character, and makes active objective being. Purpose goes beyond self to perform, nothing can stop it: no lamenting goes beyond all that sort of thing that arises from sel, purpose is only to be found in the actual being carried out, is a long and circuitous road and now nothing short of the most finished picture.

If philosophy were mere opinions then it would be a very tiresome process. Thus, what is needed here is a willingness to give profound thought that exalts of ideas and truth not superficial rhetoric. Rather pure speculative thinking, which has the power to elevate mind to the highest principles of existence.

Some will agree and will take this knowledge as new; and others whom will deem them idle anecdotes, for they see no sort of profit, which is to be obtained from.

Knowledge is not found anywhere in the field of subjectivity. It is not a matter of clever turns nor allusive phrases, or half utterances but knowledge, which consists in open, definite, meaningful, and purposeful origin.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

My chief aim is to carry on an argument in the spirit of thinking about things just for the sake of knowledge, pure speculative thinking which has the influence to elevate mind to the highest principles of existence.

All great art require discussions of high speculation and hence comes loftiness of thought; those who have knowledge will always know best truth. Not till then is the philosopher perfect in the art of speaking or writing.

According to rules of speech all great arts requires this the haughtiness of thought know best how to discover the resemblances of truth.
But with change comes opposition, such as, day and night, heat and cold, the sun mounting higher and higher is day and when it reaches the highest point of being sinks to night.

Enlightenment is called the unconscious inner working and weaving of purpose, called willpower. Purpose is nothing else than inner reality of self without knowledge just pure ideal, sheer implicit power within self-distinguishing self within self.

Purpose has an inner soul within self but no inherent standpoint. Only has a consequence. Therefore purpose at the end will be good. But our purpose is the preyed upon by outside forces attacked and driven on into alien and distant consequences

Purpose is pure self-conscious ideal without support, cannot stand-alone. Hegel believed it is the ego of self-consciousness, which makes purpose complete.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Rene Descartes, 1596-1650, believed the power of judging right and distinguishing truth from error is properly called reason and reason is distributed equally by nature in all creatures; For to have a vigorous mind is not enough, the greatest minds are capable of the highest excellences are often likewise peculiar.

Rene never fancied to be in any way more perfect than any other. On the contrary he often wished that he were equal to some others in clearness and distinctness of imagination, and memory had the good fortune of rising little by little to the highest point of perfection life permitted him to reach. Through toil and uncertainty, doubt and contradiction I examined and reexamined, sifted and compared, until a voice inward proclaimed to me no possibility of doubt. Although really it is very strange to say that he knew this and understand seems to even to him dubious.

If only we could cease from thinking, even if all the rest of what we had ever imagined had really existed, we would have no reason for thinking we exist. From the day, we know "self," that is to say, mind by which being is even if body were not; the mind would not cease to be what it is.

Descartes was an arithmetician compelled to reason is about abstract number, and they rebel against visible or tangible objects into the argument. He believed Mathematics may be truly called a necessary, clearly an attainment of those who have a natural talent for calculation are generally quick at every other kind of knowledge.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Courage is a kind of salvation for true and false opinion. Under all circumstances, courage makes us fearless, we do not lose courage, and it is a mighty- go-between, the mightiest of all substance for cleansing the mind wrong. Courage is indelibly fixed can not to be washed away it is the universal saving power of true opinion.

Purpose to be actualize fear comes first as an essential negativity a natural beginning, is inherently a determinate quality of purpose, a transparent universal element in which individuality feels for itself. Purpose takes an outlook of fear towards the world and turns that negative ness around into a positive outlook in order to actually carrying out our purpose.

Purpose to be actualized before all fear comes first. It is negativity essential and implicit a beginning, a mean an end purpose which likewise is nothing. Each moment must start straight away, no matter what the circumstances must proceed to action but does not go beyond that
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

An excellent illustration of true being is Earth; because it ties together the elements air fire and water into a series of procedures. Being is the meteorological, the study of the earth’s atmosphere, the process earth affirms itself the unity of elements, air, fire and water in the form of barometric index level demonstrates changes are inside the terrestrial earth. For example, earth attracts the atmosphere either more or less; the higher level of the barometric level puts an end to the forming of water and the lower level permits the form of water. The higher the level is a greater tension of earth inwardness is earth's way of showing the spirit of being.

Beings preserve from the resources in nature is in relationship with nature Meaning, being is produced at the expense of nature; we exist through a process of nature we are subject to air, fire, water, earth, for they are the roots of individuality.
The most important characteristic of sunlight is its gleam. Then how does sunlight relate to earth? If earth’s surface were smooth, earth would simply a shining image. But because earth is uneven, surface sunlight brightens up earth and makes it visible.

Earth surface is rough, smooth, and pointed causes light and shade to arise perpetually igniting and inciting. The Sun brings the difference of day and night; without earth's connection to the sun, earth would be a devoid of process. Sun mounts higher and higher is day and when it reaches its highest point sinks to its lowest is night.

Take for an example Goethe found that the distinction of the atmosphere level is simultaneous compared reading from the same latitude on different meridians in Europe, America, and Asia. He also found that trade winds are constant east winds in the tropics, winds from Europe blow from the northeast, the nearer one gets to the equator the more winds blow from the east. The more distance from the equator, the winds take on a southerly direction until they are southeast. In India, the atmosphere usually stands at the same level.

Then this whole solar system exists together as the unbinding one. Before I see darkness is required, otherwise there is only luminous light.

The barometric changes are inside the terrestrial earth. For example, earth alters the atmosphere either more or less. The higher level of the barometric level puts a stop to the formation of water and at a lower level permits water .a greater tension of earth's inwardness the higher the level is and withdrawal from the grip of gravity is earth's way of showing its individuality.
Barbara Brooks
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Re: Philosophy of Mind

Post by Barbara Brooks »

Look at the difference of water and alcohol specific density differs from a quantitative because water occupies a smaller space. The same is true of gold and silver melted together, they occupy a smaller space, and this is the alteration of specific gravity and cohesion but only of the inner intrinsic difference. Here element is either the active principle or the passive principle i.e. as in salts which decomposed into the extremes to form a middle term. In the formal only two terms are needed. For instance, concentrated acid, which contains no water when poured on metal either fails to dissolve it or has a weak action on it. On the other hand metal is diluted with water acid attacks the metal vigorously. The same with air, for in dry air lead loses its luster but in moist air it does so even more quickly; i.e. Water cannot act on lead if air cannot get to it; but if lead were in a glass with distilled water and sealed the lead would remain unchanged but if lead were to lie under water in an open vessel it soon loses its luster. Also, iron is the same; for instance, rust formed only when the air is moist, if the air were dry it would not affect it.